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High School Musical (2006 TV Movie)
The moment Disney sold their soul
29 November 2009
The name 'Disney' mentioned springs many good things to mind. When we USED to hear Disney being mentioned, we thought of the masters of timeless storytelling. We thought of a company that introduced us to characters and tales to be cherised after generations and generations of children. Disney were the masters of imagination, warmth and more importantly, the masters of family entertainment. Their name thought of the pure-hearted and good always triumphing the bad, and a certain Mouse warmly welcoming kids into this world beyond your wildest dreams.

In some cases, Mickey Mouse is still being embraced to new children thanks the new Playhouse Disney programme: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and parents have the intelligence to show their kids the magic of Snow White and Cinderella too. Whilst the company's legacy and history still lives on, their reputation continues to be completely crapped on. Their new teen sensation: 'High School Musical' justifies my point completely.

When you hear the 'Disney' name nowadays, the soulful, blissful days of Dumbo and Mickey completely disseaper from memory. When we hear Disney now, we see a company that has completely lost the magic sparkle it once had. Disney has now become a name that is common. We see a company trying to do the same shameful marketing strategy nearly every big corporation is doing now: using teens to make the money.

High School Musical's cheeriness is just creepy. It all feels too positive and happy; it's all evidently and intentionally of course; severely squeaky-clean and harmless. However, for us older people, we all know it's all completely polystyrene and fake. We all know there is something much darker and deeper going on behind it all. It is what we call the worst form of: 'marketing cynicism'.

Everything in this film is pretty much done half-baked. The plot is incredibly simplistic, involving a pretty bad stab at a Romeo-and-Juliet-esquire narrative. Boy who likes basketball, girl who is a bookworm. Their social hierarchy and status in the school separates them from each other, and their friends force to stick with them only. It's a real shame they didn't kill themselves at the end though, like Romeo and Juliet themselves did. The film even goes as far to create its' own balcony sequence with Troy and Gabreilla, the main leads of the film.

The plot lacks of course any deep emotional morality or heart, it's all really under-developed and base. The acting is also pretty bad too, with some pretty boys and pretty girls just um... delivering one line in a completely monotone fashion as the next line. The actors act like puppets, as there is a complete stiffness to their line delivery and overall physical moments. It's all really rather bland and dry as anything.

However, somebody criticising High School Musical, including myself, is like someone complaining about a newborn puppy who jumped on you accidentally. Kids find it all so sweet , so secure, and so more importantly, harmless, it seems really callous going after an easy target aimed at children. For what it aims to do, Hogh School Musical does it pretty well. It's entertainment that doesn't try to promote any sexual innuendo, profanity or any maliciousness. THAT is why my rantings on HSM go off a little lighter this time.

Also to the film's credit, the choreography, particularly for a Disney Channel original movie, is moderately impressive. It is nothing that will rival West Side Story or Grease (both much better films), but for the most part, the dancing flows smoothly and it all seems to be reasonably well-arranged. However, this was the only thing that was commendable about HSM as a whole.

Whilst I don't hate this, it is painful that it has to bear Disney's name. High School Musical is just rubbish, soulless and incredibly mediocre in quality, but it has struck many cords with the tween demographic, so complaining about it really seems like a waste of energy. However, HSM will always be marked as the moment when Disney sold their soul to the tweens.

Walt Disney, you're not the only one who is feeling the pain.
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Naruto: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Review
19 June 2009
Naruto is one of those animes you can either take for what it is and enjoy it, or expect something more and generally not care for it at all. I have not watched a proper episode of Naruto properly, but I understand Naruto both has legions of some surprsingly varied, devoted fans varying from ages eight to eighteen, and Naruto has legions of dislike from certain people.

Whilst this movie: "Naruto: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow" was the first thing I properly watched something related to Naruto, and I didn't really know what to expect from him, I can both see why Naruto has become such a big anime icon, and another, I really don't understand the hype he has, and why he is boldly compared to animated gems like "Princess Monoke". However though, "Naruto: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow", if you take it for what it is, is a fun, entertaining film that both has some slick, impressive action, and generally is a well-made piece of fan service.

The plot of 'Naruto: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow" involves Naruto protecting a famous, popular actress named Lady Yukie. Lady Yukie is the actress who plays a character in a series of films called Princess Gale, and, to Naruto's surprise, she is also the princess of the Land of Snow. One of them is secretly taking Lady Yukie back to her home the members of the film crew named: Sondayu, so she can continue to rule the land, and Naruto tries to prevent Yukie from running away from her fate. However, an evil man named Doto is after Yukie's hex crystal, so he can unlock the treasures of Yukie's home.

Judging by the plot, you can probably guess 'Naruto: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow' isn't the most revolutionary or complex plot ever, but, you can sense Naruto doesn't really need it. 'Naruto: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow' generally makes the most out of the simplistic plot, by having both old and new characters, such as Yukie herself, have generally strong character development, and register many types of different emotions generally well at the right times. 'Naruto: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow' also keeps itself full with energy, and the plot has generally good pacing, and has a plentiful balance of satisfying, slick action, and some well-written, humorous dialogue between Naruto and Yukie, and other characters alike.

Of course, a Naruto film wouldn't be complete without having stellar visuals and character animation, and 'Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow' arguably, has the strongest animation the Naruto team has done. The action scenes are all slickly done, and all have smooth, consistent fight choreography. Each environment in the Naruto film, from the sweet, peaceful home of Naruto, the icy caverns of Snow Land, all have stunningly attractive colour design, and are strong in detail.

Those reasons aforementioned are the reasons why I can understand Naruto is so popular. However, Naruto: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow has some glaring weaknesses on how I cannot understand why Naruto is so big. Naruto: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow has a plot that generally treads on thin ground, and Naruto tries to hard to do sudden, dramatic changes in tone and it seems like Naruto is lost on its audience. The film simply tries too hard to be something else at times, but it is faithful to the show's original spirit.

Whilst Naruto himself, is a generally likable character, his English dubbing is incredibly grating and forced. Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow generally offers nothing spectacular, but it doesn't really need to.

Overall, as somebody who is new to Naruto, and appreciated this film for what it was, 'Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow' is a fun, surprisingly well-done spin off for Naruto devotees. Whilst this film will not get me into the franchise completely, I do generally like and respect Naruto, and he really is cool, and not as bad as some people making him out to be. If you go in not expecting anything more than what you get, for both newcomers and Naruto fans, "Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow' is generally a good time.
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