
4 Reviews
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
WoW where to start...
22 July 2004
Wow i cant believe this is in the top 250 of films on IMDb. Godfather being first is bad enough... OK I'm digressing from my topic. Hmmm well to start off i never saw Spiderman 1, but was forced into watching spiderman 2 as a result of peer pressure. I did not enjoy it at all. It was so cheap and predictable. I especially hated the part where... wait i hated the whole thing. there's no point bitching about every single bad part or id be writing a whole research project. But one of the amazingly horrible sences was at the end where the huge sun fusion reaction of whatever goes into the river, and how the mad scientist who made this and whos fault it was redeems himself by doing this. God this sorta sounds like a Disney movie to me. And of course spider man gets the women at the end and not the poor astronaut. Only good part of the movie was spidermans boss who kept dissing him and being mean. I enjoyed these parts. It was kinda whack how it was spidermans fault how his uncle died?? Also the train scene was amusing. I think spidermans webs tearing up all the buildings killed more people then on the train, i mean he wrecked like 3 miles of buildings along the railroad track... haha. enough. no more wasting time on this movie.
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Old School (2003)
Awesome movie! (minor spoiler)
21 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Usually i try to write reviews about movies i don't like. Cause its just more fun. But since this is my favorite comedy i've decided to make an exception. I think that this movie has been under rated by the voters. This is by far the funnest 'teen' movie I've seen. The characters are classic, the plot ingenious, and the comedy hilarious. Its a movie of great quotes, which have been taken and adopted by many people. The acting in this movie is excellent. I strongly advise that anyone who calls themselves a fan of true comedy to watch this. It is definitely worth it. MY personal favorite part of the movie is just about any part which includes Frank the Tank, especially the part where he goes to the part and hits the beer bong, goes absolutely crazy and ends up going streaking.
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Scream 3 (2000)
oh my god...**spoiler**
21 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
oh my god... i thought scream 1 an 2 were horrible. Well wait till you see number 3. It takes the cake for being the cheapest and most corny scream of all time. The fact that the movie is based on making a movie of the first scream movie already spells it out that it will be a horrible movie, i mean the first one was horrible... anyway the killer being the long lost son who is actually a successful Hollywood directer is lame just lame. This movie was like a high budget C rater. I think that after scream one the director should have been executed or at least banned from ever making a movie again. Worst part of the movie is when the 'bad guy' gets shot. and they think its over only to discover *SUPRISE* he isn't dead?!?! my god nice twist I'm amazed.... no. I from now on boycott any scream movie or future movie this director makes.
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Iron Thunder (1998)
Did not like the movie at all.
15 July 2004
OK I will try to make a good objective review of this movie. First off as i was prowling the DVD store to look for a movie to watch, i stumbled upon iron thunder. I saw the front cover and it looked cool and read the back, thinking to myself that it would probably be a pretty decent movie. To my shock when i watched it, it turned out to be a completely C rate movie. The plot was horrible, the acting was lacking, to say the least, and i thought that the cover of the DVD should be watered down to include only wut is seen in the movie. known of these high tech helicopters and other tanks. If u ever watch or buy this movie... just don't save ur money. at best watch at it to laugh at how C rate and horrible it is. thank you
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