
72 Reviews
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28 Days (2000)
An entertaining and charming movie.
5 November 2000
This movie is just your basic run of the mill hollywood turn you life around movie.

But every once and awhile one is made that really is entertaining. "28 Days" is that movie. Bullock's acting is good. The story is good. The supporting characters are good. The movie is good. Charming at some parts, sad at others.

I will rate this movie an 8. A movie that was well worth the rental price.
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Almost a movie worthwhile to see.
5 November 2000
This movie cuts it close. I can only rate it a 6. Because of this the film does not achieve the minumum 7 rating that in my opinion makes a movie worthwhile to see.

It came VERY close though.

I did like the acting of Kevin Spacey very much. I found his character to be very engaging and interesting. I also liked the characters that Devito and the other kid played. Unfortunitaly the storyline and pacing of the movie, while competent, just couldn't push itself on to me and make me completely interested.

In short - three interesting characters who shared some events for an evening that were not that interesting.

I will rate this movie a 6.
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A movie making documentary worth seeing.
3 November 2000
This movie/documentary was a little slow at times, but I have to admitt that I really felt for Mark Borschardt as he tries to make movies and follow his dreams.

There were a few times in the film that were laugh out loud funny. At some points the movie dragged. And at some points I couldn't help but feel sorry for Mr. Borschardt as he can be seen as just a loser chasing dreams that will never happen.

But I've got to admitt, Mr. Borschardt does have a mouth to him. He can convince people to follow him and his dreams. Who knows, maybe one day he will make it!

I will rate this movie a 7. This achieves the minimum rating that in my opinion makes a movie worthwhile to see.
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High Fidelity (2000)
A fabulous movie!
29 October 2000
John Cusack delivers again in the type of role that he does best. That role is: the in touch, semi intellectual, everyman.

The supporting characters in his record shop are very interesting and engaging - and funny!

This is a wonderfull movie! Full of laughs and hearfelt emotion.

I will rate this movie a perfect 10.
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Enjoyable from beggining to end.
21 October 2000
I found this movie to be very enjoyable. The acting of Deniro as an authoritarian father was impecable. Ben Stiller's acting also was top notch. The story was interesting and engaging. The comedy and gags came at a frequent pace.

I will rate this movie a perfect 10. A movie well worth seeing.
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Get Carter (2000)
Slick looking, fast paced, but a dull story.
15 October 2000
The movie had excellent cinematograghy. The look and feel of the movie was top notch. Unfortunitaly the movie had a dull story.

The movie was fun to look at, but it just couldn't back up the look with an engaging story.

I must admitt that I found the characters in the movie to be interesting. Unfortunitaly the interesting characters were acting in a mundane story.

I will rate this movie a 5. Based on the IMD rating scale this movie doesn't achieve the minimum 7, that in my opinion, makes a movie worthwhile to see.
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Croupier (1998)
Very interesting and engaging story.
15 October 2000
This was the type of movie that caught me in it's characters and storyline early and didn't let go. I was completely engaged throughout the movie.

I especially liked the narrative of the main character whose inner voice could be heard throughout the movie.

An excellent and interesting mystery movie.

I will rate it a 10!
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14 October 2000
This is one fabulous movie.

The acting is top notch. The story draws you in and and keeps you interested until the end. The look and feel of the movie is straight out of L.A. in the 50's.

I could add so much more to this movie but I will not. Just read most of the reviews listed for this movie and you will get the impression of what your in for.

I will rate this movie a 10! Fabulous entertainment!
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The Exorcist (1973)
The best horror movie I will see in my whole life.
14 October 2000
I went and saw the re-release of "The Exorcist" today. I'm glad I did.

This version contained twelve minutes of previously unreleased material. I found the new footage to be an aid to the already greatest horror movie of all time. I was very shocked to see the new footage showing what I will call the Regan/spider sequence. This scene simply took my breath away. And it came at a moment that I didn't expect. You will know it when you see it.

The "Exorcist" is the greatest horror movie ever made. A pure cinematic masterpiece.

I will rate it a perfect 10!
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Almost Famous (2000)
An Entertaining movie.
8 October 2000
A solid entertaining movie.

I found the acting of Kate Hudson to be very solid and enjoyable. I found the rock and roll lifestyle portrayed in this film to be very interesting. I enjoyed seeing what would happen to the young reporter as he went from one adventure to the next trying to get his story for "Rolling Stone" magazine.

I will rate this movie an 8. Well worth seeing.
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Trees Lounge (1996)
Interesting character movie.
8 October 2000
This is a good movie to sit and watch on a night when you have nothing else to do.

It's an interesting character movie where you sit and watch the life of a person for a short time frame out of his life.

Nothing special, but if you like movies like me, then every once and a while a good independently made character film is enjoyable to watch.

Steve Busceme's character was interesting and he played it well. An interesting slice of life yarn about a man down on his luck.

I will rate it 7 out of 10. Based on the IMD rating scale this achieves the minimum 7 rating, that in my opinion, makes a movie worthwhile to watch.
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Saving Grace (2000)
A cute movie.
23 September 2000
This was a cute little movie.

The story was interesting. The acting was competent. There were a few laughs. And it held my interest for the length of the film.

It wasn't a rave out loud masterpiece, but it was an interesting movie.

I will rate it a 7. A good show.
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Hollow Man (2000)
Started interesting, but turned into a boring slasher movie.
17 September 2000
This movie started of being interesting. But by the second half of the two hour film it turned into your dull, predictable, standard hollywood horror film.

I found the elevator scene at the end to be extremely annoying. A typical hollywood scene designed to make one tense only ended up in making me annoyed as the cliched scene tried to bring exitement and action to the end of the film. I found it to be laughable.

I will rate this movie a 4. Based on the IMD rating scale this movie falls below the minimum 7 rating, that in my opinion, makes a movie worth seeing.

skip it!
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Holy Smoke (1999)
Interesting. Unfortunitaly the end is weak.
10 September 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie to be interesting. Unfortunitaly the end was a little to unrealistic for my tastes. Harvey Kietel loses his emotional stability and falls in love with the client he's trying to deprogram. This is not nessasarily a bad plot twist, its just that it happened a little two quick for a three day deprograming session. Maybe if the movie would have taken place over 12 days this could have been a little more believable.

Overall the film did hold my interest all the way through, even though it became weak at the end.

After thinking it over I will give the film a 7 rating. Based on the IMD rating scale this achieves the minimum 7 rating that in my opinion makes a film worth watching. I must add that I could have easily given this film a 6 rating. But, the film did hold my interest enough to warrant a 7.
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Not bad. Unfortunitaly not as good as I like a movie to be.
9 September 2000
This movie was definitly not a waste of time. unfortunitaly it just couldn't reach that higher level and be completely absorbing to watch either.

The look and feel of the movie was fast paced and exciting. But I also found much of it to be unrealistic. The characters were for the most part interesting, not extremely interesting, but interesting enough to keep me going throught the 2 hour and 40 minute movie.

I will rate this movie a 6. Based on the IMD rating scale this movie falls below the mandatory 7 that makes a movie, in my opinion, worthwile to see. Came close though.
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The Cell (2000)
Visually the best I've ever seen.
3 September 2000
This movie created the best visual atmosphere I've ever seen in any movie in my whole life. And I've seen a lot of movies!

Unfortunitaly the storyline was a little weak. There were parts of this movie that were a little to hokey for me. However, the story wasn't so pathetic that it impaired the rest of the film.

Visuals alone don't make a movie worth watching to me. So this movie did have a storyline to it that was adequate. However it was the visual effects that were absolutly incredible to view.

I will rate this movie an 8. Based on the IMD rating scale this was a movie well worth seeing.
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Entertaining and interesting.
28 August 2000
I found this movie to be engaging. I was interested in the characters from the start of the movie. I liked the look and feel of this movie. I enjoyed the acting of Forrest Whitaker. This is another film by Jim Jarmesh that I have found to be a worthwhile view.

I will rate this movie 8 out of 10. A solid, entertaining movie.
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Godzilla 2000 (1999)
You have to like Godzilla in order to like this movie.
26 August 2000
I like Godzilla. Because of this I can enjoy most godzilla movies.

This is of course not high art. It is just campy fun that people like me enjoy from time to time.

I will rate this movie a 7. Based on the IMD rating scale this makes it a movie worthwhile to see. ONLY if you like Godzilla!
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26 August 2000
I enjoy watching Robert Forster. That was the main reason that I rented this movie. I also wanted to see a story take place out in the middle of nowhere where the characters could work off of each other really well with no distractions.

Unfortunitaly I found the movie to be dull. I couldn't get interested in the characters. I couldn't get interested in the story which seemed to meander nowhere.

After watching this movie for an hour I turned it off. I will rate the movie 4 out of 10. This falls well below the mandatory 7 rating that makes a movie worthwhile to watch.
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Magnolia (1999)
Just too boring for my tastes.
12 August 2000
I was really looking forward to renting this movie.

I found the first hour of the movie to be moderatly interesting. I found the second hour of the movie to be dull and lifeless. After that I shut it off.

I debated if I should turn it off or not, because I know that at some point during the last hour of the movie all of the storylines would tie together. And for all I know that tieing up could be very interesting.

Unfortunitaly I just couldn't drag myself thru the movie anymore. I regret this a little bit. But ultimately I just couldn't overcome the boredom that was setting in after watching a semi-interesting, mostly dull movie for two hours.

Maybe the ending was fabulous! I'll never know. If a three hour and ten minute movie cant keep me interested for the first two hours, then I'll scrap the last hour, no matter how good it is.

I will rate this movie a 5. This falls below the IMDb minimum 7 rating that makes a movie worthwhile to view.
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What a performance from Samantha Morton!
30 July 2000
This was an enjoyable movie.

What floored me though was the performance of Samantha Morton who played the character of "Hattie." I absolutely felt for her character from the moment she was introduced. Very rare is it in my weekly movie viewing that a character in a movie really strikes me as interesting. The character of "Hattie" did.

The rest of the movie was light and entertaining.

I will rate this movie an 8.
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A damn good flick!
29 July 2000
I went to see this movie with aprehension. I had heard mixed reviews on it. And honestly I wasn't in the mood to see Pfiefer and Ford together in a movie of this sort.

Boy was I surprised! I found this movie to be tremendously enjoyable! The acting was good, the effects were good, the tension was good, and most importantly - the ending was good!

I had heard mixed reviews about the ending as some were saying it was a letdown. Not in my opinion! I thought the ending was fabulous!

This was a damn good movie!

I will rate it a 10. That's as high as it goes folks!
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X-Men (2000)
Very enjoyable.
22 July 2000
This was a good superhero movie because it concentrated on the characters. Any movie that doesn't make you care about the people on the screen is doomed to failure.

This movie wasn't as good as the all-time superhero epic "Superman", but it was still damn good entertainment.

I will rate it a 10. That's as high as it gets folks.
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The Patriot (2000)
An average movie.
7 July 2000
This movie did have its moments, but overall I can only rate this film a straight down the middle 5 rating.

It wasn't bad. It wasn't good. It was just an average movie.

Based on the IMD rating scale the 5 rating I give this film falls below the minimum 7 rating that makes a film worthwhile to see.
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A few laughs, the rest was boredom.
24 June 2000
This movie was only funny at points. And when it was some of the humor was entertaining. But unfortunitaly most of the movie was boredom.

The plot was pure stupidity. In fact, it was never even made clear what Irene was running from except that the bad guys were out to get her.

I'll rate the movie a 5 for the few laughs it did provide. Based on the IMD rating scale this falls below the minimum 7 rating that makes a movie worthwile to see.
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