
3 Reviews
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Game of Thrones: Breaker of Chains (2014)
Season 4, Episode 3
Foundation for an epic season!
21 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's always hard to follow up an awesome episode...especially if Joffrey dies at the end of it. This one was just as good.

It was a nice to see Littlefinger for the first time this season. Funny how he was completely out of the picture and yet made plans to rescue Sansa long before the wedding( Yes rings a bell now, doesn't it? )

Lord Tywin seems happy that he can finally rule the kingdom and teach Tommen how to be King, something he missed out on with Joffrey(Would've been hilarious to see him describe how to consummate a marriage)

The wildlings seem menacing since the introduction of the Magnar of Thenn. Can't wait to see how the Rangers defend Castle Black against the inevitable attack.

Oberyn Martell looks every bit prepared for payback. Him facing the Mountain , now that's something to look forward to.

Arya & the Hound are awesome together, like usual. Hound is probably the most honest and straightforward character in the show. His methods despite being harsh, stand true to the saying "Survival of the fittest " ( My favorite character )

Tyrion/ Pod sequence was perhaps the most touching one in this episode. One almost forgets how much empathy Tyrion has even though that's what gets him in trouble more often than not. Knowing Tyrion, a fortnight is NOT all he's got.

The landscape of Meereen was stunning and lived up to the hype. Daenarys seems poised in her quest and i quite liked the finishing touch with the broken chains.

Overall, this episode sets up really well for what should be a chaotic,gripping and intense second half of the season.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Tactical Village (2014)
Season 1, Episode 19
I hate PIZZA!!
6 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show keeps getting better with each episode. The key to this show is it's pairing of characters which is evident in this episode.

Jake/Amy, Gina/Holt , Terry/Everybody else, Diaz/Boyle

It was refreshing to see a serious/jealous side of Jake. Looks like he will ask Amy out sooner than we thought.

Kwazy Cupcakes was hilarious!! Reminds us of how at times we secretly have stupid addictions ( No offense Candy Crushers )

Diaz stole this episode for me. Her fake laugh..the way she tries to hide her feelings and look bad-ass. "I'm weird"

And of course the usual Boyle moments. "I can hear my thoughts " I HATE PIZZA!! Am i the only one addicted to this show?
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Game of Thrones: And Now His Watch Is Ended (2013)
Season 3, Episode 4
The best episode of this season by a mile!
22 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The episode starts where the last one ended, Jaime Lannister. If anyone felt bad for Jamie when the captors toyed with him, think of Bran and remind yourself he deserves it. I liked how Brienne's question was left unanswered just to build some curiosity. Maybe Jaime has a good side after all.

The Varys/Tyrion segment was a bit average compared to the other ones in this episode. Tyrion may well teach Cersei payback is a bitch.

Olynna Tyrell! Loved her acting. Finally someone to put Cersei in her place. Can't wait to see what the Tyrell's will do once Margaery becomes queen.

Tywin Lannister has to be one of the best characters in the show. Menacing, Arrogant, someone who raises his words and not his voice. I loved the line where he reminds Cersei how dumb she is (Obvious,but still).

Meanwhile at Craster's keep, some of the rangers lose it as they starve to death while Craster boasts about having 99 sons! I wish they hadn't killed Lord Commander Mormont, especially while a wild ling attack is on the horizon.

The Brotherhood without Banners have a secret hideout and are led by Beric Dondarrion. While the Hound denies killing any children, Arya sells him out. Personally i liked the Hound, he just did what was asked for and nothing more. I was hoping to see him fight alongside the Brotherhood.

The best part was saved for the last. Daenarys Stomborn - WOW. Amazing set up, stunning visual effects. Epic soundtrack, watching her speak Valyrian was just too good. The ending was a bit predictable but nothing like how you imagined it in your head.

The worst part of the episode had to end!!

Perfection. To define it in one word. 10/10
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