The café door window spot that Carl cleaned to see inside isn't there when he and Michonne walk away and discuss how to get back inside.
Near the very end, when Michonne is driving the car past the overturned camper van, the abandoned cars are facing the direction from which Rick, Carl & Michonne have traveled.
When the camera moves into the red car, Michonne drives off the grass back on to the road without slowing down. The camper van is now on the other side of the road in the opposite direction and the car appears to have moved 180 degrees in line with the camper van.
When Rick sees Carl looking at the map on the wall, he asks him if the reason he wanted to come on the run was to see their old house, but in the previous episode Rick simply says that he's taking Carl on the run because he is "ready".
While talking about possible firearms kept in bars, Rick mentions he signed the permits for them. Georgia doesn't require any type of permit to keep a firearm on the premises of a place of business.
When the female walker in the dress approaches the spikes to get at the caged rat, you can see the spike that impales her collapse.
In the bar, when Michonne and Carl walk and hide behind the partition you can clearly see, above their heads, a Houdini poster that is flipped when they move towards the back of the bar. While it is correctly displayed on the wall behind them when the camera angle changes.