
8 Reviews
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Tunnelen (2019)
Predictable but had its moments
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I made it all the way through, so that says something. I usually bail if I roll my eyes one too many times. That being said, there's no way I would not have refused that little purple-long-haired hitchhiker a ride if I were driving that truck, and I would've gotten him killed. :) I wish I knew the actor's name. I hope that's his real hair :) Try not to focus on all the timeline holes. Like the fact that the truck driver who caused the fire definitely drove for more than 1 or 2 miles if he was doing the speed limit in that tunnel. And all the times people were walking around with nothing protecting their faces when all of them had clothing of some type to stop the smoke or at least filter it out. I probably would've died in there but it would have been automatic to cover my face and never remove it. And get down and crawl. Plus why would they only have an option of running those fans at 25% or 100%? Why not something in the middle? Up it to 50%? I might've read the knob wrong when they opened the box to raise the fans up, but it sure looked like it was only two choices and not a gradual rise. All-in-all, it's a very, VERY typical disaster movie.
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Hoarders: Carol (2020)
Season 11, Episode 1
Another Way To Look At This
6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Was Carol a hoarder BEFORE she married Dave, or did these symptoms exhibit themselves after? One possibility is she or she and Dave killed his first wife so they could be together since the three "were so close." They kept emphasizing "how close they were." Everyone kept saying "we never saw Be's depression" and "she hid it well" and "our house was a party house". Well, maybe it was because it didn't exist. Then after the murder, Carol felt so guilty about what had happened that she turned to hoarding to try to keep everyone out so she wouldn't have to face them about killing their mom. It happens.
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16 to Life (2009)
One Of Those " Pleasant Surprises "
1 May 2012
This was one of those, "Well, I have two hours to kill; let's try it" type of movie, and then finding yourself extremely happy you did! Very well thought-out and acted by everyone involved ( good casting! ) Absolutely captured the absurdity yet hilarity of small-town existence. You would never get the chance to get to know these types of characters in a big city. Maybe a little more geared for the sixteen to twenty-five age group, but that's OK. No grand special effects; just easy dialog and likable characters. Also, being from the Midwest I tend to like movies made in the Midwest. No nudity; no real violence (a fight but doesn't get crazy.) Enjoy!
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Better Title? Dog Days Of Christmas
1 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Don't watch this if you love dogs. The synopsis to this movie is misleading. You will not get through the first fifteen minutes without wondering when in the heck is anyone going to be NICE to a dog??? In one scene, they show a mother dog and puppy wandering aimlessly in the snow; the dogcatcher catches the mother and the little girl "rescues" the puppy. Later it is asked; " What happens to the mother?" " Oh we don't know; they take them and they just disappear." Plus they go on a semi high-speed chase trying to catch the little girl as she runs away with the puppy and you're hoping the whole time that the bad guy doesn't tip his vehicle over ( not, obviously, that we'd care if HE went over a cliff but that the mother dog was supposed to still be in the vehicle with him and is probably being slammed from side to side as they show this supposedly "mad-cap" styled chase. ) The "good" guy she goes and applies for a job from has his dogs tied up to short leashes outside in the snow. Basically, it is a whole town filled with small people who dislike dogs. That's entertainment? Nope. To be honest, I didn't watch the whole thing. The balance of the film could have been all of the dogs taking over the world and chaining up all the humans but it was too late for me. The somber and cruel theme throughout the set-up of the story ( the important first fifteen minutes ) was enough to make me stop watching.
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11:32 P.M. (2008)
Sometimes being a good friend means sticking your nose in....
1 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty powerful for a two minute " bite " of life. Both the actors were completely believable in their roles, especially the haunted looking actor inside the apartment. The scene would have been a little more believable, though, had they panned down to the blood on the floor and shown a few stray pills also, as it seemed he blacked out ( or died ) on very little loss of blood. It does make you think, though, which a good film should do, about whether there have ever been situations you have walked away from where you should have gotten involved more. Hindsight is sometimes very painful. This should be shown in high school classrooms; perhaps planting the seed to not just assume a friend is all right simply because they say so.
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Camping Gone Wild
29 April 2012
A sweet little film with an imagination and language I can understand! Low budget but realistic. The premise is two lads and a girl out on a camping trip. The film counts down from least annoying to most annoying aspects of camping in the great outdoors. Down to earth. All three parts are played with believability. ( I especially liked the girl; she has spunk! ) I'm working my way through all of the films listed and this was the first one that made me giggle. I won't spoil the ending. I have gone on camping trips like this myself and except for the ending have lived through quite a few. Would like to see more by the same filmmaker.
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29 April 2012
This is one of those quick slice of life movies ( it is only 3 min. ) The scenery was pretty and IMHO I believe it is supposed to represent how fast life goes by outside the door and windows of the barber shop. This film is so short that if I write too much about it, I will give away whatever " plot " there is in trying to fill ten lines of text :) Enjoy the scenery. If you want to simply pretend you're a guest of the barber shop, you can sit there and people watch. That's always fun. I don't believe the director meant this to be anything deep... just a little piece of a day in a foreign land ( to me anyway ) and how laid back men can be while the world passes them by.
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10.09.09 (2009 Video)
Folly of Man Once Again
29 April 2012
This little film has quite unique special effects for its limited budget. Quick plot: Group of scientists exploding a rocket on the Moon to look for possible water. It makes one wonder just what the ramifications would be sometimes when man steps in and tries to " check things out. " This movie shows one of those ways. The scientists look like they're all sixteen but enjoy it for the effects and the way that it does make you think for a moment of the " ripple effect " and the consequences therein. I will be looking for other works by this director down the road. Take a few moments and watch this one. Worth a quick look.
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