
19 Reviews
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Interesting Storyline made HORRIBLE and ANNOYING to watch by casting and a bad script
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This story seemed like it could be interesting and I admit the first few episodes did really intrigue me . But it falls so flat. It feels like a 13 year old wrote it. The whole show makes it seem as if theres more to Anna than there is when in the end...she's just a super flat character who is a scammer with nothing going for her. If it was maybe written and casted properly...and if it was shorter.... I think it would have done better. Instead, we got an actress playing Anna while putting on the WORST fake accent and having the most annoying attitude and voice ever. How is anyone supposed to sympathize with this character when she is 1. Very stupid 2. Thinks she's very smart 3. Is fooling people into believing her schemes in the dumbest, most unintelligent, and most unconvincing ways possible to the point that no real person would ever fall for it, and 4. Has no personality or true background story to make us understand or like her.

Also the other characters in the show are super dumb as well and make decisions nobody in real life would ever do. Everybody is also incredibly overdramatic and theres no one worth rooting for. I don't see how anybody would be on Annas side or sympathize with her at all in this story nor do I think any dialogue in this show comes off as "deep" like I think the writer wanted it be. She was just a really lame scammer who only got that far because everyone around her ... including upper-class banks and expensive New York lawyers....were all somehow dumber (this is also totally unrealistic by the way...the way they fell for everything so easily is just laughable). For example; Imagine telling a $1000/hour lawyer to work all these long free hours for you and getting them to do it by just saying you have a $60 million trust fund. You think they'd work all those hours without ever seeing a dime of it? Yeah no, doesn't happen....except in this show lol.

Anyway, interesting story line whether it's true or not, but bad everything else in my opinion. Everyone in this movie has about 2 brain cells each. Except for Kacy- I did kind of like her. Watch at your own may lose brain cells too.
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Stressed to Death (2019 TV Movie)
9 February 2022
Everyone sucks at acting in this movie, the plot is stupid, mom is weak and makes poor decisions, daughter is an idiot, dad is dumber than a doorknob, the villain is unconvincing and boring, and the hitmen are comical.....only redeeming character may be Alston because he was semi good looking. 0/10. I like bad lifetime movies usually but this was BAD bad.
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Death of A Cheerleader (1994 TV Movie)
You'll be rooting for the slasher in this one!
26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great movie. I can't lie, I was glad when the arrogant blonde bimbo got stabbed and I was rooting for Angela the whole time. Stacy portrayed everything STILL wrong with society and especially schools and bullying... she was a real clown and although she was still a teenager and murder is clearly not okay...she was still a menace. I'm glad Angela's friends saw Stacy for the mean person she was even after she was dead and also saw that school for how horrible of a place it was to label and overly push students to "perfect" without even knowing them first. I'm glad her friends stuck by her and Im glad she only got 7 years in prison. 7 stars because all this being said it was still kind of slow and boring.
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Truth or Dare (2017 TV Movie)
A Good Horror Movie... Ending is NOT hard to understand
2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie! I was surprised as I expected it to be horrible. But it was never boring and I feel all the characters made smart and realistic decisions (accept the annoying Jessie who whined and complained about everything all the time). It was also fast paced so no long drawn out scenes like some horror movies have. A good amount of gore to keep you interested as well. I dont know why so many people are upset about the ending... its pretty clear to me: Both girls live. If you have the subs on it says both girls gasp meaning it appears they beat the game and both lived. Alex had to kill her friend and it seemed she couldnt so she decided theyd both share the dare one last time and die so she ran into the tree. It was most likely this was the loophole in the game as when they crashed they both seemed to stop breathing for a couple seconds afterwards technically implying they "died". But when they both gasped after a little while of silence it implies they survived the crash by a HAIR, and since all dares are now complete....theyre both free. It was a good ending in my eyes. I feel some people just want every movie's ending spoon fed to them but sometimes if you just use your brain...the answer is already there. Its a fun and simple to understand horror movie :)
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Coco (I) (2017)
GORGEOUS Visuals. Meaningful Messages. Laughter. Tears. Fun. This movie has EVERYTHING
27 April 2021
Name a more perfectly scripted, casted, directed, and visually stunning movie than Coco with a better soundtrack and life lesson for the whole family alike....trick can't. Coco truly is a perfect movie crafted by Pixar and there is nothing more to say. Watch it, experience it, and cry and laugh with it with the whole family. It's a movie about life, death, family, music, and memories made into a colourful, musical experience sure to catch the attention from everyone and teach you some valuable lessons along the way. Even if you are not Mexican it is sure to make you feel nostalgic about your own family or loved ones in some way or another. I've watched this movie 6 times already and cried every single time. You'll be watching it over and over again and i'm sure it will forever hold a special place in your heart and become the new family favourite.
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2067 (2020)
24 April 2021
"Earth can breathe and thrive again but only if humans arent there to suffocate it" I really liked this time travel movie storyline. Its not overly complex like alot of time travel movies, and shows a realistic picture of what we may expect the world to look like if humans continue to pollute it in the ways we still do now and at the same rate. It has a simple message, is well written, the acting is good and the CGI is REALLY good for a "low budget" movie. It deserves way higher than the 4.9/10 it has now... if anything I wish the movie was longer but I'm also glad its short and sweet. I love the futuristic scenes you see throughout the movie and I love that it all doesnt take place in one setting. The storyline made total sense to me, had no loose strings, and had a really good twist of an ending! Great movie. Give it a chance and an open mind!
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A Feel Good Movie!...Money isnt everything but family and heritage is!
21 April 2021
I love this movie. Theres something comforting about it that makes me feel so warm and nostalgic, and it really makes you realize the importance of family, appreciating your heritage, and being proud of where youre from... wheather you're latino or not. Its a cute, fun, lighthearted watch that shouldn't be taken too seriously. Yet it's also sure to cheer you up if youre feeling down...while teaching you some spanish along the way! I know it always makes me feel good and makes me appreciate my big family back home in South America more as well. Give it a watch if you havent already.
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Killer Island (2018)
Barbie Castro looks TOO old for this role and she CANNOT Act
18 April 2021
Interesting concept for a movie but bad casting just ruined it for me. Barbie Castro cannot act. Ive seen her in a few of these lifetime-type movies and all of them she's horrible at acting whatever role she was given. Also she often tries to act in these roles clearly made for younger people but she looks so old so its weird to see. Like in this movie her husband looks SIGNIFICANTLY younger than her yet I think they're supposed to be seen as a fresh young couple. She just doesn't suit the role because she looks really old (especially in her face) and the role seems to be made for someone younger. Its really cringe to see someone try to act like a young adult or someone in their 20s or early 30s when she looks like she's 40 or LATE 30s at best. If someone younger and better at acting was put to cast her role in this film then I think I'd probably give it a 5. She needs to just stick with producing and stop acting in my opinion. Or at least realize how old she looks and stop trying to fit into these young roles she doesn't suit. I think the actress who played Kelsey should have taken the lead role on this movie instead, she suits it better.
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The Wrong Babysitter (2017 TV Movie)
WHO CALLS IT "CHOCOLATE CHIP MINT"? This movie is bad all around....It's laughable
15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I cant even credit one decent plot point, actor, or actress in this... they're all AWFUL even for a Lifetime movie. I agree with the reviewer who said this looked like a student film project. But i think students in film school actually make better work. The choices they made in this film were laughable too, even for lifetime. The idiot daughter put her phone on speaker leaving a message for the mom, so she must have known she was going to get seen and caught by the kidnappers. She could have easily whispered Teri's name or the descriptions/name of the kidnappers into the phone or texted it to her mom really quickly or SOMETHING before they caught her so her mom would know who was in on it right away. (she knew their names too since Teri introduced them) That would have made the move 4 times shorter and you could save over an hour of your life from watching it play out in the slowest and most dumb/ boring way possible. Also who calls it "chocolate chip mint"? Lol Thats such a backwards way to say "mint chocolate chip" ice cream which is how Ive heard everyone else say it. But I am not American so maybe thats how Americans say it.
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WORST MOVIE... How dumb can she be???
10 April 2021
This is by far the worst lifetime movie Ive ever seen and I usually love a good cheesy movie. Listen, I understand characters in lifetime movies making somewhat unrealistic or dumb choices to drive the plot forward, but this movie just went WAYYYY beyond that PLUS an underdeveloped storyline that could have been interesting. Literally every choice the main actress made was 100% not what a normal person would do at all, even if you had less than 3 brain cells (which she does). Not to mention the even dumber best friend who just went with everything she did despite the huge red flags. Only Zach and the Mom kept me from giving this a 1 since they were both somewhat smart (not that the main actress even considered listening to them because why listen to logic from the people closest to you). Its not like she was a teenager either shes a 22 year old who acted like a 14 year old the entire film. Imagine watching a movie where every scene has multiple red flags as to why something is sketchy or a bad choice... yet the main character never questions any of it and does the opposite of what a normal human would do Every. Single. Time. Thats this movie. Such a joke, stay away from it or you'll pull all your hair out by the end. The acting from the main actress and best friend was also horrible and by the end I was just hoping shed have a tragic demise and that the boss would win. I personally think the boss did well in his role and was the most interesting to watch, even though his story line was barely developed.
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Mommy Would Never Hurt You (2019 TV Movie)
DO NOT WATCH THIS MESS.... It will FRUSTRATE you even if you have low expectations.
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was the stupidest movie Ive seen in a while and it will FRUSTRATE you so much because the concept could be so well done and story could be so interesting if it wasn't for the poor execution and stupid characters/script. Literally the oldest daughter made every dumb decision possible and so did her fiance. So you find this poisonous chemical in your fiance's sister's DNA and you hear all these weird stories on how the mother treats the girl even with this "rare" illness... yet when you visit their home you openly accept and drink tea from that same lady without question...and you're supposed to be a DOCTOR? You don't even have the brains to wonder why your fiance is taking so long to show up to greet you or have the brains to insist on going to get her? What a stupid guy. Same with the main actress. She saw her sister was getting worse and that her mother was acting strange and that she was also getting SICK while being there ... yet she just stays and listens to everything her mom says and even hands the mom her PHONE? What an idiot. She could have gone outside to have those phone conversations with her fiance...especially if she saw her sister getting worse and the mother's "treatments" not working. Any normal person would start getting suspicious right away and eventually call an ambulance, or at least start to suspect the mom and not talk on the phone where she can hear. Every decision she made was so dumb. Even the mom as the villain was frustrating because she was so easy to beat and outsmart, yet everyone was too dumb to even try. I wish I didn't waste my time on this but i thought the ending would be better or that someone would smarten up.
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Broken Vows (2014)
MAYBE LOOK FOR YOUR PHONE FIRST!? Watch this slow movie on 2x speed
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is stupid beyond belief. I usually understand making some scenes a little far fetched in movies to drive the story along, but in this movie it goes beyond that to the point where every scene is so SLOW, unrealistic and idiotic. For example the main actress hooks up with the villain and is in a rush to leave the next day because she has a plane to catch and senses he's weird... yet the ONLY thing she DOESN'T make sure she has is her phone?? She grabs literally every article of clothing and her purse but doesn't even think to first make sure she has the ONE thing that holds her entire life and private it has no passcode? Most normal people would look for their phone the minute they wake up in a strange home and make sure it's the one thing the have before they leave someone else's house, especially if they suspect that person is creepy. I don't think that one thing is too much realism to ask of a movie either. Plus when she finds him in her house the first time, she still didn't event think to ask for her phone back even though she knew thats how he was finding out everything about her and stalking her. Or maybe call your cell provider and ask if the phone can be hard reset or wiped since its lost in the hands of someone else? That plot point will just truly irritate you in this entire movie, I guarantee it. So to be honest, she deserved all this because she basically did it to herself plus cheated on her husband. This movie is full of bad acting, bad writing, and a semi-interesting plot that was poorly executed. She burnt evidence that could have helped prove the villain psychotic, she never reported the break in and therefore he walked free, she didn't tell her husband about how dangerous he was which could have allowed them to have high security at the wedding and take him in for stalking etc. I was just rooting for the villain to kill her the most of the time because she was genuinely so dumb and selfish the entire movie to the point where she got her one friend who helped her KILLED. She never once deserve sympathy.
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SLOW moving story and STIFF acting - WORSE than the book
18 March 2021
This mini series is just okay at BEST. I think any super high ratings are either from people who never read the book, or the production crew, because I can't see any fans of the novel actually liking this. This adaption doesn't do justice to the book at all and I would highly recommend reading the original book by Sarah Pinborough to get the full effect of the lore, storyline, character personalities, and "twists" since this series did not portray any of those things correctly. I can definitely see how people who never read the book would think this is over complicated or confusing. Everything just felt so stiff and staged, but maybe that was mainly to do with the bad casting (or bad script- I cant tell which), or my higher expectations after reading the novel. The actors themselves were alright but I hate how they changed the race of Louise in this series when she was clearly described differently in the book. Netflix has this habit of changing book characters just for the sake of adding a person of colour in their movies and this is one of those cases where it was just annoying and the actress didn't suit the real Louise from the book at all (and this is coming from another person of colour). The story is very slow as well. If you haven't read this book I'd for sure read it and skip watching this. Overall it wasn't terrible, but I think that is mainly thanks to the author for writing such an interesting story and much less to do with the acting and overall performance that was all very average (at best). There was also NO chemistry between any of the characters (friend or romantic wise) which bothered me because chemistry and relationships was a huge plot point in the novel. I think it may have been better to just make this into a movie instead of attempting to drag it out into this slow moving series. It's a miss for me.
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Ghosts of War (2020)
WATCH IT FOR YOURSELF FIRST! Anyone who rated this lower than a 7 I'm convinced didn't follow the movie at all
3 December 2020
Such a good movie! Don't read too many reviews, just watch it for yourself and pay close attention to all the details so you don't get confused and misunderstand. I thought it was pretty interesting and for sure entertaining. Worth a watch. Its a really interesting combination of horror (both ghost and war tragedy horror), action and mystery. Give it a chance!
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A story of love and loss... mixed with a little bit of a ghost story
3 November 2020
By reading alot of the reviews here that rated this less than 7 stars I can see that alot of people missed the point or didnt pay close enough attention to the story. Bly Manor isnt meant to be compared to Hill House by any means. Its a gothic horror romance show that focuses mainly on themes such as love, revenge, and loss (which is horror within itself) mixed with a tiny bit of an eerie ghost story...Its not meant to be looked at as a predominent ghost story mixed with a little romance. Once you stop comparing it to Hill House and look at it as its own, its actually a really interesting and well done story. I personally thought the acting,especially by the kids, was really well done and some parts almost made me tear up... esp the end of the last episode. I agree that if youre looking for a past paced show to watch this is not for you. This show is a bit slower paced, and yes it is a bit repetative at times but I understoond the effect they were going for. Its meant to show you how each character has its own dark past and characater arc that influences them to make certain decisions on how they come to terms with their "fate". Its not meant to explain every detail to you and elaborate on everyones story. The ending episode is by far the best. I personally liked it alot although it was slow at times and i think it had enough twists to keep me engaged so I didnt find it boring. Im glad i watched until the end because the end of the final episode was truely touching. Id say give this a try, its not for everyone and you really have to pay attention to the story so as to not get lost and give up.
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PAINFULLY Boring, cringey, unfunny and overall garbage even for a teen rom com
24 July 2020
UGH, even apart form the disgusting jab at Justin Bieber's disease.. this move was still trash. I thought for some reason this one may be better than the first one and i watched it because I think Joey King is a decent actress. But her face in this whole movie just annoyed me mainly because she comes off as so overdramatic, pretentious and snobby. And the directors expect us to feel bad for her when none of her problems even see remotely serious or real. She doesn't even come off as a nice person tbh most of the time. I also think Noah and Elle had NO chemistry, but thats no different than the first one. I gave it a 3 stars because the actor who plays Marco (Taylor Zakhar Perez) is hot af. Otherwise all the other actors are annoying, cant act, or the script and storyline is so painfully dull and dry that they really cant do a good job with it no matter how good an actor/actress they are.
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Fatal Affair (2020)
Great Movie for if you are trying to fall asleep
23 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the same old storyline you've seen in 7897 other movies before. Married girl meets boy, girl has affair with boy, boy becomes obsessed with girl and does insane things to get close to her, crazy boy dies in end and the family is happy again. What I don't understand is why such good, big actors would choose to act in a movie this basic and predictable. And I also was so mad at all Ellie's bad decisions throughout that could of been prevented ESPECIALLY since she's a lawyer... as well as her stupid friend who believed some guy she just meant over someone she's known for years. How unrealistic. I don't even understand WHY she tried to save him in the end since he literally murdered at least 3 people. Lol watch it in passing while you're trying to fall asleep and it'll cure your insomnia for sure.
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Cute movie but has WAY TOO MANY SONGS to the point where it gets annoying to watch
22 July 2020
JEEEZ this move has WAY too many songs, even for a Disney movie, and even way too many compared to every other animated or Disney movie I've seen. Every 5 min there seems to be another song and almost none of them (in my opinion) are very good or catchy. However, the storyline is really nice, and of course its very heart warming like any other classic Disney movie. Lessons are really well incorporated as well for a kids movie. But the vast amount of songs is what makes me rate it a 6. Its just way too many...even for a Disney movie and it gets annoying. Most of the songs are unnecessary too and seemed to be just thrown in to fill time.
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Deadly Switch (2021)
The ending is not THAT confusing guys... although a little conveluded
18 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Im not too sure why so many people were confused by the ending. It made sense to me although obviously far fetched. The sisters had planned it all along. Camilla went out driving that night with greta to run away from her crazy overprotective family (the dad and his sheriff friends were raised to be overprotective to the point of insanity clearly by their family i assume.. thats why they drug their wives.. so they can maintain full control and keep everyone 'safe' and in line) but when they crashed and greta died.. zelda decided to help camilla instead of just ratting her out to her parents. She helped her fake her death and when Monica found out her sister was still alive she kept her in her house until she could find a replacement for her. The dad promised monica if she found a replacement for camilla then monica would get some kind of freedom to go to the city. So thats what monica did.. she found Ana and the plan was to trap ana with the parents so that camila could take her passport and start a new life somewhere and monica could i guess eventually escape to the city, as she was promised (camilla was the favourite kid so obviously i guess it was harder for her in the house). I didnt expect much coming into this movie. I expected it to be a bad lifetime movie but it kind if surprised me because it kept me watching throughout so thats why i gave it a 5.
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