Walking the Halls (2012) Poster

Matthew Alan: Jack



  • Jack : [has Casey against the car, his body in front of hers and his arms blocking escape; breathing from chasing after her, looking around for anyone around]  You're fired.

    Casey Benson : [breathless, bitter]  I already quit.

    Jack : I know where you live. I know where your father works, and if you tell anybody what I do, I will kill both of your parents, and then I'm gonna kill you. And if you think I can't pull this off, think again. I'm a cop. I know exactly how to get away with murder.

    [he leans in as if he might kiss her, looks around, has a slight grin on his face, slaps on her upper arm twice and saunters away, leaving her whimpering and finally looking after him] 

  • Jack : [faked sincerity]  This is certainly unwelcome news. Prostitution is becoming more and more of a problem in our local schools.

    [they begin walking] 

    Jack : Grenada Hills just busted a 16-year-old boy pimping out his 15-year-old girlfriend.

    [crosses his arms] 

    Principal Jenkins : We're talking nice schools. These kids come from good homes.

    Jack : The girls don't think they're doing anything wrong, or, at least in a lot of these cases, that's what they claim. It's a real tragedy.

    [eye contact with Holly] 

    Principal Jenkins : Well, we're gonna put a stop to it before it takes hold on this campus.

    Jack : Absolutely. And don't worry, Mrs. Benson. I'll respect your daughter's privacy. We'll get to the bottom of this.

    Holly Benson : Thank you.

    Jack : Of course.

    Principal Jenkins : Thank you, Officer McConnelly.

    [she leads Holly off-screen to walk with her and Jack, arms crossed, looks at them and the expression on his face changes slightly] 

  • Jack : [shot of house and voiceover of Jack panicked]  Principal Jenkins is not gonna let this thing go until Casey names names, all right?

    Amber : She won't, Jack. *I* know her, okay? She's not gonna...

    Jack : Wait! You don't know anything, all right?

    Amber : [sullen]  Right.

    [Jack takes out his gun and starts polishing it] 

    Amber : What are you-what are you gonna do?

    Jack : I got this from a black market gun dealer last year when I stopped him for a 505. Forensics will trace it back to him.

    [Amber turns in distress] 

    Amber : [aghast]  We can't just kill her, Jack!

    Jack : Oh, we can't?

    Amber : No!

    Jack : [yells]  You know what happens if she talks, Amber? Kylie and Taylor, they're gonna get away with a slap on the wrist. You and me - they're gonna send us away to jail for a long time. Do you wanna go to jail?

    Amber : No.

    Jack : [yells louder]  Do you?

    Amber : No!

    Jack : [Comes over and roughly takes her face in his hands]  I need you to be really strong right now. Can you do that?

    [she nods in his hands] 

    Jack : I need you to do everything that I say, down to the letter. Okay?

    Amber : [falling to Jack's charm]  Okay.

    [he gives her a long kiss on her forehead and embraces her] 

  • Jack : [Cleaning a handgun]  I got this from a black market gun dealer last year when I stopped him for a 505. Forensics will trace it back to him.

See also

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