
8 Reviews
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Seventeen and Missing (2007 TV Movie)
So stupid....
2 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say I am really surprised at the high ratings for this movie. I found it to be absolutely idiotic. The mother gets "visions" when she touches certain things or people? And one thing she touched twice made her vision continue... Just seemed so ridiculous. Deedee Pfieffer's performance was awful I thought. She was very irritating. The girl who played Lori did a good job and so did most of the supporting cast for what they had to work with.

I usually love LMN and am very open minded when it comes to movies but this movie seemed to have a ridiculous plot and over the top acting and it just was not for me.
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Best Horror Movie Ever
31 December 2006
This movie is one of my all time favorites. It is somewhat intellectual I guess but I remember seeing it at the movies with my friends and having that creepy scared feeling you usually want from a horror movie when leaving. I have not felt that with any other movie. This is not "Scream" or "I know what you did last summer" - it is a really suspense filled horror flick that is much much better than the original. I agree with other reviewers when they say this movie is not watched enough and suffered low ratings due to the title. The Exorcist II was just ridiculous and I did not find the original to be scary in the least and certainly did not find it engaging like this film. Give it a try - You will like it. There are parts that will terrify you and the whole movie will give you an uneasy creepy feeling that will make you remember this film for years to come.
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The worst Christmas special I have ever seen
12 December 2006
This "remake" of the beloved Year without a Santa Clause was the most awful movie I have seen in years. First of all - it was not a kids special. There were scantily clad women and many parts I would find inappropriate for young kids. No wonder it was on at 9 pm. Not that I am opposed to adult oriented movies, I am a horror fan and rarely watch anything that is not rated R, but, as far as Christmas specials go... they are usually geared towards little children. The acting was horrible. Eddie Griffin and the guy from Mallrats as the elves was ridiculous. I could not even get through the whole thing it was so bad. If I could have given it a 0 I would have. The original was great - that I highly recommend.
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Dingleberry? Jive Turkey?
22 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I can completely understand other reviews saying it was horrible. The acting and script was ridiculous. There was a random lesbian scene involving chili being licked off toes, peaches and Vienna sausages. The "foxy Cleopatra"esquire deputy used words like Jive Turkey, I'll baste this turkey and sucka also the male cheerleader called people dingle-berries. The convicts called people ass-clowns and they were also ridiculous.

Given all that, somehow, I liked it. It was funny and I think (or at least hope) that it was meant to be. I gave it a 4 because it was entertaining to watch on an October afternoon. There certainly are millions of better movies out there though!
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Summer of Fear (1996 TV Movie)
This is not the same movie as they are showing on the cover
23 July 2006
Summer of Fear aka Stranger in our House was a movie directed by Wes Craven made for TV based on a Lois Duncan novel. Lois Duncan also wrote I know what you did last summer.

This movie is similar I guess in plot but is basically about a guy and his family who go to his family lake house and get carjacked on the way. They are saved by a young guy named just "simon". They settle in to the house and happen to bump into Simon at the town center. From there he invades their life.

Typical TV movie for lifetime which I always enjoy. For a boring Sunday afternoon - I say go for it.
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Loved it, but the book was so much better...
2 June 2006
I loved this movie. I remember watching this movie when it came out. I love John Cusak and do remember liking it but thinking it was kind of long and drawn out. I found out later that this was based on a true story which made me like the movie more because I find true stories fascinating.

I am not a big reader but like to listen to audio books during my long commute. I decided to get the unabridged Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. This book was excellent and so was the commentary by the author.

This made me want to rent the movie again. I did. The movie contains the characters from the book but they are not introduced in the right order. It is cool that the Piano lady was the real one from the book and that Lady Chabils played herself in the movie, but I really recommend reading (if you are a reader) the book or getting the unabridged audio book.
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24 August 2005
I found this movie to drag in parts, be unrealistic and have little to do with dogs. I really like Diane Lane and LOVE John Cusak but this movie reminded me of Under the Tuscan Sun which I also found to be a bit boring. I felt like I was in the theater for ever watching this endless story that you already know the outcome of. The other characters were irritating to me at times. Dermitt Mulroney was not impressive (hated the wedding date as well).

I gave it a four because of Diane Lane and John Cusak, otherwise it would be a one. Wait until it comes out on Cable.

I don't really have 10 lines to express my feelings but I hope this is enough.
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I LOVED this movie! I thought it was much better than the original!
14 August 2005
I am not scared by any horror movies and can't honestly say this movie scared me but I jumped a lot and found Ryan Reynolds (whom I love) to be both a funny and great serious actor. I am a lover of the original 1979 Amityville and think this remake is an outstanding update. I normally am not fond in the least of remakes and frankly am tired of seeing remakes of old movies constantly instead of some really fresh ideas coming from Hollywood. With that being said, I was so glad that I saw this movie in theaters and will be purchasing it as soon as it is out on DVD. I understand where other reviewers are coming from but I just loved this remake.
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