Falling for You (TV Movie 2018) Poster

(2018 TV Movie)

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Surprisingly good!
Anonnamus8 February 2019
I was fully prepared to hate this movie based on the lower rating, but was pleasantly surprised. I loved it! The chemistry was natural and effortless between Cole and Hynes, and for once there was a couple of unpredictable moments...something usually not seen in typical Hallmark fare.

Taylor Cole was beautiful as always, and she is charming without even trying to be. Hynes is an unknown (to me, at least) and just like in the one other movie I've seen him in, he grew on me. Both times I couldn't understand how he was leading man status, but he really has a magnetic quality that drew me in, and I can honestly say he is probably now one of my favorite Hallmark actors. Super charismatic.

I definitely recommend watching this one, especially those of you who are suckers for sap like I am.
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A Decent Bake
Lew77710 January 2019
Throw in a busy software engineer, an ambitious small-town radio host, a fundraising Batchelor Bake-off , plus add the delicious Taylor Cole and good acting from Tyler Haynes - then it must be a Hallmark movie ! This film works well - the support acting was good, the small-town community was very close-knit, and the 2 leads were great together. This was one of Taylor Cole's best Hallmark roles and Tyler did a great job too. All in all a typical storyline but above average acting . Well done !
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It's Hallmark!
Luvhallmark14 January 2019
Relax people, this is a romance and it's Hallmark... it's what they do! I actually found this movie to be one of the more enjoyable ones. There are small towns like this one portrayed in real life, my hometown is small and has lots of "small town" festivities throughout the year! I thought the lead actors had really good chemistry together. I enjoyed the plot in regards to "chasing your dreams" or "stay and play it safe"... In my opinion, I did not care for the supporting characters, perhaps because there really wasn't any story development for them and the acting was fair. All in all, I enjoyed it! The male lead, Tyler Hynes reminds me of an actor of my generation, I'm 54 but I just cannot recall. He definitely has some "swagger" lol ... in a good way, he's handsome. Good job to all.
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Taylor Cole and Hallmark fans will probably like it.
MIssM1922 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We all know what Hallmark movies are good for: to get away from real life just for a little while and dive into a "perfect small town life" you only see in American tv. As a whole the movies was alright. It wasn't the best out there but I think it's not as bad as reviewers claim it is.

I like Taylor Cole. Even after the reviews I decided to give this a chance only because she was in it. It was worth it. Regarding the other lead character, Zac, I understand that it was part of his character but even at the ending, it lack a little bit of charm, at least for me.

The characters kissed even after being interrumpted. Thank you, for surprising me and avoiding that annoying cliche at least for once!

I like the plot, it was original . And Pleasant Valley? I have a lot of problems with that name. While it was not a favorite, and probably won't see it again, I enjoyed it.
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Worth falling for
TheLittleSongbird13 September 2022
The setting is not a new one for Hallmark, but it is one that has been utilised well in previous and succeeding films of theirs. Taylor Cole is a bit hit and miss for me as an actress, in the right role she is very charming but she can be too much of an ice queen in others. Have always liked Tyler Hynes and cannot think of a disappointing Hallmark film performance of his at the top of my head, to me he is one of the more consistent, and in a good way, Hallmark regulars.

'Falling for You' is worth falling for. It isn't great, could have done more with the setting perhaps and has its flaws. It also however has a lot of good things, the leads being the primary one, and not just one of the better 2018 Fall Harvest films, but one of the better Hallmark films from the last quarter of the year. Anybody wondering whether to continue watching 'Falling for You' if put off by the first fifteen minutes (like this reviewer admittedly) should stick with it, as it does get a lot better.

As has been indicated, it doesn't get off to the greatest of starts, with a lot of very cheesy and awkward dialogue and it all felt very forced somehow.

Did feel that the ending was a bit too neat, which is a common thing with Hallmark but there are also worse cases, and that the music intruded too much at times. And maybe the baker setting is rather underused.

Both Cole and Hynes however are very strong in their roles, Cole gives one of her warmest and most charming performances as one of her more easier to relate to characters. While Hynes is typically subtly charismatic and easy going. They have lovely chemistry and gel like fine wine and cheese. The supporting cast deliver very well too, with a big shoutout going to perky Lini Evans. The characters weren't too perfect or had negative character traits exaggerated, which has been obvious in too many recently seen Hallmark films, and didn't come over as caricaturish.

The production values still manage to be pleasing. It's not too drab or garish in photography, the editing didn't seem rushed or disorganised and the scenery has a real charm to it. Some of the music has some pleasant nostalgic moments. The dialogue is not great to begin with but improves when the plot properly kicks in, not being too sweet and it flows at least. The story isn't perfect, but it is sweet and light hearted without over sentimentality kicking in.

Concluding, liked it while not loving it. 7/10.
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Finally, a Hallmark movie where they kissed before the end!
smithduke11 October 2018
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and have always been a fan of Taylor Cole. To me, she's very genuine, unlike what other reviewers felt. I don't recall ever seeing Tyler Hynes in a Hallmark movie, and I thought he was believable and perfect for this part. The two had great chemistry in my opinion. Finally, Hallmark allowed a kiss go uninterrupted by a phone call, a child walking in, co-worker, etc. Well, it was interrupted at first, but they threw caution to the wind and kissed anyway. I would like Hallmark to add a little bit more physical romance to their movies, like a real relationship. The film had an interesting plot albeit, predictable but that's what I love about Hallmark. It's not as bad as the reviewers made it out to be and I've seen worse. Relax and enjoy it.
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Taylor's very likable in this.
rebekahrox21 September 2020
I was never a fan of Taylor Cole, but in this one, playing against type, I quite liked her. For one thing, and I realize this sounds very shallow, her hair has gone out and got itself a makeover. It used to be thin and lank to the point it was quite distracting. At least the style she chose made it seem that way. In this one, it has some body and natural flow and her beauty is undiminished by her "crowning glory." Tyler Hynes has always been a favorite and the two have quite a bit of chemistry.

Unfortunately the bake sale plot is a bore. An extra star for having the heroine move out of the small town she loves to pursue her career dream. What a concept usually foreign to the usual Hallmark ethos!
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Falling For You
huntleyjr14 April 2020
Hallmark movies are my favorites, and this one is a great Fall Harvest movie. This is my favorite Taylor Cole movie, and Tyler Hynes does a nice job as well. The purity of the movie is great (which is why I enjoy Hallmark. If a movie isn't appropriate I won't watch it). I can't yet place why I enjoy this movie so much, but it is my third favorite Hallmark Fall Harvest movie. It's a great one.
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The Leads Led
vsteach-1171718 March 2022
Contrary to other reviews, I loved the Taylor~Tyler combination. I felt they played off each other well at just the right pace. And small town stories are my favorites. A comfortable movie for a rainy day.
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Cute Fall movie!
ginasharp19 November 2020
This was a good Hallmark movie. If you want to get the Fall harvest feeling going - watch this one. Taylor and Tyler had good chemistry and were both great in this. The storyline was not that exciting. I thought there would be more baking, but they talk about baking more than they bake. But all in all, glad I watched.
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Falling For Falling for "Falling For You"
jagallag25 October 2018
Few earthly delights are as pleasurable as falling in love. But it is simply an ecstatic feeling to fall in love with falling in love. Wow, is it great.

Anyway, Falling For You is a profound gift. It has everything- apple trees, knit cardigan sweaters, men who need to take phone calls for business-related reasons, perms, the phrase "small town" repeated 312 times, checkered table cloths, female characters who don't comprehend basic financial planning, and more. Watching this movie is like laying on one of those heated massage beds-you'll probably fall asleep, but at least it isn't because you're in a drug induced coma.

The performances are very much there. Several people are in this movie, and many of them say things. The dialogue is delivered in American English, and it is for the most part comprehendable. Thank you.
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A Movie About Relationship Not Romance
WyzOldGuy22 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Falling for You" is a story about Lacey and Zac's relationship. Lacey is trying to save a small town's radio station due to recent town budget cuts. To make up the missing funds, Lucey creates a "Bachelor Bake-Off." At the same time Zac arrives to town. Zac created the software which revealed that the town was short funds and needed to make the cuts. There's something wrong with the software and Zac is under pressure to fix it. The "Bachelor Bake-Off" loses a contestant and Lucey convinces Zac to become replacement. They have an understanding that Zac will help her with the budget and planning while Lucey helps him learn to bake. As they spend time together, their feelings and admiration grow. With the "Bachelor Bake-Off" getting closer they both get wonderful opportunities in each of their careers. What will happen to their love? Will they go their separate ways? Will they rise to the new challenges? Can they find a solution?

I've watched this movie three out of the four times it showed during Hallmark Fall Harvest premiere month. It wasn't until the third time that I was able to appreciate the movie for what it was. It shouldn't take three times to figure out a romantic comedy. In part that is the writer and director's fault. It also was partially my fault because I assumed that this movie would be a formulaic Hallmark movie. I was lazy, not looking carefully nor deeply into what was going on. Hopefully, this review can help you appreciate this movie without dismissing it.

Why watch this movie:

Watch this movie to see Taylor Cole in a different role. Usually she's the organized, confident, career-focused professional. In "Falling For You" she portrays a "force of nature," who by her enthusiasm and personality inspires others. She is insecure and unsure. She is a free-spirit being better at dreaming and talking than organizing and consequences (Think Ashley Williams' characters in "Love on a Limb," 2016, or "October Kiss," 2015). Taylor does a good job of bringing a different range of expressions, movements, and voice inflections. I thoroughly enjoyed it after I got over the shock. This was the best part of the movie for me.

Watch this movie to see Lucey and Zac's relationship. As the plot progesses, it is touching to see the small ways they begin to adopt the things they admire in the other. They speak to each other frankly and realistically. They challenge each other to be better and try new things. At the end they embrace a new, better future which includes each other and all their dreams. I was glad that they both knew that it was better to talk to each other when things got tense rather than assume the worst and cut off communication. In all, this is a refreshing relationship and provides a glimpse of what good communication and relationship give and take looks like. In quite a few Hallmark romances we only see the mistakes and an apology. Lucey and Zac's relationship dynamic is the key to understanding this movie. It's Lucey's words that finally made sense to it all, "I want to marry my best friend who I also happen to be madly in love with," after which Zac agrees. (not an exact quote). They want the relationship to be right above all.

Watch this movie for some great moments from the supporting cast. 1. Alison Wandzura convincingly, wondrously plays Sandra, the good-hearted, supportive BFF of Lucey. Alison played the selfish, hard-nosed antagonist role as Courtney in "Truly, Madly, Sweetly" (2018). Her performance in "Falling For You" convinced me that Sandra is a genuinely good person in the movie and that Alison is in real life. I hope we get to see her in a romantic lead role in the future. 2. Madison Smith (Max Buckman) and Matt Visser (Lucas Buckman) who are hilarious as brothers. Some might say "cheesy," but their timing is perfect. 3. Agape Mngomezulu as Ty. Agape's protrayal gives us no choice but to cheer for his delightful, yet struggling character. Ty is a talented geek who feels like a misfit. Both Zac and Lucey have heartwarming moments helping him see his value especially because he is not like everyone else.

Why not to watch this movie

Do not watch this movie for the romance and the big climax where you say "Awww" and tear up. (I did tear up in places.) The first time I saw the movie, I said "awkward" at their climactic kiss. Later, once I understood, I could appreciate what was going on. Here are the facts. There is no physical contact between the Lucey and Zac for the first half of the movie. See the buying of tickets scene at the beginning of the movie for what is to follow. The first contact is elbow to ribs, a sign of friendly familiarity, not romantic at all. Expect to see Zac and Lucey standing apart (like 4 feet) while talking. There is no accidental touching of hands. No touching of hair or face. They don't hold hands and they don't hug until the end. There are two kisses. The passionate one is in the middle of the movie. To "get" the relationship, you have to accept this is intentional. This reflects what I've read about the book it was based upon (Baking for Keeps by Jessica Gilmore).

Do not watch this movie for the "Bachelor Bake-Off" and the quest to save the radio station. The bake-off takes only a few minutes. We don't see any bidding drama nor do we see the baked goods. There is some baking but not much. Frankly, don't feel bad if you don't root for a certain bachelor or the radio station's survival.

What would have made this movie better.

It would have helped if the "cooking together" scene contributed to the story rather than telling us more of the same about the individual characters. It told us that Zac is tied to his phone which at this point is nothing new. I still haven't figured out what Lucey's reference to "baking with love" was meant to tell us. There was nothing of the typical Hallmark "cooking scene" in this. Lucey and Zac work in isolation with no playful interaction. When they taste their respective cakes, they remain spatially separated. Not even their forks touch.

It would have been better if Zac and Lucy had honestly communicated about their first kiss. Tyler and Taylor during their kiss communicate a lot about what their characters are feeling for each other. It is as good as any Hallmark kiss. But without a context and no further romantic progression/clues, I didn't know what to do with it. At first I was thinking, "Aww" and "Wow," but as the movie progressed it eventually became meaningless to their relationship dynamic.

It would have been better if we had more clues as to what is going on with Tyler Hine's character. Tyler has a winning smile and he adequately portrays Zac's admiration for Lucey. However, there were several times when I wasn't sure what Zac was thinking or feeling. Especially with Zac Malone's straight, tight-lipped not-quite-smile expression. It didn't communicate interest or attraction for Lucey; maybe it is meant to communicate insecurity or shyness or seriousness. The problem is I'm not sure. For us to understand the relationship dynamic, the cerebral character needed to give us more clues; either by the director, script, or actor.
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A wonderful cast in search of a better movie, I think.
david-thor22 October 2019
Hallmark TV movies are edited and written to fit into a 2 hour time period, including commercials; that is really the problem here - there is too little story, so it moves at such a plodding pace. I've seen Taylor Cole and others in the cast in a variety of Hallmark movies, and they are fine, they are good actors stuck in a very relaxed screenplay, with direction that gives the impression they're reading off teleprompters. Check out the cast resumes on the Hallmark website and I would suggest you use them as a reference to some of the good work they've been in.
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velvetwynter_26 October 2021
In the first 15 minutes too many stupid conversations about stupid coffee. Pretty pathetic. The rest was lame also....same reused elements. Plus the usual explosion of fake Fall leaves and trees every where...so obvious.
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Bake off
Jackbv1237 January 2019
Hallmark writers seem to think that things like bake sales (sorry bake off) or starting a baking business on the side can solve all kinds of financial problems. At least it's an original idea to use it to save a radio station.

The acting is OK and the chemistry between the leads is OK, but neither really stands out and grabs me.

It's a pretty simple story. There are a few heartwarming moments when, as is often the case with Hallmark, the ideals of community through small time life are highly celebrated. Parts of the climax surprised me a little.
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Standard Hallmark fare.
savethewatchmaker29 September 2020
As part of Hallmark's Fall Harvest, this movie definitely excels at emphasizing the autumn atmosphere it's aiming to immerse the audience in. Each and every room a character enters is full of fall decorations, leaf garlands, gourds and pumpkins, and when paired with plenty of stereotypically fall activites such as apple picking and baking, the film totally succeeds in putting you in the mood for the season! The small town charm is also in full force with neighbors who all know each other and a bustling main street. Another plus is that after playing many icy, business-oriented characters, lead actress Taylor Cole comes across as much warmer than usual in this role., if not a bit juvenile in her pushiness and lack of any financial knowledge.

Unfortunately, the movie falls apart a bit with its logistics. The radio station, which urgently needs a financial boost, is such a loosey-goosey operation (employees wander in and off the air as they please, an "ON AIR" sign is nowhere to be seen, and an intern does little more than stare at circuit boards) that it takes the audience out of the story a bit. The station also relies on the city for its funding, rather than ad revenue, which this station seems completely oblivious to. Even stranger is how the main character, Taylor Cole's Lacey, manages to rope in her love interest to be, Zac, played by Tyler Hynes, who is in town strictly to work (he frequently has phone calls with a coworker who, despite being in a busy, bustling office space, refers to their project as a small and struggling start-up), to join in with her Bake-Off, a fundraising event for the radio station. The "deal" she strikes with him is that she will promise to teach him how to bake in return for him helping with her finances, and at no point does the male lead pick up on the fact that this deal benefits Lacey alone. He willingly submits himself to baking lessons and sessions of financial advice -- sessions, during which, Lacey refuses to accept his professional advice -- for no good reason. Outside of the Bake-Off, Lacey lives with her aunt in her guesthouse, where she routinely bad-mouths guests and walks into the kitchen for breakfast in the morning in her pajamas while guests are present (!).

However, there are a few twists along the way that don't make this movie entirely predictable. Along with the aforementioned autumn ambience, the movie is worth a watch, although isn't a strong contender for a rewatch.
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Falling for You
studioAT24 July 2022
Hallmark stalwarts Taylor Cole and Tyler Hynes elevate already good material for a fun film, with some lovely moments and messages.

The story holds up and the leads have good chemistry - for me these are the two most important things in a Hallmark film, and those boxes get checked here.

Tyler Hynes's droll delivery always makes things better too.

A lovely Hallmark film.
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Wonderful Fall romance...in spite the fake fall leaf collection!
cgvsluis30 May 2023
This was a very sweet fall romance about a small town radio host Lacey, whose radio station lost their town funding due to budget cuts...that the city leaders discovered thanks to a new start-up's easy to use software. The software company owner and developer is engineer Zac Malone (played by Tyler Hynes) who is in town to work out some of the bugs in his program. To save the radio station Lacey is hosting a Bachelor Bake-off and she ropes Zac into being their mystery bachelor when one of hers drops out.

What is it with men and vanilla cake? It's my dad's favorite too.

This is a nice small town story with lots of fun fall vibes. The romance seemed believable and Taylor Cole seemed to have good chemistry with Tyler Hynes.

I loved the lantern walk...it was beautiful and such a great idea going in to the fall. The town helping a local orchards who had hurt is arm was a nice touch.

I highly recommend this to romantics for a sweet fall romance!
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Great fall Hallmark movie
stephaniervt-200-78238129 October 2021
Beautiful scenery and a good, enjoyable story.

Definitely a light feel-good seasonal movie, one that I would rewatch

Rating scaled for the genre and category.
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chemistry off
SnoopyStyle28 September 2019
Radio host Lacey Hathaway (Taylor Cole) is trying to pull off a bachelor bake-off to raise money for the small New England town radio station in Pleasant Valley. The hunky star bachelor starts dating and pulls out of the competition. Zac Malone (Tyler Hynes) is a visiting software engineer waiting to sell his program to the town. He rents a room from Lacey's mother. With a need to fill the empty spot, her mother suggests signing up Zac to be one of the bachelors although he's not a good baker.

The bake sale/bake-off confusion is not as cute as the film seems to expect. The meet-cute is barely cute. Tyler Hynes doesn't have much charisma and his character isn't much either. In real life, he should be struck by Taylor Cole's beauty. This could play with that but instead, he comes off as a cold fish. Quite frankly, the original hunky bachelor's makes Zac look bad. Zac is a much more average guy. In a way, I appreciate the computer geek lead being not a catalog model but I don't think that works for a Hallmark romance. It would help if he has more personality and be happier. His character has no joy especially early on. Now that's probably the design along with his crossed-arm stance whenever he's talking to Lacey in the first half. It's a flawed design and it makes him look simply closed-off. Nobody would care about him although the reveal of the Small Town Talk is quite appealing. The chemistry is off.
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Taylor and Tyler are amazing!
cmather-2236912 April 2020
Together and independently! Hallmark has never gone wrong with Taylor! She works with any lead man, but her character paired with Tyler's character was a great move. I was not a huge fan of Tyler until I watched this movie. I love his unique screen persona! This movie made me curious to see more of Tyler and it has been great! This was a great storyline, a wee bit cheesy on the "small town love", but it would be a place I would love to visit! Great movie!
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Ho Hum
beachy-384319 October 2018
Pretty much like every other Hallmark movie, including black actors only in supporting roles.
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Cole and Hynes chemistry
MickyG33316 March 2023
7.8 stars.

I really love both the leads in "Falling for You". When a combination of my top five favorite male and female actors are paired for a Hallmark, I get excited.

Taylor Cole is trying to be original in her presentation of a woman who touches the hearts and lives of all those around her. Lacey works for a radio station in a small town, actually she is the central figure of this small town in many ways. Zac (Hynes) comes into town to close a business deal on a software program he's created. Zac and Lacey have immediate familiarity as their personalities mesh. They say opposites attract, and these two are that. In the end it's their belief in each other's potential that creates a deep and undeniable bond that is very fulfilling. This film deftly illustrates a steady growth of two people falling in love.

"Falling for You" is a standard romance, however Hynes brings his usual charm and Cole ups it a notch with her portrayal of a woman who needs a little confidence. He is the right man to help her catapult her career to the next phase. Cole and Hynes have a particular sort of chemistry rarely seen in Hallmark couples. Their emotions are raw and moving and the courtship feels so real. Although their appeal seems more subdued than most depicted in Hallmark films, their particular expression of mutual attraction is captivating.

Unfortunately, something is missing from the entertainment factor. I can't figure out what is wrong, but I feel it has to do with the energy of the cast as a whole. Maybe the director was having a bad week.
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Halfway through
chelskay-8473231 December 2019
CHristmas movie addict here and have to agree that it is on the boring side. The chemistry slowly growing between the leads. Agree with the comment that this movie is more of a screenplay.
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borg539 October 2018
Turned it off after 15 minutes. Boring leads, silly plot.
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