"Arrow" We Fall (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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A big step up
highmarksreviews27 January 2018
Arrow has been on a low streak since its mid-season finale and the follow-up, "Divided" left much to be desired. "We Fall" managed to up the antique in ways we have hoped for, adding a somewhat real motive and menace to Cayden James (Michael Emerson), palpable family drama and a shockingly excellent speech about heroism by Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards). This episode clearly had a budget increase with its tunnel sequence and while the action was uneventful this time around, Arrow managed to get off the ground with this outing.
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We fall??? or We FAIL??? Has Arrow - Jumped the Shark?
betterbuddy27 January 2018
Has Arrow finally "Jumped the Shark" this season?

Thursday's episode of Arrow - 6.11 was concerning. The concern comes from wondering if Arrow has finally lost its excitement, brilliance, and the Team Arrow magic.

This is now the third episode of the season where Team Arrow is acting like first graders. In a nutshell, Rene told the teacher on Oliver. And, now half of Team Arrow (Curtis, Dinah, and Rene) has moved to the other side of the playground and has formed their own club. Seriously??? Am I really watching a show of "SUPER HEROES" acting like 6 year olds!!!???

As of fan who has been watching since early season 1 and has watched each Arrow episode thru season 5 an unhealthy amount of times, this fan is VERY, VERY concerned. Now, Arrow has had storylines and plot directions that were not always positive, fun, and enjoyable for this fan. However, somehow, the show has always recovered/rebounded into something incredible with magical Team Arrow moments.

The concern this time is that 11 episodes in to season 6 and there has not been amazing/magical team moments. There has not been great, jaw dropping Super Hero action. There has not been a truly enjoyable story plot twist. The villains all suck this season too. Black Siren---Laurel is downright painful to watch. She is just so robotic the way she does this God-awful things to Team Arrow/people in general and she always has that disgusting smile on her face like this is fun to her.

Eleven episodes in and there has not been one scene where this fan has shouted "that was awesome", which that in it self in unheard of. Please* Please* Arrow - Don't Jump the Shark!!!
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Strong episode
joel-norris26 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this episode. The scene with Felicty talking to William about what Oliver does while he's busy taking down bad guys. Finding out the Vigilante was undercover was awesome. People were buay complaining about him being out of character instead of being patient. There were a couple awkward scenes like the "us" scene on the rooftop from Curtis. Otherwise an amazing episode for a solid season.
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Getting worse! And, jumping the shark!
rsvp32128 January 2018
I really enjoyed this series for the first two years, then I've witnessed its slow, and now rapid decline in writing, plot, fight scenes, and acting.

Thea is coming back...again?!

Also, we have Oliver's pouting kid to contend with. In *no way* does he fit! I know what's around the corner, too, as these writers see a growing number of dropping fans - Felicity will have a baby soon. Kids added to an established series has historically marked its doom!

Your days are numbered, Arrow.
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Arrow - S06E11 We Fall
j_forbesy27 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode of Arrow we had Star City in crisis. I alway enjoy when they do larger scale episodes like this across the DC CW shows because it reminds us as an audience the these superheroes are in the public eye and aren't always just operating in the shadows. I also feel like these shows are about the full utilise each character when they take a story arc this large because it give every character something they need to do.

What I really enjoyed most about this episode was how every story point felt as though it was meaningful to the overall story. The main three that stood out for me was the new team learning and working with Vigilante, William learning that Oliver is still the Green Arrow and Caden James showing his motivation behind his attacks. I feel as though in the past the show would struggle to handle one major plot point at a time and they would have to drag it out over a few episode one at a time, but in this episode they introduced three new plot points into the show successfully at the same time. While I know these plot points will drag over the next few episodes, as a viewer, it is more entertaining to be following three story arcs at once then one story arc mixed in with filler drama to chew up the rest of the screen time.

This episode had a lot of heavy action set pieces that required a lot of practical effects and I thought they did a great job with them. While these CW shows can often look cheesey when it comes to big set pieces, I thought this episode did a great job at making the biggest set pieces, such as the bus scene, look quite realistic.

Overall, I thought this was a great episode of Arrow. The plot kept on ticking over and there was nothing that stood out in a negative way, whether it be dialog, character's actions or just simply logical problems. I am really liking all the dynamics they have going on at the moment and I'm looking forward to seeing where they take them in the next few episodes.

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This episode was just okay.
jwwalrath-227-8548728 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There are some good parts: Curtis has a really funny line in this with the new team. Plus, they finally do something interesting with Oliver's son. This is the first I've actually liked the character. I was expecting more CW drama when he found out Oliver was the Green Arrow again, but it was all handled pretty maturely.

However, I felt this episode was mired down by a little too much of people discussing things. Also, I found the opening and all those civilian deaths to be a little too morbid for my taste.
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Star City Has Survived Much Worse Than You
ThomasDrufke30 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If I'm going to go past the point that I don't really care for this season of Arrow anymore, and just look at this episode individually, it was fine. There's nothing overtly wrong but there's nothing of interest happening either. The only thing that would make this season is if they made Cayden James' son into a big twist/reveal that makes sense. But that's even putting aside the harsh fact that James is the worst big bad this show has ever had, and I mean by far.

So this episode had some big things happen including the death of Frank Pike and Oliver telling his son he's been The Green Arrow for the past few months. The latter of which was at least handled better than the first time William found out about Oliver's secret. That was just about the worst writing the show has had, but at least this time William's mindset made a little bit more sense. But the fact that Pike died, who has been in the show since season 1, and it was a moment that came and went is just surprising. I don't know why the decision was made, and it's not like I'm saying he was a main character, but he has at least made his presence felt since the very beginning. But with that said, it was simply a strange plot point that doesn't seem to be leading to anything, that is unless they are planning on having Quentin take back over the department?

Speaking of law enforcement, what happened to Agent Watson? It sure seemed like she was going to play a much larger part in this season, but I guess we can put that thought to rest. But I can't say I was ever hoping she would come back. And really, with the way this season has played out (you know, poorly), I guess I shouldn't expect any sort of coherence from week to week.

I love when Oliver says to Cayden "Star City has survived much worse than you", yeah no crap Oliver, he's the weakest villain they have had. The one thing I did like in this episode was Felcity's speech to William heard over Team Arrow fighting in the field. It's not the most well written and it contains a whole lot of cheesiness, but I felt like it worked. That's all though. I guess I'm still holding onto some sort of hope that a big reveal of Cayden's son or whoever killed his son with somehow push this season out of the jail that its in. Realistically, it's not going to happen, but a guy can hope.

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We Fall is awful
rwseidel18 April 2021
There is neither rhyme nor reason to this plotline. Arrow and Felicity used to say "It's complicated," and the writers seem to have adopted this as their plot motto. The series gets harder to stomach, as artificial sweetener and color tend to overwhelm any real development of the characters.
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What the Hell??
lassegalsgaard6 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have mentioned this before, and I will mention it again: this is definitely my favorite show out of all the Arrowverse shows. I have been a big fan of this show since its inception back in 2012, and I have been surprised with everything they have done, and how far they have been willing to go. They have always been able to construct some interesting storylines, and even though they have had seasons that did not live up to the full potential, I think that they have always found a way to get back on track. That is why Season 5 was so great, because it felt like they were going back to the basic formula that made the show so popular in the first place. I like that about the "Arrow" writers room. However, for this season they are doing something that I can't stand, and it's all because they have failed to make that specific storyline compelling. That is something I will definitely get into a little later.

I did not know how much I actually missed the original Team Arrow. It was only those three for the first season and majority of the second one. I loved that team, and I think it has become too big over the years. However, what they have done here with the team, is going back to how they were originally, and I think that was a clever decision, because this team has always been the best when it has only been these three. I love that they have gone back to that, and that called for some great moments between the team members. The only downside about this, is that it goes into the thing I can't stand about this season, but more about that later.

The entire season, I have been skeptical about Cayden James, and while I still am, I think that he finally proved himself to be a real threat in this episode. The idea of him destroying everything combined to a computer through a virus, was a pretty clever idea, and something that James would definitely do. It made sense that a character like that would use a virus to destroy everything, and I like that James is finally starting to shape up and become someone who poses a real threat to the team. There are still some things I don't like about his character, but let's safe that.

As I said, there were some great moments between the team members. I like the fact that Diggle is still not fine with Oliver being back, because he has this inner dream of taking on the mantle of the Green Arrow; something he can't do if Oliver is there. But Oliver can't be himself without the hood, so I bet this is going to create some kind of riff between the two, which is something I don't know if I am happy with. I don't know if it's going to happen, but I also hope it won't. I also liked that Felicity had some great moments, especially with William. She is learning how to be a mother, and I like to see that she is starting to get a grip on that factor.

Now, let's get into the things that didn't work for me. I don't think that William is a great character, and I think that they made some decisions with him in this episode, that didn't seem authentic. I understand that this is a boy who has lost his mother, and who only has his father left, but even someone like him should be able to see the problems that will come out of not having the Green Arrow around. And he can see how much it hurts his father not being under the hood, so he should be able to understand someone else for a change, instead of only thinking about his egotistical self.

Now, to the thing I didn't like about Cayden James. His motives were set up in a previous episode, and he is after revenge against Oliver because he killed his son. I really don't want this to be a thing, because this is the exact same thing that happened in the last season with Prometheus, for which it worked very well. I don't think this is actually his real motives, and I think they are hiding those motives, and that it will have a big part to play in the upcoming episodes. However, if this is what they are really going for, I am going to be extremely disappointed in the writers.

And now ... the thing that this season is doing that I hate more than anything else, is the stupid storyline with the recruits trying to create their own team. I don't simply hate this idea, I loathe it. These are not interesting characters, and they are definitely not good enough to carry their own team. Not only that, they are all complete assholes to not only each other, but the other team, as well, even though that team could easily beat their asses. This new team thinks too high of themselves, and it really pisses me off, that the writers don't have a better grip on these guys. The exact thing that they hated about the other team was that they couldn't trust each other, but throughout the entire episode they couldn't even trust themselves. They also try to make Vincent Sobel a more important character, which is just the worst idea for so many reasons. His character sucks and the twist in this episode sucked as bad. I really hope they do some correction on this entire plot, because if they don't, I think I'm officially done with this show.
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"We don't negotiate with terrorists"
LittleStorpingInTheSwuff23 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Wire the money"

That says it all. Of course it comes as no surprise that James wins this round and gets his money. The only way the writers can get a full season of episodes is by having the bad guy du jur win every round except the last one. So what if a lot of innocent people get killed along the way, that's just collateral damage and is to be expected.
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