
33 Reviews
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No "thank you for penguin sledding with me."?
24 February 2024
I feel disappointed with so much mix and match of events. Every story in avatar is worth telling, and doesn't deserve to be tangled with other events to shorten them. Even The Great Divide is worth telling. They skipped so much. I mean, where is Jeong Jeong? The comedic element is almost negligible.

I think it's very fast paced. And there are some major restructuring of storytelling which is achieved by taking shortcuts. It's like movie version of a detailed book. You lose so much in a movie but if you read the original book, you find so much more depth to every story. I can see why the original creators of the avatar universe parted ways from this project. They did make some changes to the story too. The fandom probably won't like those changes. Not major changes but ATLA fandom is very religious about the show. Like, penguin sledding is quite a significant event in a hindsight.

There won't be many surprises or plot twists for you if you watch the animated series after you watch the live action series. Actually same can be said about the live action series but the level of detail you get in the animated series makes it worth watching it first.

Acting is good for the most part. Visuals are great! Casting could have been better.

As a standalone series, this would have been rated a lot higher. So, there is surely a bias when reviewing this series, not just from me, but from the whole fandom. And I would say, rightfully so. We know what it could've been if done correctly. It only reflects how amazing this story and universe is, even when the whole story isn't told correctly, if that makes sense. As Zuko often says, all hope is lost (for future seasons). Will the real uncle Iroh please stand up?
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Way too long
29 October 2023
This is based on true story. So all the marks are purely based on screenplay, storytelling, cinematography, score, acting and directing. This could have been easily less than 3 hours movie. Cinematography felt forced and some scenes were too long that they made no sense. Score was okayish. There were so many characters that it was hard to follow who is who and who're they referring to. So, storytelling was also okayish. Directing was good but I've seen better and you'd expect better from Martin. Acting was great. The whole cast is amazing and everyone acting amazingly. I had no prior knowledge of this story but I still could predict what's coming next. There was absolutely no element of surprise. I think 7/10 is pretty generous.
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Secret Invasion: Resurrection (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
21 June 2023
The episode is so tense. I think this is one of the best tv episodes from marvel I've seen since Loki. It's so good to see Nick Fury back! Him and Maria Hill. Together! Such a dream come true. I don't wanna go into details so that I don't spoil but man, the episode is amazing! It's very new, very refreshing. And glad it's a serious tone and not funny/comedy kind. I really hope to see some Agents Of SHIELD characters specially Quake in upcoming episodes. The score is also amazing and compliments the tense scenes amazingly. The ending was so unexpected and I was completely blown away and it's only episode 1. I started with no high expectations but I ended up loving it. Now the bar has been set high for remaining 5 episodes. I hope they're as good as this first episode. Avoid spoilers at all cost! As the show says, trust no one. Even if you see any spoilers, don't trust them haha. Easy 10/10.
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The wait was worth it!
18 October 2022
I went to watch it with some friends here in California and we were all blown away! Bilal Lashari has done it again. It's hands down the best movie Lollywood has ever produced. The cinematography is very much comparable to Hollywood movies which is a significant improvement for our film industry given that we have not as many resources available compared to them. Probably 10% of what Hollywood has. The story is phenomenal! I never watched the original Sultan Rahi Maula Jatt movies so I don't know their story but I still know the famous dialogues. Really amazing storyline. And the acting uff! Fawad Khan never fails to deliver. Humaima Malik played the role of Daro phenomenally! And Noori Natt wow! Hamza Ali Abbas really took it to next level. The ingenuity he brought to his character. Brilliant! Mahira Khan's Punjabi felt a bit off but still great for someone who doesn't speak Punjabi. But flawless acting!

Everything about the movie is perfect! The dialogue I waited to heat during the whole movie came at the best possible time! Hope they make a sequel!
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Rick and Morty: Juricksic Mort (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
Hands down my favorite episode of the season so far
11 October 2022
This is the kind of stuff that I personally expect from Rick and Morty. Everything is just total nonsense which makes it super funny. It was a very PG-18 episode which I like very much.

I really loved the dinosaurs names song. But it's not available on Spotify.

Just because Rick dorsal have portal gun, we tend to forget how smart and genius he is. That's very well displayed in this episode.

I love marvel movies and tv shows, so I really crack up whenever they refer to any of the marvel stuff in any episode. This episode has some of that too!

Sad they took a 6 weeks break. This has been an amazing season so far.
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Rick and Morty: Solaricks (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
A breath of fresh air
15 September 2022
Finally we get a glimpse of what our Rick is up against. This is a big episode. This was only the 2nd appearance of Rick Prime. We got to dive into our Rick's past and what really transpired that made him who he is now. It only took 6 seasons to finally see Rick Prime in action. Previous appearance was just a memory. I hope it doesn't take another 5-6 seasons for his story to unfold.

Learned a lot more about portal fluids. Maybe there's more to it than what meets the eyes.

Apocalyptic Jerry scene with Morty was so tense and emotional. Great writing!

It was very poetic. At the end, everyone knew their place in the universe.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
It's like poetry
23 August 2022
Walt would do anything for Jesse. Jimmy would do anything for Kimmy. I teared up when Kim says Hi Jimmy. All the flashbacks with the dead people, led to the death of Saul and rebirth of Jimmy. It was portrayed in the most poetic way possible. I'm gonna miss Jimmy and Kim so much! Thank you Vince and Peter! *standing ovation*
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Amazing 1st episode!
19 August 2022
They covered so much in just 30min! It did seem fast paced but it felt good. CGI could have been better. I love that *SPOILER ALERT* she can break the 4th wall. Post credit scene was pretty funny! Can't wait for 2nd episode!
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Better Call Saul: Breaking Bad (2022)
Season 6, Episode 11
It was nice. Felt like a classic Jimmy McGill episode
2 August 2022
It was a nice episode with lots of going back and forth between past and present. The promised cameo of the two legends was a bit underwhelming. But at this point, I was just happy to see them again. They can't really do anything about their age, specially Aaron Paul. Still wondering what Gene was so mad about in the phone booth. Guess we'll find out soon enough. Direction and storytelling was spot on as usual. The score was really good too. Very excited for the last two episodes!
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Better Call Saul: Fun and Games (2022)
Season 6, Episode 9
Kim's acting is pure treat to watch
19 July 2022
I love how much attention to details they provide. And how deep they cover certain stories. Even if something is not worth telling, they explore it and make it so much worth watching. Another episode with so many emotions running throughout. Thank you for making this show in our lifetime.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
It was a golden age of Marvel TV shows
14 July 2022
I am doing a rewatch and just couldn't help but appreciate how good this show is compared to all current Marvel Studios shows. The depth of every character is insane. The storyline is amazing! Don't get me wrong, the show has had its bad days, but overall it's absolutely amazing! I love that they used to make so many episodes in every season. Now, just 6. It's extremely underrated. MCU canon or not, this show has created its own league. Every season is like a brand new TV series and all the seasons competing with each other. Hope to see some of these characters appearing in future MCU projects.
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Ms. Marvel: No Normal (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
8/10 because of post credit scene
13 July 2022
It was very underwhelming. They really did a good job till ep 5 but ep 6 was just meh. Nothing much really happened. They should have just combined ep 5 and 6. I had high expectations I guess. Also looks like blue angels theory is turning out to be true. We'll find out more in The Marvels I guess. Nothing is yet confirmed. Which kind of is annoying. It's an origin story and they completely sidelined the origin of Kamala Khan. I would have loved some background about that blue hand we saw in the earlier episode. And also the origin of the bangle. Where did it come from, etc. So many questions and no answers.

All the Pakistani bits were nice and pretty accurate, so that was fun to watch. Otherwise it's not a very interesting episode/ending. But you're entitled to have your own opinion.
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Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
Ep 7 and 8 can be made into a feature film
12 July 2022
This episode was so tense yet beautifully made. So many mixed feelings and emotions throughout the episode. Better Call Saul is just way way ahead of any current TV show airing.
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I really don't understand the negative reviews
10 July 2022
This movie is so refreshing to watch. There are three parts really. Comedy, love and some amazing fights! Love and Thunder seems very appropriate name when you finish watching the movie. The only element I found missing was Loki. It would have been a perfect 10/10 if he was there. Nevertheless, it's still a lot of fun to watch. Oh and the score! I had my eyes watery and had goosebumps several times! I like how they kept Thor at the center of the whole movie. Also, we finally see why Jane and Thor grew apart. It's basically just a classic Thor adventure(like an average Rick and Morty episode). If you're taking it to seriously, you're doing it wrong.

Loved every scene of Christian Bale's Gorr! He's just a phenomenal actor!

Deserving 9/10.
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Ms. Marvel: Time and Again (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Interesting twist
6 July 2022
Every episode is full of surprises. You can never tell what's coming next which I absolutely love about any movie and/or tv show and ms marvel is full of it. New characters coming into play. Overall very balanced episode with a lot of story unfolding and some new questions popping up. Can't wait for the season finale!
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Ms. Marvel: Seeing Red (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Amazing and interesting!
29 June 2022
It's really a first for Pakistan. Pakistani directors and producers should take notes. Even in streets so tight, they pulled it off amazingly well! Hats off! Story is getting more interesting with each new episode. Trying to keep the review spoiler-free. I'm just so happy that this show is happening in my life time. I can't expect anything remotely as good from Pakistani producers. Thank you marvel for showing me my hometown.
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Ms. Marvel: Destined (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Amazing turn of events!
23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Marvel really teased us first with blue skin color but they quickly took it away from us by calling them djinn. I was so much hoping for them to be Kree or Inhumans. Perhaps they're lying? Having some knowledge about djinn did help. Really excited to see Karachi in the next episode!!
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Ms. Marvel: Generation Why (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Speaking as a Pakistani, I love it!
9 June 2022
Just being able to see some relevant culture being featured at this level is something rare. Storyline seems pretty interesting too but too soon to say anything. Acting is brilliant. They even got Urdu language right!(I can say this because my native tongue is Urdu) A lot of people complained about Marvel not getting Mandarin in Moonknight right. So, kudos to them this time around.

Super hyped for ep2!!
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
24 May 2022
I REALLY DIDNT SEE THAT COMING. Okay trying to calm down. OMG OMG OMG. WTF! Okay relax. It's a just a tv show. I'll get over it. NOT ANY TIME SOON MF! WTH MAN! Collateral Damage FFFFF! TEN/TEN but WTF MAN!! Oh God why!! Alright I'll stop *shivers*
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Giving it 10/10 counter DC fanboy's 1/10. Movie is a solid 8-8.5
9 May 2022
It was pretty good! A lot was covered in the 2 hours. It almost felt like a horror movie at some instances. Amazing acting by Elizabeth and Benedict. Absolutely phenomenal graphics. Having watched Agents of SHIELD really helped! I really like what they're doing to the character of Scarlet Witch. I admit it was rushed. There could have been a lot more to what they did during the whole runtime but over all pretty cool and unpredictable. Hope to see more of the multiverse in future marvel projects. Also, this should go without saying, but you'll need to watch wandavision to understand it.
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Better Call Saul: Hit and Run (2022)
Season 6, Episode 4
Love the depth they give to everything
3 May 2022
I also love that despite of so many important things going on in the show, they keep Jimmy on top. Specially his conmanship. Not a lot happened but still a great episode!
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Better Call Saul: Rock and Hard Place (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
Never seen anything like it
26 April 2022
Not gonna spoil it for anyone but this could be one of the best if not the greatest episodes of the whole breaking bad franchise. I am seriously speechless. And this is only episode 3.
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Moon Knight: The Goldfish Problem (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Pretty intense!
30 March 2022
It almost felt like a horror movie. Gotta give it to Marvel. They already got me hooked. So many questions. We'll most likely get answers as the show progresses. The score isn't the best but it's not bad either. However they could have gone with fewer songs. Looking forward to the next episode!
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Peaky Blinders: Gold (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
Some goods and bads
13 March 2022
It's probably just me but peaky blinders appeared to have gone soft in this episode. Nevertheless, great storytelling. Today's episode had more drama than action. Hoping for some action now.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
My forever favorite
8 March 2022
A friend of mine suggested to watch this show. So I watched it and reallyyyy liked it. I mean I only started watch Star Wars stuff a couple years back. I actually cried at the end of season 2. After about a month, my friend who suggested me this, passed away. He was one of the 2 closest friends I've ever had. It's been almost 7 months now and I'm still not over it. Anything even remotely related to the Mandalorian reminds me of him. I cried like again at the end of The Book of Boba Fett. He would have liked it. Here's to remembering those who are gone too soon. I love you man and I will see you again.
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