
11 Reviews
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Edge of your seat Action and Suspense
3 August 2023
I watched lots of action series that were good and a few that are great, but as far as great storylines and action and suspense and really good acting across the board with writing that is second to none. This series stands alone as the absolute best in its genre. John Krasinski is to this series as James Spader is to Blacklist. I just can't get over how perfect a fit( Jim from the office) is for this series. The supporting cast members are spot on also. I know it only ran four years but it's been an incredibly awesome ride that I will go back to again and again. I now can't believe that in my mind I dodged this series cause I didn't think Jim from the office could be an amazing actor and action hero( wow was I wrong) If you haven't watched this series do your self a huge favor and try it. I'm sure you'll Love it!
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
12 May 2023
I started watching this series only just dying to have more of the greatest detective show ever created " BOSCH" but this show is also so damn good it's scary! The writing is as good as Bosch and although I miss J. Edgar really bad this series has me so much in Honey( money) Chandeliers corner and Bosch is still Bosch without so much shooting. He is still the hard nose tough guy we all fell in Love with! He is truly a Grinder and his new tech guy is wonderful and so is Maddie! Did I mention Honey/Money Chandelier! This show should have its on loyal fans even if they never watched the original Bosch! Harry Bosch you did it AGAIN!
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Bosch (2014–2021)
Bosch is real and gritty and edge of seat entertainment
1 May 2023
Harry Bosch is must see TV. I try every night to go to bed early and I just can't stop watching Bosch. I would compare it to British born Luther! It's so gritty and must see that I've been binge watching on Amazon Prime for 2 weeks. It just keeps getting better and better! The acting is terrific and the chemistry between Jerry Edgar and Harry Bosch is wonderful to see. You can't help but fall in love with the characters and plot. It's been an amazing thrill ride every episode. Harry has many issues and problems that you get more than enough chances to root for him on the edge of your seat. Bosch is the absolute best American Detective Series I've ever watched period! I just love Harry Bosch and crew, but Harry is definitely must see when he's in a scene I'm totally glued to the TV. WOW, WOW, WOW!
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Unbelievably simple but will never forget
19 April 2023
I've watched this movie probably 12 times and every time it makes me laugh and cry and frown and smile. It's in my top three favorite movies of all time and seems to keep getting better. It really makes me look inward and see that my life might not be perfect, but it has absolutely wonderful small things that sometimes I take for granted. I just got through watching this for the 12th time and it really touches my spiritual side not from a religious standpoint but from a view of my life is so blessed and wonderful that I should shout it from a mountain so everyone could hear. Watch this movie and I'm sure you will walk away feeling different. The acting is incredible and the entire story and scenes and total movie package is truly wonderful!
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Unbelievable (2019)
I'm Mad
3 January 2023
This series is very close to how law enforcement treats women that are raped or sexually assaulted. No wonder women don't come forward and rapist get away with so long. My wife had to tell me to calm down 4-5 times while watching this. I just don't believe there are that many cases where women come forward with false allegations. Not many people would want that kind of publicity. We need to change as a society on how we treat women that are sexually assaulted ! The series is excellent and the acting is good. I can't watch this kind of series that often but this one is well worth the time. I would recommend it to anyone that's interested!
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Rose and Maloney (2002–2005)
Surprisingly good British series I've never heard of
30 May 2022
I stumbled over this series by accident and gave it a chance ! It didn't let me down and I find it excellent and some really good acting which is true in most British detective series. The thing with British series they never go on very long but wow they are so good including "Rose and Maloney " I would recommend it to anyone that wants a good plot and great acting!
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Mare of Eastown is fabulous,terrific,awesome, thrill ride of emotions
30 November 2021
I don't write many reviews, but this series deserves nothing but praise for the plot, writing, and the most important thing the incredible acting! This to me is the best dramatic series I've ever seen and Kate Winslet may be the best female actor I've ever seen! I don't generally watch series or movies about every day life cause I'm living every day life and don't want to be reminded of how hard it is sometimes! This series grabbed me from about the second episode and built till I couldn't take anymore! It was so dramatic I had to watch Seinfeld immediately afterwards to push out the darkness and serious tone of the series!

Congratulations to this work of ART!
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Luther (2010– )
Luther is out of this world good
24 April 2020
I'm just finishing the fifth season and Luther keeps getting better and better! I hope it goes on for 20 more years! There's nothing that is even close ! IDRIS ALBA IS FANTASTIC!
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
The Blacklist has created the greatest character on tv since Dexter
25 October 2018
I absolutely love the Blacklist for lots or reasons Elizabeth is great,Samar is beautiful, and all the characters are so well played! The plot is intense and edge of your seat all the time!


James Spader probably can walk on water until I see he can't. What can you say about the character he created but WOW WOW WOW. He nails every scene and to be so bad is so damn LIKABLE! RED REDDINGTON thank you! And please keep the episodes coming!
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The Five (2016)
One of best drama thriller series of all time
29 September 2017
This series is incredible,great writing,action,acting ,plot,twist and turns, mystery,suspense, and filming! This series can't be beat! It's just superb! I'm sitting here speechless after finishing the last episode! AMAZING! The Five is well worth your time! I can't boast about Enough to do it justice!
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
The best series i've ever watched
18 July 2017
I don't know where to begin about "SHERLOCK', it truly is the finest,acting,writing,story line,plot,attention getting,unique characters , and heart warming series in the history of television. This show made me laugh,cry,cuss,guess,wonder,deduct, and just watch in amazement. I wouldn't change a thing about this series, its damn near perfect!
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