
63 Reviews
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The Tearsmith (2024)
Lost in translation
26 April 2024
I watched this movie twice. Why?

The first time it was in English. I'm guessing my Netflix was set to automatically dub in English. The dubbing was actually pretty good because I forgot about it through most of the movie.

I had no idea what the storyline was so I had a super creepy feeling about a couple adopting two teenagers. I kept waiting for some abuse from them to happen.

When it was over I was left a bit confused. I enjoyed the mood of the movie, the music, and I was relieved to see it was a love story. But something was missing.

The next day I watched it again but in Italian with English subtitles. Soooo much better. To me the dubbing removed the emotion of the movie. It also dumbed down the dialogue.
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Fun soap opera
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Natalie agrees to marry a stranger in exchange for $50k (from her father) to pay off her mother's medical bills (his first wife). The arranged marriage is to Sebastian, the illegitimate son of a rich family who has made a deal with her father (details unknown). It's worth mentioning Natalie's father is controlled by his second wife and daughter. They refer to her as a step sister but in reality she's a half sister. Sebastian turns out to be a mastermind businessman who leads a secret life and plan to take over his family's empire. Of course he and Natalie fall in love during their fake marriage because they are both the black sheep of their families and really good people. Super cheesy but fun. It's free online.
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27 March 2024
I hated the ending. I loathed the mother the entire 7 episodes. She was made out to be a woman who sacrificed everything for her family but yet I only saw selfish behavior. It was about the time of the cake scene I decided she was a very stupid woman and a bad mom.

My superficial complaint is the casting of the 4 siblings. There was zero resemblance with any of them. Not even a little bit. It was distracting. I kept expecting to find out one of them was the result of an affair.

The worst character was Brooke. She wore a very unflattering ponytail the entire series. I did not care for the female Jimmy Fallon that played her fiancé. But yet the character was treated as "perfect" and loved by everyone.
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9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer caught my interest because it implied that some people do better on plant based diets and some people on a more carnivorous diet. This idea has been discussed in my own home many times because differences between my husband and me. I don't really care for meat and he does. I was looking forward to seeing a study that might prove we are each drawn to what our bodies naturally need.

The BIG thing missing from this show is processed food and it's actual blame for the health issues in the US. Not dairy. Not meat. It's almost comical that we found ourselves being lectured by "experts" instead of watching an unbiased study.

We watched a documentary a while back about what happened to the health of a Samoan island tribe with the introduction of flour and sugar. I recommend that one instead of this.
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Darby and Joan (2022– )
Missing good writing
3 January 2024
The two leads are VERY likable. I admit I finished the first season in two days mostly because I liked their characters.

I love the Australian backdrop. They filmed in some truly beautiful locations.

And I love some of the Easter eggs included. For example the scene with Jack in the bar had me laughing.

My main problem is the script. It's rather cheesy. There is unnecessary dialog in every single episode. As if they are either adding filler or treating the audience as if we are all dense. This makes the show slow and somewhat boring. And I could do without any of the action scenes. They are silly and blatantly choreographed.
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Spiked eggnog
19 November 2023
I thought I was watching a squeaky clean Christmas rom-com but within a few minutes an F bomb made me reassess. It's all exactly like a Hallmark movie but with a naughty sexual undertone. I appreciate what they were doing. Once you get over it and accept it for what it is, it's really funny.

On a Hallmark level I actually liked the story and found the main couple had some chemistry. They checked all the boxes. Small town, cheesy parents, awful ex, misunderstanding near the end that causes someone to leave, kiss at the end.

I'm kinda surprised this is rated a 5, and not a 6 at the very least.
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AHS wannabe
21 October 2023
On its own it's a fair series. It's definitely a step up from last years Midnight Club. But there were a few things I've always respected Flanagan for that he lost sight of. The scenes in the old house between Rod and the lawyer felt very Flanagan. Other present time scenes were very Ryan Murphy.

My biggest complaint is in the development of Rods character from 1979 to explain his choices. I expected more of an "aha" moment. I understand Madeline's evolution.

And last but not least- the overuse of the f word. In my family alone some of us use it more than others. A couple never use it. It was lazy dialogue writing to have them ALL using it all the time. It was distracting and made the show less enjoyable.
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Black Snow (2022– )
Like reading a book
18 October 2023
I binged this in two days. There was something about the storyline with the flashbacks that reminded me of a really good book.

The show did a really good job of fleshing out the town and locations so that all scenes made sense and by the end you knew where everything had happened.

Half of the reviews are about the acting but I have zero complaints. If anything I would only complain about a couple of miscasting issues. Mainly Hazel. She looks like a supermodel compared to the rest of the family including her own daughter.

There were a couple of unresolved storylines but I have hopes there will be a second season and these will be explored and/or explained.
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Found (2023– )
Had potential
11 October 2023
The first episode was pretty good. I haven't watched a network series in years. I usually stick to streaming services. This show had so much potential. If they had stuck to the original premise from the first episode I would have been hooked. Instead they veered off to the left, sharp left, and lost me.

Too bad. I really liked all of the actors involved. And I appreciated the original message that not all missing children are treated equally.

Back to steaming series and movies for me. I'd like to end my review now. Please, for the love of God can the required characters for these be lowered.
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The Morning Show: Lonely at the Top (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Two sides are shown
31 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Most of these reviews are focused on the episode from Hannah's side. What I thought was excellent was having the opportunity to see why Mitch would genuinely think he's done nothing wrong in a flashback, and understand why.

The solid answer was because people didn't say no to him. He was living in a fantasy as his reality. The scenes from his home life all the way to the birthday party. Unreal. His wife, sitting off to the side like a bit character in his life. He was surrounded by women who didn't challenge his actions.

The hotel room I was able to see how he saw himself. How he lived in a world where lines could be crossed because he never had any repercussions for crossing them- wife stays, girlfriend gets traded, attractive women automatically say "I like you too".
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The "pig" in the room
7 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At the start there's a ransom note delivered to a father with a prominent career. His daughter's finger is also in the envelope. The first episode of Black Mirror popped into my head. Then 2/3 into the episode the actor who played the father in Black Mirror was introduced as an important character. Funny coincidence.

Overall these two episodes are probably my favorite since Sam Ryan left the show. It had just enough mystery and suspense to feel like a movie. In fact it kind of reminded me of Murder by Numbers.

I wish I didn't have to prattle on about nothing to reach the required characters.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Don't look too hard
1 July 2023
At first I found myself trying to figure out which political party this movie was making fun of. I assumed based off the actors involved it would be the standard Blue=good and Red=bad. Instead I found the movie makes fun of both. Everyone gets thrown under the bus. If you're willing to watch it for the bigger picture and not for hidden political messages you will enjoy the movie. Let me repeat that- this movie makes fun of everyone including journalists, pop stars, actors, and tv personalities.

I especially appreciate the quick documentary style clips of people and animals of our planet. It had a message without feeling preachy.
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Silent Witness: A Time to Heal: Part 2 (2004)
Season 8, Episode 2
6 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm super late to this series so I only started it last year. I am shocked in how they chose to end Sam Ryan's storyline.

One of the things I liked about her character is that she lived her life unapologetically. She decided not to have children. She decided to put her career first. If she was attracted to a men she would sleep with him. She lived as a man might. Sometimes before meeting her, people would assume she was a man based off her name. I always saw this as a nod to her lifestyle.

I also respected how calm and levelheaded she was able to remain. It was refreshing to see a female written this way.

I barely recognized her in these two final episodes. The mood was "happy ending" but I just sat there thinking WTF as her car drove away.
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Who is this for?
30 March 2023
I was excited to watch this because I was the age of these kids in this time period and I was a huge Christopher Pike fan back then. I am currently a fan of Mike Flanigans work. The first episode held all the promise of an excellent series but with each episode that promise was broken bit by bit. I lost my viewing partner by episode 6 (adult male) and muddled through the rest of it on my own. Unlike other works of Mike Flanigans I will not be rewatching this nor recommending it to anyone.

So maybe it's not for me or my demographic. It's for teenagers? Do you know any teenagers who would sit through this much dialogue?

Pros: The music. Some of the stories told by characters- especially the car in the garage one.

Cons: Weak characters and character development. With 10 episodes there was more than enough time but it was wasted on gratuitous dialogue. The teens don't look sick and rarely act it. The plot was at times unclear and devoid of focus.
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20 March 2023
My first complaint is the filming was too dark. Every interior shot had lights off with only a lamp or two on. Who fills a bathtub in the dark? Who offers someone coffee and walks into a dark kitchen without turning the lights on? You could play a drinking game while watching this movie. Take a swig every time you see a lamp that's on.

My next complaint is the lack of story. There is a lot of filler scenes. Main character doing nothing or something mundane like walking.

My last complaint is the complete disregard with facts this movie took. I looked it up after watching and can't believe how embellished Lorettas story is. It's actually disrespectful to her memory.
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I'll have a Coke
17 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this with my teenage son. We both found it entertaining and binged the 4 episodes to find out what happened. It's funny, afterwards we both admitted we will probably never look at a Pepsi again without thinking about this documentary. The Philippians story was absolutely horrendous.

I disagree with the judge and can't help but think she was in Pepsi's pocket. She had the opportunity to make an example of a rich company and their responsibility to consumers. Do I think he should get a jet? No. But I think he should have been awarded the value of the jet- 32 million. And if they were smart Pepsi would have included a clause that they could use his story in their advertising.
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Best advice
3 February 2023
Was the reviewer who said give it 20 minutes. I was only 10 minutes in and about to turn it off when I came on here to double check that it was bad and saw that advice. I gave it another 10 minutes and that's when things picked up.

It's a comedy/action not so much romantic comedy. I love Jennifer Coolidge and once again she did not disappoint. The humor got better as the movie went on. It was fun!

Since I'm required to prattle on for a few hundred more characters I'll go ahead a point out that Jennifer Lopez does not age. When Carol asks her if it's genetics or Pilates I was wondering the same thing.
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Shetland: Episode #7.6 (2022)
Season 7, Episode 6
Disappointed yet relieved
1 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The bad- An entire season with fleeting moments of Cass and Duncan. They deserved more if this was their end. The storyline was too American. They introduced words we normally didn't hear in the show and references to the US that were not in the spirit of the Shetland series I fell in love with. I prefer the two episode crimes instead of an entire season.

The good- I love that they changed Tosh's ponytail. Her former style was too juvenile for her job. And sometimes it was so messy I found it distracting. I'm kinda glad her pregnancy was skipped over and I'm happy that she had a girl.

Perez- I'm relieved that he's leaving. The actor that's playing him looks tired and aged this season. Perhaps that was done on purpose. I see the actress listed who might be taking over and I am SO excited. I love her!
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Shetland: Episode #6.6 (2021)
Season 6, Episode 6
25 January 2023
This was my least favorite episode which ended up ruining the entire season. I rewatched earlier seasons just to remind me why I like the show.

The storyline with Duncan was unnecessary and the season cliffhanger was not needed. The main island mystery with the Donnie and Sandy, and the father side stories would have been plenty.

The way season 5 ended in contrast was funny and heartwarming which made me look forward to the return of the show. I am about to watch season 7 but I'm not excited.

Because I haven't hit the required characters I will add that I love when interesting local things are included. The cake stand/case next to the lake in the middle of nowhere was cute.
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A bit messy
15 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There were some really good things about this movie. I understand what they were trying to do here. But it was too much. Even with trying to tie certain characters and their stories together it all felt a bit clunky. Several movies could have been made out of this one so you would think it was rushed but it wasn't. There were plenty of filler moments including an obvious product placement/commercial scene.

What is interesting is this didn't have a Hallmark feel to it. It actually seemed more Netflix. There was a negative undertone to all the stories. Multiple characters were mean or rude to each other, sometimes for no reason. I found the ending kind of sad.
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Christmas Bedtime Stories (2022 TV Movie)
Too much
12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll echo what everyone else is saying- the ending was ridiculous. I did not shed a tear. I sat and watched in disbelief as the writers managed to destroy a love story about loss and moving on. Every single feel good moment of the movie suddenly meant nothing.

The 3 stars are for the actors. Despite the weird storyline they gave quality performances.

Hallmark usually delivers on the happy ending by following a formula where we all see the one guy is not good for the leading lady so that when the break-up happens we are happy about it. This one was out of the blue. It was sad and I felt bad for Pierce.
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Noel Next Door (2022 TV Movie)
Hallmark has lost the plot
3 November 2022
I've been watching their movies for years. This movie is the beginning of the end for me. They introduced so many unwanted elements that I forgot I was supposed to be watching a Christmas movie.

Instead of losing myself in the holiday spirit I started thinking about things that have nothing to do with Christmas. This is not the Hallmark I used to know. I belong to their wine club. I have the blanket, mug and popcorn bowl. I have the app to keep track of which movies I've already seen. But it might be time for me to move on. There's a competing channel/company that I guess I should check out now.

I did like the actors in this and appreciated the modern day Scrooge attempt.
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Mood (season 1)
28 October 2022
There is a mood with this show along with the music that I totally dig. I also love the gritty location and the way nothing is new or clean. The sets (buildings, vehicles, interiors) are completely believable.

I can't complain about any of the acting. Everyone did an excellent job. All actors were authentic and looked like normal people which I appreciate.

I admit I went into this expecting to be disappointed. Boy was I wrong. I look forward to the next season.

It's interesting that my review must be 600 characters. It's as if they want all reviews to contain spoilers because there's no way to fill that quota with them.
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Martin Short
20 August 2022
His character Oliver Putnam is my absolute favorite. He adds the humor and the comments that keep the show moving and afloat. Without him I'm not sure I'd like it as much.
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Hallmark...but better
6 August 2022
I was in the mood for a cheesy romantic movie and this did not disappoint. It was better than I expected. I know others are unhappy about the Indian cliches but I found them endearing.
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