
205 Reviews
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Didn't expect it
15 May 2024
Actually, I liked this movie and I totally didn't think I would. I have trouble sleeping and often will flip on a movie I believe might help me fall back to sleep. Well, I stayed awake and watched it. There is a kindness about this film, and it absolutely isn't a new storyline. Surprisingly, there is a slice of authenticity woven in the relationship that develops and I can see it from both of the people involved. Anyway, Hathaway is good, but most importantly she is believable and her character develops well. Galitzine gives a strong performance, plus he is charming in a sensitive way. It's a surprisingly tastefully done feel good movie.

And the soundtrack is fab!
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A Man in Full (2024)
9 May 2024
I watched all of the episodes.

The directing is good.

The story is absurd me that's part of it's okay, but it was way over the top even for the way over the top real life characters your brain attaches to.

Jeff Daniels does a pretty good job playing his role, but he's not suited as that particular type of man so I didn't believe him and his accent truly didn't work and was distracting. I like him as an actor, and I understood the type of person he was playing (recognize someone else with a similar personality?) but someone else would have played the role better.

Tom Pelphrey. Okay. I get it and most characters I peg rather quickly, even those playing the most ridiculous persona, but he was just too weird in watch way...and I could barely watch even though I aligned to the effect he was supposed to have (cringeworthy) very quickly. He bored me in every single scene. Maybe that was the point.

There are several support characters, but it will point out the two who were the best throughout the entire film --William Jackson Harper and Diane Lane gave the best performances hands down.

Subplots were a waste of time, almost as if added to pad the series into more episodes when 2 would have sufficed.

The end, well, I can't unsee something that really wasn't necessary, although I understand the symbolism.

Other reviewers are giving this high scores, but I can't. It just didn't work for me.
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Liked it
29 April 2024
I watch films like this occasionally whenever I need a bit of calm and simplicity in my life. This is a rom com drama that you will figure out within 7 minutes. However, it is well done as far as tugging at the heart strings in ways I didn't expect because the scripted dialogue for the characters added some tense flair without showing spiteful anger, which is usually what happens in flicks like this, especially stereotypically in the region where the story takes place. I like how this plot unfolded and again, by no means is this a new story, but I connected to the characters pretty quickly. Nostalgia plays a big part in marking this worth watching. By far, it's not an award winging film, but it's entertaining.
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Hanna (2011)
27 April 2024
Wow, Ronan! I can't begin to describe how connected I was to the main character from the very start. What an incredible job Ronan did from start to finish and a truly engaging, thrilling plot. How in the world had I not seen this flick until now? The story is great and if you like this sort of film, which is fast, furious, fable, and fantasy all rolled up into a ball of badass then you have hit the jackpot! Blanchett also gives a great performance. The film locations were breathtaking, sort of all over the planet. Anyway, if you've ever had a longing for a stealth and survival existence, with a twist of ninja, this is your movie. Very glad I clicked to watch and you won't be disappointed.
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The Truth (I) (2010)
I watched all of it
26 April 2024
I'd say that Heard and Sexton did a pretty good job of their characters. This isn't a new story, so I figured out the formula pretty quickly but to be fair, it had some cringeworthy moments and when emotion like that happens, it holds my attention and I think it's not bad at all if you like this sort of film. It definitely isn't a high budget film, but given that people fear this sort of situation happening, it sort of has a realistic flair to it that I can't deny. I watched it pretty much without looking away, and these days that's hard to do with internet on devices an arm's length away. Worth a watch but don't expect Hollywood worthy. Good enough.
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Not bad at all
5 April 2024
This one is interesting. I wasn't sure if this would be for me but turns out this one has a plot that's full of twists and turns. Davis Tennant is good, his well refined speech, and stares. This thriller gets pretty quickly into a really shocking scene that suddenly makes you pay attention. Toby Kebbell is scary as F and I'm not sure I can ever watch another movie with him ever again because all I will see is his character, but that means it was well done. Sophie Okonedo is brilliant, simply wonderful as she usually is. This film simply delighted me. It isn't a ten, but it's a strong seven for sure.
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Cleaning Up (2019)
3 April 2024
Honestly, I could barely get through this. I won't detail just how disturbing it is that anyone in society thinks the plot is an acceptable story to produce for public viewing. I guess it's a tribute to the fact that we need an educated population. The main character is deplorable and Smith plays it pretty well but very overacted, definitely trying too hard. But this series absolutely is nothing more than a soap opera. It's so tedious, slow, ridiculous. Anouka's character is great, I'd like to have seen more of her though. The positive is that anyone watching this will be depressed at certain points whilst viewing but at least by the end might feel a bit better about not being in any of the situations in this series, which are totally unbelievable.
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Not a documentary
31 March 2024
I won't go into the detail lest I ruin the plot for someone else.

From start to finish, this documentary is more like a reality show expose, not a documentary. The style is not a documentary and simply isn't well directed or produced. It should be classified as a reality show crime reproduction because the sensationalism and fake scenes distract from the story. Which the story, if it actually happened, is pretty creepy and definitely sends the message about the dangers of putting yourself all out there on social media. Anyway, again I can't say more or it'll become a spoiler review.

Suggestion that if you are expecting a documentary in proper old school documentary style, don't watch this but the story is worth reading about so just google it and you can read about it elsewhere.

I also don't like how this series makes the victims look so naive, not the best message to put out there.
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Single Black Female (2022 TV Movie)
Sorry, it's pretty boring
29 March 2024
A bit on the fence here. I have/had no idea who the actresses are, never seen them before in my life...and perhaps that's the problem. I kept trying to figure out why this had pretty good reviews because in my opinion the acting is really disappointing so it must be the actresses are known and I'm just it of the loop completely. I looked them up after and still am none the wiser but I understand a bit more. The story isn't new at all and I kept waiting for a great newly added cool twist or something, there wasn't and it was extremely slow. For a made for tv movie it was fine I guess and I finished it but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you are a fan of main actress. Note that it is refreshing and healthy for society to see actresses that are not Hollywood cookie cutter in look and style.
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Road House (1989)
Good old classic
27 March 2024
This movie is a cult classic, hands down. I watched it again yesterday because I gave in and watched the so-called new version, which prompted me to seek out this one after. This movie is perfect, the actors give brilliant performances, not in the Oscar winning way but in the tongue in cheek glorious delivery of sarcastic BS. Line delivery perfection in my eyes, truly rugged and funny characters, an old standby film you watch for nostalgic reasons time and time again. It survives the test of time and always will. There's just no way to beat it and there's something to be said for leaving good enough alone. I feel better now.
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Road House (2024)
Oh my goodness no
23 March 2024
Okay. Maybe I'm of a generation that is seeking nostalgia and a quiet connection to the 1980's. It took me a few days to decide if I'd even watch...I just think some movies should be left as is and alone...worthy of surviving the test of time. First, I know this wasn't expected to be a full on remake, just nuances, so I went into it with that in mind...not to have expectations. Anyway, I absolutely did not enjoy this movie and nearly turned it off but I paid so I decided to carry on. The good = Jake Gyllenhaal looks great. He also pulls off the calm dry sense of humor comedy stroke dramatic stoicism his character is supposed to have.

That's it for the good. Everything else was way over-the-top from way too ridiculous a plot, to CAD enhanced shots (so obvious, I mean that's supposed to be subtle) and that McGregor guy was excruciatingly painful to watch and yes I understood what his character was supposed to be about and I even said before I watched that he's normally a nutty character anyway and he might suit the role. I was wrong, he was absurd. The flick slows to a crawl about halfway through, yet I was determined to make it to the end. I would ask for my money back but it's done now. EDIT: My husband reminded me we did not pay, it was free (I thought we paid) so now I feel slightly better that we did not pay for it.
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The Price of a Broken Heart (1999 TV Movie)
Pretty good
15 March 2024
I enjoyed and appreciated this made for tv movie. It's a drama and although the storyline isn't anything new, by far, it's directed well and handled in a serious manner before all made for tv got just a bit all smiles and silly. Park Overall (sp?) is an underrated actress, in my opinion. She showed up in several films back in the 80's and 90's in mostly character roles that I recall and in this one she more a starring feature, which she holds and pulls off quite well. The plot moves along nicely, without a bunch of slowdown filler scenes. The setting is pretty, realistic, anyway I can't talk specifics of the story or I will give it away but it's a nice 'justice' sort of film and it ended with satisfaction. Giving it a 9 because as made for tv movies go, it's a good one...
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The Bag Man (I) (2014)
Enjoyable enough
14 March 2024
This movie seems to have been made during what I'll call the 'Unsure' John Cusack movie making phase. After 2013 he seems to have gone into a shift. I don't know if it's generational and my Gen (X) grew up with him and Gen Y experienced some off his endearing oddities but won't know the John Cusack slow burn...anyway, he moved into different style(s) and I think some watchers don't like him like this. Cusack doesn't seem to give a F either. Anyway, I nearly didn't watch this but thought okay I'll give it a shot, had seen it come up in my suggestions for a long time. It's actually not bad, not bad at all. It's weird, quirky, and seemingly slow but it's sinister and follows a fragmented flow which doesn't do the Hollywood normal progression and that's okay. But, it's likely not for some people who need to experience a specific formula to classify it as good. I would say you can tell it didn't take long to make this film and it's more of the side cult character spin, but it's creepy and I like creepy. Creepy in an unusual way. I liked it. Don't count on any high speed action or old school romance. It's back woods with a mob spin, but not really. I'm glad I watched and it's entertaining enough. Cusack is never going back to his old ways. Crispin in Glover showing up is refreshing, also in his own odd ways. It must be hard to go from back-to-back everyone loves all Cusack films to being less relevant...but again the good thing is that he does his own thing...matches what he's probably like in real life anyway. It's not Kansas anymore.
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11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what I'm allowed to say anymore these days because either you must not mention or recognize any differences in people or you have to be seen to be nearly full on divisive-either one could be considered offensive. But here goes.

I am an upper middle class Caucasian in a western society.

I am not equipped to know, and won't ever know, what it's like to live on the streets. I won't ever know what it's like to live as a black woman. It's safe to say I therefore can't possibly completely understand what living as a black woman on the streets is like.

However, that does not mean I can't recognize a truly touching story, empathize with the character(s) and/or know a brilliant performance when I see one.

Taylor gives such a strong performance in this flick that I can't even say anything else about it.

Love it or hate it, this is an outstanding movie.

I hope you love it.
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Pleasingly creepy and artistic
11 March 2024
This is a chilling story and movie. It's so well directed, is filmed in a perfect location for the plot, and the actors give shockingly fabulous performances. Sandra Huller now holds a permanent place in my mind as her performance in this flick is seared into my brain as one of the best performances I've watched in perhaps the last decade. The movie holds you from start to finish and dabbles within a blend of Nordic contemporary thriller and Alfred Hitcock old school suspense and innuendo. I'm so glad I watched even though I'd not really heard about it until I read through recent film award nominations. Add this movie to your list and look beyond the obvious. Sinister storyline. Great dialogue.
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Last Will (2011)
24 February 2024
I thought it was slow at first, but it gets better. In fact, I was like...huh...why did my movie app match me to this one because nothing in the teaser really intrigued me. BUT, sometimes those weird ones are right to a point. Turns out this one has a twist I didn't expect. The acting is very calm, so if you're looking for a fast paced flick with lots of taunting music or edgy moments throughout, this on isn't for you. But, the story that plays out is not what you'd see coming. A mix of well known actors, sort of the underdogs, enable the plot relatively well. I can't get specific, lest I reveal spoilers ...but I didn't hate it.
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Emelie (2015)
Surprisingly good for an old storyline
20 February 2024
This scared the you know what out of me in a sinister way, not horror sort of way.

Suddenly I no longer was middle age for the duration of this flick...I'd become a kid again watching with a serious creep factor and covered eyes, I don't know why this one made me itch so much, because again it's not overly scary but the story is so malevolent that it got to me. The main characters are played well and the lead adult female character.. let's just say the depths of wherever she pulled the character to make this work I hope she applies to other genres as well because it's a sort of acting style that she can take with her as her career develops. She's not there yet but she will be.
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Not as bad as reviews suggest unless you need the hype and glitter
19 February 2024
Honestly, this is a low cost movie very obviously done on a smaller budget, but the story itself is one that should be told, whether fact or fiction. It's not a new storyline by any means, but I sort of enjoyed this flick because it has the feel of real people involved and I truly believe that's part of what it's supposed to be like. In real life there aren't car chases or big screen flashing lights or big conspiracies taking place. This one is for the underdog, those lost in the shuffle of society and whose voices still should be heard. Not everything is Hollywood or Hollyweird. I'm okay with that. Oh, and the scenery is lovely.
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6:45 (2021)
Nope not this time.
18 February 2024
Absolutely a rip off of another movie concept. That's okay, it happens a lot, but this one didn't work. I didn't even finish watching it because it's so bad, and not bad as in good...bad as in bad. I will say that the scenery is very nice, I like wherever it was filmed and may look it up for a visit. I sort of liked the actors themselves, but the plot, characters, and everything else in my opinion absolutely abysmal. The three quarters of the movie I did make it through I kept waiting for something, anything, else to happen that made it different but that just did not come to fruition. Best to avoid this one.
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Honeydew (2020)
18 February 2024
This movie release was delayed by the pandemic, otherwise I think it would have done far better amongst horror fans. It's truly bizarre and freakish. One of those that's so weird you're like...what the heck did I just watch and will watch it again every couple of years. Some of the acting is actually brilliant, considering the characters. The cinematography is well done supporting the creep factor. Whoever wrote this definitely has a weird brain, that's for sure. I liked it, I didn't love it, but I liked it. I don't know why such low reviews, equally I don't quite get the other higher reviews. Final answer = good, but strange.
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The Lesson (2015)
6 February 2024
Although I believe this is a missed opportunity to spin a different message, that's not what horror flicks are all about. We've all experienced and/or observed the behaviour of some of the characters. Without going into detail which would ruin it, we know the type and they're excruciatingly aggravating types of people-menaces to communities. That being said, the story that unfolds is pretty sinister, taking what's crossed our minds to the extreme. The flick kept me engaged, which is good enough. Ends sort of the way I expected, considering. A strong 7 score because it evokes emotion and made me a react a few times, which is a sign I'm not bored (and I didn't fall asleep).
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Uncle Frank (2020)
Very good
14 January 2024
Sadness, joy, grief, belief. Having spent time in a certain region of the United States, I totally understand what's happening in this movie and it's a really emotionally charged flick. The acting is superb and definitely this film hasn't gotten the press it should have, or at least I don't remember hearing much about it. I love the character development and the relationships telling a story that is far too true for many people in society, especially those raised in ways that should (should, being the key word) teach them to be more accepting of other humans. I thoroughly enjoyed watching and kudos to the actors and directors, worth my time.
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28 December 2023
Oh my gosh it's brilliant, to a point.

Watching this can only be equated to what I believe 500 cups of coffee, no sleep, and functioning mental illness combined would be like. Several times I actually stopped to rewind (or, whatever it's called now, I backed up a few frames) to rewatch what I just watched, shouting "WTF just happened"'s an adventure in madness, like a song with lyrics that take you from midnight through to 5pm the next day and you're still at the bar playing random jukebox tunes while everyone else has gone home. This movie, seriously the director or producer or maybe all of them...just said action and told the actors to just do or say whatever the heck they wanted to say or do. Joaquin does a great job being the guy he's supposed to be and if you know, you know. Unfortunately, amongst the madness some of the story really never gets there and it's one heck of a LONG movie to not quite get there. Hence, I have to stop at a 7. I wish future watchers's one heck of a ride.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
Liked it....
25 December 2023
Binged this over Christmas holidays and really liked it.

The story is good. The tension build up vibe is really thick as in I truly enjoyed the wait to find out what would happen next. Toni's Collette does a good job as does Bella Heathcote. I think it could have wrapped up in 4 episodes, but was worthy of carrying on. There's a fair amount of wonder presented throughout this thriller and angst to figure out the pieces which fall together differently than expected. The rest of the characters are okay. It is an interesting storyline, especially if you are old enough to remember a few political themes that are very loosely woven in although not essential to know.
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Howard's Mill (2021)
23 December 2023
I give this a solid six for what it turned out to be. The story is pretty good, and I didn't know where it was going for a bit and it had some twists that link up well. It is let down by the acting pretty early on and that's unfortunate. Now, that being said I don't think any of the actors are what I'd say seasoned actors which some will have been on purpose, given the plot. However, people definitely behave in a certain way during certain situations and the lack of emotion portrayed by any of the actors does it a disservice. I kept watching to see if I could figure it out, which it wasn't what I expected so that was handled well. It was shot well, scenery realistic. Idea good.
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