
6 Reviews
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A Dark Psychological Drama
20 February 2012
Two things you should understand before you see this movie.

1. While it was the highest grossing film in South Korea the year of it's release, this is by no means a reflection of it's ability to appeal to a mainstream western audience, especially a modern American audience. Simply put, this film requires not only a proper attention span, but the mood to really dive into the characters minds.

I've heard many people complain that the movie starts out boring, but that never crossed my mind because i was genuinely charmed by the friendship of the two sisters.

2.This is not a horror movie, it's a psychological ghost story, with a heart, and if you let yourself in, it will make you feel happy then shred your nerves to pieces. There is little blood/gore. The movie slowly builds up suspense and dread and brings you into the protagonists psyche by never revealing too much.

The best thing about this movie is that it delivers an equally beautiful opening and ending sequence. And while ultimately answering your questions, leaves you with the same uncertainties you had going into the film.

Do not expect a 'thrill ride' or a lot of jump scares. This movie is atmospheric, beautiful, complicated and despite what others may say against this statement, i truly believe this is a masterpiece of modern cinema.

My advice: Watch it alone, be attentive, turn off the lights and let yourself be immersed.
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Interesting, just far too long for a feature length film.
16 February 2012
Despite having little dialogue and no back story, i found myself sympathising with the title character pretty quickly. This could be due to Rodleen Getsic's charisma and style, there's no doubt to the fact that she is excellent in this film. Her performance is aided (at least in part) by the chaotic drug-fueled style in which the director has filmed it, which really bring you into the psyche of the young woman we are following. The first 10 minutes of this film truly are a work of art, simply put.

That being said, this movie has a major downfall. It's just too long. there is not enough content to stretch this into a feature length film. Half of the time you're waiting for something to happen while a scene goes in circles with no real aim. I counted about 10 minutes where the trucker is just playing with the bunny girls unconscious body.

Then there's long drawn out portions where literally nothing happens, the aim was probably to build atmosphere, but all it does is bore. Even at the end we're left with 3 or 4 minutes view of an empty road with static playing on the radio inside the truck.

When you consider all this wasted time and the fact that the film only comes in at 70-something minutes, you'll probably agree this would have worked so much better as a short film. In fact if re-cut to 30 minutes, it coud be quite a poignant, evocative film.

There is definitely a lot of promise for those involved in the making of this film, so i'll be keeping an eye out for Adam Rehmeier's later pictures. And overall i would recommend you give this a watch.
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The Open Door (2008)
The most unassuming spoof you'll ever see.
15 May 2011
Highly entertaining. This is probably the best horror spoof i've ever seen, it hits every cliché right on the head, perfectly. It's funny, i mean, seriously funny, from the intentionally poorly acted scenes of the innocent daughter and controlling over protective parents, to the bitchy backstabbing friend. The Open Door is good solid fun right from the start. The imagery used in some of the jump scares, not only did their job in making me jump out of my seat, but had me laughing my ass off after i realized what i just freaked out over (watch out for a mannequin head turn transsexual). This would be a great movie to watch with some friends over many a beer! It never stoops into the outright silliness of Scary movie, it actually takes on a silent seriousness to it, and strangely, somehow, keeps you invested in the lead character.

This film is just fun from start to finish. Rent it now!
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Imagine if E4's 'Skins' was better written.
12 May 2011
Megan Is Missing creates realistic characters, some likable, some just plain nasty. The relationship between the two main girls, Megan and Amy, is extremely involving, i found myself smiling along with them and their intimate chats, and laughing with them too. Despite the subject matter, this film does have a sense of humour right up until the kidnapping occurs. The writer/director has a clear insight into the minds of teenagers and the way things work in that world. Some of the scenes in this film, and the emotions conveyed could have been plucked right out of my own childhood. When the kidnapping occurs, the atmosphere of the movie becomes grim. People become hysterical and the characters you didn't like in the first half of the film, you'll absolutely hate now. Well made film here, but only watch if you're in the mood for something disturbing. I'd be surprised if this didn't become a cult classic.
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Sick Nurses (2007)
Could become a cult favourite
30 September 2009
Please don't even attempt to watch this film if you have a normal sense of humour. Because this film is utterly bizarre. And do not expect a scary movie here.

Another reviewer on here, lastliberal said, and i quote...

"remake of j-horror... You won't find anything original in the film. It is in the same vein as films like The Grudge and The Eye. If you like those, you are likely to like this one also." ...(first mistake being of course that The Eye is not Japanese).

This is VERY wrong, this movie does not have the atmosphere built up in The Grudge or The Eye.

From the get go, Sick Nurses is nothing but absurdity, gore, comedy and stylish direction. And there is no denying, this movie looks impressive.. for a gore-fest. The director uses glowing colours to distort the picture and make the movie seem more dream-like. The gore effects are about normal and there are some ridiculously over the top death sequences.

Aside from the pleasing look of the film, the film showcases some hilariously peculiar behaviour from the characters when they think they are alone. A few scenes i ended up re-watching during the movie. One 30 second part of a scene where one of the nurses eats a doughnut while brushing her teeth *in particular* had me laughing so hard i HAD to pause the film.

Buy yeah, this is comedy horror, i just wanted to get that straight, and it IS a pretty good film, if you're a bit of an oddball, definitely worth a watch. 5/10
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Pretty Things (2004)
A wonderfully weird world that's always bitter and never sweet.
24 July 2009
If you're fortunate enough to live in the united states you'll have been able to catch the show on TV. For those that don't, the internet and DVD are the only options.

Pretty things (or Pretty Thingsss) is a comedy sketch show that follows the lives of dozens of unrelated characters and the characters of the TV shows they watch. Set in the same bizarre world where logic fails to exist.

The format parodies different writing styles/genres in each sketch, to the point.. or more accurately, to point out, that no one is safe from the scalding pain, ridicule, ridiculousness and disappointment the universe can only ever offer. unless of course you're lucky enough to be the shows shining star, Erika. Who always manages to achieve spiritual and mental highs while everyone else suffers.

This is a brilliant show that makes a point to point out the pointless. Sometimes shown by seemingly meaningless, yet strangely entertaining intervals during the episodes that leave you baffled well into the next sketch.

Cynical, sarcastic and just plain weird, if you've got an oddball sense of humour, this is for you. If you don't, steer far far away.
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