Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (Video Game 2009) Poster

Jan Dunlap: Kachi


  • [first lines] 

    Computer : Thrusters primed. Thirty seconds to atmospheric breach.

    Isa Jo : Should be smooth sailing from here on out.

    Orion Tsang : [the ship is suddenly attacked by the Nebulox]  You thought we'd just let you leave? Hand over the girl.

    Isa Jo : Damn it! How did they find us? The controls are out! We're going down!

    [the ship crashes] 

    Kachi : Isa... Isa... Isa... Isa...

    Isa Jo : [awakens]  Ugh. Kachi, you OK?

    [Kachi nods] 

    Isa Jo : Oh man! What's our status?

    [checks the ship's computer] 

    Isa Jo : The ship's totaled. It won't be long until the reactor explodes. And the security locks are online. We've got company! OK. Here's the plan. We need to get out of here now. If we take out those intruders, the security doors will unlock.

  • Isa Jo : I'm luck to be alive. Uh-oh. Where's Kachi? Kachi? Kachi!

    [find Kachi impaled on a pole but unharmed] 

    Isa Jo : Kachi, you okay?

    Kachi : Of course!

    [gets loose from the pole] 

    Kachi : Good as new.

    Isa Jo : Okay, then. Where are we? Some kind of underground city.

    Orion Tsang : [appears]  Hope I'm not... Interrupting. Hand over the girl. Act swiftly, and I may just spare your life.

    [Isa points his gun at Orion and chuckles] 

    Orion Tsang : Foolish boy, you truly intend to challenge us? Hand her over, or die. Your choice.

    Isa Jo : Fine. Take her.

    Orion Tsang : Good boy. You've made a wise choice.

    [ties a rope around Kachi and drags her over] 

    Orion Tsang : Peel away that mask and reveal your true face, monster.

    [Kachi teleports] 

    Isa Jo : [fires a charged shot at Orion]  Take this!

    [jumps and flees] 

    Orion Tsang : [blocks the shot]  Yes, flee. Running is nothing but an exercise... In futility.

  • Isa Jo : Check it out! The data system here is still up and running. I'm gonna search for the quickest route off this planet.

    Kachi : Isa, that monster back there. Why did it attack us?

    Isa Jo : Monster? Oh, that wasn't a monster, Kachi. It was a Keeper. Long ago, the civilization of this Earth became so advanced... That it brought about its own destruction. Keepers are artificial lifeforms created to protect what's left. Think about it this way: Keepers act as Earth's immune system. And in their eyes, we're uninvited parasites. All right! I think I found our ticket out of here. Let's go!

  • Kachi : A tunnel in the ocean?

    Isa Jo : Yep. Turns out we were shot down over Fukuoka, Japan. There's a service tunnel here that should be free of enemies. Once we make it through, we'll infiltrate a floating air fortress. According to the database, a few ships are docked there. If we can get to one of those ships, we'll be home free.

    Kachi : And you're sure there are no enemies down here?

    Isa Jo : Positive. Why would enemies hang out in a water tunnel? Finally! There's the entrance!

  • Isa Jo : So I was wrong about the tunnel. How did they know we'd use it? And then this machine attacks us. Something's fishy. You know, I bet the Nebulox are behind this.

    Kachi : Yeah. Hey, Isa, do you know why they're hunting me? Is it because... I don't belong here?

    Isa Jo : Sort of. I think it's because you're not a real human.

    Kachi : Hmm. What is human?

    Isa Jo : Humanity is hard to define. But... We have a head with two ears and two eyes.

    Kachi : And a nose... And a mouth?

    Isa Jo : Yup.

    Kachi : And a body with two arms?

    Isa Jo : That's right.

    Kachi : And two legs, right?

    Isa Jo : Uh-huh.

    Kachi : Oh, and a tail!

    Isa Jo : Sure... We don't have tails!

    [the two laugh until they are interrupted by the arrival of Armon Ritter] 

    Armon Ritter : Aww, how cute. Look at you. Giggling with the target you were sent here to kill. Tell me, my friend. Why haven't you completed your task?

    Isa Jo : Because I changed my mind.

    Armon Ritter : So you'd defy the will of the creators?

    Isa Jo : I don't give a damn about the creators or their will.

    Armon Ritter : [Isa and Kachi aim at the machine offscreen]  Letting that creature live could destroy our entire universe. End her life. Turn your gun on that demon.

    [Isa fires a charged shot and Armon chuckles] 

    Armon Ritter : You missed me.

    [the machine explodes behind Armon and Isa and Kachi make their escape] 

  • Armon Ritter : [after being defeated by Isa and Kachi in combat]  Impressive. You're much more powerful than I thought. Isa, we've establish a base at the planet's energy hub. A mountain in Japan that towers above all else. Escape is impossible. Bring us her head when you realize that.

    [flies off] 

    Isa Jo : A mountain in Japan... Mt. Fuji?

    Kachi : Isa?

    Isa Jo : Just a little farther to the air fortress. Let's go!

  • Isa Jo : Whoa, there, ugly! Chill out! He'll tear the whole place down!

    Kachi : Isa, look out!

    [teleports Isa out before the debris crushes Isa] 

  • Isa Jo : It's infested with enemies, but it's the only road to get to Mt. Fuji. You couldn't have teleported us somewhere a little cooler?

    Kachi : [riding a creature]  Don't be such a baby. This guy looks pretty comfortable.

    Isa Jo : Hey! Where's my alien donkey?

  • [last lines] 

    [after completing the game with both Isa and Kachi] 

    Kachi : Is it all over?

    Isa Jo : Yeah.

    Kachi : So what now? Head back to Earth and hide there?

    Isa Jo : No more hiding, Kachi. No more running. We forge ahead now.

    Kachi : That sounds... Nice.

    Isa Jo : They'll eventually come after us, but I don't care. Because we've got each other. Together we can take on anyone.

    [flies back down to Earth] 

    Kachi : Isa, I'm beginning to remember details about my past.

    Isa Jo : Oh yeah? Like what?

    Kachi : Long ago, I wasn't called Kachi. I was known as... Achi.

    [as she says her name, the music abruptly stops] 

  • Kachi : [after Isa and Kachi escape from Orion]  Who was that guy?

    Isa Jo : One of the soldiers sent after you.

    Kachi : What do we do now?

    Isa Jo : Now we run like our lives depend on it. Because they do.

  • Kachi : Isa, that boy we saw in the water. That was you, wasn't it?

    Isa Jo : Yeah. Funny how the memories we want to forget most... are the ones that tend to stick around the longest.

    Kachi : So humans remember things from the distant past? This planet is the first thing I remember. I don't have a past.

    Isa Jo : Don't worry. The present becomes the past before long.

    Kachi : Yeah, I guess we're building my past right now!


    Kachi : I feel more human already.

See also

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