Sounds (2008) Poster


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Rereleased as Not Another Sci Fi Movie?
microx9600216 August 2015
This film (shot in HD video) seems to have been re-titled and I found it on Hulu. For a movie of such low low budget it was OK. What it was really lacking was some decent actors (these people delivered in an amateur stage production fashion)and someone who could actually write FUNNY comedy lines. Pacing was OK as it passed pretty quickly for it's 90 minute run, however I may have giggled two maybe 3 times thru out the whole movie. Watch at your own risk! **** out 10 for making it actually look like a movie. Oh come on now, they want me to write at least ten lines of review for this? That is probably longer than the script for this movie. Nice title to draw you in, better than the original title of "Sounds".
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I want my money back
maxwellhouser2725 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was an individual who actually saw this film. I went to support a friend who had worked on this "film" by going to the premier of the film and paid to see it. Well, I would like to get my money back.

This film claimed to be a dramatic comedy. Well I will say this; there is really nothing funny about this film. The only part that had some humor to the film was in a radio broadcast at the beginning of the film. When this was played it appeared the film could have hope. However, that did not happen. Also there was nothing in this film that was dramatic.

The one thing about the film was that it was sad. Sad in that the film was made. I find it shocking that someone actually financed this film.

The so-called humor in the film was something you would expect to see a high school student to write. All the jokes were predictable and completely juvenile. The film seemed to be making fun of The X-Files, however, I wonder if the "writer/director" understood that The X-Files has been over for a long, long time. Most people probably do not get the reference. However, at the same time one agent played his character as if were Agent Smith from The Matrix. Also, another reference of being old and over done. Surprising, the director didn't add in Lord of the Rings. There were times I expected to see a Hobbit just run on to the screen and ask if anyone saw his ring.

Also the film had characters that were there and then just disappeared and never really said what happened to them. For example, take the DJ from the beginning, at first it appeared the DJ was someone who is like a narrator, but turned out not to be one. Only that one scene. Also the DJ was talking to a Professor who seemed to have some sort of insight to a theory of "nothing", in which the film calmed to be, (I assume this was a reference to Seinfeld, again, long time over) anyway, the Professor's words never referenced again.

Also, there was FBI director, another agent, both spoke to the lead agents and nothing came of them. Also there was a cop who saw one of the female characters "throw up" a weird ugly ball thing and then disappeared.

I am not saying that any of the characters mentioned were important or interesting. But, as with real story telling, they should move the story, not just be there. However, come to think of it, the "lead" characters were not interesting or important. They didn't lead the story anywhere. Probably because the film had no story.

The film was claimed to be smart humor, and no, there was nothing smart about this film. Beyond the fact someone was smart enough to sucker people into financing it.

Also, I find it funny that the "Writer/Director" of this film claims to have taken influence from Little Shop of Horrors, but called it Flower Shop of Horrors. Well that explains a lot about this film.

Also it is covered in quote of Herb Lightman, ummm... who is this Herb Lightman? A professor from UCLA who claims to be an influence on Lucas and Spielberg. Well, this so called Herb Lightman must not be too important because as one who loves film have never heard of him and knows that the main influence to both Lucas and Spielberg was Francis Ford Coppola.

If any one sees this film, and you paid for it, demand your money back. If you didn't have to pay to see it, don't. It is not worth your time, because Ed Wood and Uwe Boll made better films than this one.
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Faked out by title!
jjleeknlee13 July 2021
This movie was retitled "Not Another Sci-fi Movie" and thinking it was like most of the other "Not Another..." films, I looked forward to busting a gut laughing. I was duped!!!

This was probably made for about 785 bucks and some change. I was about 30 minutes or so into the movie before I chuckled. There were less than 6 funny moments, mildly funny. I have seen some other reviews which lauded the comedy contained, but it was very basic and non-cerebral. There was some "Airplane"-type banter, but nothing memorable.

The effects were surprisingly good, as was the soundtrack, but the acting was pretty weak. The story had potential, I think the low budget highly affect the end product.

The lighting was awful. There was very little parody and I was a little sad I had took the time to watch it.
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A campy romp with things that go bump in the forest
martibuzz123411 May 2009
The point of this film was to poke fun at Sci-Fi and horror genre films. I thought the references and parallels to famous movies and old TV shows was clever. The goofs and mishaps are all part of the plan. It's meant to be a fun escape film, a campy romp with things that go bump in the forest. When I read the background on how little money was used during production, I thought first-time writer/director Ryan Humphries gets a vote of confidence for an impressive first go at film-making. If he can do this much with this little money, what is he capable of with real movie money? The interview between Humphries and Herb Lightman in the bonus feature is very interesting. Lightman is a legend from the old Hollywood movie making circles back 50 years ago. A former professor at UCLA, he taught George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg film-making back when they were college kids and before anyone knew their names. Check the movie out for yourself and form your own opinions.
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Fun Sci-Fi
leenieh12 May 2009
I saw this movie with my grandson and we laughed our heads off. I was visiting Northern California and a local newspaper story talked about the film being made near where I was visiting. We watched it and recognized scenes around town. I'm not big on Sci-Fi, but my grandson is. He recognized the parallels and parodies from old TV programs, movies, and the cliché humor. It was nice to actually see classic humor referenced. In my opinion jokes about "who's on first" will never go out of style. If the references had been made from new shows and movies, chances are they would have gone over my head because I don't go and see them. But this movie can appeal to any age group because the references are timeless. Watching the "making of the movie" bonus feature was hilarious. The movie this film crew and actors created with few resources is short of amazing. It gets my thumbs up and I'm not necessarily a Sci-Fi or horror fan, and I'm a senior citizen!
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I thoroughly enjoyed the movie
fengyang19 May 2009
This movie is a lot of fun to watch. I am a huge X-files and sci-fi movies fan, so I laughed a lot throughout the movie.

I am mostly impressed by the creativity and technicality that this indie movie maker has shown. I have previous experience in Hollywood movie production, and am familiar with the various types of budgets needed for movies such as this, and what they did with the budget at hand was amazing. The airplane shots are impressive, the difficult night shots are very well-done, the use of the super-resolution technology for HD up-conversion is innovative. They were able to make something that has the quality of a big budget production.
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I liked Sounds
jwca711 May 2009
I liked Sounds. It had its funny moments and there was plenty of suspense. The characters were very professional and did a great job. The story was a little far out but thats why they call it sci-fi. It keep pulling you into the story and jumped out at you in the right places. I would never gessed that the night scene was filmed in a garage. They did a great job of it. I will say that they made it seem like it could have been possible. It is amazing how much work goes into the making of these movies. It is a wonder that most of them get completed at all. I can see why it takes many months and even years to complete one. It reminds me of an couple episode of star trek. One where the little fuzz balls were reproducing so fast that they went from becoming a nuisance to becoming a real hazard. (I am talking about the creatures). I would recommend to my friends. Yes, I liked it a lot.
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funny & silly movie, my teenagers like it too.
billlasell19 May 2009
The movie quickly grew on me and I wished it was longer. The whole family watched it and liked it. My kids are 12 and 15, so keeping them interested was a great thing. The characters are funny and believable, and well casted for their rolls. Funny parts, scary parts, nice camera work. Some part made us laugh out loud and other parts made us jump out our seats! The ending was a complete surprise, as I did not see that ending coming. The movie did not have bad language or sex in it, which makes it nicer. I wish more movies would down play that bad language stuff. A good balance of funny and silly in a SCI FI film. There are several quotes from the movie that the kids and I repeat and joke with. Check it our for yourself.
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Quirky movie that is very entertaining!
danaeagen31 May 2009
This is a quirky entertaining movie that does not take itself serious. Some of the other reviews seem harsh because Sounds has a specific type of quirky humor that is not always appreciated by everyone, as exemplified in these varied reviews.

If you'd like some tongue-in-cheek dialogue tossed around with quick banter mixed with some good film noir, sci-fi genre, you will get a kick out of this.

It's clean (nothing offensive at all). It's fast moving. The camera follows them on their little adventure in a way that makes you feel like you are there with them. There were even moments when I felt a little nervous as we went with them into the wood and as they stood in the darkened house, but again it never stayed serious for any length of time.

It's a good experience for the whole family.
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Super Fun and Different! A good time!
jessachu618 May 2009
I really enjoyed this movie! It was funny in a wacky dry kinda way. I liked the fact that it was not your average typical mundane story. It was weird mysterious and funny! You are really kind of confused in the beginning and then you slowly start to figure it out. I like that kind of entertainment. I'm so used to already knowing what the movie will be about, just from seeing the trailers.. it's ridiculous!! I highly recommend this movie to people who like different. I think that this is the kind of movie that ends up with a cult following and ends up being a "classic". Hopefully they will start distribution soon. Anyone know how I can get a copy?
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I watched it several times Warning: Spoilers
This was a funny movie that had cheesy humor. My friends and I were laughing the entire time. I liked all the X-Files jokes. Agent Miller was a riot because he took himself too seriously and there was nothing really dangerous going on. He was like a FBI wannabe that flunked out of the academy but still thought he was an agent. I also liked the dumb French student and his fine French silk scarf that looked like it came from K-Mart. It was funny when he called everything a damn American rock or bush. What is the difference between a French rock and an American rock? My friends and I are in high school and we like these types of crazy comedies. I liked how calm Agent Miller was during a crisis (but I don't want to give them away). Then, when something minor happened, he would have a meltdown. The lab scene is ridiculous. No lab would ever operate this way. There's a great barfing scene. That's what's funny about this movie. I watched it several times and each time I caught a new joke. I also liked reading the trivia about the actors and all the goofs on set.
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My son and I love SOUNDS
jimmym77724 May 2009
My son love American movies very much,he is a sci-fi movies fan too, while i have been worrying about some sex and bad language in it, so mostly i watched it by myself firstly, it is a very interesting movie, i like it, then recommended to him, i did this time again.

He watched 3 times in one breath,he laughing out while and a while, he said SOUNDS is a great movie,rich of suspenses, all the story,the language,the scenes exceed his expectation,much better than what i described to him, he likes the fun, and enjoyed a good weekend, you know i have to find some fun for him for each weekend.

thanks for the great efforts of the directors,actors,etc.
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Sounds was fun to promote
memory12315 May 2009
What can I say, I was one of the Executive Producers and I loved the movie! I wouldn't have invested $??,???.?? if I thought it wasn't any good. I thought Writer/Director/Producer Ryan Humphries did a great job. My choices of investments over the years are generally successful, and I will be able to chalk this one up as a success also. And why is Sounds successful, .... it's because people enjoyed the movie. As the marketing director for bringing exposure to the film, I was thrilled because there were several angles to choose from to get the media, distributors and the general public interested in it. As a result, stories of Sounds, at one point or another in the past year, can be seen in the following media: Hollywood Reporter, Audio Video Producer, DV Magazine website, Business Journals throughout the country, Cinematographer,CNBC, Computer Active, Consumer Electronics, Daily Herald, Dallas Morning News, Digital 50, Digital Media News, Digital Post Production, Film Cluster, Film Imaging, Film Stew, Forbes, Fox Business, many French and Asian websites, Houston Chronicle, Indy Film Co, International Business Times, Miami Today, National Examiner, Newsweek, PC Authority, PC Magazine website, Personal Computer World, Sacramento Bee, Shoot Online, ABC – CBC – NBC – CW TV websites, World News, Yahoo, Daily Study and the list goes on and on and on! Yep, I tracked as many media outlets on the internet over the past year that have carried the story on Sounds, and it has been very exciting to watch. Oh, if any of you want the web links and PDF's to all of what I mentioned, guess what, … I have them all! Just ask me and I would be happy to provide you with a disk. Oh, and check this out, a national entertainment magazine that can be found at over 1,200 news stands across the United States and Canada is coming out with a feature story on Sounds in 2 to 3 months (July or August 2009)! I can't tell you which one, you'll just have to wait and see. ... Robert Lenney
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