
3 Reviews
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Chickboxer (1992)
28 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you have not witnessed this wonderous tale from visionary Scott Plummer, RUN don't walk to get your copy immediately. Shot in beautiful SVHS, an underused format in this humble reviewers personal opinion. Chickboxer includes fight scenes deemed to frightening for a stunt double, so our female lead was forced to do her own fighting. She excels at this too at the glorious conclusion...a dual to the near-death with her sinister sensei. He knocks her to the floor, but she's not down for the count...oh no! She returns to annihilate him with extreme prejudice. Isn't that what it's all about, my friends? Annihilating with extreme prejudice. In life one finds themselves in a position of doing many things with extreme prejudice, as does our heroine. Please I beg of you, watch this film classic with extreme prejudice! You will not be sorry, sport.
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It was okay
8 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, I just didn't enjoy this as much as everyone else. It wasn't bad, and I was entertained for a while, but by the time we hit the competition I was completely disinterested. Now I'm pretty sick today, so maybe this movie didn't get a fair shake, but I didn't care who won as long as this film ended.

In my opinion, this film lacked any backstory on these kids. We got to hear their innocent evaluations of the dance classes, the competition, and each other, but I really didn't know the kids by the time we get to the "climax", therefore it just didn't matter to me which group won. Rock School had a bit more development of the young people, so I felt a connection with those kids. I was rooting for them as they played at the Zappa festival. I have to wonder if the film focused on one particular school, instead of 3, if perhaps I would have cared a little bit more about the kids. It just seemed we jumped around from child to child a lot, and the ones I did get to know didn't make it to the finals.

It's certainly not a terrible movie. Very well shot, good editing...I thought this was shot on the pd-170 but it looks like film, so I am a little bewildered by this. At any rate, if you want a warm documentary that shows the wonderful innocence of children I would suggest "Paperclips" over this, but people seem to really like this film, so maybe you shouldn't listen to me.

What do i know?
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Howling III (1987)
Kangaroo can ya lose?
30 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am entertained by bad films...this film was exceptional in its "badness", so I was definitely entertained. That said, I can't recommend this with a good conscience. My wife moaned and rolled her eyes throughout this is certainly for the lovers of bad films (such as Plan 9 from Outer Space). I won't even get into the story, or lack there of, because everyone else has touched on it in their reviews. If you read the basic plot line and are still interested, maybe you should rent this. You may very well have what it takes to endure this film. You will note that others mention that this has a "good story line, but its confusing". In other words, it DOESN'T have a good story line.

I am curious about the setting of Australia for this film. I was 13 when this film came out and as I recall there was a strong surge of Australian culture in the mid 80's. Men at Work, Jocko the battery guy (Oi!), Crocodile Dundee...maybe I'm reading a bit much into this, but I wonder if they were trying to cash in on this pop culture movement. It seems like its a year or so late, but who knows? Just a thought....

Another interesting note is that they didn't bother to reformat this for television in the DVD transfer...very wide title slates and 2 shots would seem to insist that this film would be in widescreen, but apparently they didn't find it necessary, so at times you can't read a title or you're looking at 2 people with half of both their faces cut off. No pan-and-scan or any attempts to rectify..not a big deal, just a bit telling of how much they cared about this movie when bumping up to disc.

A bit of editing could have possibly helped a bit (although not much). The pacing is a bit slow at times. The movie also doesn't seem to want to just goes on and on...getting more and more ridiculous as it trudges along. Maybe that's a little harsh. It's pretty ridiculous throughout.

But like I said, if you like the bad films run, don't walk, to your local yahoo-hayseed mom 'n pop rental place and get this movie.
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