
16 Reviews
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Really well done!
13 January 2024
My big sister graduated, in North Texas, in 1976. This is as close to an exact replica as possible of the era. Music is easy because most rock back then is now classic and still awesome. Actors did a wonderful job. The feel was right on target, too. Drugs and rock were always the main topic then and they handled it perfectly.

Now, to whomever decided to put this in the "Raunchy" genre, you don't watch many movies, apparently. Raunch is saved for stuff like Bachelor Party or American Pie and others like that. This is FAR from raunchy. Drugs and beer, on the other hand...this movie has plenty. But no raunch.
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Human Resources (II) (2021)
Really different!
10 August 2023
We liked this a LOT! This was totally a new kind of thing. We found the main character so endearing. This guy was totally sweet and afraid of failure and it was really well acted. Then, he gets the chance to step up and be the hero! He also, seemingly, gets the girl.

So, if you're not sure, go ahead and check it out. I mean, it's free right now on Tubi. So whaddaya got to lose?

We thought it was totally worth the good rating. It's kinda tongue-in-cheek and it doesn't take itself too seriously.

So, there you have it. Our two cents on a really good little movie.

Don't listen to the haters and just give it a shot. Hollyweird is putting out leftist trash anyways. This has none of that crap.
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Jericho: Why We Fight (2007)
Season 1, Episode 22
Trolls abound!
4 June 2023
Nemesis-88 is a troll and does NOT know history. The story that GRAMPA Johnston (not great grampa) tells about WWII is true. The 101st Airborn was in Bastogne and running out of food and ammo, AND in the dead of winter. Hitler's CO sent a note to Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe calling for the surrender of the Allied Troops. His reply, on December 22, 1944, 3 days before Christmas, was "Kiss my nuts!" My husband and I have been to Bastogne and all over there, including driving along side the Maginot Line, and I have pictures of us by a real WWII US Military Jeep that is right outside the Gen. McAuliffe Cafe "Nuts!" and Museum. Truly one of the best trips I can remember.

Check your history and facts before putting up some idiotic, uninformed, troll crap like you've been doing. I'm pretty sure, I could look for your bogus reviews for every episode and refute every single one of them.

This show is AWESOME! They even have so many survival tips in a grid-down situation that can be put to the test and proven to work.
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Pretty good
29 May 2023
I kept thinking of "Taps".

Everything about it just kept reminding me of "Taps". The boys' school and the military boys' school, the little bitty kids taking up guns, the older boys taking command...the only difference was this movie is in England and "Taps" is in the US.

Also, this is tagged as a comedy? We've been watching British movies, series, comedy, well...EVERY genre for years and years, but I can't remember ever seeing a movie THAT mislabeled.

So, don't go in, thinking it's a dark comedy or anything. Take it for what it is; a bad situation gone so bad, there is no coming back.

But it's well acted and a pretty good movie.
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AmeriGeddon (2016)
Pretty sure...
25 February 2023
...the libtards circled the wagons on this one to give extremely low ratings. It's got a lot of icons like Diane Ladd and others in it who are really good! And other newbies who are really decent. I'm betting the fact that Alex Jones is in it, playing devil's advocate, by the way, is a lot of the reasons some gave it as low ratings as they did. Lefttards cannot stand it when their own crap is put into the spotlight. So, I give it 10 for the way it's done, the mixture of veterans and novice actors and actresses (yeah, I said it! ACTRESSES!) doing a good job on a good movie, but most of all, I'm rating 10 for content! 7 years ago now and we're literally on the precipice of this taking place. Haters gonna hate! MOLON LABE, B1TCH3S! Come and meet our five-five-six.
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23 December 2022
Total lefttard propaganda.

I'm so sick of hollyweird satanists vomiting poison all over us. That's all Jeffrey Wright is doing. He comes across as intelligent or informed when he is just a mockingbird of the left.

More of the same.

We don't think Trump is going to save us, but it is abundantly clear he was for this country. Biden, Obama, the Clintons, Bushes...all the way back to after WWII, the left and the right are on the same team. Except Trump. So love him or hate him, he, at least, wasn't hell-bent on destroying this country. All of the others were/are bent on collapsing the economy, killing 80 to 90% of the world population and controlling the "useless eaters" that remain, as Schwab puts it.
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The Winchesters (2022–2023)
21 December 2022
This is so trite. We're in the 4th episode. I can't even believe that Jensen would narrate this, KNOWING, full well, the actual storyline of Supernatural. John NEVER knew the hunting life until Mary was killed. This is just a reimagining of that original and beloved story. It's like some alternative storyline. Are the actors good? Sure, but the writing sucks because Mary would never say some of this crap and there's no way some of this stuff would've ever happened in the 70s. They want us to buy this. But it's just trite. Just. Simply. Trite!

Watch it at your own risk. If you LOVE Supernatural...and affectionately call it "Sam & Dean" probably won't get much out of this. At all.

Ending it watchable? Sure. If you're not familiar with the Supernatural series and if you're an idiot millennial, wanting to watch vapid crap.
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Millennials making movies with millenials
22 March 2022
We watched this through, to the end. Mostly to critique it, but it was pretty brutal to watch. They figure they can do minimal script, the most of which is spoken by the two, main protagonists and a couple of extras. The antagonists don't speak. They were the best actors in this. This was dull and unimaginative. Millenials, with their no guns, don't antagonize others mentality really drove this entire "movie". It's stupid and droll. Go ahead. Watch it. You'll agree.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
People who don't watch the show...
5 February 2022
...need to quit rating it poorly and quit saying that sex and nudity and other stuff are severe. Get a life and stop trolling. Jerks.

There is never nudity and most sex scenes are suggestive, at best. I can only think of two that are more than that.

As for severe drug and alcohol use, yeah...Dean overdose alcohol at times but I really can't remeber severe.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
We know it's not the writing...
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We know Tom Clancey is a good writer, but the directors and all made this into hot crap. So many, TOTALLY unbelievable segments, like how they were shot down over the Bering Sea and then end up in Murmansk in a power raft (and tons more like that). AND!!!! CAN HOLLYWOOD PLEASE GET BETTER SOUND TECHS? The music is always WAY louder than the dialog now! We have adjusted our smart TV so many times and in so many ways, but it's still so distracting. Like some guys in their mom's basement threw it together saying, " Killer soundtrack, crank it. It'll be cool!" It's not. Plus we're so sick of WOKE! Y'ALL NEED TO WAKE UP TO WHAT VIEWERS IN REAL LIFE WANT...NOT JUST THE ONES YOU IMAGINE WE ARE! Stop already and be real.
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Slow burn that goes completely out
6 November 2021
It was slow and boring. Never gets anywhere. We gave it over half the time and finally shut it off. Could've been cool, but they just dragged out a seriously boring story.
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Wraith (I) (2017)
Finally! Not shoving liberal junk down our throats!
25 August 2021
Yeah, the daughter was pretty bad at acting, but still a great surprise to not have liberalism shoved at us in every scene! It wasn't awesome, it wasn't horrible. If you didn't like it, just move on and let it go already.
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Justified (2010–2015)
Simply Genius
8 May 2021
The writing is genius. It starts well, with a clear understanding of who our hero is and what he's all about. It stays completely true all the way to the end. And then? It ends well without any questions left unanswered. There aren't many series that hold true to themselves all the way through now days, but this was so well written and EXTREMELY well-acted that when we "unplugged", we had to buy it on disc so we could binge it over and over.
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Aussie? American?
1 May 2021
The actress keeps slipping in and out of her natural Australian accent to her character's American one. Other than that obvious flaw, the idea is good but script and acting were barely okay.
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Pretty good
24 April 2021
It's a pretty good show. We prefer Band of Brothers and other movies/series like it, but this is decent.

But, if there was a Lifetime Movie Network for Men, this would be there.
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Filth (I) (2013)
Perfect Title
27 February 2021
Starts with raunch and just gets worse with every scene. No real story line. Just a waste of all that talent.
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