
54 Reviews
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There is a Metaphor in there.
19 November 2023
I'm going to summarize the entirety of this show in under 3 sentences.

Hi here is something that seems odd, right? We will speculate wildly, and I do mean wildly to draw in your genuine inquisitive nature. Guess what though, after speculating wildly for 2 minutes we will rationally explain what we just speculated wildly about in under 20 seconds.

Crazy right? Like sex with someone who's never done it right before. It will be a lot of random poking and prodding, filled with hope and then go out abruptly.

We could have made a series about soundly educating you on scientific theories, about the oddities of space and new theories of astrophysicists based in facts and rational thought processes but instead we made a slap stick show to tease you and fill time between ads for Doritos and compression shocks. I mean there was a whole ten minutes dedicated to floating space junk! SMH. Just Disappointing.
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Did I just rewatch the first episode?!!
19 November 2023
Great start! Strong characters and story to work with. What drove my review down (and I will update it if it gets better OR worse) is I kept thinking, "am I rewatching the same episode?.... Oh wait no they added 2 minutes of new reference material" the second episode was the first episode with maybe 25-30 minutes of new scenes. I kept wanting to enjoy the recalls, but it felt lazy. WE do not need the same scenes played out completely with 2-5 minutes of added material so you better understand the linear story development. Also, we wanted to see monsters and got menagerie of choppy storytelling. Do better Apple! We expect more because you have had some great shows on this network. It's just frustrating sitting through the same scenes again with 'oh hey you may have missed this stuff, BECAUSE WE DIDN'T show you until now'. I kept wondering in the first episode this seems out of nowhere, and it was because the set ups or finishing of the scene was held off until episode two. It drove me bananas because it wanted to be a Memento stylized recalls but was honestly drawn out and lazy.
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Wow! People are MEAN...
8 July 2023
This show is probably one of the better sci-fi spy thrillers I have seen in.... ever. Samuel L Jackson and Olivia Colman are top brass actors and the writing is there. It IS a slow burn. I think THAT is what bothers people but overall it doesn't really affect the quality of the show. I'm surprised by some of these reviews. However just note there is some heavy handed special effects but that's to be expected with flashback sequences and explosions also main protagonists that can shape-shift and transform at will. I will say the background of the story was too quick of a recap, that I personally would've preferred to see elaborated in fuller detail. However that may have been on purpose as we will see that story built throughout the main plot. Otherwise again, power house acting team and decent writing. I almost forgot! A dynamic team that includes Mendelsohn (basically the bad guy EVERYWHERE, Rogue One), Clarke (Game of Thrones) & Ben-Adir (phenomal in Peaky Blinders, High Fidelity and A Night in Miami!) this entire cast is brilliant. I would like or love to see more action and further development but watching them perform is an absolute awesome experience.
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From (2022– )
Honestly it is a great show....
16 April 2023
What I think I loved most is I did not have to wait 6 episodes to know what was the reason for hiding at night. They got me right at the gate and I was hooked. However, the reason I stayed for the entire season was the story development. As well as the oddity of it all. I mean, radio contact and "she shouldn't be digging that hole".... I was shook!! We also crossed the bridge on "did we survive the crash?".... early on, there is a lot to this story. That is what makes it worth a 9, I wasn't bored. Yes there are some cliched tropes, but as the story develops it all becomes awesomely engaging. I loved ... LOVED ... when everyone in unison within the first episode is like "then you come to the tree" that had me in goosebumps. I guess because I've road tripped and we've all at some point or another have come across a tree in the road. Then there's "Kevin". This character is the cause of massive narrative and situational change and we have little to no idea who he is.

Now that I write it down that whole story wasn't dragged out and once you realize who is leaving flowers out and why, it gets right to it and again, another reason it's great.... So I have just changed it to 10 stars because fair game, they didn't waste extra episodes on developing Kevin and inducing anxiety as to when he would "open a window" they got right to it. So this is a 10 because the story doesn't lag, it builds itself every episode story wise. There are some characters I want to slap around, but otherwise it is truly a great show. I mean the trees, the hole in the basement, the wall about, the lighthouse! ..... I cannot wait for April 23rd because this preview of episodes on AppleTV made me subscribe to MGM+ because the show was my entire weekend. Perfect.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
There's a reason!...
6 April 2023
I don't understand the low ratings because this episode was actually awesome for several reasons:

1. We get to see a new world that's basically Disney World in space

2. This new independent world is ruled by Lizzo and Jack Black. This entire episode was star studded (which is not surprising because the story and writing has been amazing in this series), however I DO understand that these side stepping stories get annoying sometimes but they are adding to the breadth that is the Star Wars universe. So I'll give it as a plus ...

3. A Mon Calamari & Quarren, Prince and Captain, Romeo & Juliet love story!? What!! I wanted to see where it goes But that would be a side step in story so I digress.

4. Our villain is another celebrity actor!

4a. As is our robot tech!

5. This story brings us a serious question about robots and their independent thoughts and feelings (so it's topical, AI)

6. A Quarren spaceship! Awesome I have yet to see one in a live action Star Wars story.

7. Costumes and Set

8. The serious question about these fakakta Mandalorian factions. Wear a mask, don't wear a mask, you can lead us, no he should lead us because of the dark Saber...round and round we go. But that was all cleared up and finally someone said it 'we are stronger as one' not a direct quote but along those lines. It was a little easily wrapped up, but I'll take it if it moves us forward.

9. A serious question that I wasn't sure of and will probably spend my afternoon rewatching all episodes trying to answer it but did Bokatan use the force to grab the dark saber when saving Djarin? Is she force sensitive?

That's pretty much it. I think the low ratings are again, just nerds (of which I am one) with time on their hands. Which is why I gave it a 10 which I never do, but some people are just mean for the sake of it.
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BRILLIANT! Britbox Jump On This!
29 March 2023
I'm obsessed. This show has been on my queue for a while and I don't like watching things with one season because if I enjoy them, I'm devastated when they aren't or haven't been renewed. But this show and it's full cast of characters was absolutely brilliant! The stories worked well and the humor was there. It is rare that I write these review unless something is TERRIBLE or ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. This was the latter, it's understandable that Covid cut network budgets but honestly this is one of those shows I would sign each and every petition for because it worked on so many levels. Everyone's performance had me on the floor. I am just going to watch it on an endless loop until Britbox, Hulu or any steamer renews it.
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This was TROUBLING! But great!
23 March 2023
It lost a star because it leaves you open ended. Which drives me bananas. We, as in the viewers KNOW who did this. The only people I have sympathy for are the wrongly accused in jail (who then, SPOILER ALERT, died), their families AND the victims. It's one of those docs that makes you keep shaking your head, but you THEN realize this wasn't a murder in the 1980s THIS WAS twenty years ago!? How or WHY would an officer with experience and merit handle a crime scene in such a reprehensible way? ... apologies to jump around like this but TWINS!!!! I literally fell out of my chair at that revelation. However this was a tragic story that failed the victims, and demonstrated how a broken system will never really change unless by the hands of those it is created to protect. It was astonishingly reprehensible that this detective who handled the case was involved with the victim. I understand small town nonsense, BUT that is just insane. Knowing there's a possible link or MOTIVE between the victims and the Inspector leading the case should have been handled within the first day of this investigation.
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Shadow and Bone: Meet You in the Meadow (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
21 March 2023
Seriously! You can have the power to stop EVERYTHING that's going wrong. But BOYs... and feelings slow this whole thing down. I wish for once I could get a story where the powerful woman is simply like "love you! Appreciate the sacrifice. It's for the greater good" end of story. Epic battle scene with super powers ensues. That's a wrap.

AND she was given an alternative way of amplification and still they got "distracted".... It's poor writing. Poor story development just absolute none sense. In this final battle, I'm sorry... does the king's side have NO Grecia? (That is probably spelled wrong but that's the least of the issues). That seems like a huge... oversight, before heading into ANY battle. This story just doesn't make any sense.
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Retribution (2016)
I Don't Know How to Feel
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is as described a intricate web of deceits. However, these characters make stupid choices again and again which doesn't make me empathize with ANY of them. The whole start of this, was wild. However, it's major plot holes that really gets under my skin. Like let's let the angriest of our brothers make sure to call emergency services. Because none of us have our mobiles on us? Or because writers are lazy? THEN, let's all conspire to cover up the murder! As if we don't have enough on our plate. Sure, a murder of a criminal but two wrongs ..... Wouldn't have it been easier to put the body back in or near the car and just say "oh he died last night from the crash"?

Also, the Lexus like any new modern car utilized maps to get to this rural area. YET, the car which was STOLEN, but somehow it ISN'T reported stolen? Because if it was, why wouldn't the GPS have been utilized to find the stolen vehicle (you know the same GPS used to help this criminal get from wherever to the farm) and then the body? How does this criminal idiot, manage to drive hours through torrential downpours EXCEPTIONALLY well until the last three minutes of his drive? That's I dunno another three huge plot holes.... Actually, it's INSANE to think the audience wouldn't think logically.

THEN, detective lady compromises herself by supplying drugs to a dealer. I guess for her daughter's sake BUT when the going gets tough.... despite threatening the dealer with her evidence from her time at sex crimes, DOESN'T follow through with her threat!!? Instead will get her sick daughter put into a system, because she after allllll that has already happened grows a moral compass?

This story is filled with plot holes like that! It could be a great story but it's those terrible choices and sloppy decisions that no normal person would make... that make you yell at your television "NOPE, NO ONE WOULD DO THAT!?" After the first 20 minutes.
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The Cleaner (2021– )
I haven't laughed this hard in a while...
12 March 2023
The Cleaner is clever but small. I want to give it a 10, but I must say I do often wish it had an ensemble or bigger cast to grow the stories outside of the site. But it's still makes me laugh, hard. Great performances and writing! Truly and undervalued piece of TV. I love Greg Davies because he's hysterical (also because we share a birthday). Outside of that I still find this series to be richly hysterical and clever. The Aristocrat and The Neighbor are my favorite thus far and I hope to see at least a couple of more seasons. Plus Helena Bonham Carter on a can, I was dying on my sofa so hard I caught a cramp. I loathe that the BBC only gives you 6 episodes. But I'm American I get it we live off of tv and they stuff us full of it with 20-28 episodes a season. None the less! Awesome cannot wait for more.
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Tony Basgallop did it again!
12 March 2023
I loathe giving high reviews unless it's warranted but people are downgrading this for the ridiculous reasons. It takes a lot for me to get drawn in, however this show delivered in a 30 minute time slot to keep me on Prime for the remaining six episodes. It's well crafted and mysterious. However Basgallop has learned from criticism of the awesome apple series Servant, to not draw out a good story. In Servant it takes you two and half seasons to get something truly gripping and engaging. Here I'm hooked in the first episode and want to know wtf is really going on. It's got a great cast of actors, Christoph Waltz freaks me out in ANYTHING he does, so bravo and the writing is well done. It's definitely worth your time I'm only on episode 5, and I already want to make sure there's another season.
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Deadline (2022– )
It's a GREAT story! BUT stupid mistakes...
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The whole thing is actually a brilliant story. However, there are things that most humans wouldn't do along the way that turned this into the nightmare of a series it became. I love James D'arcy and I thought Indra Ove was brilliant. However the performance of the other cast members were either dull or poorly directed. Why does this journalist NOT wait for verified information? Or for any information he just goes off and does it himself. DESPITE almost being murdered or arrested on a few occasions. Upon discovering a web of lies, which his subject has cultivated alongside EVERYONE in her inner circle... I would've thought 'ok it's time to get help or the police'. NOT FOREIGN POLICE! But back home the UK police. Additionally, how does a late 30s early 40s man get taken down by some 50-60 year old thug? I kept laughing hysterically at that whole scene because it made little to no sense as they were still in the UK, he could've run, shoved, kicked punched ...done anything aside from apparently get taken down like an eight year old child. After which NO POLICE! Despite a bruise at the injection site. Then being questioned by police, I would've said "check my phone records SHE called me over to HER house. I was invited!" But alas no mention of that. Also, back tracking a bit he texted the photo of her deceased brother, after just witnessing a murder prior to... I would've emailed it, texted it saved it to a server! Not this guy. It's little things like that that make you hate everyone in this story because he made VERY stupid choices. He THEN discovers how this all connects, and MAKES no move to let the police know. Instead IGNORES the protection orders to stay away from Mrs. Vargas... AND doesn't record the conversation!? Just goes in empty handed despite them erasing photos from his phone earlier and having no way to substantiate his claims about her brother or the murder by this point. He goes in basically blind with no plan!? He finally pieces the puzzle together and doesn't think 'I'm gonna approach her with this linking evidence, let me record our conversation?!'.... he then gets caught in another set up by this woman! Flees the scene packs to FLEE THE COUNTRY! Instead of again, going to the police, but in doing so finds a strong box of kidnapping supplies in his suitcase and stares at it for too long as the police arrive and he gets arrested!! I'm in SHOCK because it could've been a great story of redemption for this journalist as he puts a sociopath away! But he's an idiot ...AND the portrayal of Mrs. Vargas wasn't one of a truly clever woman to pull this whole charade off and you end up with this garbage.
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Star Wars: Resistance (2018–2020)
7 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I started rewatching the series with my nephew, and he of course loves all the animated series. When we got to Resistance, after the first two episodes I thought 'YIKES! I Don't remember this because I probably watched two episodes and wrote a review, but alas that was not true. I simply watched two episodes and thought "NEVER AGAIN".

This Kaz character is AWFUL! His whining, wincing, and basic uselessness is just relentless. My nephew at 9 years old was done within the first couple of episodes. I was shocked to notice there are two seasons! TWO! I couldn't make it through the first one. This is soooo boring! There is such a rich mythology in the Star Wars universe to explore and you wasted time & resources on this garbage? One reviewer stated, "they don't go anywhere" and they're right. I mean, even working with the resistance they don't go anywhere! I get that it's for kids (only after reading that fact). If so it should have been slated for an afternoon time slot. Because Rebels had depth and characters I wanted to see develop. I'm an adult and I loved a lot of these animated series. This show however makes me hope the whole station is blown up, or sinks. Specifically Kaz. How does he have military training? He is just INEPT. He's one of those background characters who dies in another series and yet somehow HE got a whole series to demonstrate his futility. He's always running around screeching and panicking and I'm left thinking... "how has he not been blasted!? Or simply died from stupidity?!"

This could have been great but it's a lackluster story, and cast of characters devoid of any real substance.
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This IS a tough watch...
17 January 2023
I'm only 40 minutes in and I'm HORRIFIED, at these producers, and publicists... who have NEVER, shockingly, dealt with mental health or social disorders. This man is CLEARLY manic, I'm not a doctor so I cannot diagnose him. However, his erratic behavior, his highs and lows, compulsive drinking are signs that he NEEDS help. However these people make his behavior seem like an issue ONLY as it concerns their means to an end. How are we going to make a show about him? How can we manage him?.... NOT one person is asking the right question of how can we HELP him? I DO NOT want to finish it because we know where this story leads. Instead of an intervention that could've saved the life of not ONLY future victims BUT of Kai will lead to these publicists and producers abandoning him as unmanageable. Leading to a murder. It really shows and doesn't truly dive to deep into this superficial culture that pushed them to seek him out and then turn their backs when he does not fit into the mold of a manageable talent. It is dark side that we often ignore in a society of, how can we exploit him and ignore all that we are seeing to achieve our goals in viewership and production instead of HELPING HIM.
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The Great North (2021– )
Rough... and Expositions Abound
3 January 2023
I like the Great North and there's a lot of talent in it that I LOVE. My only problem Is lately every scene is a tirade of setup and exposition. It is almost as if the characters have not been developed so the writers feel the need to say what each character is planning and what they will do. Just laying out story and plot points. You get bored being fed story and plots. Also, I despise that Dulce Sloan who is HoneyBee and is hysterical as well as amazing, sounds the same in any and all situations. There's no range. It's almost as if she's just reading off the page. It kills me because I do love her otherwise. The same goes for Julio Torres or Crispin his tone and voice is so flat and just the worst and it's like listening to paint dry. That monotonous intonation is expected from someone like Nick Offerman, who is basically Beef in real life but it works for the character BUT he has had range in his scenes with his voice. I laugh every now and again with and at Wolf, HoneyBee, Moon and Beef but the other characters just drag out the show. They're not adding to the story they just explain what's happening and what will happen. I'm terribly disappointed because I have tried to give it a go, and because Ill laugh here and there I've tried to stick with it but it is getting harder and harder.
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Smh.... Do Better.
18 December 2022
If this is to engage younger audiences, then understandable. However don't write down and simplify narrative and story .... To broaden your audience because you get this drivel... I love Catherine Zeta Jones and Harvey Keitel. They were the only characters keeping me in. The lead young woman Lisette Olivers is also great... it's the supporting cast and the sloppy writing that makes me wish they all would fall into a well, never to be found. If Zuri Reed shouts "patriarchy" one more time I'm gonna throw my shoe at my tv. I get it, the original cast is too expensive en masse (I guess) but then spend on writers. This seems sooooooo boring but there's a great story tucked away. I cannot relate to any characters because they're just so naive, dumb and trivial... I don't care about any of them. Except for Catherine Zeta & Lisette.

ALSO! Disney! Stop being so lazy!!!! The last two relatively Hispanic characters have been named "Jess Valenzuela" and "America Chavez". Why not add a Lisa Porto Rico, James Brazilo and Gloria Chilis. It's juror terrible and lazy. I get it... "America Chavez" is a Marvel creation BUT she's a marvel creation from 2021..... so DO BETTER. Some of us brown people have names like, George, Abby, Peter with last names like Richards, Moro, and Jones.

The two takeaways from this rant... is your writing is poor and honestly superficial. I, and maybe more of us with a 4-5 star review do not care about these characters. Nor if they take on this adventure. Try harder with character development and names.

Also I love that Charley Koontz (Fat Neil) was in this!
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The Resort (2022– )
29 July 2022
To be frank, I can understand the first reviewer's position. However, the story was developed and was more interesting in the last 15 minutes in the first episode and kept me throughout...I am stuck to my screen because I want to see how these parallels and mystery unravel. It's a clever story, and far more a mystery than a comedy. Which is why I think it has "6". Lastly, these main characters, who are married, have made several choices that are poorly crafted which can be a turn off. Primarily, researching in a foreign nation while drinking. Other than that I'm tuned in and want to see where this goes!
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Hmm, Strange happiness from where?
28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Buckle up! Gonna get is odd because the entire film is dependent on your viewing the series, WandaVision. There is no real character development or better yet, story development. It is just a jump into a story riddled with confusion if you have not seen WandaVision.... Not that you should not watch it. It was great!

Spoilers ahead! The idea is that Wanda creates an entire world around her in a small town to escape the truth of her loss of Vision. DESPITE the world losing half of everyone, when they are returned, she still does not get Vision back. Which leads to her alternate reality "escape" in WandaVision. Where she has managed and is powerful enough create an entire reality and submerge herself and AN ENTIRE TOWN in, yet cannot manage to just rebuild this robot? Which would sate her apparent crippling dependence on a "manbot". So that is WandaVision in a nutshell, and the addition of another Witch just to make it interesting.

Now with this movie had you not known that, the movie attempts to explain it, with side remarks and hidden reveals that are NOT subtle call backs. Yet, the entire film relies on this SUPER being, which Wanda is, getting kids that don't belong to her in an alternate reality.she can achieve this by introducing a third wheel super human, who can traverse the multiverse but has no real control nor use of her powers until the last 25 minutes, but is named "America". By draining this new girl of her powers Wanda could basically abduct her children from herself in another universe. After that soup of madness, which is all explained in the first 40 minutes or so, what's the point? ....Oh, that is right let us drag out what you have already explained, and show off a multiverse that will be torn to shreds by a powerful being.

This made me hate Wanda! But that was misplaced hatred because it was the haphazard writing I really should have hated, and do. I could not relate, she just seemed arrogant & greedy. Dr. Strange was no real help and I am not asking for a whole "fireside chat" with the woman but his approach to the situation also felt indifferent. She really was not the enemy here, but the character was so poorly developed that we couldn't like her. Meanwhile Dr. Strange gets to find alternate versions of his love interest across the multiverse... record stop! Why couldn't Wanda just want Vision or an alternate Vision? The whole escape in NJ in the town she possessed was her and Vision having children. The loss was Vision not these kids that were never REAL. I can relate to a mother losing her children but she never had any! The only thing she lost was a spouse-bot. Which she literally remade with magic. However I'm expected to believe this powerful Witch can see into alternate realities but not travel there. She can possess herself there, and SEE that it's not her own reality?! However it takes Dr. Strange and America another hour to show her "oh wait a tic! These kids have a mother and that mother is me! I cannot take them from her/me"?? Seriously? I mean REALLY!? It is lazy. They made her to be one of the most powerful MCU characters and then what? Killed her? I dunno you'd have to watch it but in all honesty it made me want to see something with Wanda in it that wasn't a series about her grieving the loss of a robot or a film about her grieving her own kids from an alternate reality in which SHE is NOT the mother of. This is a slap in the face of women because ALL THEIR HAPPINESS CAN COME FROM ONLY either a man (robot)? Or CHILDREN? WTF!?
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Loot (2022– )
What were you watching...?
26 June 2022
I have read a handful if not a bunch of the low ratings and it boils down to 3 things:
  • billionaires wouldn't allow anyone to speak to them that way
  • I don't buy MJ Rodriguez as the head of a non-profit
  • Maya's character is so disconnected from reality it's not believable

Basically criticisms without any real rationale other than narrow experience and thought. It's a great story, and characters I'm looking forward to in development. Yes, Sofia Selina's is a guarded character and the way she talks to the owner of the foundation is a bit off putting at first, but that's what makes it a comedy. It's literally what a majority of us think at work when the higher-ups want in on the day to day without ANY real understanding or consistency. We know they'll be gone in a day, and they've caused more of a raucous being there than actually achieving anything, it's relatable if anything. Secondly it's a story about a woman standing on her own and that takes effort because as she describes she's learning about herself after the last half lifetime of being married. It's a difficult redo, completely relatable (sans billions of dollars) and it's well approached by the writers. I think the criticisms and low rating are entirely based in ignorance, inexperience and again in narrow viewpoints. Parks & Rec was hard to watch the first season, the characters blossomed in the second season and well beyond, as do most characters. I despise people who are ready to trash a series in THREE episodes. But that's a very American way of being.... I am American. So eat it before you say I'm not. This show is funny, and well crafted. I look forward to the season and to these characters growing on me. I especially love the dynamic between Ron Funches & Joel Kim. It's poised to be a great comedy. Why shouldn't people talk to billionaires like this? They're people just like everyone else around them. They may fly to space but they're NOT otherworldly.
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Prehistoric Planet (2022–2023)
Great! But...
27 May 2022
This series is beautifully created BUT can I get a map? Saying the "sea that splits North America" gives us an idea but you've spent a small fortune creating this entirely digital series, and you're telling me you can't draw me a map? I know the continents were in different places and the seas were laid out differently but just narrating locations that most of us are aware are laid out differently, is annoying because I have to then google a map of that sea that the series mentions but no longer exists. Again, great in every way! Except give us a location for reference.
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Killing It (2022– )
Context Clues
2 May 2022
I have not laughed this hard in a long while. This show has been surprisingly funny, and hysterical. Craig Robinson and Claudia O'Doherty are amazingly funny! The show has been well crafted and written. It also poses some quite randomly funny situations. However it's O'Doherty's delivery and dry humor that have me rolling on the floor. "I know who Marco is... context clues", it's her and honestly the two of them that have kept me on this show. I hope to have more seasons and watch this develop. Because again, for me to laugh out loud is rare.
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Haunted (2018– )
Netflix...Do Better.
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the first episode, as I was waiting for a zoom meeting to start. Quite frankly the opening pulled me in, it's an awesome setup. It's haunting.

HOWEVER, where it fails is an inability for corroboration and questioning. For example the reason I went on to episode 2 was because I had some time and the story from the previous episode DID pull me in. BUT with episode 2, there is loads of supporting testimonials from relatives that corroborate the story being told. As well as the initiative undertaken by a young boy to investigate wtf is going on in his house.....the ONLY person so far to think, let me do some research!

Episodes 1 & 3 are open ended nonsense garbage because there's no research or history it's JUST STORY TELLING, sure it's based in truth to the person telling it BUT don't sell me a sack of fish labeled tuna, if it's trout! If you have nothing to back your story up it's not an investigation it is a horror show based in fiction. For episode 1 I kept shouting at the TV "WHO OWNED THE HOUSE!?! BEFORE HER BOYFRIEND!?.... C'MON NETFLIX DO BETTER!" The opening scene was very engaging because it scared the crap outta me... but it's made up fictional storytelling because there are no articles, supporting testimonial or history of the property to help confirm the story being told. Not one thing that could lead us, the viewer, to think 'ohhhh that explains old yokel with the banjo and the girl chained in the shower'.

In episode 3, I kept thinking, 'WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE THE BOX!'. She went on to say the ghost cost her a relationship, a proposal, a family and yet, she kept the box! Had her godmother been on and explained where she had gotten this music box, I may have had a different opinion. But it was just her telling a story and Netflix filming a reenactment of said story. Not ONE single corroborating testimony. Also, WHO THE HELL KILLS A LITTLE GIRL IN AN OLD QUARRY YET YOU CANT GOOGLE UP AN ARTICLE!?!

The fact that there are 3 seasons is UHMAZING!? But it's low production costs are probably what keep it going. I'm going to finish this first season and hope that it sticks to stories like episode 2. Because again, there were confirming statements from two family members. Also, if people are not going to contribute to the conversation, LIKE MOST EVERYONE DID IN EPISODE 2... do they have to be there? Who is directing and editing this show and saying to themselves "that looks good!".

Yes the stories are interesting, but I cannot get behind JUST stories. If there's a witness GREAT! If there is a news article EVEN BETTER! But people telling ghost stories labeled as "true" do not make them so.
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Grimm (2011–2017)
If I can remember Benson & Stabler then wtf is going here?
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, first there is no engaging character development whatsoever. I'm only on season 1, episode 4 and I don't know if I can continue down the "rat" hole that is this show, pun intended. Primarily because the special effects are garbage but more so because the writing and plot holes are just TOO huge! If this show was created on a shoestring budget than invest in writers because I can't see how this lasted so many seasons. This starts with his aunt, passing him the torch of responsibility, but she does so with no pretext, or educating him.... And don't get me started on the side plot hole of the airstream trailer in my driveway but 'omg! Hey there aunt-mom (mom because she raised him!!!) but what a surprise to see you ????'. Writers were quick to pass him a torch that we barely understood to be passed. Also, this older lady who is passing him the responsibility of being a "Grimm" despite having an arsenal and library on hand is taken down in seconds! SECONDS!! How bad-ass can she be if she has so little awareness of her surroundings? I was pushed to write this review because of how episode 3 ended. Again, plot holes abounding, this goat guy who's ingesting "toads" and using a pheromone to entrap women is hit by a bus... and is still ALIVE...yet let's leave him with the FEMALE paramedic!? Who wrote this garbage. Also, we have a tracking device on GOAT GUY'S car but let's not issue an APB!? Also is his police partner a genie because what's with the two earrings? The little advice his aunt gives him is, "if you have a girlfriend get rid of her" but he never does nor did he propose as was alluded to, and yet carried on with his new dual job of cop/ Grimm investigator. I seem to be rambling because as I write I remember more and more plot holes. ONLY within the first 3-4 episodes. I want to say it's the acting, but it isn't, it's the BAD STORY AND WRITING. If you're going to do a police procedural, that has a fantasy kick, then work out these characters and story is going to have to be better developed in 45 minutes which is a lot of time. Because if Law & Order SVU's Olivia and Elliot get great little stories with closure AND enough character development from episode to episode that we care enough to remember OLIVIA and ELLIOT after ten years than wtf are you guys not doing right. I don't care if these cops get killed at the end of the episodes along with the death of these creatures... because their characters are not being developed enough, the story is as hodge podged together as this review.
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Archive 81 (2022)
I don't know what everyone else was watching.
17 January 2022
This series was well crafted. Yes there were some cliches, but that's hard to avoid when every story has been done, again, and again and again. This tied horror, sci-fi, thriller and mystery together well. The acting was great, with what the writing was. I really enjoyed this series because it establishes a mystery that can span more than a season. I was also freaked out by watching VHSes as a kid, so that probably helped. However, the whole cast and team did great. I don't know what everyone else was watching, because this was pretty well done. Everyone in it, if they're not a celebrity should be one because this is an underrated gem.
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Brilliant and Beautiful!
14 January 2022
I know it's a bit late, but as many people here I knew the original Dark Crystal. ANYONE, who has given this a low rating is just a DBag. Because there is such an amazing story being told here, and a strong background story of the world around the Dark Crystal film. You can see it in the way this story evolved and the way in which these characters were developed. You can also see it in plain sight, with the rich texture that is seamless if not even better than the original film. I KNOW it costs a pretty penny to make this, it's just hard to rewatch knowing, we won't really get any closure because production costs are too high for additional seasons. I know actors are worth a great price as are the entirety of the show's sets, costuming, puppeteers etc, but I would gladly voice a character at a fraction of the cost because it means that much to the audience. This show is truly well done. I am sorry that Netflix cannot see itself moving forward, because of costs, but this is honestly worth every penny. I can see myself watching it again and again only if I knew there would be closure. Because what the network is failing to realize is that this is a live-action show, which does connect in a very different way than an animated series. It feels and LOOKS real and because of that, the emotional tie the audience makes is stronger and watching a story like that where you know you'll be left on a cliffhanger, indefinitely, is hard to rewatch. Aside from the network politics concerning cost, this show took me to another world. It also swelled me with joy because I was called back to my youth, not just in the Dark Crystal but to all Henson productions! I love this show, and I know it'll be one of those stories that gets picked up again when making it, is more cost effective but who knows how long that may be. Until then, a definitively great show.
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