
10 Reviews
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Mr. Nanny (1993)
Fun for kids and adults who are in touch with their inner child
27 March 2006
I used to hire this movie every time I went to the video store with my mum when i was eight years old. I used to think 'the Pit of Blood' who be fun to swim in and the magnetic weights were funny. I did not know hulk Hogan I just thought he was a really really big man. But I loved it when I was little, even the villain was funny to an extent.

But now eleven years later I watched it again. Funny how you remember what the lines were and the music lyrics in that long time. It brought back memories but sadly I now saw how weak it was in some areas; especially the stunts. How ever if you do not watch it critically and enjoy the humour I think anyone can enjoy it.

What really amazed me was little Madeline Zima's acting; she was not excellent but I thought she gave a great effort in fact she reminded me of me when I was a little girl. How many times had I screamed at my brother to get what I want.

Overall it is a weak movie but keep an open mind, it was made in the early nineties, also what Hulk Hogan gets up to with Madeline I think is priceless. How often do you see a wrestler in a tutu with curly hair in ribbons.
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Munich (2005)
30 January 2006
This is the only movie where I cannot decide what to think of it. It started with a tense atmosphere and ended just the same. The killings of both the terrorists and the assassins were horrific; I could not stop squirming in my seat. However I thought this was a great touch to the movie; it was brave enough to show the terror of what happened. It did not protect the audience by shielding the images. It showed everything.Sometimes people need to be shown horror in order for them to understand how terrible the events were.

The movie reminded me of Black Hawk Down but Munich does not let you go home routing for the protagonist. It allows you to see why Palestinians and Israelies are raged at each other and what each wants. I could not say the Palestinians were monsters or that the Israelies were animals. I empathized with both and felt sympathy for the innocent.

This movie shows how hopeless it is to find peace if we act upon vengeance and destruction. The spite was there a thousand years ago, it was there in 1972 and it is still here today in 2006. Will it continue till probably will.
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Lost the Plot
29 January 2006
I am a great fan of the original Hababam Sinifi series and i thought the 2004 version was a nice comeback with traditional themes and comedy. The 2005 release was testing its limits with a new setting in the army and had a ridiculous ending in my opinion but i thought it was still traditional. However this release was a total disappointment for me. It had the comedy and the lovable characters but the storyline was extremely poor and out of portion. It seemed the filmmakers were using ideas from various foreign films which lost the audience. The audience is not stupid they know what is from what and when the plot does not link up. This movie lost the whole theme of the chaotic class which gave their teachers hell but managed to win their hearts in the end. I laughed a lot but i left the cinema feeling extremely annoyed. If they make another release i hope they devote more time into the storyline and the values of the concept. 5/10 for the comedy and characters like Bebe Ruhi and Psiko.
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Failed because of comparison
14 October 2005
The Lion King was a masterpiece, no Disney movie can compare or touch emotion as much as it. But part two is no where near as excellent as the first. However if you do not compare this movie with the first and look at it as an individual, it looks decent enough. I thought it touched on many themes, such as Who you are? What is right? How to lead? What is important? and many more. There is a new love story, a new villain and a new lion trying to run away from his past. The music is acceptable and in some cases catchy. I couldn't stop singing the song about Deception and Disgrace for a few days after. However i think this movie did not achieve justice, by being a follow up to the greatest movie in Disney, you can only expect it to be doomed. But in my view i think this movie is decent enough to be counted as good. It has all the ingredients needed for a good one hour and twenty minutes of fun.
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Oh Olsun (1973)
Humour, Immaturity and Heart
7 October 2005
Seeing Tarik Akin, Kemal Sunal and Halit Akcatepe, accompanied by the great Adile Nasit was a great reunion of there roles in the Hababam series (even though this was before). The story line follows a wealthy family with three not so great sons whose father believes each to be exceptional. After realizing his first son is dull minded, his second a liar and his third a womanizer, the father punishes them by making them work at the base line of his factory. The spoiled boys are now stuck in a life they have never been before working for the first time. But when one sons falls madly in love with a poor girl things start to get chaotic. From useless brothers they transform into some thing more and open their father's eyes to something that is worth more then money and status. They help each other or out of trouble and get each other into trouble. But at the very end realize what is more important, what they are or what they want to be. Story line 7/10, humour 5/5, heart 9/10!
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Tokatçi (1983)
4 October 2005
this is about a country man who wants to marry his long time love but her stubborn greedy father will not give her up unless he pay a very high dowry. So he heads to the city to make money honestly but after that does not work he tries a hand on scheming and stealing but mucks it all over the place. this movie captures the ignorance of country people and the corrupt style of city life. but more so it is saved by the funny performance of the legend, Kemal Sunal. Yet the best part of the movie is probably the end when the small country boy ends up showing he can overcome many obstacles. Overall i would give this movie a 6/10 for its storyline but a 10/10 for its comedy.
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Özleyis (1974)
Corny but Pleasant
4 October 2005
Young girl, Ayse, growing up in a boarding school believing to be an orphan and spending her summer holidays with her grandmother. One summer Ayse's path crosses with a younger boy called Omer while she was trying to run away from school so she could spend more time with her grandmother. After Ayse and Omer untangle themselves from a problem which involves the help from a hansom young man, Ali, they end up traveling to Ayse's grandmother together. They soon realize they both share the same pains of being orphans. Ayse's grandmother is a tough woman who shows only Ayse love and does not let no one tread over her or Ayse. But her Grandmother also keeps certain secrets from Ayse herself. While holidaying Ayse gets involved in an boat accident caused by Ali who happens to be holidaying in the same place Ayse is. After saving Ayse's life and giving her blood, Ayse and ALi fall in love and spend a lot of time together. But after over hearing Ali's wealthy father obtaining some information about Ayse's parents, Ayse realizes her past contains many dark secrets, secrets which keep her and Ali apart.
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traditional Turkish comedy
29 September 2005
Old Turkish movies had quirky or ordinary plots but movies like this one went one step extreme and put all the impossible possibilities into a 90 or so minutes. But this movie is one of the most vulgar and realistic comedies in Turkish history. It shows the low class people having a go at pretending to be wealthy. Each looking in the wrong directions for love and they find it in people who have more in common with them then they realize. it contains many of the old classic Turkish actors and actresses who have been in too many similar roles in their lives. i have watched this movie too many times to count and each time something makes me laugh at these exaggerated characters. 8/10
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Batman Begins (2005)
The way Batman should be!
25 June 2005
Growing up watching the Batman series and movies I have alway held Batman above all other super heroes.However, even though I loved all the Batman movies, I never thought any did Batman justice since Micheal Keaton. But now my hopes were full filled. The story plays out at a fast pace yet it explains it self quit well. The plot has its twists and turns but I found that my mind was always one step ahead. Unlike the recent Batman movies, Batman Begins is set in a more realistic Gotham City and a more reality based society. The comic book look is still there with its long shots of the city but it does not over do it. The Characters are more believable also, Christian Bale does an excellent job, his style suits the Billionaire who is not a money hungry rat, but a Billionaire who wants to do more for the people. I could never understand Bruce Wayen's mind extensively until now. Micheal Caine as Alfred was an excellent choice and I think he was exceptional, but I did miss the original Alfred. Morgan Freeman was his usual best and a lovable character. Liam Neeson was truly mind warping, he defines what an actor should be, I think Hollywood should recognize him more. Katie Holmes was also good but her character and place in the story kept reminding me of Mary Jane from Spiderman. But all the leading women in Superhero movies seem to go along these lines also. I recommend any one who wants to have a rush and leave the movie learning more about how humanity is should go and watch Batman Begins. 10/10!
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7 June 2005
Expecting a movie about history was worrying in case it was misinterpreted, then to add religion to the mix was terrifying (especially in a time like this). But Ridley Scott done a exceptional job and this is from a person who did not like Gladiator. His direction was excellent, each scene, shot , pause had a truth to it i cannot explain. The second the movie started i was warped into the 12th century. I felt the injustice of the era when the priest stole Balian's dead wife's cross. A simple crime summed up the entire confusion of religion; people who follow religion for a greater purpose and people who follow it to a certain point until it does not suit them. This was done towards the end when the Bishop suggests to convert to Islam and repent later to avoid any pain the Muzlims could inflict on them. The movie uses more small moments to communicate greater truths. For example when King Baldwin and Saladin meet at Karnak they treat each other with great respect and Saladin informs him that he would send his physicians to help the king. A few words and already the audience understands how wonderful both these kings were. At the end when Saladin picks up the fallen crosses and places it on the table was a moving scene. It's nice to see a movie that shows boths sides of the story. There are many favourite scenes of mine and it will take days to list them all down. However the scene which gives me hope about the world's future is the one between Balian and Nasir at the end. their friendship and respect for each other was to be envied. The best acting was done by Edward Norton, Jeremy Irons, David Thewlis, Liam Neesona and Ghassan Massoud. Each of them were very deep in the little time they had on screen and real as real can be. But Edward Norton I must give extra credit because he worked his magic through a mask and he was the one who brought tears to my eyes. I really do hope he gets nominated for an Oscar. Anyway i advise everybody to go to this movie no matter what religion or culture you are but i do advise that to be too critical will ruin not only the experience but the message of the movie (which is different for everyone).
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