The Rangers: Bloodstone (2021) Poster

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Sadly no
tony-146-6956267 October 2021
I am partial to any movies with elves, orcs, fantasy, etc. I cut them a LOT of slack. I like The Outpost, for example. Though latest season is not great.

But as others have said, this comes across as a high school play. I could only stand the first 10 minutes, then skipped to the last 10 minutes to make sure it was as flat and uninspiring as it looked...

Sadly it was...

Half the movie is narrated by the main character. This gets old after a few minutes. Even at the end he is still at it.

I would classify it as an amateur production whose mission is to produce a low budget movie for Amazon that does not have be very good.

Not worth watching. Go for a walk instead. Time better spent.
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Slow, Boring, Bad
bemyfriend-4018427 December 2021
Very amateurish attempt at The Rings of the Nibelung, or some kind of Lord of the Rings thing, or Shannara Chronicles. But this flick is poorly done. Seen on Tubi, the free streaming site, which has many indie films, foreign films, older major releases; and now, live TV.
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Essentially just another LARP movie...
paul_haakonsen19 April 2022
Needless to say that I had never heard about the 2021 fantasy adventure movie "The Rangers: Bloodstone" from writer and director David Nordquist. And with it being a fantasy movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I opted to give the movie a chance, as I have been an avid fantasy fan since my early teen years.

Honestly speaking, then I wasn't expecting "The Rangers: Bloodstone" to be more than yet another movie made by LARPers for LARPers; you know, the Live Action Role-Playing thing with loons running around in the forest dressed up as wizards, rangers and orcs, playing Dungeons & Dragons.

I will say that "The Rangers: Bloodstone" started out okay, but then the movie stalled some time before even reaching the midway point and the movie just lost momentum as the air quickly seeped from the balloon, so to speak. So this wasn't exactly a great addition to the fantasy genre, not like the movies like "Beastmaster", "Lord of the Rings", etc.

Sure, "The Rangers: Bloodstone" is watchable, if you enjoy fantasy movies, just don't go expect a whole lot from the storyline, because it started out okay, then just slowly died a slow, horrible death along the way.

And yeah, there definitely was some LARPing atmosphere going on in "The Rangers: Bloodstone", I will not lie about that. Actually, in one scene where Drustan Lorne (played by the writer and director himself) was being attacked by some thugs, one of the thugs wore a leather helmet exactly like one I have on display at home. So yeah, this was a low key home-made LARP movie, no doubt about it.

This is not a movie that I would recommend you spend your time, money or effort on. And it was a movie that came and went without as much as a squeak of noise for me. And it will fade into oblivion by the end of today, of that I am certain.

My rating of David Nordquist's "The Rangers: Bloodstone" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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Good Sleep Aid
brandyysnapp4 January 2022
If you have trouble falling asleep watch this movie. It's so boringly drawn out that it's almost painful, even if you watch it on fast forward which I ended up doing after an excruciating 15 minutes. I don't mind cheap sets or even badly spoken accents but there has to be something of an interesting storyline or some good acting somewhere. The only positive I have is that all images were clearly seen.
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smokebender7 October 2021
I couldn't watch more than about 15 minutes of this. The acting of the main character wasn't much better than a kids from a school play and the "make up" that the people playing orcs looked like it may have been made in someones garage. If you're an 8 year old it's watchable. If you're of adult age, you might consider it if you're really stoned.
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Complete garbage
babaramanamarama7 October 2021
From very first episode "movie" looks as filmed by hobbyists. Acting is terrible, monsters - pathetic, location... -forest. When you have no money, no talent, no CG the only thing you can do - film "movie" in forest, in some ruins etc. There are some great movies made by low budget teams, but to do it one needs talent, good story, fantasy. Creators of this garbage have none. I tried to rewind some most shameful moments and continue watching, but it is above me. If you wanna test your willpower I cordially recommend this movie. If you manage watch 10 minutes or more - you can bear any torture.
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I couldn't go lower
rdamian19637 February 2023
This is just utter trash. There is low budget then there is this pile of garbage. This movie is one of the absolute worst I have ever seen. Elementary school plays have better acting. The acting is just down right awful. Action sequences are lacking any action at all. The script is horrible. Much of the dialogue makes absolutely no sense. Most fantasy films have some redeeming quality to them. Alas, this movie does not have any. Often terrible B movies are comedic, unintentionally. Rangers: Bloodstone doesn't even manage to accomplish that. If you come across this title give it a hard pass, otherwise you have wasted your time.
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Some life advice...
yiazmatvsomega17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some life advice... To David Nordquist.

Do not, under any circumstances, quit your day job.

Frankly I hope everyone in this... Adventure... Got paid really well for their time. And yet, on the flip side I can't people got paid to make this. (Pay your workers and your writers, people - this is more of a question of who would spend their money to have this made, ok.)

So yeah, the acting is bad. But it's not bad SOLELY for its lack of quality, its wooden application, but it is triple-time bad because it WANTS to be good, and then thinks that it IS good because it wants so badly to be... Good.

It fails on all of this.

Every snippet of dialogue, of which I can't call it dialogue, because 90% of the spoken words in this is, at best, an exposition bomb, or at worst a dreamy soliloquy. If the dream were the kind where you're in class in just your underwear, except the underwear is also made of shrimp tails. That kind of dreamy.

Anyway, all the... Spoken words here are also set up in a way that rides a line between "the audience has no idea who these specific characters are," and "the audience also won't know what an orc is. Impossibly it straddles a third way of also assuming the viewer has every understanding of what's going on, and so this is just an episode recap. Except the only episode that's relevant is the one you forced upon you as you watch a full grown adult speaks to a child about other full grown adults while relaying the others' FULL name AND rank in their organisation. "Yes sweety pumpkin, I know you're barely able to talk, but let me tell you ALLLL about LIEUTENANT Bad-rip-off Snooker. Except I won't, because all I'm going to do is drop his name and title, and toodle-loo!"

At one point our angst-ridden... Protagonist (I hesitate to call him a "hero") picks a fruit off the ground, throws it into the air, doesn't totally awkwardly remove a bow from his back, draw, aim, shoot... And presumably then pins the fruit to a tree. It's here that he takes a knife and starts tapping at the tree his arrow is stuck in.

Why is he tapping a tree with a knife? To recover his arrow? You just pull those out.

To reacquire the fruit? Did he want to eat it but get too caught in the moment and now regrets skewering the food he ALREADY had in hand?

The truth will never be known because for the next, I kid you not, 7 and a half MINUTES he is intermittently shown tapping the bark, while badly relaying that he has a kid who's been taken (spoiler, whoops) but at the end of the bad montage he whacks the arrow (out of the tree) in a fit of frustration.

And that is the height of the writing and acting.
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Rubber rubber everywhere
phillipmelbourne7 January 2022
From the rubber Orc mask that obviously distorted the actors speech to the the black rubber bouncy armour, this was cheap, flat and cringeworthy.

From the rubber Orc mask that obviously distorted the actors speech to the the black rubber bouncy armour, this was cheap, flat and cringeworthy.

From the rubber Orc mask that obviously distorted the actors speech to the the black rubber bouncy armour, this was cheap, flat and cringeworthy.
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Is there a zero star rating?
Freakinoldguy12 October 2022
We were looking for something interesting to watch and decided this might fit the bill. Well, I'm sorry but it didn't it really really really didn't. This is the most disjointed illogical and ridiculous attempt at a movie that I have seen in decades. Actually to be honest it makes the movies from Asylum look like Academy Award material.

So, if you decide to watch this dog, do yourself a favour and don't. It's not worth the time trying figure out the plot or trying to figure out the idiotic and unrealistic choices the hero makes throughout his quest.

I got half way through and the story telling, the poor acting and the ridiculous plot killed it for me. It might be some peoples cup of tea but it certainly wasn't mine and it's definitely a case of buyer or in this instance unsuspecting victim, beware.
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There's some real potential here!
askmetanks26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
IMDB refused to post my review the first time so I'm giving it another go -

Most reviews give this film 1 star and say things like "The acting is bad and it looks cheap, like some low budget LARP movie"... This IS a low budget LARP movie.

I imagine a group of friends who love DnD got their hands on an orc costume and decided to make a movie, so rather than grade it a 1 because it doesn't compare to LotR, i'll grade it based on what it actually is, a low budget family LARP movie.

Pros - +Lots of different camera angles! That's refreshing for a LARP movie!

+I thought the orc looked pretty good *shrug* +Acting wasn't half bad for the type of film it is, Wolf J Sherrill especially stood out as fairly charismatic +I know some people thought the time jumps and flashbacks were confusing but I thought it made it a bit more interesting than your average "Man journeys through woods" movie.

+The guy definitely looked the part of a ranger, I feel like he wishes he could dress like that all the time.

+Lots of extras! Got the whole neighborhood in costume for that town scene, good job.

+Nice drone shots, pretty scenery, that always adds some value.

Cons -He spent 4000 days training with the ancient one? That's about 10 years, that girl is grown or got eaten by orcs ages ago, I have a feeling they didn't do the math on that one.

-I don't know exactly how much time has past but that outlander never washed the blood off his beard. Kind of bothered me after a while.

-How bout some special effects next time? Little sparkly magic for that necromancer? Everybody has at least one friend with access to Adobe After Effects.

-Could use a few more locations - I get that it's easiest and cost effective to film in the woods but maybe a little guerilla filming in...I dunno, got any old ruins up there in Canada? A nearby lake?

All in all, it is what it is, and for what it is, it's not half bad. I've definitely seen worse acted, worse filmed low budget movies, I think this crew has potential.

Summary: C'mon people, it's not that bad.
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HarrySmooth22 January 2022
Well, I started off with the "I ain't gonna like this " mentality because I broke my 1st Golden Rule of Enjoying a Movie....... 1) Pay ZERO Attention to the Reviews!!! With so many 1's I thought "Nah.... It ain't gonna happen" , but as usual, EVERY time I read those DUMBA$$$$ reviews I get hung up!

After reading and writing literally Hundreds of reviews on IMDb I STILL see people making the same mistakes over and over, and people that expect EVERY movie that comes out to have a 12 Billion Dollar Budget and then Whine "1's" when it's not!

This was an EXCELLENT MOVIE! Granted, the acting wasn't great, but LIGHT years from the worst I've seen! The sets and Costume were GREAT! Makeup Very Good! Just all in all a Great little movie for a Friday night pizza!

But BOY, watch the "Couch Critics" go WILD with this one! Lol...... but pay no attention, most of em wouldn't know a good movie if it crawled up their Butt.
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A valiant attempt
claudegarneau29 July 2022
At first, I was going to trash this movie, but then I thought better of it. This is definitely not a GOOD movie, but if it's this company's first attempt, the group could have some potential. Also, I'm pretty sure that this was a basement budget movie, which in itself limits the end product.

Don't give up!
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An Act of Hubris
kagethemagetwitch24 June 2022
This is the 19th movie in my weekly B-Grade movie night streak. This was the only one I couldn't finish, and I watched a movie called Sharks of the Corn.

It was unbearably boring. I couldn't tell you anything that happened in it and I watched nearly an hour and a half.

It felt like an excuse for the writer/director/star to justify to his wife more cosplay wardrobe.

I expected more from Canada.
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This was boring
NuttyBaby2 February 2024
It was something I planned to watch, as I love fantasy including those made by low budget film makers. This was just pointless and really very dull. The main character is a ranger, but comes across as a poet and narrates the film throughout, which ruined it for me. He discovers a skull that he first believed was his missing daughter, but then he flings it instead of burying it. That scene made no logical sense. The script was silly and the acting wooden. The best was the orcs, who were wasted on this rubbish. It was like a home made film. I watched it halfway and just got bored. It went through various times and it was confusing, it could've been done differently and not chopping flashbacks.
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Was surprised
martz-051429 March 2022
For something did on such a low budget it brought me back to the 90's to my childhood. It as a slow burn and the begining is confusing , that is a warning, but it is quite fine watch when you are just looking to kill an hour and a half. Good job to the team.
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Sublime Comedy
themightyaznax15 January 2022
Seriously funny romp, If you are not so worried about well developed story, clear dialogue and competent acting but have a genuine fondness for the unintended humour of poorly choreographed woodlands combat, lengthy periods of beardy journaling and incoherent character motivation then this movie is for you.

The basic premise is that a po-faced hero is tracking a band, well, a couple of orcs who have kidnapped his daughter only to find his destiny, no that's it, just the find the kid thing, there's some other stuff that happens, but not a lot of it really make sense, or adds to the story in any meaningful way.

At some point during a pointless flashback the hero is literally told by a witch in a tee-pee with an hilariously screechy Jamaican/Chinese accent that his daughter is going to be kidnapped by orcs, so our hero leaves the kid alone in a forest frequented by orcs, I mean, what? Like dude, seriously, you were warned this would happen? There's so much more of that kind of comedy gold, that I'm convinced it's intentional, it has to be, this stuff doesn't happen by accident.

If you have ever participated in a game of D&D where the DM's favourite rule book book is a thesaurus, and all the players are slightly hung over and doing their best to derail the story so they can get killed and go home, then you'll be familiar with the overall feel.
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Excellent Movie for the Family
gabrielreed-6470725 December 2021
I just watched this film with my family and we couldn't look away. The acting in this film by the Nordquist family is groundbreaking and the forrest setting is amazing. The architecture used, especially the Port-a potty where The Ancient One lives is an exceptional use of modern design. The costumes are as good as any movie I have ever watched. We can't wait to watch all of the sequels...if there are any...?
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A Passion Project
aaron-straus0110 December 2021
Fun movie done well for a group of first time actors writers and directors. All the effects are practical with great fight scenes. I cant wait to see what this team can do next.
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