
27 Reviews
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Terrifier (2016)
"I have a truck outside but let's keep running through the building for no reason."
12 October 2022
I decided to watch this due to word of mouth. The reason I'm giving it a 1 is for the actor in the costume. If I could give it a ZERO I would. SUCKED BIG TIME. THE ABSOLUTE WORST.

Plot: deranged supernatural clown stalks and kills women in the same tired lackluster location for about 90 minutes.

Grievances: Nobody turns around knowing this dude is obviously behind you. Nobody tries to call the cops until the very end. Nobody thinks 'hey ill go outside' instead of just running around in circles. The victims are loud as hell its no wonder homeboy heard you.

Astounding bad. No way im sitting through the 2 1/2 hr sequel. Even psychedelics can't save this.
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Pinocchio (I) (2022)
Unnecessary, ridiculous, and annoying.
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The original Pinocchio scares me to death, given the themes (Pleasure Island oof, Pinocchio threatened to be burned alive, the coachman alluding to 'when they come back they aint boys no more'), even as an adult but boy does it have some of the most beautiful cell hand painted animation I've ever seen. Why is Monstro Lovecraftian? Pinocchio is a selfish block of wood. This production is heartless and a money grab. The voice acting is shrill to the point i turned the sound way down and put the captions on. Tom Hanks is better than this. I'll wait for Guillermo's darker version. 3 stars for Figaro because I'm a cat owner.
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Hell Planet
1 August 2022
Emotional & anxiety ridden doc series on unnecessary hate, violence, and mental illness. There's still hope for humanity if this somehow prevents even one further incident.
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Should have been called Narcissistic Kids Are Still Narcissistic Adult A**holes 50 years later.
18 July 2022
Having been bullied myself to the point that I had to switch schools, I threw this on hoping we'd get a hopeful resolution and that "Dick" would be living his best life, despite terrible trauma. Perhaps even overshadowing his bullies in the looks, money, & success department. No. We get nothing except a bunch of deflection, excuses, and stroking of ego's from the filmmaker and the tormentors. These unevolved individuals while recollecting the incident still have the audacity to call Dick out that it was all his fault and he brought it upon himself due to being the odd man out. There was no guilt just a facade of one. What a farce. So Dick if you're out there I hope you're thriving.
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One of the best westerns I've watched in years.
14 December 2021
Two outstanding westerns came out this year: Old Henry and The Power of The Dog. I went in blind not having read the book or spoiling the plot online for myself. Absolutely gripping but yes a slow burn. You see where the story is going from the first narration but getting there has a nice conversation piece of an ending. Every single actor is well cast, the score by Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood is hauntingly beautiful, the cinematography impeccable, and the overall feel is anxiety inducing. We come to ask ourselves who is the real villain and if the ends justify the means. I say yes. This is very much a David vs Goliath scenario. The subtle hints upon a second viewing left me with, "How did I not see that the first go around?" The Golden Globe nominations are well deserved. I highly recommend watching it. Westerns are few and far between but this film will certainly have an impact on you for a couple days.
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Little Women (2019)
10 May 2020
No depth, terrible & jumbled timeline, a 30 year old playing 13 year old, a disaster of epic proportions. For shame.
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Dark Waters (2019)
Compelling & Infuriating
7 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up in the 80s & 90s with a few of the products mentioned here. They were everywhere. Consumers unwittingly traded convience & 'no mess clean-up' for their lives. Every single person should watch this film and strive to question where their food, water, & essentials come from because big corporations are still poisoning us.
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
It's got it all: murder, meth, manipulation, & tigers.
31 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When Joe Exotic aka The Tiger King is the lesser of the evils you know there's a serious issue with society. The message of breeding and owning exotic animals as pets is kind of lost in the background but make no mistake that this will not end with Joe's incarceration. Hopefully they will all end up behind bars in the next few years. There are no winners here and the true victims are indeed the animals.
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Worthy message about the evils of poaching
22 March 2020
I first saw this on the theatre as a young kid and it had a serious impact on my life. I already was a lover of animals but seeing that big beautiful golden eagle (in Disney's premier of cgi no less) was absolutely breathtaking. I wanted to be Cody and I wanted to help free all those caged from that vicious poacher. Rescuers Down Under is a different kind of Disney cartoon; it's dark with an inspirational & ethical environmental message about the murder of animals for profit. It's about doing the right thing, being kind, and having a heart.
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Honey Boy (2019)
Intense and bleak
13 February 2020
You've got to be in the right headspace for this type of drama or it could eat you up. That being said Honey Boy is a total accomplishment for Shia in all aspects of the word. Honestly when Holes & Transformers were around I was not a fan but over the last 10 years or so he has delivered incredible performances this being the most vulnerable in my opinion. The entire cast is amazing & shining a light on child stardom and the repercussions of that matters. We've seen this scenario play in Hollywood too many times. Maybe this will make a dent somehow and I look forward to seeing what comes next for Shia.
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You (2018–2024)
27 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to post this review after competing Season 1 and currently 3/4th through Season 2. It's basically a 20 episode 45 minute long Lifetime movie meets Dexter and it's insanely addicting. It goes as follows in a nutshell: Psychopath loves & stalks girl & then things get complicated. Although the main character is obviously a crazy obsessed murderer you can't look away and root for him when he has glimmers of goodness when he 'protects' the less fortunate/innocent from child abuse & pedophiles. 8/10
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Very Ralph (2019)
Pure Americana
3 December 2019
Chic, classic, simplicit, modern: Ralph Lauren. A pleasant documentary about the infamous designer. Worth a watch for any fashion aficionado.
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Three words: the crazy aunt.
27 November 2019
This is a dark humored 90's Thanksgiving flick. And we've all been in this situation in real life. It should be called Home For The Hellidays. The cast is great: Downey, Hunter, Bancroft being the 3 headliners; but I personally get a hilarious kick out of the side story of the loopy sister of Bancroft played by Geraldine Chaplin fawning over poor neglected somewhat dementia riddled Charles Durning and singing about it no less over dinner. Hysterical. Worth a look especially with a few glasses of wine after your family has left after a stressful & very long evening.
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Creepshow (2019– )
Old School Fun
11 October 2019
I'm 3 episodes into the series but I must say it's a delight so far. It's taken everything I loved about the 1st 2 original films and broke it down in short sweet camp horror fashion. The little easter eggs & comic animation is on point and I'm hoping it continues for a second season. Audiences today take the genre too seriously and this is right up my alley. It's just pure entertainment and doesn't come off as preachy and something you need to over analyze. It's a yes from me. Long live the Creep!
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3 words: Crispin Hellion Glover
6 October 2019
The only real reason why I continued to finish & watch the film was because I'm a huge fan of Glover. The rest of the cast was ok but Tessa was over the top with the whole bugged out eye stares. Not terrible but nothing great either.
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Joker (I) (2019)
A Cinematic Masterpiece. An Outstanding Performance By Joaquin.
4 October 2019
10/out of MF 10. Forget the media fear mongering. This was a relatable film because I am a female with some mental health issues and it covered that aspect with respect and the troubles that go along with being cut off of medication & services. Joaquin's performance is indeed Oscar worthy (not that it even matters to him) and it is on par with Ledger's. It also comes together nicely with a twist I didn't expect in the Batman universe. Anyone who has an issue with this cinematic masterpiece should stick to PG fluffy bunny Marvel films because this Alan Moore material is for us big kids. Go see this film. Also on a side note I attended the movie with 3 other female friends who all LOVED it so this media outrage about it being only for a certain demographic is completely ridiculous. So yes some of us women are big fans of these films and I hope we continue to get quality cinema such as this.
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BioShock (2007 Video Game)
"It is accomplished!!!"
25 September 2019
Bioshock is quite possibly the greatest video game of all time. It's replay value is monumental because although it was released over a decade ago it's cinematic beauty & storyline keeps me coming back for more every couple of years. It's just as fresh now as it was when it was first released. I wont carry on about the politics of the game or it's overall summary because that's already been done in previous reviews but what I will say is you will connect with these dynamic characters. Was Andrew Ryan really wrong in trying to build his underwater utopia? Many threads suggest he was brilliant madness personified but undone by greed & chaos. There are so many layers, one involving my favorite character in the game, Sander Cohen. A Salvador Dali type on a constant lsd trip but I found myself saying, "I can't kill this guy he's pretty awesome." "A Man chooses, a slave obeys" is a line more relevant now now than ever.
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Give Dunst the Emmy she deserves already.
16 September 2019
A great start to the series about an early 90's mother determined to thrive despite her late husband's ties to a pyramid scam. Kirsten Dunst and cast are dynamic and the script & setting is so far a winner. In my personal opinion Dunst is a fantastic actress and I'll watch just about anything she's in. Despite being passed over for her phenomenal performance in Fargo here she is again nailing yet another role. I'm hoping this show continues to deliver because I am hooked to see what unfolds next for her character. And yes I will be very suprised if she is not nominated and given her long awaited & well deserved Emmy win. Watch the show. You will not be disappointed.
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James Ransone is the shining star of the second act. "The ending sucked."
6 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Chapter 2 may be considered entertaining for those who still haven't read the novel but for us who have it was just 'ok'. We were promised It's origins/flashback scenes that never came so I hope there's a Director's Cut. Henry Bowers was never charged with the murderers of the other children. That storyline was butchered and now Patrick is just driving him around? What?! I just said alrighty and tried not to overthink it. Audra never showed up to take that final bike ride and Pennywise's final form was meh. Give us the giant world eating spider we waited for. And no Maturin either. Total letdown. However Hader & Ransone were the cast standouts. More so Ransone as adult Eddie stole every scene he was in. Hollywood needs to take notice of this guy's talent. Eddie being my favorite character in the novel & Ransone did him justice. All in all it just fell a bit flat but as the running gag stated, "the ending sucked."
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When Titans collide!!
2 June 2019
What's not to like? Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah face off in a battle of epic proportions. I honestly have been a fan since childhood and never cared much for the human element storyline I wanted just total monster carnage and that's what I got. I'm looking forward to Kong vs Godzilla in 2020 which I'm sure still be just as kick ass. The perfect summer action popcorn flick. This nerd was not disappointed. #godzilla2020 #makegodzillagreatagain
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
I'm surprised I didn't hate it.
26 May 2019
It's basically a rip off of Cube but I expected a total garbage film and was actually not totally annoyed by the cast, sets, & plot. It's no Kubrick or Carpenter but entertaining enough for a late night romp when you have 90 minutes to kill.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
It sucked.
5 April 2019
I'm a huge fan of King & this novel but this was a nonsense mashup of a good thing. The only saving grace was the cat because cats rule & dogs drool. Some things are better left only as reading material.
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Wildling (2018)
I'm only here because of Brad Dourif.
10 March 2019
Terrible movie but I love Brad Dourif and in turn will watch anything Brad Dourif related. Brad Dourif rules. Spoiler Alert: Brad Dourif is in this movie!
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The Hills Have Eyes in Ohio
30 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled on this while flipping through Prime. Never in all my years of true crime have a witnessed such a grotesque cast of characters. There was probably only 3 teeth between 15 family members of this incestuous cesspool of cowards, murderers, rapists, & pretend gang members. This victim, Vera, was abused so violently and yet only 3 people were held somewhat responsible. The matriarch, Sugar Bear, a prize winning hefer child molester who looks like she crawled out of the crater hydrogen bombs were tested in, is the ring leader who walked away with zero repercussions. Where's the justice? Where's the police? Everyone failed this woman & turned a blind eye & frankly they should all be charged upon viewing this film. Outrageous & disgusting.
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Eighth Grade (2018)
Just meh
25 October 2018
Growing up as a teen in the 90s we had Larry Clarke's Kids to relate with. It was gritty & realistic and full of hard truths. Eighth Grade was just mediocre in my opinion. Worth a watch? Id say yes but keep in mind there are more poignant films out there. I grew annoyed 30 minutes in and actually said, "if she uses gucci one more time I'm going to lose my mind." There were some cringe moments especially in the car scene but overall it speaks volumes of the new generation's lack of individuality and for lack of a better analogy 'cookie cutter basicness'. Social media is to blame for this. Im thankful i didnt live my life on the internet trying to appease my peers. Find your voice & be your own person.
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