
6 Reviews
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Great Review Show!
18 February 2016
The Blockbuster Buster is my favorite movie reviewing show, because "Erod" gives the proper treatment to disgraceful sequels, remakes & adaptations that they deserve. There are many movie reviewers that review films, and they are harsh on them, but Erod makes sure that they receive the roughest, rawest reviews that they'll ever get. It is obvious that the writers of this show are true fan-boys who only want to avenge the fandoms of others.

I also like it because it's pretty funny, I started watching the show with the "Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday" review, and I laughed until I thought I was going to throw up. The way he uses clips from other films & cartoons to make points with them is genius and effective. The only thing I have to complain about is that many of the episodes are lost because of Blip being shut down, but other than that, this show is a perfect movie reviewing show.
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The Best of the Saga
18 February 2016
This film is what I consider to be the best out of the entire "Star Wars" saga, and there are many reasons for this. First, even with another film after this, it still holds up as a conclusive ending to a franchise. Second, it is the most well written film, and yes, there are parts that aren't that good, but everything else makes up for it in the end. This also gave better character development for both Luke Skywalker, and the main villain Darth Vader. The portrayal of the Emperor is very evil and creepy, and no other villain in any other film had been portrayed like this. Even the controversial Special Edition of this is good, although it may still have flaws. The ending score at the end of the Special Edition to me is better than in the original, but the musical number in Jabba's palace would've been better if they had kept "Lapti Nek" and not added "Jedi Rocks". So on the whole, to me, this is the best film out of the entire Star Wars saga, and I will defiantly watch it right after I send this review.

-Mason Morgan (Malcolm of The Marvelous M)
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Powerful and Inspiring
9 August 2015
Double Digits is a documentary made by "The Indie Machines", and it is about a troubled man, Richard, who goes on in life to make artistic films on YouTube. He states that he is happy even if the views are in double digits, as long as they inspire people to make artistic things in their life.

This documentary is about being happy for the little things in life, because it also explains the troubles Richard has gone through, lost loved ones, incarceration, and past regrets in his life. But it also has interviews of his relatives and friends, who explain how he is able to find happiness in his life by making "Internet Art Films", as they are called. He does not have the supplies to make the special effects in the films look professional, but the stories he tells are so unique that the viewers don't care and continue watching the films.

Richard states that he will continue to make his films so that he can contribute to the lives of others and make them become inspired to do things that many people don't think can be done. This is a touching, sad and happy documentary about a touching, sad and happy man who continues to make his life enjoyable for himself and his friends.
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Permalink (1997 TV Movie)
A Celebration of Insanity!!!
7 August 2015
I am surprised this special isn't released on Home Video or on TV. This is a crazy, surreal, and insane explanation on what the internet was. The jokes were very funny, very random (in a good way), and the colors were beautiful. This is one special that you can not forget once you've seen it!

Steve.Oedekerk.Com (or The O Show) is one of the best, if not the best thing director Steve Oedekerk has done. What is sad that is an undeservedly forgotten film. It needs to be seen everywhere. What else is shocking is that even after 18 years, the Internet is just like what this makes it out to be. Nonsensical Anarchy. Which is a very good thing.
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Wasn't Disappointed
7 August 2015
This short was very entertaining. I first heard about it about 3 years before it was finished and I was so excited for it. When I saw it, I wasn't disappointed. This was a very touching short documentary and it was very well made. It did drag on a couple times, but it makes up for it later on. The journey that Erik and Wally go through is very interesting, because it is almost like an adventure of finding connections between father and son. Which was obviously intended. Erik states in the short that you shouldn't make a documentary about yourself, but I think that he actually did a good job. The editing was great, the motorcycle journey was nice and I recommend that people take the time to watch this.
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What is this show?
1 August 2015
This show is many things all at once. It is funny, yet deep. There are tons of people getting smacked in the face, but every once in a while, there is an epic story to go with some episodes. It also occasionally has guest stars! This show is like a modernized Three Stooges show, but with younger people, and a lot of profanity.

There are some episodes that are action packed, and are filled with aliens, monsters, the mafia, or their arch nemesis, Doctor Mac. He is the one who all the members of The Marvelous M are trying to defeat whenever he tries to destroy them. There are also aliens that they have to battle, space odysseys, and there are tons of lessons that can be learned from this show.

This show occasionally also makes parodies and makes fun of many things. The parodies and jokes are very well done. They are sometimes faithful to the source material, but can always deliver a good punch line.

They often do requests from viewers, and that is one of the reasons why many people watch this show. They've done requests on science fiction, fantasy, pop culture, and even reenacting life situations that people have gone through.

The main thing that many people watch this show for, is the slapstick comedy. There are people being hit left and right. In the face, in the groin, on the top of the head, poked in the eyes, almost every episode has at least one person who gets smacked in the face. It is done very well and is very entertaining to watch.

Overall, this is a great show, and I highly recommend it to everyone.
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