
6 Reviews
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Everything about this film was horrendously awful
31 January 2022
Holy cow was this film bad. The lead actress was the ring leader in this regard. Yes, the writing was putrid, but Gina(fortunately I am forgetting her last name and I'd like to keep it that way) somehow made it seem even worse. How she has anything in post production is a real head scratcher.

Richard Dreyfus apparently is in the Bruce Willis phase of his career in that he's either lost it, mailing it in or was in a perpetual state of drunkardness on set. Astonishing that a once great actor could sink so low.
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To all the 9 and 10 start reviews who "don't understand the bad reviews" - IT. WASN'T VERY GOOD
25 February 2021
Get over it. The best I can say is TMYS had its moments and had a pretty solid cast. Seriously, it wasn't bad because the entire premise was preposterous, it was bad because the writing, filming, music, etc weighed in at an underwhelming "meh"

Interesting enough to compel me to watch every episode, but that can be said about a lot of shows. I will not look back on TMYS and think "wow, what an outstanding show". Far more likely that I forget everything about it. The writing, filming, music, and character development needed to be a whole lot better to overcome a show with so many ridiculously gaping plot holes.

Honestly don't think I'd recommend TMYS to anyone; there's SO many better things out there to stream.
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The Following (2013–2015)
Did they recruit the show's writers At a Toys R Us?
28 March 2013
Decent cast and decent pilot have been laid to waste by writers who, week after week continue to put forth the some of the worst story lines I have ever witnessed. At the risk of putting out spoilers that might ruin the show for the remaining 12 lizard brained lemmings who consider this quality television, I'll just say that one could prepare a list of 100 preposterous/ridiculous/laughable plot developments in a matter of minutes from just the first few weeks of its airing. Pains me to give this show a 1, it deserves worse. Bacon and Purfoy(sp?) talents are wasted here. I haven't even gotten into the violence of the show. It seems the viewers look forward very week to see young beautiful people get stabbed for no reason. This show cheapens violence as it fails to build up any background to each and every murder. It makes no attempt to make it seem wrong, in fact it makes it seem exhilarating. I stayed with the show as long as I could until I couldn't take it anymore. It wants to be a serious crime drama but the police and the FBI are portrayed as Keystone cops. DUMB DUMB DUMB.
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Day Break (2006–2007)
Decent, could get better, could get worse...time will tell
16 November 2006
Decent show, with potential to gain a lot of momentum moving forward. Taye Diggs will need to step it up, as he comes off as an amateur actor to me. Concept isn't original, as others have pointed to "Tru Calling", "Groundhog Day" and maybe even "Memento" as points of inspiration for "Day Break", but it's still better than most of what we see these days. As stated in the summary, the show could get better, but it really could get worse. Certainly not an adequate substitute for "Lost", but what would be?

Perhaps it was even better to me after having had to waste 150 minutes of my life watching "Dancing with the Stars" with the family over the previous two nights.

Now THAT is devotion to one's family.
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Nacho Libre (2006)
Waste of time
7 November 2006
Just one of those movies that your gut tells you to hang in there and it will get funnier and it never happens. The Napoleon Dynamite meets Monk in Wrestling tights is funny for all of two seconds and that might be overstating this movie's more humorous aspects.

Not that I ever thought Jack Black was the funniest man alive, but he has shown the ability to turn on a reasonable amount of comic charm in the past, but alas, he's no funnier than George Will in this one.

Certainly DO NOT buy this DVD, if you must spend money and decide for yourself, rent it. You'll be down $5 instead of $20 and you won't have to take up valuable shelf space for this piece of cinematic trash.
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Excellent film, very upbeat, very real
31 July 2005
Great film for those who've come to know and love this extraordinary band. The only sad part is watching them play and interact with each other and realizing they are no longer creating great music(together, that is.) Although the film offered the occasional insight as to why the guys called it quits, the film focused on the music and didn't get bogged down in any kind tearful melodrama. As stated in my summary, it was very upbeat and the boys kept it real(did we expect anything less?!) Saw the midnight premier at the Somerville Theatre and it was definitely well received by all those in attendance.

A must see for any Dispatch fan.
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