Tekken: Kazuya's Revenge (2014) Poster

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A terrible cash-grab attempt that will understandably outrage fans of 'Tekken'
moviexclusive16 August 2014
We do not blame you if you can't quite remember anything about the first 'Tekken' movie; like many of its ilk, it was a forgettable attempt at translating the Namco video game for the big screen. Given how cold a reception it had gotten, it's no surprise that this sequel is arriving with so little fanfare, given a theatrical release in some territories and dropped straight to video in many others. Not to worry though, if you haven't caught the first movie, this is an in-name only sequel, and in fact is meant as a prequel to its predecessor.

Whereas the earlier film chose Jin Kazama as its protagonist, this one makes Kazuya Mishima its lead character. Fans of the game will know that Kazuya was only a good guy for the first instalment, thereafter turning into one of its main antagonists from the second one onwards. Fans will also know that Kazuya is in fact the son of Heihachi Mishima, the head honcho behind the infamous Iron Fist tournament of Tekken City where fighters from the eight mega-corporations ruling the world battle it out for survival and glory – and for those who are interested, the only continuity 'Tekken 2' has with the earlier film is that Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa returns, albeit for no more than a glorified cameo, as Heihachi.

This is a story which ultimately culminates in Kazuya learning that he is the son of Heihachi, but before we get to that big reveal, writers Nicole Jones and Steven Paul introduce us to Kazuya as a man with superb fighting skills who wakes up one morning in a room not knowing who he is or where he comes from. As he tries to escape from a gang of heavily- armed militia, he is knocked unconscious and brought before a questionable character known as the Minister (Rade Serbedzija). Though he says that he is running a reformation school for 'sinners', the Minister turns out to be no saint himself, wanting Kazuya only to do his bidding by acting as his assassin for hire.

Long story short (because there isn't much plot to begin with anyways), Kazuya discovers that the Minister isn't the man he says himself to be thanks to a former compatriot named Bryan Fury (Gary Daniels) who defected from the Minister's ranks and whom Kazuya was sent to kill. His only ally? Rhona Anders (Kelly Wenham), a British chick who tries to emote very hard in order to project a sense of conscience. Rhona who? Yeah, you're right. She isn't in the Tekken universe to begin with, nor for that matter is the Minister. There is a more interesting backstory here about how the film began as a project known as 'Agent X', and was only revealed later on as a Tekken prequel – hence the blatant use of character names which don't even belong to 'Tekken'.

But perhaps the most disappointing element about 'Tekken 2' is that the action just doesn't cut it. Unlike 'Tekken', this origin story for Kazuya doesn't boast of any grand tournament to speak of, relegating the fights instead to the first act where he is made to show off his fighting skills in the Minister's training camp and in the third and last act where he confronts Bryan and later on comes face to face with his estranged father Heihachi. Unfortunately, the choreography is utterly disappointing for a movie which should thrive on its mano-a-mano fighting; there is no distinction in Kazuya's technique and for that matter between any of the fights to make them stand out against each other.

What we get is a series of poorly edited shots (thankfully not shot in the jerky close-up style) stitched together with little sense of continuity between them. That is even more upsetting for fans of Kane Kosugi, whose role in 'Tekken 2' marks the first leading man break for the talented American martial artist of Japanese descent. Kosugi executes some beautiful moves, but they are lost amidst the unremarkable choreography and some dismal editing. It suffices to say that neither Kazuya nor his opponents get to express any sort of personality through their moves, and as a result none of the fights are actually memorable.

The title alone may draw those who have played the game before and may be excited to see a real-life incarnation of their avatars, but not even nostalgia can rescue this abysmal martial arts-based movie which only bears the 'Tekken' name for familiarity and to ring up more coin. Indeed, 'Tekken 2' is an embarrassment to the 'Tekken' franchise and an outrage to fans of the game, so you'll be wise to avoid it whether in theatres or on home video.
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No. Just, no.
dorothewatcher11 August 2014
As a player of the game Tekken from the introduction of the very first game I was excited as all get out when I saw the first Tekken movie which was animated. After feeling like my hard earned money was wasted I still had faith in the people who would make a great Tekken movie. I believed that SOMEONE would do this game the honor it deserves and produce a great film adaptation. I saw Gary Daniels connected to the film and having loved his work for years as a big screen martial artist I had reasonably high hopes for this film to at least be bearable. This movie was not. I applaud the success of those who were able to bring their vision to life, but this was really really bad.
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Big Disappointment
osman-a8915 August 2014
If you've seen the first Tekken movie - whether you liked it or not - and expect a similar content, you will be disappointed. This movie felt like a waste for over 90% of its runtime and comes nowhere near to the first Tekken movie.

It seems like a low-budget movie. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that, sometimes even the opposite. After finishing this movie it felt like I was stuck for ages in slow motion visions of the past. Half of the whole movie seemed to be filled with these probably due to alck of content, so try not to fall asleep if you take upon the challenge of watching it. Other than that there's a few good fight scenes (not the first ones) but way too few to make any difference and rescue the foreseeable and almost non-existent plot.

Overall an anticlimactic experience, best suggested to be ignored or watched while being pre-occupied. If you like to get papers done, or study with some background-noise, this might be the right movie for you.
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A big step down from the first movie
helmutty20 August 2014
I know the first live-action movie was not well-received by fans and critics alike but I enjoyed its decent fight scenes. It was a guilty pleasure. I guess I could say that because I am not a fan of Tekken though I have watched the CGI Blood Vengeance. Now, back to this movie, the prequel is shockingly inept; it is extremely low-budget and features some half-baked choreography, story and editing. I may not be a fan of video games but I know if the movie tries to recreate the moments of the games and this has none. The characters do not look anything like the characters in the game. I thought I could let it go since I am not a fan but the fight scenes do not even make up for it or the lack of story.

The story: Kazuya wakes up in some unknown hotel room. He is confused about his identity. Shortly, some action happens. I thought it will be an action-packed ride given the short runtime. However, the thought was short-lived. It does contain some fight scenes but they are shockingly normal; none of the characters have distinctive fight styles. Unlike the first movie, the choreography is boring and uninspired. Each fight scene is quite short; shorter than one and a half minutes. Take out the name, Tekken 2: Kazuya's Revenge, and you will get an uninspired action movie that is almost pointless to watch. There are many annoying pointless slo-mo scenes of characters walking and walking…and bad editing. The acting is not that good too. Music is alright.

Overall: There is almost no saving grace in this. It makes the first one looks like a classic. I could at least see some efforts used to create the look in the first movie but in this, there is none. There is no distinctive style, no interesting things happening and it looks like it is shot fast with not much consideration of locations. There may be many tepid movies based on video games but this is one of the worst movies. It just does not look appealing. Not much to recommend here.
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lastgreatman8822 January 2015
was excited for this movie. I liked the first one, even if the story was shallow, just because I loved Tekken the game... but Tekken 2 was no way Tekken, not even close. I don't know what they were thinking about when they did the film, there was just no value to it... too slow, fight scenes were terrible... and "ruthless" assassin was not really the case... it was just awful and I can't find anything positive to say about the film except when it ended which I thanked the high heaven because I could finally breath. it was terrible, did I say that? it was like when sloppy writing meets terrible research, you get Tekken 2... it was so awful it was so agonizing to watch. there was really no Tekken to it,
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"You will get used to the noise"
The_Phantom_Projectionist24 October 2015
The fact that TEKKEN was not a perfect movie isn't shocking, but it is surprising how significantly worse its successor is. Director Wych Kaos is not exactly known for making great films and his video game movie does not bolster his reputation. KAZUYA'S REVENGE is not so much an adaptation as a lazy spin off, and though it does some things very well, its deficiencies are overwhelming and make this an unenjoyable outing for all but niche viewers.

The story: Haunted by confusing memories, an amnesiac martial artist (Kane Kosugi) is kidnapped by a crime organization and turned into an assassin.

The best thing that can be said about this movie is that Kane Kosugi is, at least, a much more apt choice for the lead role than Ian Anthony Dale was before him. A stellar performer just coming off one of the best fight scenes of the decade in NINJA II, Kosugi does what he does best in delivering fights that range from endurable to pretty good. The low number of characters from the series limits the dream matchups this one can present (and the one it does give us – Kosugi versus Gary "Bryan Fury" Daniels – is rubbish), but Kane manages some respectable bouts with genre regulars Ron Smoorenburg, Eoin O'Brien, and Brahim Achabbakhe. Karate fans won't be completely bored.

Normally, my satisfaction for that regard would garner at least an average rating, but the movie is a metaphor for how a table cannot stand on only one leg. Aside from the fact that the plot in no way resembles the TEKKEN series and would probably make more sense without the label, the screenplay of KAZUYA'S REVENGE appears to have been written with a license to pad and instructions to only tell a fractional story... Many scenes are given over to time-killing flashbacks and montages of Kazuya aimlessly wandering around. The motivations of and relationships between characters are frustratingly enigmatic. Several times, Kazuya will enter a new locale, and with some unclear understanding known only to the characters, he will engage in an unprompted and unexplained fight scene. The movie ends without any resolution, clearly teasing another sequel that I hope will not see production – at least not under the same director.

The upcoming reboot – THE KING OF THE IRON FIST TOURNAMENT - will constitute the third TEKKEN-inspired feature within a decade, and the fact that fans are a lot less happy about this than you'd assume says a lot about the missed opportunities of the series as a film franchise. The creative decisions this particular one makes are genuinely frustrating, and sends the impression that not only did the producers not care about representing the characters, they did not even care about telling a coherent story. Perhaps the politics of direct-to-video filmmaking are to blame, but no one ought feel compelled to sit through this.
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Way to go ...
kosmasp2 May 2015
As in: Maybe they should stop making Tekken movies and just concentrate on the games. Though I have to admit, I didn't connect this with the games at any point. Which is either a good thing (making it a unique story) or a bad thing (going too far away from the source material). Whatever the case, it's the viewer who has the last word on it. And some might wish they had amnesia after watching this.

Seriously though: The fighting is pretty decent, though you do wonder how they get some people involved in movies like this. I guess everyone needs money after all. Gary Daniels makes more sense I reckon though, but the movie/script might have sounded better than the finished product after all. Because there are a few nice touches/ideas that almost shine through, but never seem to really capture the viewer ... there are worse movies out there, but there are far better ones too.
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Absolute crap
shaitan_lives22 August 2014
I am an avid Tekken player, and I too loved the story line of the games. This movie had nothing to do with the games, and it was just a waste of time. I barely made it through. The first live action movie they made wasn't great either, but it had a lot more to offer than this did. At least in the first one there were more than 2 of the original players in the game, and there was an actual tournament! Fight scenes were poorly done, and believe it or not, I would rather the first 'porn' actor that played Kazuya than the guy they got for this one. If you have to, watch it because you liked the games, but trust me, don't expect anything out of this.
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From the director of "Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever", and the producer of "Brats the movie"
xamtaro8 November 2014
As if the production credits alone are not a clear warning sign of the type of quality we are expecting here........A while ago, this movie was to have been directed by The guy who did ONG BAK, that excellent Muay Thai movie. Instead we got that hack who made one of the worst movies of all time BALLISTIC: Ecks vs Sever.

TEKKEN 2: Kazuya's Revenge aka A Man Called X is a movie with an identity crisis. Ironic that the movie itself features a main character with a similar identity crisis. TEKKEN 2 is not a sequel, and has little to do with the beloved video game franchise it claims to be based on. The "man" in question is called "K", not "X" and "Kazuya's Revenge" is possibly the worst case of spoiler in the title, especially since the main plot is about K rediscovering his identity as Kane Kosugi, oops sorry, I mean, the titular Kazuya, after an unexplained bout of amnesia.

Waking up In a dystopian corporation run future which looks an awful lot like a present day south East Asian slum, K (who is obviously Kane Kosugi) is haunted by an obnoxious voice in his head, hunted by rent-a-cops in old army wear, and discovers he knows kung fu. Still he gets knocked out and recruited by a criminal Organisation run by "the minister". This Organization (consisting of mostly homeless Asians and stunt people) pits its members against one another in fights to the death. The victors are sent on assassination missions, something about cleansing the world or some dope like that. So when K gets tasked to take out Gary Daniels (who everyone mistakes for a Tekken character called Bryan Fury) he finds out that the Minister is not the holy man his followers think he is.

There's a bit more to the story about K discovering he is really Kazuya and a showdown with Tsang Tsung.....erm, wrong franchise....Cary Hiroyuki (although he claims to be one Heihachi Mishima) and a couple of thugs but one's patience would be truly tested by then. The story is just THAT badly paced that it actually comes across as tiresome. For example you have this whole 10 minute sequence of K taking a walk through Slum Town.......doing nothing. For 10 whole minutes while the voice-over from the Minister goes on and on about how his army of homeless beggars, sorry looking ruffians and old ladies are going to rid the world of evil. It is laughable, really.

Laughable too his how this movie is obviously not related to the Tekken franchise at all. The first TEKKEN movie starring John Foo and Ian Anthony Daniel at least looked like Tekken. Despite the mixed up story, Characters looked like how they do in the games, they wore familiar costumes and hairdos, and many familiar set pieces are showcased. In TEKKEN 2, it is a completely unrelated movie which had some characters names changed to names from Tekken.

Martial artist actor Kane Kosugi is wasted on this misbegotten prequel. Having had nothing but supporting roles so far, Mr Kosugi deserves a good movie as a main character to really showcase his skills. He does his own stunts, he is a trained martial artist with a flair for movie fighting. He could have been Hollywood's Donny Yen or at least followed in his father's footsteps (Sho Kosugi) in becoming a cult classic Kung fu star. Instead, he gets shoehorned into a production directed by "Wych Kaos".

Instead of looking like a Hollywood movie, The whole film has that "shot in my backyard" feel and visual nature akin to those cheapskate Malaysian or Singaporean TV productions. Some good camera-work does show up in the fight scenes, eschewing the usual close ups and jitter cam for wide sweeping angles that gives you full view of the fight. Unfortunately many of these scenes are edited like some amateurs on YouTube. You have a scene where K lifts his leg to kick but when the blow connects, the next cut shows K punching the guy.

Boring for the most part, tediously paced, and obviously done on the cheap, TEKKEN 2 would not have been judged any less harshly had it discarded the video game's moniker and presented itself as a martial arts movie. Kane Kosugi's fights and stunts are impressive no doubt, but their impressiveness is undermined by amateurish directing and editing. Take this sorry excuse for a movie, splice together all the Kane Kosugi fights, then trash the rest. You'd get a far more entertaining short film than TEKKEN 2.
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This movie sux
buddahfest17 April 2016
This movie was terrible. It was like they made a movie and at the last minute decided to put Tekken characters in. The acting is shocking. Some of the martial arts is good but there is ZERO story and too many scenes are repeated in slow motion. Fans of TEKKEN should stay right away as this is NOT a TEKKEN movie! Very disappointing! I wish I could have the last two hours of my life back. If I had spent the last 2hrs in a room full of spiders and snakes I would have had a better time. I am giving this movie 1 star. There are no real TEKKEN characters in the movie and I would have had a better time watching paint dry. Please stay away from this movie if not for the cheap sex scene at least for the fake dialogue.
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Best movie I've ever seen ever.
tonyjaafan215 June 2015
This is definitely a must see whether if you are a tekken game series fan or not. It has everything, love, action, twist, jump, cars, guns, punches and kicks. Before watching this I was confused and hesitant to choose my favorite flick. But it has changed now. I've seen this movie hundred times already. Never get tired of it. Tekken haters are rating this movie down. Seriously most underrated movie in the history of universe. It makes me wanna buy all the tekken games. and who knows maybe I will. Who's gonna stop me? You think you're better than me? Here a butterfly kick on your face, you tekken hater. This movie gave me courage and all that. I'm lei wu long.
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Disservice to gamers and movie-goers. It's unbelievably and insultingly bad.
quincytheodore30 January 2015
I've quite enjoyed playing Tekken video games, a fact that makes watching this movie that much more unbearable. Let it be known that this movie is in no way, shape or form a representation of Tekken franchise. Simply slapping the namesake to some random script, which the movie clearly did, will not fool anyone. Regardless of how familiar one is to the game, the movie is undoubtedly terrible for anyone unfortunate enough of watching it.

Its abysmal story revolves around an amnesia-stricken man unceremoniously named K, but we all know it's Kazuya since the title spoiled it. After strings of strange events K is forced to join a fanatic group to become an assassin, doing strings of strange murderous tasks. The film should have used CG videos for the game or just random montages of martial arts, at least they would have made more sense. There is no structure at all in the storytelling, let alone clear motives and character developments. The game itself, being a fighting game, is infamous for its quirky story, but in comparison to this movie, it's Academy Award material.

The camera spams slow mo until the very last frame, even the simplest action such as going to market, cooking, staring blankly got hit by the slow mo. Not to mention the repetitive scenes, often the characters, especially K, have flashback of events from five minutes ago. K would walk the same path over and over while having this boring deep contemplation. His acting range consists of dumb stares and phone-in dialogues of internet tech support. He may very well be just a random guy, not the cruel notorious antagonist.

At least the production team could give him the Kazuya look or hairdo, but they either had such low budget they couldn't afford it, or were too lazy to even care. Setting is downright uninspiring, the whole movie is shot in some back alley, empty warehouse and shady village. This could be filmed at the wrong side of my city for all I know. With low acting quality of the cast and stupid logic of the movie, it's near unwatchable.

In the pantheon of awful game adaptations, Tekken: Kazuya's Revenge ranks as one of the worst, alongside its Uwe Boll's brethren.
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Really,Really BAD movie
johnny_joko22 November 2014
Worst movie I have seen in quite some time!!! It has some good fighting scenes but the editing is poor in some cases ,the plot is boring as hell but the worst part of the movie isn't any of that. The worst part is ,that it has nothing to do with Tekken AT ALL!!!! The only thing that has anything to do with Tekken are the names of some characters and that's about it.... The first movie was also pretty bad and I am certainly not going to watch it ever again ,but at least it had some connection with the games unlike the second one. I suggest you don't watch this movie as it has nothing to offer to the viewer, especially if you are a fan of the arcade-fighting video game Tekken.
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Not good enough
nicholls_les31 March 2016
Has some good moments but not very many. The whole premise of the story is pretty silly to be honest and although I know it is based on a video game, it just doesn't match up. Some of the fight scenes are not to bad but Kane Kosugi, although he clearly has ability, just doesn't look good enough and lacks personality.

Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa is the only believable actor in this movie but he is much too underused.

The main evil character looks like a dithering old man that anyone could overcome and the whole implanted explosive was silly and all Kazua had to do was kill him surely? He also found it pretty easy to remove the device anyway.

So, if you like good action/Martial Arts movies I would give this a miss.
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Worst video game based movie of all time not worth watching
jared-0222410 February 2024
I've been a huge Tekken fan since I've played Tekken 2 the game and I fell in love with the story, however the first Tekken movie was bad enough but this one was complete garbage, Kazuya Mishima Heihachi Mishima and Bryan Fury were the only Tekken characters in the film and rest were made, I've seen many bad video game based movies but this one in oppion is by far the worst I've ever seen, no body on set has any clue what Tekken was about, don't watch it I'd rather watch Dragon Ball evolution than this, it opened my eyes to realize that Tekken was not meant to be a movie a Americanized, it's better to leave Tekken the way it's meant to be.
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Just don't watch this nonsense
phillipjbrown1 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing makes sense in this film. Acting is abysmal - main actor can fight but has one facial expression. Plot holes are everywhere and many of the baddies like the Minister are killed suddenly with no fight or fright. Hard to really see why anyone bothered to make this - might be fun if very, very drunk.

The settings were like some backlot and characters come and go (like the Janitor ) never to be seen again. Script is ludicrous and laughable, and their is no suspense or shock. The final 'revelation' is totally obvious and the death of the heros girlfriend is not explained or even slightly plausible - like their sex scene.

Just watch something else!
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nogodnomasters8 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Soft plot spoiler review, I give you an idea about the ending, although I omit the details.

K (Kane Kosugi) escapes from a swat team that can only come at him two at a time, although there are a dozen of them coming up the stairs. He leaps from his hotel room, bumps his head and joins an assassin cult group lead by The Minister (Rade Serbedzija). K kills for the minister, or else the janitor (Sahajak Boonthanakit) dies... and he dies too because there is an explosive in his chest. K has amnesia and flashbacks which likewise have nothing to do with the first film. K, who is not an MIB, wants out.

I am not sure how this tied into the first film other than the fact it takes place in the same city. There is less arena style fighting, i.e. the actually create a story instead of imitating a video game where you just fight. The end starts to get twisted and confused.

This "sequel" which isn't, was released 4 years after the first film so it may be a good thing that the two are not related...just kidding. Now it does leave us open for what promises to be an exciting Tekken 3 as he and the killer girl (Kelly Wenham) will have to take on the big cheese (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa) who was little more than a cameo.

Guide: No swearing. Implied sex. No real nudity. Women dancing in bikinis. Biljana Misic in a school uniform sucking on a pink Dum-Dum and dry humping, so the film wasn't all bad.
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affaqaa17 April 2021
Worst movie. Complete waste of time. Nothing to do with tekken game.
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As equally disappointing as the first movie...
paul_haakonsen30 August 2014
"Tekken 2: Katzyuas Revenge" didn't really offer much to the Tekken universe that already didn't fail in the first "Tekken" movie. And I dare say that it was equally boring, uneventful and unnecessary.

Some things just doesn't translate well from being adapted from a console game to the big screen, and fighting games is definitely one such things. Just look at the atrocities that are "Street Fighter", "Mortal Kombat", "King of Fighters", "Dead or Alive", "Double Dragon" and of course also "Tekken". These titles are great as console games, but translated into movies, it is just mindless nonsense. I guess it is just a matter of time before they make an "International Karate+" movie as well...

The story is about a young man who is suffering from memory loss, and he is forced into labor for a mysterious man called The Minister.

And that was basically it. The storyline in "Tekken 2: Katzyuas Revenge" was so abysmal and devoid of contents that it was a strain to sit through it.

What managed to make the movie pass as even just remotely watchable was the fight scenes, although for a movie based on a fighting console game, then there were surprisingly little fighting throughout the movie.

The acting in the movie was adequate, but nothing outstanding really, nothing memorable either.

"Tekken 2: Katzyuas Revenge" is not really worth the time or effort.
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Great gaming movie
skytech313 September 2014
Tekken: Kazuya's Revenge (2014) is a great movie to watch, waiting for part 3 to be released. Keep an open mind while watching this movie. Part 2 has less action then first movie yet was focused on the story line which makes Tekken: Kazuya's Revenge (2014) a great movie. Gaming movies are always under rated since they are normally low budget films or not actually what the player excepts. Also the people in the movie sometimes don't fit. The actors selected for this movie to play the main characters fit the roles. The movie team did a great job and hope part 3 gets released soon, doesn't take 3 to 4 years. Normally don't take the time to do reviews yet had to since some of them seem a bit harsh. Great job and keep them coming!
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KyleKatarn198012 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have no words or anything good I would say to this movie. It's just beyond terrible...

For starters, what do you think of Tekken? It's a 3D Fighting game franchise! And what do you think of this movie that tries to adapt the name of the franchise? Well guess what, NONE OF THIS FILM BARELY HAS ANY SOURCE MATERIAL FROM TEKKEN!! It's so bad it's even more than a migraine for this trashy movie to exist! I'll tell you why this movie is easy to avoid and keep away from watching.

This movie was directed by Wych Kaosayananda, better off known as Kaos, is notorious for directing the worst movie of all-time, Ballistic: Ecks Vs Sever which starred Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu. Somehow I don't know why would he want to start production on this god forbidden film that barely resembles or has anything in mind with the Tekken franchise. Hell, not even Bandai Namco's license are anywhere on the DVD/Blu-Ray covers or even the Credits. They probably would've knew this movie would be a ginormous bomb for the audience. And honestly for me, they should've never pitched a prequel for the first Tekken movie from 2010 and shouldn't even bother making this one in the first place. But I'm only going to talk about the characters, details and that's it. Alright let's begin.

There are about only three characters from the Tekken games that appear in this movie, Kazuya Mishima played by Kane Kosugi who was Ryu Hayabusa in the DOA: Dead or Alive movie which I don't mind him in that, in this movie however he resemble absolutely zero percent of Kazuya in the games! Let alone he only bears the goatee from the 2010 Tekken movie and that's it. No slick-back Vegeta hairstyle, just Kane Kosugi's regular hairstyle fit for this god-awful movie. Then there's Heihachi Mishima who was played by Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa in the first Tekken movie, he doesn't even sport the hairdo from the fighting games in this film, just completely shaved bald like they just decide to throw him in a few scenes and just have him resume his roles in other films at the time. And lastly there's Bryan Fury previously played by Gary Daniels in the 2010 film. He returns in this movie, but looking more like just Gary Daniels himself without resembling the character from the fighting games. He doesn't sport the hairstyle that Brian had and he never goes around bare-chested, just putting on regular civilian clothes throughout this movie.

The rest of this movie's very own uninspired characters, I really do not even want to know or remember or even understand their names or descriptions, I will just have to make them up myself and describe who they resemble. There is a Milla Jovovich ripoff, a Brittany Spears schoolgirl ripoff, and honestly none of the entire characters resemble anything or anyone from Tekken at all. There's even one character just called "Janitor" who sometimes likes to help Kazuya and then he's just nowhere in the movie after that. It's like they just quickly bring those actors to this movie so they would obtain their paychecks and leave. According to the movie's description on the girl characters, they mentioned that they were inspired by Nina and Anna Williams. I'd say that's absolutely bull because they look nothing like the characters like they're just messing with you having to make you buy this god-awful movie! But this one movie has a girl who helps out Kazuya in this movie and some people would say it's Jun Kazama, but nope, just a regular girl called Laura with no other Tekken appearances. That's all the characters I mentioned who were a part of this garbage movie.

But anyways, ugh I hate this movie so much I don't even want to understand the plot. I'll probably make it quick, It starts with Kazuya who is called "K" in this movie because the writers thought the letter of the alphabet would make the name useful of a protagonist. He's having some sort of dream which are literally footages taken from the 2010 Tekken film. And then he fights down a bunch of guards and is forced to become an assassin after this cult minister implanted a bomb in his chest (doesn't that sound like Ecks Vs Sever anyone?). This Milla Jovovich woman provides him with tasks throughout the movie and SPENDS MORE TIME WALKING AND WALKING AND WALKING! AND IT EVEN GETS WORSE THROUGHOUT THE MOVIE! His flashbacks keep coming back to him, haunting him, and then somehow Heihachi would appear and disappear like they made him teleport which doesn't make any sense. Even the film's characters would sometimes disappear in Batman style, again NOTHING IN THIS MOVIE MAKES ANY MORE SENSE DUE TO THE WRITERS AND PRODUCER'S INEXPERIENCE WITH TEKKEN!!! But sure nothing else could ease it off with this girl named Laura who helps Kazuya in this movie by stitching his wound after saving her from a guy with a knife, and also taking out the bomb from Kazuya's chest, even making him Spaghetti too. They also find Bryan Fury in this movie who Kazuya and Milla ripoff try to assassinate but fail, and then somehow meets the two at an outdoor table giving them info and is never to be scene from again. So towards the end they kill the minister and finds Laura being taken over to GenTek which has just some awful fight scenes. Even the whole movie's fights are just sloppy and never even satisfying. Kazuya finds Heihachi at the end only to realize that his full name is "Kazuya Mishima" and somehow he's snaps at his own father because it's not from when he was thrown from the cliff as a child, it's that his own dad had to brainwash him in order to test his strength. The girl Laura that Heihachi has captured has to seduce her alongside with killing her leaving Kazuya enraged, LIKE HELL YOU ONLY MET THIS GIRL A FEW TIMES THROUGHOUT THIS MOVIE, IT'S NOT LIKE SHE'S YOUR LONG-TIME LOVER OR SOMETHING!!! So at the end he fights two stupidly named fighters Rip and Thorn and Kazuya wins the fight over them and the movie just ends with Kazuya and Milla bootleg walking toward the entrance where Heihachi leads, and closes the movie with Heihachi in a green screen background looking at Tekken City. OH MY GOD THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE WORST TEKKEN MOVIE ADAPTATION OF ALL-TIME!!! THIS INSULTS THE TEKKEN FRANCHISE TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL AND I JUST CAN'T GET OVER HOW EXTREMELY AWFUL THE WRITING, DIRECTING, AND CAST THAT THIS PUTRID MOVIE HAS TO OFFER!!

There's is nothing positive to say about this movie because I have already hated it beyond my watching experience and it shouldn't even exist unlike the first Tekken movie which did ok to me.

But you know in the first movie they shot around Louisiana which is not too bad the fact that the set designs look rather cool, but here they filmed this movie all in Thailand and looks so bland and cheap that it doesn't make you feel like you're watching Tekken. The fighting stadium they used in this movie is more outdoors, abandoned, and rusty compared to how the 2010 Tekken movie used an indoor stadium with a crowd of audience along with the neon "TEKKEN" signs and digital holographic stages. What the hell happened in Kazuya's Revenge?! They hardly even try to adapt Tekken let alone just slap the name on their cover!!

Like I said, the best way to not watch this garbage of a movie is to burn down every copy of this film and leave it all in the incinerator. There's a few other better Fighting game films that I still recommend and STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS FORGOTTEN ASS MOVIE!!
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Unrelated Between Tekken Franchise and this Movie
blackzankoku3 March 2021
The first thing I want to ask is... why the hell shang tsung appeared in this movie? Thus have no idea why this film were named the franchise Tekken since there was no correlation any at all...
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Please, don't watch If you don't expect to be disappointed
repairostackovic26 December 2023
1x This movie made in of Thailand but producer from other countries. The story it's not corelation with Tekken(2009) or vidio game. It's Bad Movie if you wish you can watch better movie Tekken blood vagance(3d) or Merantau movie is natural silat material arts 2x This movie made in of Thailand but producer from other countries. The story it's not corelation with Tekken(2009) or vidio game. It's Bad Movie if you wish you can watch better movie Tekken blood vagance(3d) or Merantau movie is natural silat material arts 3x(enought) This movie made in of Thailand but producer from other countries. The story it's not corelation with Tekken(2009) or vidio game. It's Bad Movie if you wish you can watch better movie Tekken blood vagance(3d) or Merantau movie is natural silat material arts, I'm sorry Thailand, Salam.
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