"The Devil's Hour" Amor Fati (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Incredibly satisfying ending
matthewchallis3 November 2022
This ending is absolutely fantastic. Without spoiling anything the way it ties together is brilliant, and I was genuinely in awe when all was revealed. The show definitely has its faults (although nothing absolutely major as far as I'm concerned), but this ending certainly allows me to look on those few faults far more favourably. I loved life on mars and Ashes to ashes, so this was right up my street. The main cast (especially Isaac and the superb Peter Capaldi) were firing on all cylinders for this episode. It isn't necessarily philosophical as such (as I'm sure many of you were expecting that type of ending), but certainly allows you to enjoy the previous experience episodes far more for their contribution to the narrative. British TV has once again produced a magnificent show with a superb ending.
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Love it.
W011y4m55 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What I find most fascinating about "The Devil's Hour" is Gideon's character - the reason for which is showcased why beautifully here; so assured by his own sense of self righteousness, he can't see (in the grand scheme of things) whether he's actually averting / creating a disaster, since he can only witness the consequences of his actions within his own lifetime. Thus, his decisions are based upon short term assumptions as to what's most beneficial for the future... Which is what all any of us really do, regardless of whether we possess his abilities or not. Hence, it's a flawed, paradoxical outlook on which to base a justification for murder, because none of us can decipher whether what we do is truly "good" (as that's subjective); we just have to trust our own instincts & hope that we've made the right choices. Each tentative step forward is a leap of faith & we cannot ascertain whether it's the right move until we look back with much greater hindsight than he is capable of possessing, even with the memory of reoccurrence. Therefore, although well intentioned, there's that deliciously complicated contradiction within his psyche which makes him relatable, yet not entirely defensible - because his individual killing is theoretically indistinguishable from any other act of homicide (every death could arguably be that of a potential villain - as the finality of their loss ensures we'll never actually know what they're possibly capable of), when you lense it through a perspective of objectivity... And that's GREAT writing - to have constructed such a nuanced, layered antagonist with an personal ideology that's so close to being reasonably logical, yet equally so far. Gosh, I love philosophical sci-fi.
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Butterfly Effect
Hitchcoc25 July 2023
This is a very satisfactory ending to a plot that is so hard to grasp. Gideon is a true victim of time and the way that time ripples. He is like the time traveller who changes on thing that he feels aids the world and brings about catastrophic results. Because he is a single person in a limited setting, he can only do so much. I think the real story is pretty much impossible to bring to fruition, but it is truly thought provoking. I watched this out of curiosity from the blurb that came with it. I am easily hooked. The premise is creative. If there is a true villain, it is Michael, the ex-husband whose cruelty and selfishness know no ends. No pina-coladas for him.
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Spoilers - Very tough watching but well acted
sdavey-317039 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Quite rightly so Jessica and Peter get a lot of plaudits but It's Dunster's Mike who's the villain hidden in plain sight. All I will say is what it must take to show such malice and spite to a child I imagine must be quite hard for an actor.

My child is autistic and I fear that's how some in the world will view him.

The rest of the episode is well done with Peter in particular being in great command of his performance. He actually does a whole timey wimey demo that puts David Tennent to shame.

However the husk bit doesn't make sense is the only criticism because how many other people he saved would've had kids etc. That's my only mild complaint.

All I will say as a minor spoiler is don't expect a happy ending.
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If you liked the show Dark on Netflix...
IamPhee3 February 2023
You will very likely love this this show. It has the same twisting clues and ideas. It is a lot more subtle than Dark in several ways, but it activates the same parts of the viewer's brain.

The acting of all involved is flawless. The writing is top notch and smart.

When a show really gets into your head like this one does, it has you looking over your shoulder and questioning the way you look at things.

A lot of US made shows have tried to get to this level of mystery and thought, but I think most American television creators dumb it down too much and think the audience is too dumb to appreciate it, which is why I am happy that streaming services make shows like this visible.
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songod-950031 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As well acted as this series was, it meandered. That is the best way I can put it. Meandered. Took ages to get from point A to point B.

Also it was clear from the way scenes were filmed, Capaldi was never in the same room with either lead actor. Over the shoulder, close ups, wide angle where edits could be made to make it seem they were across the table... I am an old hat at screen techniques. Many such "tricks" have been used since the dawn of motion pictures. I imagine scheduling had something to do with the reason why.

Other than the wtf's everyone is probably wondering, my main issue is online press states there will be not only a Season Two but a Season Three! Yet IMDB indicates no such thing.

Example: The BBC series "Slow Horses" got a multi season renewal during Season One and in the drop down for seasons, those as of yet to be aired seasons appear! Here... no. Were minds changed from last fall to now?

In a world where whole seasons of a show can be "in the can" and then not aired it would not surprise me (Example: "Snowpiercer"'s final season 4 is done and ready. Now it's home network is refusing to air it!! Will it turn up somewhere? Who knows!) that shows slated for renewal suddenly are not renewed.

Blame it all on the DCU and their ditching of the nearly finished "Batgirl". They kicked open the door for studios and networks to back out of promised product; all in the name of... something.

Love to see more of this show and see where it goes with the now new incarnation or Lucy!
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Season One Review
southdavid7 April 2023
With two more seasons of the show seemingly given the greenlight, I'll put this review here. Hmm.... I have mixed feelings about the series. Performances are good, plot is . . . Less so - but it's an unfinished story. We'll see.

Lucy (Jessica Raine) inexplicably wakes up at 3:33 every night from a nightmare she can't avoid. Her son, Isaac (Benjamin Chivers) has emotional issues and is almost unreachably distant, as if in a different world. DI Dhillon (Nikesh Patel) is investigating a murder and comes to believe the killer is looking for Lucy. In flashforwards, we see his suspect, Gideon Shepherd (Peter Capaldi) in custody, only willing to speak to Lucy and with a fantastical explanation for her, and her son's conditions.

Again, the performances here are really good. Capaldi is a legend and brings an instant gravitas to the occasionally hokey nonsense that the plot requires him to explain. Jessica Raine is great, presenting both a plausibility in her exasperation at her situation, but also willing to bring the occasional moment of levity, singing to the radio or doing anything to try and forge a connection with Isaac.

The plot is the shows' weakest part. I don't write reviews with spoilers so, suffice it to say that if you're familiar with science fiction concepts, you'll probably cotton on to the right ballpark of what's happening pretty quickly. There are some reasonably scary elements in those first couple of episodes, but again you'll put that aside as you get closer to the idea. It suffers a bit by not slowly explaining any of its elements but rather giving all its information in a packed final episode. This first season ends at what would be a very disappointing climax was there not more to come.

Whilst I didn't particularly like this series that much, I'm hoping that this has done the leg work for the next two elements to tell a proper story. I guess we'll find out.
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