
48 Reviews
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Hostages (2022– )
Great until the end
7 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, a great and through documentary. I was disappointed that they tried to put speculation in there about Reagan wanting to keep the hostages there until after the election. It seems like the democrats just have to question every election and throw a conspiracy in there (the Iranians in 1980 and the Russians more recently.) Even one of the guys in the documentary said all of his evidence was circumstantial. So it was basically pointless to put it in there. Other than that unnecessary part, it was nice to see how they showed America coming together to support the hostages, as well as including interviews.
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The Hobbit (1977 TV Movie)
Better than Peter Jackson's version
14 January 2022
This movie is truer to the storyline than Peter Jackson's. The songs are catchy, the storyline is consistent and no extra fluff from Jackson's abominations. Well done!
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The ending sucked
6 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed most of the movie but the ending sucked. They totally ruined the legacy of bill and Ted because their kids end up being the ones who come up with the song, not actually Bill and Ted. This totally craps on the original storyline.
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TURN: Washington's Spies (2014–2017)
20 June 2021
This show had so much potential but was ruined by the annoying adulterous trysts that they showed. Why can't the writers just stick to history and what actually happened? Instead we get a tiny bit of history mixed in with fictitious subplots with too much time spent on a made up soap opera love story. I was literally hoping that Abe or Anna would get arrested so that I wouldn't have to endure their middle school fling.
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Cruella (2021)
28 May 2021
Boring boring boring. This movie is so cliche that it's amazing it was even made.
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Enjoyable, but Carrey was terrible
6 March 2021
Great film, great acting and storyline, except for Jim Carrey. I'm not sure if it was his acting or his lines but he was terrible.
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Extremely sad!
3 October 2020
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This documentary is very well done. I was familiar with the case and actually had watched the police interviews before seeing this. This documentary does a great job at including background information. It shows what a charming/sweet lady Shanan was and I thought the documentary really respected her. I have no idea how or why Chris did what he did and unfortunately this documentary leaves that question open.
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South Park: The Pandemic Special (2020)
Season 24, Episode 1
2 October 2020
They could've done so much better, but they didn't. South Park hasn't been funny for a long time. It's time for Matt and Trey to retire.
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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015–2019)
No wonder why it had such low viewing numbers
14 August 2020
This show is for people who like drama. While there are a few funny moments, the majority of the show is downright boring and dramatic. The songs are also terribly written. They're not catchy and they sound like they created them five minutes before recording the show. Also, the main character is annoying.
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Does it feel like a Star Wars film
20 December 2019
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This movie did not feel like a Star Wars film. This and the last Jedi make the prequels look Oscar worthy. It is clear from this movie that the writers have very little knowledge of Star Wars. Palpatine surviving was stupid. I would define it as a rookie mistake. They basically took a crap on the originals. May God have mercy on the souls of the writers and the abomination of the company called Disney.
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Bad Santa (2003)
19 November 2019
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I wanted to like this movie, but I just couldn't. The main issue is that the main character "Willie" is not likeable in the least bit. He is pretty much an alcoholic jerk who wouldn't have had a job as a santa in real life, there would have been so many complaints that he would've been fired the first day. The film literally has no redeeming qualities.
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Joker (I) (2019)
So basically Joker has a psychotic disorder
5 October 2019
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The acting in this movie was superb and the music was excellent. That being said, I was disappointed that they painted the joker as someone with a schizophrenic disorder. The stigma of mental illness is already a problem that plagues society, it's disappointing for Hollywood to continue to endorse the negative stigma. In reality, the majority of crimes are not committed by people who are mentally ill. Also, there is no way they would have stopped a persons medicine cold turkey just because they ran out of funds. They always refer them to someone who can fill their medication, especially when someone is severely mentally ill. In reality, the social worker who didn't refer him to someone would have been held legally liable for the murders.
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Scream (1996)
Does not age well
23 September 2019
This movie may have been scary in the 1990s, but it cannot compete with today's horror genre. I recently watched this movie for the first time and I can honestly say that I didn't feel scared or freaked out once during the entire movie.
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Hustlers (2019)
Mediocre at best
16 September 2019
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This movie wasn't the worst one that I've ever seen. That being said, it certainly wasn't the best. The problem is that the director tried too hard to make the actresses look sexy and shied too much away from character development. Each character ended up being a shallow figure whose biggest strengths were her dance moves. In this day and age I would've expected something far better.
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Good idea, boring implementation.
9 September 2019
The first two episodes were interesting. The rest were boring.
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Lady Ga Ga cannot act
27 February 2019
I know she received an Oscar for her performance, but she really can't act. It seriously makes the oscars look like they're fixed or something because they definitely aren't going according to talent. The love story was lame and shallow. The story did not accurately depict alcoholism. Any remake should be disqualified for an Oscar.
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
Groundhog Day Rip-off
7 February 2019
This show is evidence that Hollywood cannot think of anything original. It is a purely a Groundhog Day rip-off, though far less entertaining. Sure, it has a new twist to the story, but it completely fails in delivery.
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Mindhunter (2017–2019)
Acting is terrible
27 January 2019
The acting is terrible. It's extremely wooden and shallow. Decent storyline
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Schooled (2019–2020)
Just Okay
27 January 2019
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First, let me say that I am a huge fan of the goldbergs. It's one of my favorite shows. When I heard they were doing a spin-off on Lainey, it seemed kind of weird to me but I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt. Well after watching the first couple episodes, it's clear that this will be a short series. Lainey does not make a good lead. Her dialogue is unfunny and some of what she does does not make sense. Like even though the principal has been teaching more than a decade longer than her, she is trying to teach him how to be a better principal? That doesn't even make sense. The narration is also annoying. It written in a way that is very soap opera.
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Great comprehensive documentary
26 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great documentary, it's very comprehensive in its coverage and gives great interviews. The documentary can definitely be watched alone, despite what the marketing department said. I was surprised that one of his defense lawyers still thinks that he was not competent because of his erratic behavior, typical lawyer.
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More anti Mormon propoganda
23 January 2019
This movie had potential but lost it in its obviously exaggerated depiction of early Mormons. After watching this, one had to wonder if the directors purpose was to tell the story of a tragedy or to pursuade everyone that Mormons are terrible human beings. I actually laughed a few times at some of the lines the actors had to deliver. They may as well had just come out and said "Mormons are evil, stay away from them."
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Fyre (2019)
Great documentary, a scary look at Americas future
22 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is very well made. As pointed in other reviews, this one is far superior to the Hulu documentary. I appreciated all the interviews and background information. That being said, the host of the festival was made out to be a grade A d-bag and entitled. As were most of the festival goers. One of the customers was laughing because his friend urinated on mattresses to ensure that they could be separated from everyone (the very first night.) I would expect people to start engaging in rude and animalistic behaviors after a few days, but they did it the very first night. It really showed that millennials are completely unprepared for anything that doesn't go as planned. The other thing that was disturbing was how self-entitled some of the creators were. One of the guys thought that a sexual favor from him to bribe a custom official was worth $175,000! What planet does he live on? Overall a great documentary, but a scary look at the future of America.
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Great Documentary
21 January 2019
This was a great documentary. It was very comprehensive in its coverage of the events. After reading some reviews, it appears people are rating low because they're frustrated with the parents. That's not an accurate rating. Is the story frustrating? Yes. But that doesn't mean that the documentary is not well done.
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Titanic (1997)
Doesn't age well
16 January 2019
Only the emotionally immature will find this story romantic. It also doesn't age well. The CGI is absolutely terrible compared to today's standards. It was painfully obvious which scenes used a green screen. The acting is very wooden (there's a reason Leo's only won one Oscar in his entire career.)
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Decent, but overlong
7 January 2019
The movie can be described as "decent" at its best. The movie fails in its length and use of CGI. I don't think there was a single camera shot that didn't include some kind of CGI. The acting was okay, but the humor was misplaced. It's time for the avenger movies to end.
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