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The Devil's Hour (2022– )
The Devil's Hour 2022
9 November 2022
I often have an aftertaste after watching movies and TV series. It happens that these are pleasant notes of spices and wonderful sensations. Sometimes it's terrible emotions and a desire to gouge out one's own eyes.

But this time I got a real basis for not too simple thoughts and reflections about the nature, meaning and cyclicality of our life.

The project is extremely elaborate and saturated with so many logical and interconnected details that combine everything into a cool integrated picture. And here there is no need to talk about the acting, even without the appropriate level, everything here is done quite cool.

If there were more such series and films, the cinema would not stand still, producing superheroes and action soaps.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Don't Worry Darling
2 November 2022
So what do we get in almost two hours of film?

Pretty face Florence? Yes, there is plenty of it here and it is really nice to see.

Some plot moves also leave a pleasant aftertaste, to the extreme they hold attention and let you get bored.

And then a complete mess. The plot is cracking, it's too hard to imagine such a situation when everything looks suspicious anyway, and those around you don't even have questions about it.

The work of some actors. It's just terrible. This is especially true of Harry Styles. He was so busy having an affair with the director and actress Olivia Wilde in an important supporting role that he was not focused on work at all. And why bother, if the mistress misses even a frank trick.

The scenery and decoration of this utopia is visually beautiful, but, in my humble opinion, the 50s did not go very well with them.

Only because of love for the main character and her good work can you give this average score.
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The Patient (2022)
The Patient 2022
30 October 2022
Very mixed feelings after the last episode and the whole project as a whole.

On the one hand, there is tension, a constant emotional and psychological struggle between the characters. They try to establish contact, Karel's character really tries to help his patient.

In general, the acting works are strong, but there were hopes that everything would develop according to a more dynamic and thriller scenario.

Instead, I got not at all what I expected. And this, to be honest, made me a little sad.

The ending failed. To be honest, there were only two clear finals. Why not specify or choose what everyone was hoping for? To evoke feelings?
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Raven's Hollow 2022
23 October 2022
There is nothing outstanding in this tape. At first glance, the idea is not bad. The authors took his persona and inserted it into a mystical story, after which he apparently began to write works, although according to the biography, he began to do it earlier.

That's not the point. At first, everything seems to be going normally, it's interesting to watch, but after a while something goes wrong. The moving moments are too long, they are not interesting to watch.

Plot twists are present, but they are expected and can be read without any problem. The framing could be much better.

If there were not enough decorations, or the composition was poor, then the picture was simply darkened as much as possible and everything was cool.

There are no special questions for the actors, what kind of picture - such are the performers.

But this work cannot be confused with mud at all. Against the background of many modern representatives of the genre, this film does not want to stop watching before it ends.
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Monsters (2022– )
Dahmer 2022
23 October 2022
The series could be called really cool and deserving of recognition, if it did not have such a broken story in terms of dynamics and moments when the authors inadvertently or purposely begin to make a martyr out of him, who should not be overtaken by such a sad fate. This is too low and of course this cruel killer should not be whitewashed.

I have no questions about Peters at all, he brilliantly played those moments when the authors failed, he carried everything on himself. Overall, the cast performed at a high level, even in those scenes that were either unnecessary or downright weak.

It cannot be called a masterpiece. This is a solid series about the life of a real beast, but it is impossible to rate it higher than 7 points.
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God's Country (II) (2022)
God's Country
19 October 2022
The tape tries to cover a lot, a lot by example and with the participation of the main character.

Racial and gender discrimination, lawlessness in distant states, depressed state of society and the individual, fears of the past and ghosts of the present.

Is it possible to combine all this to make something normal and worthy of high praise?

Impressions are quite mixed. On the one hand, the chic performance of the leading actress is mesmerizing. The gradual change in her condition and behavior is so well conveyed by the actress that it is difficult to look away from such a game.

On the other hand, trying to catch all the hares played a bad joke with the authors - they caught something, but they definitely couldn't catch all of them.

The background component is at the highest level. It is always nice to look at nature and get pleasure from those parts that you have not seen.

In general, this is a philosophical drama with elements of a thriller, which has its own advantages and disadvantages. But what I can say for sure is that the tape clearly does not belong to bad projects.
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Luckiest Girl Alive
19 October 2022
Viewing this tape, unfortunately, does not leave behind a pleasant aftertaste, notes of such a thought that you want to ponder.

Yes, we have a strong female lead played by Kunis. She achieved everything in her life by herself, played the role of a happy, cheerful girl with a cool character, vulgar topics and a talent for writing articles. But behind this mask hid the traumatized soul of a teenager who had experienced one, and another tragedy after that.

The whole story revolves around a central incident. The blows on this strong armored shell come one after another, but in the end we still get a strong and independent woman in the spirit of our time, reality and trends.

Yes, they don't shove it in your face here. It's true. But all the same, they try to eat not with creative ideas or some cool performance, but with stereotypes of our thinking.

In principle, there are no questions about the picture and the actors. Everyone played as expected.

The picture is pleasant, the global scale is walking, emphasizing the general mood of the scene and adding atmosphere.

It's not terrible, just passable work for one viewing - looked and forgot.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Bullet Train 2022
9 October 2022
Almost everything works here.

Beautifully staged battle scenes with cool pirouettes, action, fights, shootouts? Yes

Colorful characters with motivation, prescribed images, backstory? Yes

Funny and witty dialogues that you want to listen to? Yes

Situational humor, just fleeting situations? Yes

A driving plot with increasing tension and an awesome ending? Yes

What else do you need for a cool popcorn action movie? Nothing more, everything is in place.

P. S. I will single out Brad Pitt. He is simply unsurpassed in this image.

Everything passes in just one breath. No need to puzzle, everything is clear. He laughed out loud from a lot of jokes, and laughter was constantly heard in the hall.
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Emily the Criminal
9 October 2022
What do we get with this project?

Thoughts Thoughts that a random criminal case erases a whole life. Then it is extremely difficult to find yourself in it.

Perhaps a person even has talents and preferences, but this will not help at all.

A criminal record is a stigma that cannot be erased. This is dirt that does not wash away. And it becomes extremely difficult to reach the top of society with such a burden, to win its respect.

That is why a person surrenders. He stops looking for himself in a normal life and returns to murky affairs, even if he does not want to do it.

She has no other choice.

This is all about the main character. And then everything spirals and continues the story about a strong woman who becomes a hostage of her position.

The film was at the Sundance festival. For me, this is an indicator of good author movie. But I did not get magical emotions. Yes, with taste. But no more.
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The Greatest Beer Run Ever 2022
9 October 2022
This is what needs to be shown in cinemas now, first of all in the country that started the war.

The war in Vietnam was the biggest fool committed by the Americans in their history. They lost that conflict and lost thousands of lives of ordinary American boys for nothing. The soldiers simply did not understand what they were doing there and why they were shedding blood.

This is what this picture, based on real events, shows. The American patriot went to his friends who were serving there at that time. He took only cans of beer with him, naively thinking that he was not there.

It turned out that there was plenty of alcohol there. But everything does not happen as they say on the radio or on TV. The story is built on the contrast that arises in the head of the main character.

The film carries clear thoughts, does not idealize war and violence, but shows that it is terrible.

Yes, there is enough fiction here too, and because of this, it is difficult to call the project realistic in these matters.

However, there are enough symbolisms and metaphors here to give it an appropriate grade.
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Vesper (2022)
Vesper 2022
8 October 2022
I watched this tape at my own peril and risk and did not regret it for a moment.

Yes, this is not exactly a work of genius that deserves high awards.

But she must receive recognition and praise from critics.

This genre does not delight fans with interesting projects anyway. Fiction is gradually declining.

And here comes a picture with an authentic post-apocalyptic world. The authors outline the structure of this society, how everything turned out and what is happening to humanity now.

We also get a good plot that really works. And all this against the background of the beautiful nature of the Baltic forests with marshes and old villages.

The only thing that was missing was action. If they had given at least a little bit of battles, struggle and confrontation, it would have turned out even better.
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Sometimes there is a smile, nothing more
8 October 2022
My friends often ask me what I think the average comedy or detective story looks like.

We have exactly such work before us.

Despite the fact that the adventure here is felt, and you don't want to be distracted, is the project not marked by anything else?

Witty dialogues? At most, they cause a slight smile, no more. There is no laughter to tears here.

Actors play? The second-rate ones simply work off the funds, and Ham, playing the role of Fletch, does it on the verge of adequacy and outright contortions.

The intrigue of the investigation? In the middle of the film, everything will become clear to an attentive viewer.

Conclusion: 5.

P. S. I haven't watched the original, there's nothing to compare it to.
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Wow, what stupidity
2 October 2022

1. Cute faces of girls that delighted the eye for an hour and a half.

2. The atmosphere of a closed space from which you cannot get out.

3. It was disturbing a couple of times, the darkness was oppressive.

Disadvantages 1. The plot. Too many coincidences. Too many coincidences.

2. The showdown scenes were simply tiring, I wanted to rewind and not waste time.

3. The finale simply killed and turned what was seen into complete stupidity.

Rating: 4.

Conclusion: I do not recommend wasting time on this. A stupid, illogical story about a group of young people who ended up in such a mess due to the stupidity of the screenwriters. Funds are simply thrown away.
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A detective drama with an authentic atmosphere, but by no means a thriller
28 September 2022
Benefits 1. Enchanting picture of untouched nature.

2. The atmosphere of the American province, where a stranger and a stranger are equated with a heathen.

3. Magnificent play by Daisy Edgar-Jones. She is simply beautiful, I fell in love with her in this image.

4. The cast also worked at the level, there are no complaints.

5. The beginnings of a good detective.

6. Unexpected twist in the final for most.

Disadvantages 1. Thriller. He is not here. Tensions too. Just worries about the fate of the heroine.

2. The detective component is not fully revealed.

3. Battles in court try to copy famous scenes from the past, but do not succeed.
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Athena (2022)
A well-acted drama with action elements, but...
26 September 2022
In this picture, the authors managed to combine many worthy qualities inherent in good works.

First. A real scenario is present. And the drama works, and the plot is shown. Yes, maybe everything unfolds very quickly, but I liked this technique. The main thing is that the central character and other characters change, draw conclusions.

Second. Cool cinematography. The effect of presence in the frame, as if you are constantly there, among the protesters, and you are constantly moving behind the character - captivates and does not let go. The duration of the footage deserves all the more respect - it was enough to do everything worthy of the hero, and also correctly set up and use the mass, perform the work of the special effects department on time, and not lose a frame to the operator.

The third. The atmosphere of this ghetto is depressing and depressing. It is bad that many emigrants live like this. Here it is shown how easy it is to get rid of food and force you to go against the system. However, it is not always necessary to do this. Perhaps, on the contrary, it is better not to stand in a separate gang, but to integrate into society.

In general, it turned out to be quite a good movie, which was also noted at festivals. It gets 7 points from me. Despite all the advantages, it did not reach the 8+ rating because of its own views on life and events that regularly occur in the world.
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Wasted time.
26 September 2022
In fact, there are too many stupid and far-fetched plot twists to call this a quality movie.

If the actors for the role of caste teenagers were more or less chosen, then a very colorful character was chosen for the role of the teacher. I don't know how it is in the USA, but in my country such a man would not be admitted to any educational institution. Very cool dude, he also teaches history.

There is nothing here that could really capture the living. There are no feelings for schoolchildren, the main character's psychosis somehow does not stick. The authors did not even manage to explain his motives - why did he become like this?

All this together makes the film weak and barely reaches at least 3 points.
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what actually happens during a disaster?
26 September 2022
The series was shot on real events, so some of the sins of the story and the script can be attributed to this. The authors simply did not want to add their own, and for this, first of all, those who experienced that horror are to thank.

The creative team managed to fully convey the chaos and despair, violence and torment that seized the city after the hurricane and its consequences. Anarchy, discord and powerlessness of the officials responsible for the safety of citizens are spoken about not by words, but by events and real chronicles.

The first 5 episodes passed almost in one breath, but then the problems started. 3 episodes about the events after the disaster became too long.

There are no questions for the actors. They just did their job, nothing outstanding.

In general, a drama series with an above-average level was released, which will appeal to lovers of leisurely stories without fashionable plot and action, where the emphasis is on people and their actions.
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Beast (I) (2022)
Jaws without Sharks, but with unreal twists
13 September 2022
The father and the children arrive at the mother's homeland to get away from her smarti and fix a damaged relationship. They are met by their mother's childhood friend, who works as a keeper of this nature park. And everything would not be bad, if they did not fall into the territory of a maddened lion, which attacks and kills all bipedal creatures.

In general, it turned out to be a medium-level thriller with elements of horror. Yes, at some points the viewing was really fascinating. The fight with the rabid beast was really fascinating. But such tense moments were interrupted by clichés from horror films - instead of not going in the direction of danger, the characters rush straight there. This leads to tragic consequences that could be avoided.

Well, I doubt the realism of some scenes. Such events can happen only in fiction, in real life everything would go completely differently.

The lion itself is computer graphics in its purest form. And, in my opinion, the creators did not have enough money for a perfect model. Although, in spite of everything, everything is not bad in general, the disadvantages are visible only when taking a large picture.

The motivation of both the antagonist and the protagonist is written at the level of animal instincts. Animals protect their family, ready to take revenge for their relatives or protect them even at the cost of their own lives. At the climax, this message is very much felt.

6/10. For one time.
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I Came By (2022)
Thriller on a racial theme
11 September 2022
Despite raising the classic problems of racial discrimination and injustice in our lives, the picture turned out to be quite good

First of all, it is worth noting the cast, which played flawlessly. Everyone skillfully performed their work, conveying desire, motivation and feelings.

The thriller component turned out great. You could feel the tension, it wasn't scary, but watching forced you to keep your concentration. + pvru plot twists that nicely twisted the explained and made it possible to understand some facts.

The final is perhaps the only place that pumped up. I would like more clarity.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Tense and intriguing, but it could be better
11 September 2022
The movie has a cool idea. And it's true.

And for a couple of episodes, this atmosphere of being at a very high altitude made a childish impression. It was really scary, and the tension was growing. However, in most moments, these feelings were completely spoiled by low-quality computer graphics. The soapy background clearly does not add realism.

In addition, the authors add a love component to such tension. And as if the drama is starting to work, it must be good or bad, at least somehow. But I didn't feel anything. Although there is some chemistry between the heroines, it is hard for me to disagree. And everything is not so simple with the father either. But I will stand my ground.

It would be better to further develop survival or add a couple of cases on the verge of death.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Decent work, beautiful staging, revealed story
6 September 2022
I watched the whole season 1 and I have something to say.

I will not write general phrases. More about specifics. Chris Pratt. The man gave 100 percent, almost single-handedly pulled out all 8 series. He was also an executive producer, for a moment. And he played brilliantly, perfectly conveying a professional military man, who is kept alive in the world only by a sense of revenge of incredible strength and the same list of suicide bombers.

Action It is very professionally staged here. Battle scenes and secret operations are very realistic. The indicator of the production level is episode 5. Just mesmerizing footage, I couldn't take my eyes off it.

The information about the sequel warms my heart. It will be interesting to see.
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The Resort (2022– )
The last part of serial crossed everything out
5 September 2022
From the beginning, the authors started moving in the right direction. A little humor, two intertwining time dimensions, one location and detective games made the story interesting and dynamic.

Gradually, the tension grew, the number of evidence and facts increased, and in the 7th series you can already make some assumptions.

And here we get the 8 series, which frankly disappointed me. And it seems that everything ended logically, and the characters' arcs came out complete.


So twist and twist, add spices and interest, which forced the imagination to draw a picture. And what I imagined in my head fit into the given framework. And there were many such options. And the bridgehead for the continuation could be made. But the screenwriters took the easiest way, there was no way to end the fantasy more epically. And it was very disappointing.

Apparently, everyone should wait for season 2.

Therefore, a rather good impression was crossed out by the last series, hence the rating.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
3 September 2022
I really liked what I saw in this movie. And it's not just about a high-quality picture made in dark colors or a cool performance by the actors.

The story itself is presented very skillfully. The author used the same stereotypes and smears that have been used for a long time. But he added to them originality and authenticity, the fate of fiction and a sharp change in the situation, which becomes more intense and difficult. In the same way, a snow avalanche is formed, which starts with a small landslide, but as a result, it drags tons of snow.

I would also like to say a few words about the atmosphere created by Pill. He so skillfully created a sense of constant danger and anxiety that I was waiting for an attack or a frightening situation every second. And you still need to be able to do that.

Also, the picture skillfully conveys the idea that the most terrible monster is man himself.

Given that this genre is mostly filled with incomprehensible and uninteresting nonsense, this work is definitely one of the best of the last 15 years. Because of this, he gets a high rating from me.
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Nope (2022)
A novelty in the genre
2 September 2022
I really like the genre of fiction. But recently, ideas are being repeated here, and the number of films shot is decreasing. A huge niche was taken by a superheroine, and quality tapes in other directions have not been observed for a long time.

And here comes Nope. And what did we get?

And we got a very original and cool story with a cool plot and an atmosphere of constant tension.

Yes, the unhurried beginning is characteristic of Pill's films. And the main thing is to survive the first 25-30 minutes. Further, the story will capture the viewer in its tentacles, heats up interest with mysterious events and does not let go.

The novelty does not lie in the shooting method or the revolutionary picture (although it is at a decent level). We are talking about an antagonist about a rival of the main characters. And it is precisely in this that this film has every chance to restart the genre and give screenwriters new ideas based on what they have seen.

Pill turned out a fairly solid fantasy with anxiety, tension and working elements of horror.
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A successful miracle
2 September 2022
I understand those few people who did not like this tape. They explain their position by the fact that everything is too documentary, and some moments do not come out with the original story of the rescue of Thai boys.

But damn it, it was filmed very cool. The footage of the underwater dives is so exciting that the blood will come in the veins. Everything looks very realistic and cool, the work of the camera crew is impressive. The cinematographer will definitely be nominated for an Oscar. The realism and truthfulness of the equipment and equipment does not allow you to doubt what you have seen.

Moreover, with such a cast, it was very difficult to fail. Viggo Mortensen and Colin Farrell did a great job, fully conveying their anxiety and uncertainty, tension and anxiety. Again, the outcome is known from the very beginning, but the atmosphere does not allow to calm down, even for a second.

Very solid work with chances for awards and nominations.
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