The Sparrows: Nesting (2015) Poster

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Poorly written, produced, directed. Multiple disconnected story lines
jgray1111124 December 2016
This is a quasi "faith based" film in that the family pastor shows up twice and says a few cryptic sentences and a Bible is shown once or twice. There are a least two stories which never get resolved and the main story is about two close friends (of a couple of weeks). It appears the movie was shot on a low budget and half way through, they realized most of the money was gone so a hurry-up conclusion had to be concocted. I am afraid this is a charlatan attempt to cash in on the current desire for good, wholesome, faith-based movies and that Christian families will watch anything that pretends to be such. Find another use of your time.
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throbbit12 September 2023
I saw the preview on another movie and it looked like a good movie so I ordered it on Amazon. I accidentally ordered qty 2. Wished I noticed the mistake before my purchase. Just finished watching it. Very quickly in, the dialog and acting was very cheesy and sickeningly sweet. Obviously it was intended for a Christian audience. The story wasn't bad but it was poorly done and the ending was extremely rushed. One thing that annoys me about movies like this is when much of the dialog is constant laughter between the characters while conversations. It comes across as sickeningly sweet and not natural at all. I am also not sure why Kevin Sorbo is on the cover of the movie twirling the young girl around like he was the main character. He's not. He was only in 2 small scenes.
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mgraciasalvetti17 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was not happy with this movie, Anna was made out to be a spoiled wife who didn't even know what a tong was. Mike seem so self center and when Hector came to ask for job, he treated him without compassion. The police stereo type him right away for being a Hispanic talking to a white man. Then dismiss not realizing he was getting in a car and drunk. Mike lie when his wife ask how did he knew Hector, he didn't get agitated at all.

The first impression Ana got of Hector was that he was a drunk and came at him at the door yelling at him..Didn't try to diffuse the situation possibly by offering him coffee or a place to come down. which led to Hector being that he was intoxicated being more aggressive. The story if horrible and should not be categorized as spiritual or Christian.
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aimeeandbrian21 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is awful in that it starts out good the two ladies but then makes the two Mexican people look bad and of course the white Christians save the day the bible is not shown much the pastor not there much I think the story line could of been better and they didn't give the one character a chance to get work it did show how clear it was of how they turn him down for a job which is reality in America today they made the characters look bad I can think of a film how hard it is to be a Christian and poor in America am I less of a Christian no start having more movies like that or people on drugs who changed and became Christians
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