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Ghajini (2008)
24 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ghajini's protagonist suffers from a short term memory loss....but the viewer will not forget this movie in a hurry. I just came back from a late night preview and cannot get any sleep. The movie carried the huge expectations of an Amir Khan film and also all the debate about it being inspired by Memento etc. But lets just forget that for a while.

I feel Ghajini entertains fully be it drama, romance, comedy, song and dance...not so much a thriller as the villain is revealed pretty early. Still, it is a total roller coaster ride with tension ebbing and surfacing again at correct plot points. It is a violent film. I was surprised to see children at the theater and wished they had stayed home.

The violence is a notch more for my taste so I may not be able to see this film again without fast forwarding the gore... Even with gut wrenching action, the film manages to leave the viewer moist eyed at the sheer helplessness of the hero's memory loss situation and his grief on the loss of his loved one. The song "kaise tum mughe mil gaye" externalizes the emotions being fortunate on love beautifully.

The drama is high voltage. I just wish....(SPOILER AHAED) that there was a scene where Aamir's character is trying to make sense of his bruised body after the villain erases the tattoos or how lost he is after all his life navigation tools like photos etc are destroyed.

Aamir Kahn got under the skin of the character. He displayed raw strength in the action scenes and combined that with vulnerability as a person beset with extreme grief and an insurmountable challenge of memory loss. And just like Daniel Craig looked "beautiful" as Bond...Aamir was delicious on screen as the Van Huesen clad Richie rich. His dedication and hard work for preparation for this role showed in each frame.

Asin could have easily been trapped to give an over the top chirpy performance but she is controlled yet spontaneous and endearing. I had found her irritating in Dashavataram but after Ghajini she will surly be sought after in Bollywood. And I really appreciated the script rising up a notch in giving (SPOILER AHEAD....)a good enough reason for Asin's character's murder. One can say the reason for her being killed started as a coincidence, but still her personality as a good Samaritan was well established earlier in the movie. What could have easily been a 'rape and murder' turned to be a logical enough incident to have happened in the story. (...SPOILER ENDS..)

So Ghajini is definitely much worth the three hours and 15 minutes...good music and stupendous song picturisation. Some fast edits draw attention to themselves and happen too often...

but all these rues are forgettable for an ultimately engrossing and gripping movie experience
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