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Cultural nuances
10 March 2024
Love is Blind Japan presents a captivating departure from the familiar dramatic flair of its American and Swedish counterparts. Unlike the exaggerated narratives that often overshadow sincerity in those versions, the Japanese adaptation offers a refreshing authenticity. Contestants in the Japanese version exhibit a keen awareness of their conversations, emphasizing meaningful dialogue over scripted drama.

One notable aspect is how conflicts are approached with artful skill and respect, showcasing a cultural nuance that adds depth to the show. The contestants, in their pursuit of love, demonstrate an admirable commitment to genuine connections. In a television landscape saturated with manufactured drama, Love is Blind Japan stands out as a more serious and realistic social experiment.

The subdued and muted demeanor of the participants contributes to a less theatrical, more realistic portrayal of relationships. The editing, too, reflects a commitment to authenticity, creating an immersive viewing experience. This Japanese adaptation feels less predictable than its American counterpart, providing a refreshing and unpredictable take on the familiar reality TV formula. For those seeking a departure from the norm, Love is Blind Japan offers a thoughtful and nuanced exploration of love and relationships. The cultural nuance in conflict resolution, although admirable, might not resonate with audiences seeking the thrill of more confrontational shows. The show's commitment to authenticity, while commendable, may inadvertently contribute to a less engaging viewing experience for some.

In the grand landscape of reality TV, where sensationalism often reigns supreme, Love is Blind Japan earns points for sincerity but might lose others for perceived boredom. Its unique approach may appeal to those craving a more realistic portrayal of relationships, but it could leave others longing for the exaggerated drama characteristic of many reality shows.

Considering the mix of cultural depth and potential dullness, the show earns a modest verdict of 6.5. While it offers a different flavor of reality TV, its appeal may be subjective, catering to those who appreciate subtlety in love stories but falling short for those seeking more traditional entertainment. Making it boring and uninteresting.
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The Creator (2023)
CGI Marvels and Robot Synergy
25 December 2023
The creative team's effort in visual effects and AI CGI is commendable. The film showcases a captivating world build, with meticulous attention to detail evident throughout. Watching the behind-the-scenes footage, the integration of the robot mech on real humans stands out as a technological marvel. This fusion not only produced striking visual effects but also succeeded in rendering the mannerisms and emotions of the characters as completely human. The result is a narrative that blurs the lines between man and machine, almost prompting empathy for the bots, an unexpected twist that adds depth to the viewing experience.

The film's strong points include its impressive CGI and the standout performance of the child, demonstrating a level of acting maturity. However, John David's performance, while average, doesn't quite match the excellence displayed by the girl.

In terms of narrative, the film follows a straightforward plot. It delves into complex sociopolitical undertones, particularly with the Americans versus Asians dynamic with the bombing, raising questions about potential hidden agendas. Despite this, the overarching storyline remains relatively simple, allowing the visual effects and CGI to take center stage.

It's a well-crafted piece for sci-fi enthusiasts, offering a visually stunning and technologically intriguing experience. However, it may not leave an indelible mark, lacking the enduring impact that distinguishes truly memorable films.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Multiverse of missed opportunities
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a die-hard fan of any thing that has the Batman, my anticipation for "The Flash" lingered for quite some time, despite reservations surrounding Ezra Miller and the controversies surrounding him. With a nod to the multiverse concept, especially after Marvel's "No Way Home," I expected a captivating storyline that would do justice to the Batman legacy since he's been included in it. Unfortunately, the film left me perplexed, unsure of what to make of the overall experience.

Ezra Miller's performance, regrettably, stood out for all the wrong reasons. His acting appeared not only terribly immature but also remarkably bland. The dialogue between his younger and older self lacked depth, remaining disappointingly flat throughout. It's puzzling why they didn't leverage Henry Cavill's presence, especially when the film managed to include Nicholas Cage's Superman, who never graced the cinema. This decision added an extra layer of disappointment, considering the vast potential of the Batman multiverse.

The once-anticipated post justice league league film now felt like a missed opportunity, with the demise of Batman variations and Supergirl's short-lived existence in her universe. The film failed to evoke any emotion, leaving us with nothing but the aftertaste of Ezra Miller's lackluster performance.

The plot, while embracing traditional Flashpoint paradox, didn't manage to leave a lasting impact. The narrative concluded by introducing yet another Batman in a different universe alongside the Flash, leaving the audience with a sense of flatness and unfulfilled potential as we watch the the DC Synder-verse fade away into nothing.
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From Brain Teasers to Friend Squeezers
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was taken aback that an actual reality show was spun out of the hit series I enjoyed. Initially, I thought it might be unnecessary, but as it turns out, the producers' decision to use the actual set from the show was a pretty smart move. It added an authentic touch and familiarity for fans of the original series.

However, my enthusiasm took a hit when the show began singling out specific people for interviews. I couldn't help but wonder about the potential agenda behind it, which unfortunately is quite common for Netflix shows. Nevertheless, as the challenges unfolded, I found the show to be enjoyable, and the creative twists in the challenges genuinely surprised me.

Things took a disappointing turn halfway through when the challenges shifted from testing intelligence to becoming a mechanism for contestants to sieve through and befriend others. The moment contestants were asked to choose who stays or leaves the show based on personal connections, the fairness of the competition took a hit. This change removed the challenge aspect and turned the show into a game of luck and alliances formed at the beginning.

The allure of contestants leaving the show due to lack of friendship rather than skill undermined the initial premise, making the show feel more like a social experiment than a true competition. This shift from intelligence-based challenges to a luck-based and alliance-dependent format spoiled the experience for me. It felt like the show lost its edge, and everything became centered on chance rather than genuine skill and strategy.
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A Short Orbit in Snyder's Sci-Fi Universe
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a dedicated fan of Zack Snyder's work, especially within the DC universe, my anticipation for "Rebel Moon" was high. However, despite the excitement, the film left me somewhat disappointed, primarily due to the shallow acting and character motives. While the performances were acceptable, they lacked the depth needed to fully engage the audience.

One of the main drawbacks was the brevity of the film. Attempting to construct a complex sci-fi universe in a mere two hours proved challenging. Snyder's ambition to create a world akin to sci-fi stalwarts felt rushed, leaving the narrative and character development feeling incomplete. The film's pacing seemed geared towards a shorter runtime, but it left the expansive world underexplored.

The plot's focus on the uprising and protection theme aimed to capture the essence of a grand sci-fi epic, yet it struggled to do justice to the intricate universe it aspired to establish. Building a compelling narrative within the constraints of a limited timeframe proved to be a daunting task.

Moreover, the portrayal of the space Nazis fell short, from their design to the overall monarchy. In a futuristic setting, the choice of clothing and the execution of their presence felt out of sync with the intended futuristic aesthetic. It emphasized the difficulty of creating a convincing sci-fi world within the constraints of a standard film duration.

Additionally, small technicalities, such as smashing a craft gunner's shield with metal from the resistance or wooden tables stopping laser weapons, appeared somewhat lazy. These instances detracted from the overall immersive experience, highlighting missed opportunities for more thoughtful and creative solutions within the film's technological context.

In essence, "Rebel Moon" attempted to soar into the vastness of Snyder's sci-fi vision but found itself grounded by the limitations of a condensed runtime, shallow character exploration, and some lapses in technical detail. While there were glimpses of potential, the film ultimately felt like a brief orbit in the expansive universe Snyder sought to create.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Finally some good horror film
9 November 2022
I must say, haven seen a lot of horror films in my life time, Smile does a really good job of merging monster, paranormal activity and mind bending twits all in one film. It does this very well without making it feel over done thanks to the simple writing that also feels somewhat original at the same time.

I was pleasantly impressed and surprised to actually jump from jump scares since films like the conjuring. The film does a very good job of taking the viewer on a ride into the main characters mind and the nuances of her hallucinations. Overall a very good watch for die hard horror fans like myself. A very well deserved 7/10.
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Blinded by love
21 November 2021
I watch this show for entertainment but there's no denying how terrible the show is. If you're interested in laughing at a bunch of people with emotional and attachment issues making the most irrational decisions in the name of love, this is for you. I find it very hard to get past how people on the show are either very deluded or just plain stupid.

It's such a bad show it actually uplifts my mood knowing I'm not this stupid.
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Bling Empire (2021–2022)
Trust fund money!
26 January 2021
Vanity and inherited money is not enough for a plot. I don't watch a lot of reality shows to know if shallow unnecessary drama like that of Anna and Baby G's or Anna and Kim is a good enough plot material. The show tries so hard to make up for the plotless drama by throwing in all the over dramatized personal issues. All round cringe thanks to the fake entittled characters. Really wondering if living in that kind of world is going to be toxic or is it the cosntant seeking of approval and being bored or is it the competition in who can flaunt daddys money or being a trust fund baby. Verdict: 3/10 You know what, I'll throw in an extra one because i laughed a couple of times. Final verdict: 4/10
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Brightburn (2019)
Where is evil man of steel?
29 May 2019
Being a super fan of superhero movies especially the Superman-man of steel franchise, I was expecting a movie with the same childhood character development that man of steel really explores in making us understand why he stayed grew up good. Bright burn left me a bit disappointed because it concentrated on making the movie about destruction in the characters new found powers with a very childish-silly take on the characters motives/ reasons for violence. The characters felt too detached and not emotionally invested enough for me to feel anything while our evil Superman went on his rampages. All that had me wondering how it made it into the cinema and fails to elevate the movie from a B.
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Hunter x Hunter (1999–2001)
Good Anime contains **SPOILERS**
16 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
hunter is a good anime. The use of nen which we never saw until mid way through the anime is obviously cheap but 1/2 clever way of incorporating chi and energy into fights. though after its introduction into the anime, hunter x hunter lost its mystery/charm. It felt like watching Naruto or Dragon ball z again. There was no more mystery to how tough a character was. Nen became the basis of strength and the writers tried to compensate this with by diversifying the nen's quality/types. It killed it for me.

The nen problem aside, the anime was about a 'stupid' Gon's adventures and training in finding his father. There's so many diversity in the characters which is great and establishes a city/real world feel to the anime. After episode 70's onwards, they anime completely takes on a different turn with 1/2 human 1/2 insect chimera off springs killing humans. from the completely illogical human 'gene' to insect hybrids talking and writing, reading books completely killed the anime for me. Human hybrid ants that speak human language, immediately discover fashion, nen and play the violin the moments after they are born. All this is evident the writers got lazy and way less innovative to even go as blatantly ripping off popular anime character from other animes.
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Such bad film making
8 May 2014
I really was beyond bored out of this world that I sat through the whole of this film.

It had the worst acting I'd ever seen. The kind you see in cheap ass porno flicks. The camera work was so bad and amateur. Most of the shots were so unimaginative, uninspired and zero hints of any form of creativity in it. All the characters had absolutely no dept. The worst part about the film is the script. Who ever wrote it, wow. All I can say, one of the worst scripts ever read on camera. Plain bland, unimaginative, overly simple and really really cheap dialogue. An all round disaster. Actually, now I want all 92 minutes of my life back.
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