"Unsolved Mysteries" Lady in the Lake (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Some obvious leads seem unexplored?
xvandenw20 December 2020
Could be me, but some leads which seemed obvious to explore were left unattended. Why not trace down the private detective agency she was contacting (seen in her phone records) and inquire what Joann was requesting of them? Maybe she had told them to keep an eye ought for one of the brothers? Same as to say why the people the brother had debts to weren't investigated. Also, did anyone check her bank records if any money was withdrawn in order to give to her brother to cover for his debts? Lots of speculation is done without following these leads. Overall a decent episode though, with a very sad ending.
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An engaging look into the death of JoAnn Romain.
Sleepin_Dragon23 October 2020
This had echoes of the Mysteries from the first series, I'd have to disagree with those that say this isn't a mystery, it very much is.

What in Earth did happen to poor JoAnn Romain? I'm not sure we'll ever discover the truth, it's a very sad story, her death clearly had a huge impact on the daughters. The brother's reaction needled me somewhat, he seemed more keen on being outraged at his possible involvement directly or indirectly, he needed to show some sadness for the death of his sibling.

A very sad story, but I thought this was quite well told. 7/10.
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Certainly a few questions
Calicodreamin25 October 2020
A case with little evidence but certainly a few unanswered questions. I admire the children's revolve to keep searching. Good episode in terms of relevant interviews and archival footage.
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Awful police work
darkdementress5 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If there's one thing I've noticed from watching unsolved mysteries and crime shows it's that if the police don't know what happened they automatically assume it's a suicide. That has to be the worst kind of police work! You should never assume anything you should follow the evidence and build a logical theory based on that but just assuming?? that should be against the law! after watching the brother talk it's hands down him or he had something to do with it. His answers were very strangely phrased and cold. His facial reactions when he was talking about getting her justice were angry/disgusted looking. Then when he was talking about how he had nothing to do with it, he looked amused or like it was funny. Bet you anything if they every solve it, he's got something to do with it!
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mindenvack4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For me, the victim's son is suspicious.
  • He didn't want to appear in the movie.
  • He knew his mother's daily activities.
  • He was the last to talk to her (besides the gas station manager).
  • He had access to the car's spare key.
  • He was probably one of the heirs of his mother.
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Edvis-19972 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It just doesn't fit in. People don't randomly commit suice by walking in cold river. She seems, as we could know from her family, to be caring mother and person who tried to help everyone. That type of people would leave at least message or goodbye letter for her childs. There are so many people that could've be engaged in this case. I just can't understand how ignorant police officers sounds in interview. Just constantly repeating it was suicide and we didn't think about anything else. If you're working that type of job you've to check everything thousands of time to be really sure. Brother in interview sounded like and a..hole. By saying, yeah maybe she disappeared because I can't live my life properly and don't engage with people that could harm someone. That's just ridiculous. Maybe she died because someone wanted to revenge me, but that's very sad for me, what? You should feel terrible and guilty for the rest of your life. Sad story, for real. About that reviewer who mentioned "Hole in Theory" about the key of car. If there was 2 guys who abducted her. One could've moved her car several times with Her keys and another could've hold her in certain place or different car before another guy came back. After moving car and getting back he could put keys back to her pocket and get rid of her. Just don't mention holes in theories if your brain cells doesn't work.
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Interesting story
misskatelacky22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why some people are so fussy with these episodes? Yes not all of them are mind blowing but such low ratings? Why bother leaving a review at all if you dislike it so much

I found this a really good mystery. Lots of unanswered questions. There is no way she went into that lake herself. The lake was 2-3 feet deep so she would be able to stand, you could see the floor, and she was wearing black - you're telling me divers and helicopters with lights would not have seen her?

Her car was moved, and from the description of her friends and family she would defiantly not kill her self, plus she's religious and that's a sin.

Police seemed very sketchy and maybe someone inside keeping things quiet? So much dismissing and shady procedures.

Good episode, very sad too. Not every episode will be to your exact taste so just accept that and move on.
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one more point...
athallica10 February 2021
...is that maybe too much emphasis is given on a witness observation. She can't remember seeing the car which led to the conclusion it was moved. If her memory fails her, the car would have been found exactly where Mrs Romain left it. Could that be also a possibility

And: I stopped reading peoples' faces. Everyone reacts different in grief.., si I can't really "expect" a certain kind of reaction. (Especially on camera.) I wish the very best to the children of Mrs Romain 😢
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Hole in theory
emmabmurphy22 October 2020
The daughter thinks her mom was abducted, dumped in the river in Detroit and then the abductors drove her car back to the church. However, her keys were in her coat pocket when they recovered the body so they couldn't have driven it back and locked it.
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Warning;, between the eldest daughter's voice is nails-on-a-blackboard, same the people are very tacky. If you're epileptic, be careful
UNOhwen26 March 2021
Ok, in a nutshell, a woman's supposedly committed suicide, according to the police.

This story's 'other' story is by far the more intriguing one, and the part which I couldn't NOT pay attention to.

The woman who's dead - JoAnn, has 3 kids. They - 3, though you only see 2, are the freak show.

The one who's the oldest (she says she was 29 when this happened - about a decade ago, but her voice - which is a perfect i.e. Nauseating version of vocal fry (a nasal whine) and skin (slightly better than a leather wallet, i.e. Not doing well 😩) are in a bizarre contrast to the fact that she's now in her late 30s, AND her ADULT siblings ALL still live together (they used to live at/with their decreased mom). The middle daughter's got a serious work issue. The third - the 'youngest' (he'd now be in good late 20s) is either retreaded, or emotionally a child, but you never see him.

It's as if they were so coddled (not a good thing) they can't grow up.

Between the oldest's constant label-dropping ('my mom's Lexus... her designer purse...😫' I was sick), as well as HER 'deductions' ('to me that's an important clue', she says about her mother's hideous 'designer' purse which had rips, AND the camera lingering as she picks schmutz off it, JUST as she whines how they never collected DNA.

. I'm sorry, but I'd keep all these 'clues' in SEALED bags to prevent any further contamination in the hopes that someone someday night be able to find usable information), found myself getting queasy watching this.

Oldest daughter keeps hiring people to 'investigate' (how about finding just ONE and key them do that?!) Also, they're not what I'd refer to as rich-rich, but I doubt anyone of this trio works, and their 'wealth' seems to me to be both questionable and nouveau (the woman's brother, John's shot in - I'm guessing - his (idea of a 'gentleman's') den. There's 2 safe's seen behind him - the kind with temperature/humidity guages, like a combo humidor/money vault. It's all tacky. They're tacky, the presentation of the deceased is tacky.

These are people I really would never want near me.

Yes, the proper thing's to 'be respectful of the dead', but I don't know these people, thank goodness, and this is a 'review', and though this 'review' is definitely not your typical review, this episode and these people are so painful, I've only got to the midpoint, ama I don't know if I'm able to watch any more.
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Always Follow the Money
Pequod889 August 2023
There are numerous unknowns in the mysterious death of Ms. Romain. Still, the facts appear to make suicide unlikely.

No motive for suicide was suggested by the facts. It makes no sense that a devout Catholic goes across the street from an evening Mass to jump in icy water. Her new purse was damaged, suggesting a struggle at the car. It is easy to make a copy of a key. Still, shallow water far from the channel makes it unlikely she would not have been found that evening had she entered the water across from the church.

The red flag is her brother's debts. How much did he owe and to whom? Who inherited what in the aftermath of Ms. Romain's death? Even if the brother was not directly involved, dangerous people may well have benefitted from the distribution of the estate. Why did the son choose to remain silent? What did he inherit and did he go in on any real estate deals with his Uncle? Did the estranged husband stand to gain financially from the timing of the death? Why did Ms. Romain feel the need to contact a private investigator? Was she being followed in the days/weeks leading up to her possible abduction? Chloroform and a ride to Detroit in her own car seems quite possible. Suicide by drowning in icy water as a way to go is far fetched. No note. No talk of despair. No change in behavior other then the belief she may be under observation. She kept to her routines, which would have given pros enough information to hatch a plan. The PI raised important doubts and questions, even if abduction could not be determined after the fact.

The daughters had plenty of time to recover from the shock and to consider all of the possibilities. Neither has waivered on their belief that the mother was in no way suicidal. The police jumped to a conclusion and the case was quickly closed. It is not conspiratorial to take the path of least resistance and move on to the next case. This reeks of a professional job. Condolences to the daughters.
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Car Keys
lizfoster1011 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Curious how her car keys are found in the jacket she was wearing when they found her, yet they focus on the killer driving her to her death, and then parking the car back at the church?
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Not at all a mystery
unrivaledraj17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not an opinion but facts based on this episode.

For first 20 minutes or so, the daughters and the brother and gas station guy etc everyone says , it was all normal, she was cheerful and happy like always, there was no indication of an issue or a suicidal tendency etc.

And suddenly in the next 20 minutes, they all start saying she was nervous and "something wasn't right", she was worried that someone was following her etc.

The daughter first says that everyone in the family, her siblings everyone loved her, she was the centre, the rock of the family. And few minutes later she blames a cousin, her uncle, says how there were disputes in family.

They just keep contradicting themselves, so many investigators and none could even find cause of death, apart from drowning there were no indications of any foul play.

Whoever made this is for sure a lousy conspiracy nut or the family paid well to feature them in this documentary series.

Absolute waste of time. Skip this solved zero mystery case.
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Sad, but not a mystery
ampadbury22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Woman kills herself and floats 30 miles down river because she is super buoyant. Family proceeds to bad mouth everyone they know, especially relatives they don't like without any basis in fact. This is poorly produced and not worthy of Unsolved Mysteries. As other reviewer points out there is no logic to their viewpoint. Scumbag "investigators" then exploit family for money to placate them. Dumb people all around in this episode, especially whom ever produced it.
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Why put this on Unsolved Mysteris
kjpublic31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was pretty stupid. Not that a family can't and won't acknowledge their mom committed suicide, but why is this an episode at all.

The police did exactly what they should have done...look for the missing person in a large body of water nearby. Why would you even question that?

It's obvious this family has some serious issues. They start off by saying how happy their mom was and in the end find a way to accuse multiple family members of her murder. Perhaps Mom wanted to get away from all that!

The family needs to stop hiring private detectives and get themselves some counseling.

Unsolved Mysteries needs to figure out why they decided to do this story in the first point.
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Lady in the Lake
bombersflyup27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's odd that the police would remain certain it's a suicide, with all the evidence to the contrary. Like the reviewer before me said, it does seem related to the brother, just how he responded to those questions. This show consistently poses all these things and then adds something super relevant near the end that would dismiss most of the early stuff.
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Only family side of story
MetroDetroit16628 February 2022
Once again, I suggest anyone interested in this case find all the detailed court records and depositions, not just the original complaint. There is a reason why this case was dismissed twice. Coast Guard timekeeper admitted to having their times messed up and corrected the time in court later down the road..one hour off!. The timeline is accurate when that is factored in, but these producers love to create drama-sad events for sure.

....one person on the plaintiff's side even tried to introduce false info. How was this case wasn't tossed sooner? Who knows. Again....someone lost their life and the family is upset....tragic but to think that 20 + cops from three departments conspired to kill someone is laughable. Means, motive, opportunity....where? Let it rest.
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