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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
Extreme fault in the series ,read this please.
15 November 2020
So ,the show is amazing like 99% of the reviews, no doubt here.


When a english gipsy talks to another one in this series sometimes they use romanian as their "old" and common language. This is hurtfully ignorant for a show that remade the whole 1920's atmosphere! They probably researched a lot for the show but when they decided gispyes need a language of their own they choosen romanian....because ,why not? Aren't romanians gipsyes?! Well. FIRST. Romanian is a romance language. Derives from latin. Second. Romanians are la latin people derived from mixture of the roman colonists and the local population in the roman province of Dacia. Third - gipsyes are a nomadic people from India who arrived in Alexandria (Egypt) in the middle ages and spread though Europe. They are called Gypsy from Egyptians wich they were not but mistaken for.

For God's sake, Tommy Shleby speaks "the gipsy language" with latin words....it's unthinkably ignorant! Gipsy language is a indian dialect, not romanian. Romanians and romanian have nothing to do with gipsy language or culture. They just have a large population of gipsyes in their country just like Hungary ,Serbia, Greece and most of the balkans do. It's offensive for romanians to mistake their language for the gipsy language.

Other then this, nice show :)
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Grand Army (2020)
13 November 2020
This is the firs piece of television that can actually connect adults to theese kids generation. I'm serious. I'm only 36 and i see them like aliens. They are so fragile ,so lonely, so sad... This is a show that actually bridges the gap between them and the rest of us - so puzzled by their "snowflake" attitude we don't get. I am a conservative who enjoyed this show so i think most of you will like it a lot too. Even if it happends in New York and even if some attitudes and some ideeas seem far off Grand Army also shows us how teens today got to have them.
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Cuties (2020)
read this before you watch
7 October 2020
I have to step in on this. I watched this, even if it's not my kind of movie because i saw a headline about Netflix being charged for streaming it.

Please, if you have not seen it but instead ended up here reading the comments, read mine also.

First of all, there is no underage sex in this movie. The girls are not interested in sex and rhe movie does not promote sexual abuse or seriously underage sex. THIS WOULD be disturbing. The girls ARE interested in social acceptance, social popularity and like many pubescent teens they try achieving this with sex-appeal, something that it's new to them as they are growing up. The girls in this movie are not prebuescent children. They all are in a phase between child and woman wich, as we watch the movie we learn (or remember) its a difficult phase.

Yes, the director decided to show us how much they try to sexualize their performance. not to give us a free pedophile treat but to make us understand that this is real ,this is happening. 11 year old girls with changing bodies DO sexualize their behaviour in order to achieve popularity. It's straightforward because it's european and we dont care about this so much, sorry.

The story is good and the performances are brilliant as they clearly tried to actually cast girls as close in age as the leads.

In the end, i am sorry to say this - the world is not crumbling upon our lack of morals but, if you ask me, it does because our new habbit to get offended each and every time we get the chance!
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perfect...until the end!
29 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, just saw this. Great movie! You make me fall inlove with Nadine ,feel for her, makes me want so bad to become a teenager again and save her, tell her how special and great she is....And, at the end, she just ends up with that SO BORING, BLAND, TOTALLY UNINTERESTING GUY! Dont care if he's asian! He could be a klingon for what i care! But i just cant forgive the producers for the poor choice as the hero, the guy that saves Nadine. He's just not likeable! Yea, rich, talented, nice abs...but totally...not likeable.

Im just writing this out of frustration! Othewise it's a really good movie!
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so....read this up.
28 February 2020
I did not know this was made after a book. I don't care if the book was better. The actual capacity of a screenplay writer and a director to reproduce the book can and will be forever disputed. What i want to say is that this movie takes you place. You laugh. You care. You love and You cry. This movie has emotion and has life. You, for the time it runs, feel.

Is not this the purpose of a movie? To make you feel? to connect to the characters - their joy, their sorrow? This aside - the acting ,the music, the photography....everything is so well suited to the scenario and the purpose of the movie. To feel. Not to understand but to feel. Watch it to live true emotions. Do not if you dont. For what was this movie made, it's a jewel. Take it as it is.
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