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More 10/10 than 1/10 ? Yeah right...
16 March 2023
More 10/10 ratings than 1/10 ratings?

That's a load of trolls who rate this piece of .. something .. 10/10 just to see people throwing a tantrum about it, definitely a bunch of the filming crew too.

I'll be honest, I think it's definitely worse than Batwoman. That should mean something.

You know, they could pick a random 5 year old off the streets and he could write better dialogues and detective work in Gotham Knights tv show.

But at this points it doesn't look no more like they actually want that. They are making this bloody disaster on purpose. It's like TV networks have some kind of competition for who can make the worst show in the history and earn most money with it.

Cause it cannot be explained otherwise.
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Monster (2022– )
What's the purpose of this show?
4 December 2022
If based on a true story, you would expect the show to be historically accurate, which it is not.

It's almost a complete fiction, so if we take "based on a true story" out of the equation, what's so good there is left about this show? I just don't see it, besides the two really amazing actors, Evan Peters and Richard Jenkins.

So what's the purpose of this show?

It's not a fiction for entertainment, and they are not trying to cover the Dahmer's story and teach us something about that really happened.

It's just another pathetic attempt to rewrite a historical event in a way to serve the modern days political agenda. And people fall for it like schoolgirls in love.
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It's not a historical movie, it's fiction.
5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A historical movie should be a historical movie.

If this movie was historically accurate, we could call it an African version of Braveheart, and who the hell didn't like Braveheart? People fighting for their freedom. With good writers and budget it could be made into an amazing movie. If so I would give it maybe 6/10, wasn't very outstanding.

Unfortunately a historically accurate movie about The Dahomey kingdom, that would mean a movie that openly celebrates slavery and worse, because that's what Dahomey kingdom really was about. They were slave traders, they captured people and sold them as slaves. Nobody would dare to make such a movie these days.

In this fictional nonsense they are representing the Dahomey as the victims, and as the ones who fought for the end of the slavery, when in fact it was Europeans who put an end to the Atlantic slave trade.

Long story short, just as I predicted.

They just have to corrupt everything with lies, and for that it doesn't deserve even 1/10.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Not Resident evil & Terrible generic horror tv
17 July 2022
I'm surprised that it even has 3.5 rating.

Had to see what all the 10s are about, and they are clearly done in spite to all the lows who they think are out of hatred because of the race swap.

No, the show is just that bad. They borrowed RE characters and the franchise's title, but otherwise it has nothing to do with it. It's just a generic horror show, have I to add a forgettable one.

It's like when you can't remember what you ate for breakfast yesterday. You ate it and forget it, because it didn't stand out.
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Educative for everyone; far-left, far-right or far-whatever.
9 June 2022
I mean, whether you agree or disagree what the documentary is about, do not be prejudice and bomb the review with 1/10 or 10/10 just out of spite/principle.

To not to spoil anything, I won't say much.

Film is well edited, good pace, watching it won't feel like an eternity, and you will have learned a lot.

It's very informative for everyone, for both political wings, and it's very entertaining.

My 10/10 rating for it is there for a reason, I don't give it lightly.

So far, including this one, I've rated only 3 movies with 10/10, cause they are something truly ingenious, people can learn from it.
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In the multiverse of wasted cameos
9 May 2022
Silly how a movie with the word "Multiverse" in it's title is less of a multiverse movie than Spider-Man: No Way Home. A big let down.

Of course some reviewers, for a counter-argument in it's defense, are immediately spitting out the so famous quote: "Keep your expectations low and you will never be disappointed."

Means that I have to rate it as "a good movie" simply because of the terrible advertising that made me have higher expectations than I should have had, regardless of how bad the movie really is. Somehow it's just my fault, that it?

This movie had just a few appreciated cameos, and it felt like they have less than a minute of screen time, and it was the most disappointing. For such wise and powerful veterans they had mind of rookies who are at this like for the first time, hence screwed it all up in the most convenient way.

Made my eyes rolling times too many than it should have been humanly possible.

I'll give it 4/10 cause it stands for "Poor" in my rating system. But honest it deserves even less.
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The Batman (2022)
Generic and forgettable.
18 April 2022
That pretty much sums it up.

We were promised to see a new side of Batman previously unexplored on big screens in such depth - the world's greatest detective! But honest it felt like when we're doing a daily sudoku or crosswords from a newspaper while we're unloading the big one...

There's no creativity in those. No chemistry among Pattinson and Kravitz, none of the cast had a particularly outstanding performance except for Paul Dano, he never ceases to surprise.

Dialogues are much forgettable, actions scenes full of convenience, and the theme music keeps following The Bat very much like it does Wonder Woman in Snyder's Justice League. It's good once or twice, but it becomes so bloody annoying. No other memorable soundtrack in it.

Terrible pacing for a 3 hours long movie, and no doubt there will be a director's cut showing additional 20 minutes.

And of course the very "subtle" subplot about how all the white people are privileged and the bad guys.

Trust me, giving it 5 out 10 stars is a gift for this mediocre.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
From good to woke
22 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 was good, it showed potential, I'm sure that we all can agree on that.

But Season 2 is already showing a ton of political narratives and woke nonsense.

What's really ridiculous is that a working class middle age man cannot figure out how to fix a car by cleaning or changing a clogged fuel filter, but some teenage girl genius does, or that a teenage boy is getting depressive cause his girlfriend kissed another girl.

It doesn't seem that bad, but mark my words it's gonna get worse.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
20 January 2022
I watched the first two episodes. It isn't when I usually rate a show, but this is simply frustrating.

Besides how the dating is today, you cannot really relate to any of the characters. And there's no actual chemistry between them.

The acting is terrible and none of the jokes feel natural (for a lack of a less subtle way to say it's forced).

It isn't even funny, even a bit, the laughing track is really getting your nerves.

I have to say, that considering the name of the show, it was expected that it would most likely be a "cash grab" spin-off, but it feels like the writers haven't even put any effort in that and threw in a wrench before they even started, like a sabotage.

It's an extremely rare case to rate something as 1/10, this deserves worse.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
It can be cheesy, but ...
15 January 2022
They've done a good work on flashbacks, telling us the background stories of the main characters, but there's still a lot left out to make sense of how they all got where they are now. Given time I'm sure they will get there.

In real time, characters quite often make really dumb decisions, there's a lot of prejudice. Normally I hate that kind of thing in movies and tvs cause it never seems realistic. It's different in this one.

While yes, it might seem cheesy, but their prejudice and decisions can be very accurate in their positions. In my opinion it does a very good job at reflecting how really prejudice, ignorant and hateful our society today is, and without being too political about it.

There's no talk of racism or sexism, other political narratives, and there shouldn't be. It just a show about a Karate. It's exactly what people would expect from a show about Karate, and they love it for it. That's why it's rated so positively.

While they should work better on cheesy dialogues and speeches, on choreography, overall it's a good example of what reboots and sequels to classical franchises today should be like.
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You have to see it for yourself.
23 December 2021
I went in with the lowest expectations, keeping an eye out for the worst, and somehow I still underestimated the significance of those 2 hours of my life.

So I suppose there's just one way to put this.

Like Morpheus said: "Unfortunately, no one can be told how bad The Matrix Resurrections is. You have to see it for yourself."

If you dare . . .
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Red Notice (2021)
Plot from the 90s, humor from the 2020s.
9 December 2021
It's a baby of plot from the 90s and humor of the 2020s.

If you grew up in the 90s watching those movies, then you already know every twist, makes this movie extremely predictable. If you didn't, then it might be alright for you.

For the rest, we just have to try to ignore that and it can be just okay for one time. Could be better without all these one-liners.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Very poor
24 November 2021
I was never a big fan of Hawkeye, cause he never stood out in MCU as anything spectacular, but a guy skilled with a bow. No much of depth to his character like DC''s Green Arrow had.

There was a glimpse of hope when Ronin appeared in Endgame. It showed potential and I was really hoping that it would be explored more in a TV.

Unfortunately so far it would seem that that won't be the case with this show. Season is too short for that.

After 2 episodes of this it's hard to decide, but one thing is sure - Kate Bishop's character is annoying AF. The constant mumbling, narration of everything happening around her.....

I would have preferred a Ronin's spin-off instead.

4/10 for now. Not expecting it to change, but fingers crossed anyway.
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Professionals (2020–2022)
Failed potential
19 December 2020
Show is made like they were in the 90s or 2000s, but it is missing an identity and uniqueness. Think of Renegade, Highlander, The Invisible Man, Burn Notice. They have a unique character that can make every filler episode and cliché still somehow entertaining and interesting to watch. This show doesn't. I expected that Tom Welling and Brendan Faser would bring it, but so far they don't, they are poorly written. But still they are the only reason I'm watching it, hoping for something, anything. But I'm afraid it's a lost cause.

But it doesn't necessary mean a bad thing. It's possible that the whole purpose of this show is like a target practice, to see if our favorite Tom and Brendan are still live and kicking and capable of something bigger, before they set any plans in motion. Think of it as an audition.

Because that's what I would do, because personally I see a potential in them.
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