
22 Reviews
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Slightly too woke
14 August 2022
Excellent storyline only spoilt by the laughable- they are burning our Mosques/don't retaliate we are the religion of peace nonsense. Strange way for the series to end.
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
Entertaining garbage
3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why would police embed 2 spies inside an UDM village when they were not striking and why the usual compulsory ethnic characters? The killer of the female was not Asian and there were no black miners in Notts in 1984. My dad was and he said he never saw one! Full marks for casting an ethnic in a negative role though as a killer, a rarity.
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Foundation (2021– )
Another diverity production
4 October 2021
Another cast of box ticking rather than talent or suitability, combined with not actually being the Foundation story makes this rubbish a big disappointment.
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Manson cult without the murders
23 August 2020
Laughable hippie nonsense by privileged white kids, why did they all have silly nick names? all part of the cult. Did not get all the way through this embarrassing self indulgent mess, rather like their isolation. Pointless waste of time.
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Tesla (I) (2020)
More Tesla myths
13 August 2020
He did not invent AC he was just a proponent of it, Edision did not steal his work, why would he and nobody stopped him with his stupid wi fi electricity. Even his inventions that did work were mainly invented by other people and he patented them or he just improved on other peoples work, as they all do.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
same old material
4 August 2020
Seem to have seen many almost the same films over the past few years. Assassin with military background falling foul of her employers who turn on her. The only difference with this one was there is almost no story, why are people being killed, why turn on such a good operative. I would have walked out but it was raining
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Most Wanted (2020)
Authentic Thai
3 August 2020
Very real Thai scenes depicting 1980's Bangkok, some like the Station Hotel have not changed. But when it says prisoners are singing in Thai they are praying in Pali and I have yet to come across zen Buddhism in Thailand, it's theravada.
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Over use of music
31 July 2020
Very common mistake, if a documentary is any good there id no NEED for excessive music. When it's playing over narration it's distracting, annoying and pointless. I could not watch more that a few minutes before driven away by the racket.
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Why the music?
23 July 2020
Could have been far better without all the music over narration ruining it. If a documentary is any good it does not need any music pumping out all the time to try to make it dramatic, had to give up on this rubbish.
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Hamilton (2020)
10 July 2020
How on earth anyone could watch this rubbish for two hours I do not understand. I would have to have been tied to a chair and drugged to get past 10 minutes.
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Outlander (2014– )
Gets worse as it goes on
20 April 2020
First three series were riveting, fourth you could still watch but the 5 is like watching paint dry. Far, far too slow and with the time travel not part of it the magic seems to have gone out of it. Too much about Claire and her daft daughter and less history as it progressed. Hope this is the last series they just about killed it off anyway.
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Tesla put in his place
2 November 2019
Tesla fan cult members will be disappointed with this depiction of him, because it is very close to reality. Edison did not steal any ideas from Tesla, nobody did if anything it was the other way around. Tesla had one major invention and even that was invented by an Italian two years before. Ac was known about before Tesla was even born, he was just good at patenting idea and managed to sell one to Westinghouse, spent the rest of his life in hotels slowly going mad. His maddest idea was wi fi electricity, NEVER meant to be free, never worked and never has, not much of a 'genius'.
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Midsommar (2019)
utter rubbish
20 August 2019
Two hours 26 minutes of this amatuerish drivel was almost too much to stand, several could not and left the cinema. Bad films can be forgiven if they are not boring, this dragged from start to finish. Wicker man in slow motion without the drama and performaces. God knows how it gets such a high rating on here
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Creation (I) (2009)
29 July 2019
What is the point of a film like this? historically inaccurate yet incredibly slow and boring. The only goof part was where the Orangutan appears, the rest is a train wreck. Honestly the worst film I watched in a ling time, just seems pointless as neither entertaining nor true to the facts.
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Glass (2019)
29 January 2019
Walked out 15 minutes from the end, thought I did well to stick it out that long. Worst film I have seen in years, 3 blokes in the nuthouse who think they are super heroes, pathetic. The girls at the start chained up was the worst acting I've seen for some time, laughable, and it was all downhill from there. Confusing if you have not seen the previous films. This sort of crap really makes me feel like giving up going to the cinema, it's meant to be ENTERTAINING.
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Too long and slow
20 January 2019
Never heard of Bradley Cooper, his character was pathetic and boring. The whole film was far too long and dragged, in the end I could not wait for it to finish. There was a star though, Lady Gaga put in a stellar performance, amazing, but the rest of it was dull. Pity he did not top himself half way through to save us from his characters emotional incontinence and over acting.
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Fell asleep twice
21 November 2018
Thought the Mrs would fill me in on the plot which I just could not follow at all and in the end did not care to. She could not understand the story line either. Apparently, it helps if you have read the book, no thanks this wizard nonsense has had it's day, but they plan another 4 films like this? The expected over the top CGI and cutesy characters just about makes one star reasonable., confusing and boring rubbish.
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My wife never heard of them
13 November 2018
The Mrs is Thai and does not like western music and never heard of Queen so I did not tell her much about the film. Her verdict-' bloody great movie'. The following days she watched everything she could on YT and was singing the songs. Going to see it again this week, probably the best bio pic in the history of cinema.
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Peter Rabbit (2018)
Amazing animation
20 April 2018
Incredibly realistic, my wife actual asked me if they were real rabiits!
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18 April 2018
The only thing I really liked about this dull serving was the costumes and authentic feel for the early 50's. The pace was too slow and the music far too overbearing. Some of the acting, particularly the Dr was so ott it was laughable. Did not have the Christie seal on it, but certainly the PC modern day one.
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Fairly typical Thai movie
27 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Warning spoiler

As a follow on to monpleng luktung from 2002 this was a little disappointing. While the cast comprised many of the greatest country singers, there was little singing in the film. The plot is a simple story of a group of singers being summoned to a temple to give a concert for charity only to find after the event all the people there were ghosts, including themselves as they really died on the way in a bus crash. This is a common theme in Thai films. If they could not come up with a better plot a musical along bollywood lines would have made more use of the talent. This sets out to be a Thai comedy though and surprisingly some of the one liners and jokes were very funny. Thai films have to have a happy ending so the 'dead' singers all make it back to life with the exception of the one who did bad deeds. Good if you know who the singers are, but if not it might seem a bit perplexing otherwise. Monrak Transistor remains the best modern Thai musical comedy by far.
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best thai film ever?
9 July 2002
I saw monrak transistor twice and loved it. Not many films can make you laugh as well as bring tears to your eyes but this one did. You might not be so keen on this film if you are not a looktung fan, and I am an addict. Even if you don't know the music the film is enjoyable just as a comedy. Fun is poked at the legal system, record promotors, the well meaning rich and the poor. Fate is the path our hero has to follow only to end up where he started, hopefully still singing-peter
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