
10 Reviews
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Doctor Who: Orphan 55 (2020)
Season 12, Episode 3
Very fun episode!
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Expected this episode to be terrible based on other reviews but was pleasantly surprised that it's actually a very enjoyable episode. The pacing is energetic and exciting, the character interactions are hilarious and engaging. The doctor in particular was a delight this episode, she was clearly still feeling down after Spyfall and it translated into her having a bit of a meaner edge this episode. I think "if i had crayons and half a can of spam, I could build you from scratch" is one of my favourite quotes from the doctor now.

Of course the episode also had some really dark moments too, I could feel the horror of the fam realising what this planet was, and what the dregs were, it was very reminiscent of Bill finding out why the humans left Earth in Smile. Before that, the moment where Benni asks someone to shoot him when at this point we still don't even know what happened to him is so ominous, and contrasted with him asking Vilma to marry him made it sting all that more. And I felt bad for poor Yaz watching Vilma be killed as all the others decided to just turn and run.

Ultimately it was a very fun but dark episode with an overarching message that was both realistic but hopeful. Take away quote: "humans, I think you forget how powerful you are."
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Doctor Who: Boom (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
I haven't enjoyed an episode this much since the centenary special
19 May 2024
This aas an absolutely brilliant episode. I wasn't sure what to expect from the episode and went in with no expectations, and I'm happy to say I was blown away (no pun intended). This episode had so much tension and emotion and the characters were written in a way that you just couldn't help but get invested in all the characters, even the side characters, right from the get go. And i feel like I'm finally getting invested in the 15th Doctor and Ruby, I enjoyed them before but now I truly care about them and what will happen in the future. This episode left me far more excited for the next episode than the previous two.

I also appreciated the call backs to Moffat's previous run, there was some obvious and some more subtle. The episode definitely felt like a bit of a love letter to fans of his run which was sweet.
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Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils (2022)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Fun episode with an interesting setting
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Loved this, a very "feel good" episode that made me laugh a lot, and then finished off by attacking my emotions. Not the flashiest episode but honestly it's just what i want from a special.

I loved the bit of action too, Dan getting those three sea devils was surprising but I loved it! And of course i have to mention the flips, it feels like they had a few epsiodes left and just decided to pull out all the stops.

Special shout out to the setting and costuming, all the outfits were stellar, especially the doctor, i love her main outfit but it's always great to see her in something else, and I think the blue really suited her.

The setting was also really cool, i dont think we've had any other stories set in China, and i always love a good historical.
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Doctor Who: 42 (2007)
Season 3, Episode 7
Really exciting episode
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love the concept of this episode, although I do wish it was genuinely 42 minutes in real time, instead of the episode being 42 minutes, but its still good. I'm always a fan of the 'doctor + companion are stuck on a spaceship/station/etc with a small crew of people' archetype, there's a few episodes like this and they're always great

It's a quick fun episode, with some really nice character moments. A notable scene for me is when the escape pod disengages and all you an hear is silence. It's followed nicely with martha talking about noisy her family is. It's clear the silence has made her realise how important that noise is to her.

I also love the ending, with Martha being someone to believe in. It's very nice foreshadowing for her role as the woman who walks the earth.
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Doctor Who: Blink (2007)
Season 3, Episode 10
A good episode but overrated
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this episode, the characters were good, I liked the detail of them having matching names (Sally Sparrow and Larry Nightingale), obviously I will always love it for introducing the angels. Writing wise, Steven Moffat did a great job, clever concepts are clearly one of his biggest strengths and it shines here. But overall from the way people talk about this episode I expected something groundbreaking or life changing

I know I'm an outlier here but the angels in this episode never really scared me. I wasn't particularly interested in the relationship between Sally and Billy, which to give credit to the episode, i dont think it wants you to be particularly invested in them, just invested enough that it's sad when he dies. But I see people touting it as the greatest love story ever and it just doesn't deliver on that.

Overall a good episode with a clever concept, but is being let down by the pedestal it has been put on.
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Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road (2023)
Season 1, Episode 0
Really fun episode
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think it had a few flaws and I found the goblins freaky as anything but overall I really enjoyed the episode. I actually liked it a lot more than the anniversary specials. I do wish we had got a proper regeneration episode for Ncuti like we did with the 10-13th doctors but this was great still.

As a scot, myself and the whole family were delighted to see the doctor rocking a kilt. The outfits were certainly fashionable this episode. And the doctors personality and mannerisms, while not my personal favourite, were entertaining.

I like the character of Ruby, and I love how she is a parallel to the doctor. I'm glad they are continuing to use that story line. I always felt a big difference between classic doctor who and the new series was that it seemed like there was a pressure for every arc and plot point to be completely tied up before the writers changed over but in the old series it didn't seem as important, i don't see why writers shouldn't be able to build off one another and continue a good storyline.

I only caught up with series 13 recently and was enamoured by the adoption allegory, so i am very glad thats something they chose to build on.

Also! I am very intrigued by Ruby's mysterious mother, it's left me very excited for the next series, i just have to know who she is!
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Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth (2018)
Season 11, Episode 1
Brilliant episode
25 December 2023
I wrote a very long review for this episode but it seems imdb ate it sadly

The episode is a brilliant introduction to both thr new doctor and her companions. This doctor is reminiscent of the eleventh doctor but with fresh aspects brought to the character by both Jodie Whittaker and Chris chibnall. Whittakers enthusiasm for the role really shines through, her doctor is so full of energy and positivity. While still trying to find herself this episode, it's clear she's embraced the values the previous doctor wanted them to take on.

The companions have such promise and their core character arcs are already evident. I said more about this in my original review but I'm running out of energy for this. Just know i love them.

This is such a perfect regeneration episode, with all the silliness and excitement that I love from a regeneration episode.
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Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth (2018)
Season 11, Episode 1
Wonderful regeneration episode!
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a brilliant introduction to both our new doctor and out new companions, as well as the tragic character of Grace.

The 13th doctor is brilliant and funny, and adorable. She's quite reminiscent of the eleventh doctor but with new aspects brought to the character by both Jodie and Chris Chibnall. The enthusiasm that Whittaker has for the role shines through so clearly. Her doctor is full of energy and enthusiasm. She's just had one of the worst days ever but while still trying to find herself, has clearly brought on all the values the Twelth doctor wanted them to carry on.

Ryan and Yaz show so much promise as characters, even from very early on you can see the core aspects of their arcs. Ryan feels frustrated and inadequate, despite actually being very clever. Yaz is determined to do and be more, she knows she can be great but feels very confined. The doctor is the clear missing puzzle piece to their lives that can help with these things.

Grace is such an important character here, not only for Ryan and Graham but for the Doctor too. Although its not acknowledged much I think Grace's death had such a big impact on the doctors overall character for this regeneration. Its the reality that being close to the doctor can cost you your life.

Graham's story really starts with the loss of grace and the desire to be closer to Ryan, im less interested in his character but he is quite fun, and his interactions with the doctor create some great humour..
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Doctor Who: Fear Her (2006)
Season 2, Episode 11
Just as good as I remember!
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this episode a lot when I was young and it always really stuck with me. So i rewatched it recently, and i'm happy to say it wasnt just nostalgia and this is genuinely such a lovely episode. I felt that the doctor and Rose's relationship really shined this episode, they were so entertaining together and felt like a real partnership, which is so tragic with the next episodes in mind

I loved the story of the isolus, I really felt for that little alien. Just a lonely child who sought comfort in another lonely child. And i felt for chloe too, its clear she had been through a lot. The actress who played Chloe did an amazing job as both chloe herself and the isolus.

I also loved the more eery aspects of the episode. The people dissapearing, the panic when the doctor is taken, and most of all the terror Chloe has of her dad. I could feel it all so vicerally and in my opinion an episode that makes you really feel a whole range of episodes is the best kind.
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Doctor Who: The Timeless Children (2020)
Season 12, Episode 10
Great and fascinating episode
15 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love the how well the episode shows the terse relationship between the doctor and the master in this episode, you can really feel all thr tension and pain between them and Jodie and Sacha's acting was brilliant.

I think the concept is fascinating. It reminds me of one of the other doctor origin stories "the other", and adds to the confusing nature of the doctors origins. I know this frustrates some people to not know for sure where the doctor comes from but personally i think it adds to the enigma.

The relationship between the doctor and companions really shines in the episode too, Yaz trying to stop the doctor leaving really makes my heart ache. I feel it tied nicely back to Can You Hear Me?, it cant be easy for Yaz to see someone she loves try to go off and their life.

My only complaint about the episode is some of the dialogue felt a little awkward but overall it didn't impede my enjoyment of the episode too much. The story was interesting and the chemistry between the actors/characters was there and that's most important to me.
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