
14 Reviews
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Finding Santa (2017 TV Movie)
What's that?
25 November 2023
We all know the storylines of those movies. A pretty girl single of course usually meets a nice man but widow with a children, they get along, have fun, near the end of the movie had a fight and finally at the end of the picture, they kiss and live happy forever!!!

Elvis Presley did 31 movies and most of them were about that same pattern but without the christmas time. Christmas movies by the ton didn't exist in the 60's...

What we have here?! The girl, the man, no widow, no child of his own. Ok, a little different. What is the plot about then??? It's about a man who REFUSES to play Santa Claus for just one evening??

What's that??? Who will refuse to play Santa and replace his father for a couple of hours??? NOBODY!!! The movie is ALL about that!

One star because of the always lovely Jodie Sweetin and zero star for the carachter of the man who is mean, selfish, unfriendly, etc.

Time to stop making 100 christmas movies like that every year and returning to the good ones like Christmas Vacations or Home Alone...
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Pure crap!
11 January 2023
There's plenty of old and new documentaries about Kennedy's assassination on Youtube. By watching one of the bunch i was influenced to ABSOLUTELY not miss the new masterpiece of Oliver Stone! I just lost 6 hours of my life...

Stone released a two hours documentary called JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass on november 12, 2021 and this one, a four hours long in four parts one month later.

So i've watched the two hours one first and the four hours after. This very one here. The two hours is a ''condensed'' part of the four hours so you watch the same thing twice! A real cheat.

What we have here so new and awaited for nearly 60 years?? NOTHING!!!!!!

All we have here is FOUR long hours of Kennedy politics. Nothing new about the who, the why, the... You have already everything and better on Youtube or on the best documentary made about Kennedy's killing : The Men Who Killed Kennedy.

Only Kennedy's autopsy is ''interesting'' but we already knew all the details or about on Youtube by the doctors at Parkland hospital or in The Men Who Killed Kennedy.

Not a word about Tippit, nothing new about Oswald, nothing, nothing, nothing. Only Kennedy's politics. So if you want to know about Kennedy's politics, you have four hours full of it!

And a chance i did not pay to watch 6 hours of nothing! I found them for free on a peer to peer site...
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The River Why (2010)
28 June 2022
Dull, boring, zzzzzz. Nothing happens.

Only worth the watch for Amber Heard in her prime at age 22 when this was filmed in 2008 and the nice cinematography. Even the music score is boring. You have a violin, a banjo and an acoustic guitar. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
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France??? Really???
25 June 2022
Since she probably won't do any other movies and because she is (and was) really cute, i've decided to watch all the Amber Heard movies.

The only thing i have to say here is : Why americans are doing movies entirely shot in Paris with everybody speaks only in english and nobody in french!!??

When french moviemakers are making a movie set either in New York, Los Angeles or London, they put english characters in it. A little more realistic... When french do movies about World War II they put german ones in it...

I'm french so it's annoying seeing a movie with english only speaking shot entirely in Paris. And when a parisian speaks english like the black man in Costner appartment, he speaks english with a french accent. Not a perfect american english talking. And it's not all the parisians that can speak in english.

The movie is full of non sense and worth the watch but come on, let's be serious and realistic... Put french characters for more than 10 seconds or do your movies in Hollywood...

And if you want to shoot a movie in Paris because it's the most beautiful city in the world, please don't shoot in winter time...

As for Amber Heard in this one, we see very few of her and i really wonder why she is credited just after Kevin Costner. The leading female role is Costner's daughter...

Ah americans in Paris...
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Three Secrets (1999 TV Movie)
Good apart for the last minute.
30 September 2021
I did not see the 1950 movie this story is about so i can't compare yet.

You're on a suspense until the end. But at the end, at the last minute, the ending is so disapointing that it ruins the pleasure you had for 1 hour and a half. Judge by yourself...
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Street Law (1974)
The first 13 minutes...
29 August 2021
Like all the bad reviews here, mine will be about the same. You have the main action during the first 13 minutes, a must see and then an improbable plot. And i don't see why people compare this movie with Death Wish.

In Death Wish Bronson's wife is killed so he went for revenge. Here the guy only lost a handful of money in a bank robbery and got beaten. The police can't help him so he got mad and manages to kill the bandits.

Worth watching for the first 13 minutes, Barbara Bach's beauty then and pure 70's old cars and old fashioned Genova, Italy.
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White Air (2007)
22 August 2021
I bought this DVD for 1 canadian dollars. And i've watched it for only 30 minutes before destroying the DVD disc. Piece of garbage.

It's a cheap production. It was filmed with probably a first generation digital camera. The sound is awful and that music at every minute, grunge, rock, rap, name them is sooo annoying!! That was the reason i've stopped watching.

And snowboarding in California??? Really??? You better watch some old winter olympic games and you will be more satisfied.

Of course if you're in the 12 to 20 years old range, maybe this is for you...
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Radio Inside (1994)
Nothing is happening
7 June 2021
Being a huge fan of Elisabeth Shue, i can't miss a movie with her in it. But nothing is happening here. Plenty of blah blah blah, slow pace and dull flashbacks. For fans only, fans of Elisabeth Shue... Five stars because it's not a low budget and for her beauty at this time, mid-90's.
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Memories of Murder (1990 TV Movie)
For fans only
17 April 2021
I always had a HUGE crush on Nancy Allen. For those who remember her naked in Carrie in the opening shower scene, wow! I was a teen then (13-14) and it never skip out of my mind! Anyway, we all know the movie Carrie by heart.

I'm the second user to review this movie. The first one did it in year 2000, i'm doing it on april 17, 2021!

This movie is impossible to find anywhere, won't run on tv again but i found it (i don't know if i'm allowed to tell) but i found it on Rarelust. The ONLY place and it just surfaced recently. A good VHS copy.

Beautiful Nancy Allen is now 39 when she did that movie. Not 25 anymore but...

The movie is long, long and long. And dull. You wait for something to happen and nothing is happening. It is a tv movie, so low budget and low production.

For Nancy Allen die-hard fans like me only!
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Juno (2007)
Only with Woody.
27 March 2021
Ok. I'm the 949th person who is writing a review here. Not a single one will go through all the 949 so maybe i won't be read. Here we have cute actresses, Elliot Page, Jennifer Garner and a teen movie story.

But what annoys me the most it is the narrative of miss Page all along the movie. We don't need this, we can figure ourself the story.

Narrative movies are dull to watch apart Woody Allen's ones. Because he has a touch to do it, a funny touch.

So stick with Woody and pass on this one. For die hard Elliot Page or Jennifer Garner fans only.
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Greta (2018)
Just to add a goof
24 March 2021
I wanted to add a goof but after browsing for minutes, i still don't know how to do it.

This is my goof : When she found the hand bag on the subway and brought it at her apartment, her friend emptied it and we can see birth control pills from the bag. The bag belongs to Isabelle Huppert who was more than 64 and a half while shooting that movie in late 2017.

What kind of woman takes birth control pills at age near 65?
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Fatal Bond (1991)
Cheap, Cheap, Cheap!
17 March 2021
I wanted to see what became of Linda Blair. Everybody of my age (born in 1963) knows her for we know what. In here she is at the height of her beauty around age 30. But only her cute face and body worth the watch.

This is a VERY cheap production. The filming, the sound is annoying with always either some back ground noises or the cheap music score in almost every scene. Unwatchable!

And the plot. At the very beginning she sees a violent man, protect him from the bouncers, hop in his car right away, make love with him withing five minutes, moves in with him the very same day, stayed with him even if he is violent and maybe a killer... Wow!

Won't tell you what happens after. But be prepared for a cheap production and it's hard to stay all the way until the end.

For die-hard Linda Blair's fan only to see what she can do 15 years after the only movie she will be remembered for...
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6 March 2021
I was 25 when the original movie came out and more, i saw it at a drive-in movie theater in a big car with a long time lost beautiful girlfriend. The good old days...

Coming 2 America? Really? They are in America for only 5 minutes. And the movie is 110 minutes long! What else to say? People giving more than 5 stars are pure Eddie Murphy die hard fans. But it worth only 1 star believe me and 90% of the other reviewers.

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Another fake movie
4 March 2021
Let me explain.

This is not the first movie about WWII in France done ENTIRELY in ENGLISH. And those movies should not have been made. Germans invaded France in 1940 until the americans freed France in 1944. Nothing there (France) happenned in english. Everything was done in french, german and a tiny bit in english when britishs were trying something.

So those english movies sounds so fake for us french! It is like doing a movie about civil war in USA in another language than english! Imagine watching a movie about civil war in USA in... polish, russian, italian or name it.

A zillion WWII movies about germans in France since 1945 has been done but in french! Watch them with subs in your language and you will have the true story.

It sounds so fake in english that i give only one star and i would have give zero if possible. Not that this movie has its good moments but come on, not in english in rural french villages or even Paris. Avoid WWII movies done in english about germans invading France.

English WWII movies can be done beginning with the americans landing in France on june 6, 1944 like Saving Private Ryan or do english movies about the pacific war with the japaneses following Pearl Harbour. That's it!

A civil war movie in turkish maybe... Nonsense! So stop doing english movies about germans invading France from 1940 to 1944. Thank you.
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