
16 Reviews
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The Flash (2014–2023)
Started out ok, but it needs to end!
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first couple of season were good but the novelty wore off and the writing couldn't back it up. The series should have ended a couple of seasons ago. The last 3 seasons have been hard to watch. The nail in the coffin was when flash and Iris called the forces there children "ugh". There many other examples but that one stands out. The writing has gotten really bad.
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The Flash: Lockdown (2022)
Season 8, Episode 7
Thank goodness for fast fwd.
19 March 2022
I can do without all the awkward relationships in this show. The reveal at the end should have been a bigger deal instead a throw away comment. Some of the action was OK, but overall kinda boring.
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Batwoman: Meet Your Maker (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
This show is still called Batwoman?
24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There has been less and less actual batwoman this season. In this episode she shows up about 38 minutes in and is this scared little bunny in the woods. She's supposed to be a badass. It seems like the show is more about lesbian relationships and drama in those relationships with a slash of batwoman. It's boring and irritating.
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Batwoman: Trust Destiny (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Meh. To many feeling.
13 January 2022
I am definitely not the demo for this episode. Seems like it's more about relationships and feelings than it is batwoman. Very little action and the story seems to be dragging along very slowly. At least I'm not being preached at anymore. Although it seems like straight people don't exist in Gotham.
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A bit woke but I'll allow it.
6 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a bit more woke than usual, but it doesn't happen as often on legends. Plus because it's a period show where racism was very overt, it makes sense that a modern person would try to fix things for the better. Some of the aspects of the show were a little contrived but it fits the theme of the show.
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Supergirl: The Last Gauntlet (2021)
Season 6, Episode 19
27 November 2021
This was painful to watch. I only made it this far because I had already watch so much of it and wanted to finish. Poor writing, contrived plot points, forced narratives. I'm so glad it's over.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Started well but turned to hot garbage after season 3.
27 November 2021
It became real preachy and the writing just got worse and worse after season three. To many social justice warrior tropes without being entertaining first. Very contrived.
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4400: All Things Are Possible (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Better than the first episode, but that's not a high bar.
3 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like that they are showing more of the 4400's abilities. I like that they are using an actress with a birth defect and not making a big deal of it, it just is. The gestapo police state within the hotel is contrived. We get it, the CW doesn't like cops, or they feel that's what people want to see. I agree that there a lot of bad cops, but not all cops are bad, and this is a common theme at the CW. Also why wouldn't the 4400 be at a government facility if this is the way that they were going to be treated. They would have more security and control than they do in a random hotel.
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4400: Past Is Prologue (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
First you must entertain then try to enlighten.
2 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
CW trying to be obviously woke. I was excited for this reboot because I enjoyed the original, but you start preaching right out the gate. Sticks with many of the same themes as from there other shows that are over the top and forced. The only thing that felt normal and natural was the lesbian couple at the beginning. They were just presented as a couple without drama. Yes we still have a long way to go but to say nothing has changed for black people when the Characters hasn't been anywhere but one room and is with lawyers and such who are also black. It's two simple and forced. I feel they would have done better with a more diverse mix of characters and develop each story. I may be a little sensitive because they seem to do this on most of there shows and it gets old.
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Batwoman: Mad as a Hatter (2021)
Season 3, Episode 1
Bad, bad, bad
16 October 2021
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I thought it started out well with a new bad guy and good intro seen to his powers, that was quickly thrown in the toilet. Why when the good guy's were able to protect themselves from his control did they not instantly take the guy out 3 on 1. It was a very week premis for getting Alice out of prison. And in what world would they allow there friend to chop up her professor when they could have physically stopped her. Also a little preachy about the medical system, once is enough but not as bad as usual. I could have let it go if the story was entertaining.
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Supergirl: Magical Thinking (2021)
Season 6, Episode 14
7 October 2021
It seems like cw staff must be writing these highly rated reviews. I feel like they wrote blind spot to make the rest of the season seem better in comparison. This has because a show that I hate watch. If it weren't the last season and I weren't a completist I would have given up a long time ago.
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Supergirl: The Gauntlet (2021)
Season 6, Episode 13
Slight improvement but the bar was very low.
7 October 2021
This episode was slightly better than the previous episode, but that's like saying a tooth ache is better than a root canal.
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Batwoman: Armed and Dangerous (2021)
Season 2, Episode 15
8 June 2021
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Overly simplistic plot. This episode basically states, the only way to improve police corruption is to get rid of all the cops. I agree that police violence and corruption is real and rampant, but burning it all down is not the answer and is irresponsible. It seems that this has been the agenda for this entire season. I did like that Luke recovered and the struggle of his choice. Also, the fight scene in the boardroom was OK, (not great), but definitely one of the better fight scenes of the season.
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Supergirl: Prom Again! (2021)
Season 6, Episode 6
There had to be an easier way.
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I still say there had to be an easier way to get a DNA sample.
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Supergirl: Prom Night! (2021)
Season 6, Episode 5
There had to be an easier way.
17 May 2021
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Are you saying that the only way you could get a DNA sample was to time travel. So your saying that supergirl doesn't have dirty laundry, brush her teeth or use other personal items at home. She's been single for a while, you could have found something, in her nightstand or trashcan perhaps. At least the show isn't so preachy this season, and they inserted a little comedy.
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The Flash: Timeless (2021)
Season 7, Episode 9
It's getting worse.
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They're our children, we can't kill them, get out of here with that. The one good thing is "not-Nora" has started to show her true self, because she's not a real person. Oh I'm going to go back in time to fix stuff, even though it's never worked before, and potentially ruin my relationships by doing so, and not do the thing I went back for because of silly sentimental reasons that don't mange sense. Also, the time stream is fine even though I was seen in the past. It's time to be done with this.
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