
8 Reviews
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A very well done post apocalyptic Christmas horror movie!
22 December 2018
There is a long slow burn build towards something bad and it is palpable. Not once do you feel bored with the film but more anticipating what will happen next. It is a very engrossing and very serious film with some plot points being left to one's own interpretation but the sense of dread through out and the twisted conclusion make this one that will stick with you after you see it.
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One of the best indie horror films I have ever seen!
3 December 2018
I have seen Fear Footage multiple times now and it still holds up with every viewing. It's one of those films that you will enjoy rewatching just to see your friends reactions to experiencing it for the first time! Great job on this!
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One heck of a fun Bigfoot movie!!
28 August 2018
Cherokee Creek begins with a couple of Bigfoot bounty hunters deep in the woods trying to bag a Squatch. This opening scene obviously is setting up the rest of the movie but it does offer some interesting facts/mythology that to my knowledge is new to the Bigfoot movie universe. These tidbits obviously play out in the rest of the film as well but more importantly we get a glimpse of the big guy and the damage he can inflict.

Fast forward to a creeper van parked outside of a residence with 3 men inside. After a few minutes of some hilariously raunchy conversation from our group we learn that they are there to kidnap someone for reasons unknown. As the bumbling kidnappers finally get their target into the van they make their getaway to the woods and their campsite. This is where we find out the kidnapping was an elaborate prank to get their soon to be married buddy into the forest for his bachelor party.

This is when we get to meet our motley crew. We have our bachelor who knows a lot about the woods and the legend of the Bigfoot that is said to roam them, the best friend Jinx (played brilliantly by director Todd Jenkins), An actor very well known as Vinny Blades (played to perfection by Billy Blair) an action movie star and ladies man, an asshole skeptic who pisses everyone off and the nephew who is just happy to be there but also knows quite a bit about the legend of the forest. The chemistry between these actors is top notch and a big reason this movie is going to resonate with so many people.

After kind of seeing the Bigfoot in the first few minutes of the movie, director Todd Jenkins takes the "JAWS approach" and we don't see the big man again for just a little over an hour into the film. This is OK though because the dialogue and story carry this film quite nicely and when the action does pick up it picks up with a fury.

We go from horror/comedy with more comedy overtones right into a horror/comedy with very gory and more horror overtones. The music is very inspired and carries the film extremely well. I got a very distinct and intense Predator vibe mixed with the playful wonder of Harry and the Hendersons score which gives the movie an extra level of serious presence.

As I mentioned before, all of the FX in this film are practical and done very well. In the midst of people being hunted and killed by Sasquatch, other people are having sex and partying unaware of the danger in the woods until it's too late. Heads and limbs are ripped off in fantastic and original ways and after seeing this I am going to coin the term "D**K-Capitation" or maybe "De-C**K-Itation", either way the chain of events that led me to create these words because I had no other, were nothing short of some of the most funny and gory moments I've seen in a movie in a while.

Now for the big question, what about the Bigfoot? This is actually a very well done Bigfoot. I honestly wasn't expecting much after the long build up but I was beyond happy with the scary looking and extremely savage version that was presented. As the campers fight to survive, we are shown more and more of the angry big man and there isn't a dull moment when he's near the shot.
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Ahockalypse (2018)
Hockey and zombies......Yeah I'm in!!
28 August 2018
This was actually a really fun and original zombie movie!
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Housesitters (2018)
Hey what's that in the basement? Oh a bloody pentagram, no biggie!
2 August 2018
Low budget but fun, this is a very unique take on demonic movies and has a very interesting little creature to boot. My words of advice when you watch it (for free on Amazon Prime) is to just have fun with it!
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If you're looking for something scary, this is it!
21 July 2018
The Fear Footage caught me completely by surprise! I'll keep this short by simply saying that if you are looking for something that is actually scary, this is the movie you want to watch! I will pass on the effective viewing instructions that were given to me when I received my copy--Turn off the lights, turn up the volume and try not to jump!
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Fireside Tales-A low budget slasher anthology
23 February 2018
It is no secret that I love horror anthologies no matter what the budget as long as it has heart and stays true to its horror roots. Ian Messenger of CatchMeKillMe Productions, definitely has a true love for the slasher genre and had an estimated $5,000 budget burning a hole in his pocket to make a slasher based horror anthology all of his own! So each segment is full of plot holes, has some stale acting and masks can be seen when that clearly wasn't the intention, BUT I have to say that the wraparound story with the story telling friends brings all of these shortcomings to the forefront after each segment. With the group tearing town each story after it is told (obviously to insult the story teller), the stories become acceptably cheesy and fun for all of the same shortcomings and whether intentional or not on Ian Messenger's behalf, this was a genius move because the true story of the movie is about the partying, story telling friends and the fate that ultimately befalls them.

Don't turn it off when the credits start to roll because there will be more story to be told.

Go in with low expectations, watch it with friends, drink some beers and have fun.
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Monkey Farm (2017)
Well executed found footage indie horror movie-A good sign of things to come from CatchMeKillMe Productions
23 February 2018
Found footage movies are always hit and miss but are generally a great way to get out a big story on a small budget. I was a bit skeptical going in because CatchMeKillMe Productions last film Fireside Tales (my review in link) was big on story but low on execution and was shot on half the budget ($5,000) as Monkey Farm. I liked Fireside Tales for what it was but I really liked Monkey Farm for the visible progression of talent that was displayed by the director, actors and the story telling. Of course this movie isn't perfect, not may are, but given the budget Ian Messenger had to work with I feel like he created a really good found footage creature feature that was carried heavily by the story and the acting. He is showing huge improvement as a film maker and as a story teller, so give his movies an open minded watch and appreciate them for what they are...Low budget indie horror with tremendous heart and ambition.
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