
12 Reviews
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A work of art
27 November 2020
I love, love, love the movie/musical genre, so I really do want to rate this high. There should be so much more of this. I appreciate that this movie feels like a carefully planned artwork of image, song and dance choreography, and that it dares to be little theatrical. Storywise it's admittedly a bit flimsy, but still fun to watch. Would have been even better if I felt more drawn into the story and if that second song (with the young boy singing) wasn't so cringe worthy. The effects where the movie had a theatre-like vibe made this movie especially fun to watch, just wish they added that even more consistently throughout. All and all fun for movie/musical fanatics, and probably not so much if you dislike cheesy song and dance.
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Parasite (2019)
Worth the watch
7 July 2020
This movie is... memorable. I went into it not knowing what to expect at all, which is how I'd recommend others watch it as well. I would rate the movie an 8, but I find it hard to justify why. If I imagine the exact same story being played out in an American setting, it would get a 4 from me at most. So I settled on a 6... The storyline is absolutely rediculous, but you can't help but to keep watching. Interestingly, the movie doesn't convince you to root for the main characters. That might be it's biggest strength. This movie is definitely worth the watch, if only so that you can form your own opinion.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Watch with a notepad
7 July 2020
This show is complicated, so you better get all the names, faces and timelines in your head if you want to make any sense of the last season lol. What makes this series great is also what makes it weak. By the end I honestly couldn't tell you if all the storyline s had truly been wrapped up well, it was too hard to keep track. The eventual climax seemed a bit simple after everything that led up to it. That said, I do think this series is a work of art in itself. I would love to read this as a book. I would recommend it to others, unless they're looking for something easy to watch.
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La La Land (2016)
I love movie musicals but HATED this
7 July 2020
I was sooo excited for this to movie to finally hit Netflix and even paused the movie after the opening number just to tell my boyfriend that I was sure I was going to love it. Maybe my expectations were set too high, but overall the movie was huge disappointment. The dancing is very stiff, which I first thought was endearing and part of their characters, until I noticed there was no positive progression. The Sebastian storyline with Jazz references was not so much offensive (at least not to me), but just not believable. The musical numbers didn't add much to the storyline. I didn't get invested into the character's background or development. The only thing I liked was that the story seemed to be about young lovers letting each other go in order to fulfill their individual dreams, but that could have been portrayed better. I'm honestly not sure why his movie is rated this high, except for one catchy song.
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Doesn't take itself too seriously
7 July 2020
I expected to HATE this movie and almost turned it off after 10 minutes, but so glad I didn't! This movie is filled with stereotypes, which was a little distracting in the beginning. Isn't this offensive to the people of Iceland?? Then I did my research and found out that it's actually mostly foreigners who think it's offensive to Iceland, while Iceland gets the joke and is having a laugh. Stereotypes and over the top performances ARE Eurovision, so I ended up being glad they ran with it. They had some good Eurovision classic references in there and it was just an overall feel-good movie. I don't remember the last time I actually laughed out loud at a movie from the sheer sillyness of it. It wasn't a so bad it's good type of situation, but just genuinely an enjoyable movie.
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Hollywood (2020)
A little mushy, but I loved it
3 May 2020
Hollywood tackles gender, ethnic and gay racism well, but in my opinion really shines in it's portail of male sexual intimidation. I think we all hear of actresses getting taken advantage of, but this series really opened my eyes that the same could be happening for guys. I except even today! The acting is this series is top notch, especially Jim Parsons took me by surprise, and the production quality is high. It's a little mushy in the end, but at that point you're invested enough in the story that they get away with it.
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Mars (2016–2018)
A must watch for science, space and nature nerds!
19 November 2019
MARS is easily in my top 10 watches of this year and I would highly encourage anyone who is not sick of the climate change discussion to watch it. The series views like a NASA / SpaceX documentary, combined with a futuristic prediction of what our exploration to Mars may look like in the coming decades. Not only did I find the documentary portion informative, the fictional future setting that MARS presents was altogether enticing, well acted and thought provoking. Although season 2 did have a slightly more dramatic and cinematic overtone, it's still well worth the watch.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Original story + Natalie Portman
6 October 2019
The concept of this movie is somewhat interesting, as I don't remember any other show doing quite the same take on alien invasion. - 2 stars for that! There's some other familiar faces in here, though the only acting to stand out is Natalie Portman's. - another 2 stars just for her. After that it starts to crumble. This movie is high mysterie, few answers, but not captivating enough for me to actually care. Instead I'm left kind of annoyed with the uselessness of some of the story lines and the great shots mixed with bad effects. The movie begs for a sequel, though I'm hoping they won't make one.
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Watched at least 6 times, still enjoyable
25 September 2019
I may be one of the lucky ones to have watched this movie before ever hearing there's a "better" version out there. This movie makes me happy. It's random with a good chunk of wild imagination, cheeky comments and bits of wisdom if you want to find it. The acting is a little simple, but in my opinion fits the movie perfectly. It helps set the tone for dreamlike, feel good, silly experience. It's a light, comedic watch and for those who are not overcritical it's highly entertaining.
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Maniac (2018)
Left me feeling unfulfilled
11 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show feels like a piece of art. You just have to appreciate the creativitity of the shows writers, who introduce new elements to a 70s setting, all the while keeping it totally relatable. From my perspective, the show focussed more on Annie's development than it did on Owen's, which I missed a little. I missed some character development in support roles. Dr. Mantleray was an over the top portail that didn't make sense to me, nor did his romance with Azumi. The show missed a chance for Annie to take responsibility in the incident, rather than blaming what'shisname F.U.N.. The flashes through different pill scenarios was entertaining, but in the end the show leaves me feeling kind of weird and unfulfilled. I think it had potential to tell a stronger story, rather than just Annie's and an artistic image. I'm happy I watch it, but wouldn't necessarily recommend it.
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Surprise! It's about Tony Robbins & A Date with Destiny
7 February 2019
I'm having the grandest time reading through these reviews below, but will stop now to make a contribution of my own. If you watch this documentary and end up feeling enraged or frustrated, I wonder if you're mindset was right to begin with. For those complainig that it's basically advertisement; you knew what the documentary was going to be about, right? Getting mad about this is like ordering pizza and then getting mad when it actually gets delivered. God forbid there's a flyer in there too.. I'll be the first to admit that Tony Robbins isn't for everyone, but then again, no one forced you to start watching or keep watching when you noticed it wasn't you cup of tea. For those of us who did enjoy it (myself included) the documentary taught me two things: 1) the complexity of human emotions (there's always more to a person's story) and 2) what a brilliant business strategy Tony applies. And just because it's business, doesn't mean it's not valuable. The fact that it's valuable makes it incredibly good business. Great watch for anyone looking to grow their personal success.
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Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box keeps you guessing
31 December 2018
Bird Box is worth the watch if you're into post-apocolyptic stories. The acting is convincing and they've painted a great cinematic picture. I personally would loved to have seen this as a series rather than a movie, as this would give us more opportunity to learn about the why and how of these creatures, as well as the journey of survival within those 5 years separating the flashbacks, and what happens after the movie ends. It feels.. unfinished. Although the lack of clear answers is somewhat part of its charm, I'm disapointed that the filmmakers hintedat those unaffected (or shall we say, differently affected) being mentally disturbed. I would like to learn why the creatures affected them differently. This however leads into a rabit hole of other questions that the movie left unanswered, so perhaps they purposely left us in suspense. Another option is that they opted for a cheap secondary antagonist without giving it much back story, but I don't know if this was was perhaps explained in the book but the movie left it out. What still makes it a 7 for me, is that Bird Box managed to stick in my head for some time after watching. All in all the level of entertainment I got from wondering about this story was perhaps just as fun as watching the movie itself.
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