"Andor" Announcement (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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"Has anyone ever made a weapon that wasn't used?"
poseyfan19 October 2022
This show continues to satisfy me. It really is a shame that so many aren't watching this. In my humble opinion it is the best Star Wars Disney+ show.

Once again, the script is fantastic. Just grown ups having strict political conversations in the midst of a fascist regime. There is hardly any action in this episode and that's fine with me; I am intrigued all the same.

Also the acting!! Genevieve O'Reilly, Stellan Skarsgärd, Diego Luna and even Fiona Shaw continue to excel on this front.

Another thing that I haven't really seen mentioned: the music is amazing! In this episode specifically it was quite different than we've heard before in Star Wars.

Some may argue that that isn't Star Wars, and that it should be more tailored for kids. However, you can't tell me this show hasn't been a breath of fresh air.
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Meaningful fan service done exceptionally well
snoozejonc19 October 2022
This is a very strong episode that builds on the previous the events of 'The Eye'.

For me the best parts of the story are the fallout from the heist on Adhani and all the politics involved in the development of the rebellion.

I love all the scenes involving Mon Mothma. This character is compellingly written and she is performed with class by Genevieve O'Reilly. It probably sounds childish but I feel a sense of nerdy excitement every time she is on screen as we know where her character will go but not how she got there.

The scenes at the security meeting are also great as they provide more plausible detail of the empire's response to the possible formation of an organised rebellion. It's also great to see Yularen from the original Star Wars in a prominent role.

Cassian has solid screen time, with a superb scene involving Maarva, and for me his arc gets even more intriguing until the last two scenes of the episode. Diego Luna is on good form and Fiona Shaw is excellent.

The cinematography, editing, production design and music are all top drawer and with more of that 'Bladerunner' type feel to everything. The content still feels very Star Wars with the visuals and references of familiar characters and places.
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The Realest Piece of Star Wars
MamadNobari9719 October 2022
This is the most well-written show out of anything that has come out of Disney+ since its inception in 2019.

I never thought I'd see a piece of media from Star Wars with such compelling characters and great writing, let alone from Disney and never mind Dsiney+!

This episode is obviously another one of the build-up and calm before the storm episodes so you don't get the "third episode big action scene" they've been doing and there's more talking than Star Wars blasters going pew pew and lightsabers touching tips, but it's my second favorite episode since the last one.

The characters of this show are so well-written and well-acted that they feel like real characters and not just some actors saying lines and waiting for the other actor to say their lines so they can go to the next line and next scene.

The scene between Maarva and Cassian is so real and well-written that it makes you emotional even though you aren't yet that much familiar with these characters, especially Maarva. That's how good the acting and especially the writing are. Definitely one of the best acted scenes in all of Star Wars.

They also find the best way of doing flashbacks and giving us more insight into Cassian's past and giving more characterization instead of just putting the character in a sleep chamber or a water healing pod so he can sleep and have half of your episode be about the flashbacks.

We finally get more Mon Mothma which is really good and her scenes are also really well-done in this episode and she's slowly becoming one of my favorite characters.

What I like about this show and that it continues to do so, is how it's keeping it real and treating the audience like adults, and keeping its character morally gray, no one is good or bad, both sides have to do what they have to do and no one is a saint. They even make you cheer for an Imperial Officer and root for "them", even though they're literally trying to catch and execute our protagonist, can you believe that?

We also get a little bit more from Syril Karn and his subplot feels like is going a little slower than others, but it makes sense since we still have 5 more episodes and the runtime isn't that long. I don't know why some people would find him and his plot unnecessary and boring. Well, I get the hate his annoying mother would get, but I think he's a really interesting character, or at least is shaping up to be. He's going from a naive and shy Imperial Police or whatever his position was, who only wanted to uphold the law, to someone who resents our protagonist, and rightfully so. So I think it's really interesting to see where they're going with him and his character arc is gonna be something special, I hope at least.

The CGI in this episode is kind of rough at times and you can tell you're watching a tv show (specifically the speeder scene), and it makes sense after the spectacle of an episode we had last week, and I get that it's easier to make ships flying through shooting stars look more real than faking an actor falling down or riding a speeder in the studio, but the episode's visuals and CGI as a whole are solid as always and that scene is just a nitpick and nothing important. The cinematography is great as always and everything about this show just feels like is made by competent professional people who actually care about making a good tv show.

And finally, we have that ending which you could say it's a cliffhanger, but it's a really big surprise and opens a whole can of worms for Cassian. And this ending might be baffling and unrealistic and perhaps too goofy to some - I don't know why it would be, have you not watched V for Vendetta? But let's assume some might find it unrealistic - but come live in the middle east and you'll see what happened at the end isn't remotely unrealistic and it's actually an understatement.

Anyway, the show is going strong, and even though every 3 or 2 episodes have different directors and writers, the quality is staying the same and the writing is getting even better, and I hope it stays the same and we get a good development throughout the show and they don't fumble the ending like many shows that start strong tend to do.
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This show is AMAZING!
jdamigll19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm enjoying every single second of this show. The more I watch it, the more I love it. On episodes like this, you notice how carefully the story and characters have been designed. Everything in this episode fits increibly well with the previous ones. To the extiend that is thrilling despite being next to the culmination episode of the robbery plot. The scenes of the senator Mon Mothma, swapping from deep concern with Luthen to the politness on the social gathering, are worth a re-watch. The cassian encounters with Maarva and Vix follow a very organic and interesting evolution. With the Empire Bureau plot and its endeavour to choke every system under their fist, you trully believe that Luthen plan-hidden under smiles in coruscant- makes a lot ot sense.

Not aiming to leave a great review, just sharing my excitement!!! Can't wait to see episode 8.
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Bold, Riveting, and Inspired
derekcharles20 October 2022
There is no other show currently streaming that is more impressive than Andor. In seven episodes, it has kicked the doors to the SW universe wide open, not just in its mining of new stories but in both its tone, expression, and style. It's strictly for the adults and it eschews the episodic structure of the Mandalorian with gusto. That said the first six eps can be easily watched in two movie-like instalments. If the next six prove likewise, we might just have an iconic new SW quadrilogy on our hands-& my respect and admiration for this endeavour will have exploded thru whatever ceiling I've been hitherto rating modern tv shows under.
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Momentum Building Must Watch
gdwilding19 October 2022
After the spectacle that was last week's episode, episode 7 deals with the inevitable fall out and repercussions.

I love how the show refuses to fall into any lazy tropes but continues to unpack the delicate conflicts unfolding in the fledgling rebellion and the ruthless reaction of the empire.

Its hard to define exactly what happened in this episode because of all the small character moments that unfolded without much action but it results in an episode that is so much greater than the sum of its parts.

Its clear to see that the writers made sure to use each episode effectively. Andor is a must watch and the momentum each episode is building may lead to something really special in the star wars canon.

P.s. Its hard to believe that the iconic white stormtrooper has only just made its official appearance in this episode of Andor. Welcome back old friends.
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Among my favorite Star Wars stories
dawsonc-5316119 October 2022
I really have been enjoying this series!

I remember way back, way back, when George Lucas mentioned how the prequels might be more Machiavellian, political, and full of plotting and intrigue. What this series is delivering is just what I was hoping to see one day when I heard that. The music, the acting, the shot design, all of it just really works for me.

I feel if I were in Star Wars episode 4, on Tatooine, in the alleyways where Luke and Ben sold the speeder, if I just turned down a different alley, I'd see things happening the way they do in this show. Really looking forward to more. Bravo!
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great episode, horrible ending 7.5/10
georgepsaro19 October 2022
This episode was ALMOST perfect.

Stunning visuals (as per usual.)

well written dialogue and great character moments.

Great camerawork and hardly any shaky cam (impressive by disney + standards)

great acting.

Revisits every character from the previous 2 arcs.

Some cool clone wars/rebels references/callbacks.

And then the last 5 minutes ruined it. The immersion, the grounded and serious tone, all gone. Felt like a satire joke. Just left a bad taste in my mouth.

It sets up a potentially interesting storyline at the end. Funny how even at its worst this show can still have me invested and eager to see the next chapter.
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Getting juicy!
sevskirita21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show really isn't letting up!

While the previous episodes were excellently written, choreographed, directed, etc etc, this episode is where I think it really starts getting interesting and the dialogue really shines. The other episodes were interesting, yes, and the other episodes got more and more unique and standout over time, but this episode is the stuff I came for.

The Rebellion building and antics of Luthen are really coming into the foreground this episode and I'm LOVING IT. The epsionage and plotting by Luthen and his allies is really compelling and hopefully will develop even more as we go along. Luthen's plot to catalyze the Rebllipn is so interesting, and I hope we will get some reference to the central part the crew of the Ghost played in setting fire in hearts across the galaxy. I can also see that they're doing really well at not just the political fallout of Luthen's plan, but also the development of the personal fallout between the crew who pulled it off. And the dialogue throughout is such Fire, that scene with Mon and Luthen was ridiculous.

On that note, the scenes in here with Mon Mothma have to be some of the most gripping scenes in Star Wars, maybe top ten. Mon Mothma's actor and Tay's is absolutely stellar, and the dialogue and framing is insane.

Speaking of greatest scenes in Star Wars, Cassian's plot pulls no punches and begins to really stand out in its writing as well. The irony in Andor's own actions driving Marva to rebel, and his contrast to when he did this himself immediately after Clem's death but not now, is absurdly spectacular. It's also another stroke of genius that they maneuvered Cassian into a role where we could see and feel the tightening of the Empire's fist because of Luthen, but also again ironically Andor's, actions. This scene, of Marva standing up finally, and Marva talking about love... what a tearjerker. This show nails character drama.

Dedra Mira's plot is also beginning to fly. Is it a little bit of a shortcut for her arc up to this point being resolved by some officer slacking off and immediately bending to her will because of it? Yeah, kinda, but I'm ok with it.

It feels so nice to be able to give Star Wars shows such high praise again, and this episode is no different in that than the rest. I'd give it a 9/10, but I anticipate I'll probably be giving higher ratings as these plot lines unravel further and truly become some of the most interesting in Star Wars.
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Prismark109 December 2022
The beach resort world of Niamos. I saw that bit being filmed. It was Blackpool beach!

To our American friends, Blackpool is a small seaside resort that styles itself as the Las Vegas of the north of England. Only someone who has never been to the real Vegas would make such a delusional statement.

Announcement is a smaller scale episode after the fallout from the heist. It focuses on real world retaliation from totalitarian regimes.

The Empire cracks down. More rights rescinded, stiffer sentences, higher fines, more people rounded up.

This is what Luthen Rael anticipated. A rallying call for the resistance movement.

For Andor with all the credits he has. He goes for some rest and recuperation in Niamos.

It is a strange left turn that Andor becomes a victim of the Empire's repression. It also highlights cracks in the Empire personnel. It is not a smooth efficient machine.

Well Andor can certainly claim to be a different type of Star Wars experience but I'm still not sure if it fits well with the universe.
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That was absolutely brilliant and captivating the whole time
mataidixiong19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is hard to do this without spoilers but that was a great episode. I haven't been a fan of some of the slower stand alone episodes in this series so far, though I think they will be much better binge watched. That said, it has been enjoyable so far but this week, the slow pacing was spot on. That conversation between Mon Mothma and her old friend was the best script writing in Star Wars, the layers and the hidden meaning and the strength of performance between the two actors was exceptional. The slow noose of the empire followed by the trap door falling, brilliant. This episode is the first one where I've thought, yep these pieces are coming together REALLY well now.

And Ord Mantel!! This is where the fun...continues!
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Strong bridge between story arcs
moritzherz9 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After the superb finale of the secon story arc, "Andor" sets things up for the next big act.

Unlike the episodes before this episode is not a part of the next story arc, it's something between the last and the upcoming.

Nevertheless it's absolutely great. We get to see Andor living a relaxed life on a sunny planet enjoying his recent wealth. Meanwhile the ISB capture Bixx and interrogates her, even torture her to get informations about Andor. Mothma sets new things up for the rebellion and Luthen is planning to kill Andor, so that nobody follows the path back to him.

And at the end of the episode Andor is captured by rhe Empire for just being a tourist running away from the stormtroopers. He gets 6 years in prison. Ouch!
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It looks like they're trying to find ways to stretch it to the 12th episode
Ionian197320 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They're really starting to struggle. Andor goes back home but his mother won't leave with him. Bix pulls the abused woman routine, "I'm just clumsy! I fell down the stairs!" Meero finally gets some respect.

We go from Cass trying to get his mother to leave with him and we skip to...him living with some chick and having a new name?! How did he get here? Then all of a sudden he gets a 6 year jail sentence for walking past the scene of a crime? The show is getting very disjointed as it's clear everything built up to the big Aldhani robbery and now that's over the showrunners have no idea where to go.

The only real disappointment has been the music. Nothing memorable as far as themes go and it sounds like a rejected score for the 2002 version of Resident Evil with Milla Jovovich - especially in this episode.
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The eye was good but what about that sick Niamos soundtrack
suvechhabose27 October 2022
Dont know why but i never really felt comfortable while hearing Dubstep in mandalorian season 2 , but this

Most of the episodes are fantastic, feature lengthy , optimised for star wars . The cinematography looks absolutely stunning with Diego luna stealing one of the best rouge looks ever made . Andor is a 'really me' blade runner character. The episode focused on different characters & its super confusing to see whether or how everything is going to fit in. I must say i am having a good time. Thank you Tony Gilroy ,& Thank you Nicholas britell What an awesome understanding of the universe The synth was necessarily dirty but when its clearing out , its the perfect track for Diego who was in Narcos Mexico.

The theme of Niamos was an absolute Banger !!

Ludwig can wait You are my favourite now.

Please more.
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This episode is so good
dj-wookie19 October 2022
This series becomes more and more interesting to watch and even if the action is a little slow, everything else is spectacular and this episode briliantly succeeds to bring even more new landscapes and visual treats and combine them with something more genuine for a Star Wars production. This episode has even some funny scenes just like Madalorian or any other Star Wars show or movie, but the deep parts of the story are somehow becoming even deeper in this one and the stakes and threats are becoming even bigger. I do hope to see K2SO in the next season although and to see more missions with the two heroes, because i think a gradually transition to something like this with a little more action will please even a more part of the fans. This is without no doubt one of the gratest (if not the best one) sci-fi series in the last years and it could become a classic like Star Trek, Babylon 5, Stargate or Battlestar Galactica or a gem like Almost Human.
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lassegalsgaard2 November 2022
For the first time this season, "Andor" breaks with its three-episode arc structure and gives us an episode that's clearly designed to build upon our perception of the Empire. It's easy to see the Empire as being a bad thing - the fact that it's based on Nazi Germany is a pretty good way of making that stick. However, I don't think that there has ever been a scarier portrayal of the Empire in "Star Wars" than it is here, because this is the real deal. This was an awesome episode that felt like a great bridge that was meant to up the threat a bit.

We were recently introduced to the ISB and this episode opens up with an incredible scene that addresses the people present, and the way it was done felt like it was taken directly out of a war council in World War II. The threatening tone of it all and the specific things that were said sold the gravity of the situation very well for the Imperial standpoint. It all goes into how great the writing is, which bleeds into the other areas that the episode explores, like Mon Mothma expanding on her doings a little, continuing to distance herself from the people that she is pretending to be a part of. Her story especially feels like a spy thriller and it feels like someone could be watching over her shoulder at every step of the way. The writing is so good that even though we know the outcome of everything that's going on, it still feels like there are so many stakes and consequences waiting to happen. Meanwhile, Cassian's storyline takes him back to Ferrix and makes him engage in incredible conversation with people that we saw during the first arc. The dialogue is incredible and unlike anything that has been in a "Star Wars" property previously. And once again, I have to praise the performance that Diego Luna gives, but also the performance of Fiona Shaw as his mother who slides into this character with extreme ease and easily feels like she's been part of this universe and the battle for many years.

"Announcement" was an unexpected episode that took a slower approach, but continued to put an emphasis on unfolding the story in unique and exciting ways. The writing is so masterful and easily goes from many different storylines, making it all feel part of the same event and giving those major spy thriller vibes all throughout.
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A refreshing new direction for Star Wars
thomaswilson2021 October 2022
What a refreshing direction this show is going in. Star Wars for grown ups, and something that kids can look forward to enjoying when they're a bit older. The acting and writing in this series, and particularly in this episode, is a very high standard. My inner nerd would like to see more of the goofy tech/droids scenes like the kitchen chef-droids in Boba, but overall this really is a brilliant show. If someone would've said to me five years ago that Disney will be rolling out a bunch of Star Wars TV shows, I probably would've cringed, said it wouldn't work, and mumbled something about staying loyal to the movies. Dare I say it, I think these shows are better than any of the movies.
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allmoviesfan15 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Cassian is a man adrift as he returns home to Ferrix after the Aldhani raid, which is making news and causing repercussions across the galaxy, and especially in Coruscant.

The ISB is taking a bigger role and is enacting various draconian measures in the name of "security" that will not make them any friends in the galaxy, that's for sure. Of course, that is when they're not fighting with each other. The political and administrative games of one-upmanship at the sterile-white ISB headquarters staff meetings are fascinating.

Mon Mothma makes a big reveal to an old friend of hers, and finally we begin to see a little of the fire of rebellion in her eyes. Genevieve O'Reilly plays the future Rebel Alliance founder brilliantly.

Elsewhere Star Destroyers, probe droids, desert stormtroopers and an Imperial security droid make their Andor debuts.
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"That's love... nothing you can do about it"
mithikshamed20 October 2022
This show is the best written Star Wars show ever. Rivals empire with regard to pacing and writing.

Everything at the ISB has me hooked and at the edge of my seat. Fantastic writers and cinematographers and directors that need to do more Star Wars projects in the future!

Great job Disney, this is what we wanted to see!

"But I'll worry about you", "That's love, nothing you can do about it". This line hit hard and felt so visceral. I wish more shows were able to convey themselves in this way. Can't wait to see how things pick up in the next few episodes.

You have a fan in my wife and I, please keep up the great work.
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the wheels are coming off the plot
nerrdrage18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well it's still gorgeous to look at, so I'll keep watching but this is the point where I really start to question the plot logic. Luthen recruited Cassian for a vital mission, out of the blue, not knowing much about the guy. I must have missed the part where they explained why.

Cassian's a good pilot and he's the kind of guy who gets things done, but there must be thousands of guys just like him that Luthen could have recruited instead. And now that the heist is over, they have to murder him because he's seen Luthen's face?!?

Well if they were going to do that, why didn't Luthen tell Skreen to shoot him in the back right after the heist and be rewarded with Cassian's share of the loot? That could have been arranged before Cassian ever joined the crew.

Luthen didn't even need to know he was going to recruit Cassian, in particular. He was just looking for an extra hand, a good pilot. Someone disposable. If he survived, they'd murder him right afterwards. Kind of puts a new spin on the whole noble rebel alliance that they would be so cold-blooded, but even worse, they're inept. Why did they let Cassian get away?

This series has nice aesthetics and good action sequences but I'm starting to think the writing's not all that great. Better than that Obi-Wan garbage certainly but not the savior of Star Wars people are making it out to be.
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The Star Wars I always wanted
jzer026 October 2022
I'm 42 years old and was obsessed with the original trilogy. I tolerated the prequels and grew absolutely bored with Star Wars with the sequel trilogy. Rogue One want the deepest Star Wars film but it felt like Star Wars. With each passing episode of Andor I start to like Rogue One even more. I'm glad that it's reviewing well. So much depth and back story for the original trilogy that doesn't feel like some sort of wacky George Lucas cartoon.

I typically don't enjoy waiting a week for new episodes and truly wish more of this show dropped at once but I have to admit that I've never been disappointed with this show. I left disappointed with every episode of Boba Fett and always felt as if The Mandalorian was a less interesting Xena. Thank you Disney for finally producing a Star Wars product that doesn't feel it is written for people who just want to hunt for Easter eggs. You have a fan!
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The show goes on and on and on... without real highlights
grpe-4862422 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If I read the reviews I don't know if I'm the only one who is really bored of that Star Wars show and not interested in what will happen next.

I'm watching it because I'm a Star Wars fan since the beginning in 1977. But it is the FIRST time I'm not curious about what will happen next week!

Watching "The Mandalorian" I couldn't bear waiting! The same with "The Book of Boba Fett". "Kenobi" needed more time for me to become friends with but the last episode was amazing enlightening the whole series!

But "Andor"... it was suspect in the beginning that Disney started with 3 episodes! And it was no fan service as we've seen. If Disney would have started "Andor" episodes one by one the audience would have left after the second latest! Actually we have the 7th episode and it's still boring. Yes there are "some moments". BUT PLEASE why couldn't you offer some more story action and guys we could identify with for the BIRTH OF THE REBELLION???

I REBEL AGAINST THAT praying for the end and hoping the next series would improve. Please Disney read my review...-
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You know Palpatine didn't made the Empire all alone by himself.
gephestnine21 October 2022
This series depict a gruesome and harsh picture of the colossal totalitarian monster riding on the backs of the citizens of the Empire. And there is actually a lot of those citizens, who are pretty ok with that.

It shows exactly how the everyday life of the small little people are being crushed by the stromtrooper's boots, how the little pockets of freedom in the fringe systems like Ferrix eradicated. How the Empire chokes those who are not "look thankful".

It is actually very naturally complements the movies.

You see, in movies, the stormtroopers are a joke with badly aimed weapons, and the young jedi saves the galaxy from Great Evil because the Force is on his side. Because the miracle happens. That is a fairy tale. A classic legendary story.

And here, in this series, we have a glimpse of what exactly was that Great Evil. We get to see why this Evil should have been stopped.

That's why I love it. It actually makes me appreciate the Originals fairy tale story even more.
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Disney, this is EXCELLENT!!!
gateswi23 October 2022
I have tried to be a Star Wars fan that enjoys new shows and movies without too much pessimism or critiquing. By necessity, this has meant going in with low expectations and sometimes being surprised (Mandalorian, Rogue One). I didn't know what to expect with Andor, was hopeful since I loved R1. This show just keeps getting better each episode. I am genuinely excited and engaged with the story and characters. I find myself rooting for both the rebellion and the empire (I love the ISB story arc!). This episode was so well-written, and so well directed, and so well acted. The visuals and sound are beautiful. Coruscant is fully realized and it's delightful to explore it from spires to depths. The plot is nuanced, well paced, and mature. I just can't say enough good things about this show. Disney: please take note, this one rules!!!
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You'd be surprised where my politics lie
ha77y73ad9724 October 2022
So much of this episode is dialogue between friends, enemies, people we think are friends and also thinking the same for enemies where we are taken to the political center of the Star Wars universe. Many of the stories that pay off in Rebel, Rogue One and the OG trilogy are founded in this story.

The acting between Stellan Skarsgård and Genevieve O'Reilly is awesome both are able to flip and twist the simplest of words to show their true intent. From the outside the tone would convey what they truly mean but the words are totally innocent, this is where Star Wars has got to... a political drama hidden inside a rouge story.

The other side of the series is the detective story of the ISB and i never thought they would have introduced Wullf Yularen back into live action. These were moments compared to the screen time he had during Rebels and Clone Wars, miniscule amount of time compared to the Thrawn trilogy but did he make an impact on this episode and then left. This is a cameo that will hit hard by the end of the series and hopefully end with a Blue Admiral showing up.

From the details that have been released that this was a one off episode leading to the next 3 episode arc which i hope is a Saw Gerrera story and we see a far more brutal side to Andor and the Rebel cells that are growing in Star Wars. We know that Gerrera is exiled from the Rebellion and this has to play out a some point. Skarsgard vs Whitaker is going to be a scene that may have as much of an impact as the Kenobi vs Vader rematch!
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