The Zombie Club (2019) Poster

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My review on zombie club!
girlboss7378 November 2019
What a movie for Bridgeport! This movie is intended for the teenage audience and it does a good job fitting its audience. Since the movie is basically one for teens it has a positive message with bullying and technology, 2 major problems in our world today. Its very realistic in some aspects like things that can happen in reality.

Zombie club has many advantages and disadvantages. Some acting isn't very good in some parts, lets just say that you can tell who has been acting for a while and then the people who they just threw in the movie. There are definitely some emotional parts that hit home. The special effects in the movie are good. You couldn't tell in some parts that they were using them. But then again you can tell where they using them and it wasn't good at some points in the movie.

Do I recommend the movie? Yes, I do definitely for the intended audience at least. Also for locals that want to see the awesome production that was made in there town. Overall I thought this was a good movie! Could have used some work here and there. It definitely makes Bridgeport look even better!
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The Zombie Club Movie Review
ollie478413 November 2019
The Zombie Club is a movie about a group of teenagers and their science professor with diverse backgrounds who come together to defeat their decent into death. They fight against bulling and life's everyday problems as high schoolers all while trying to find themselves and a cure.

In the movie their strongest asset is the storyline. They do well managing the sub plots while keeping up with the main point of the movie. They struggled with special effects and acting; but this is also not a big budget movie.

I would recommend it for middle school and up because there are some topics in the movie that some parents of younger children wouldn't want them viewing or asking about. But when you do see the movie, it gets its point across.
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Zombie breakfast club for kids
n_coomes2 April 2020
This movie was about some highschoolers that received detention and ended up becoming zombies with superpowers because of a mix up. The movie focused a lot on bonding and anti-bullying which I thought was a great message.

My boyfriend picked the movie to watch as we're avid zombie movie watchers. The movie was displayed in the horror section on Amazon Prime, therefore we believed it was going to be a movie for young adults/adults. Not only that, but it had 7 stars on IMDb. Therefore, that is the reason I am giving it the rating I am, since it was presented as a movie not specifically for children.

The acting was bad, the makeup was bad, and the special effects were awful. Watching this movie, I quickly caught on it was more of a Disney Channel Original movie kind of thing, but I decided to still give a chance in that area. And even with that narrative for myself, it was still missing a lot. The story was very lacking and although it had a decent enough foundation(generous), there was so much missing and I found myself questioning a lot of things happening.

Ergo- Movie is good for kids under 10 or else you're going to be thoroughly disappointed.
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it happens in a high school...
ops-525356 July 2020
And the environment is like in a high school, and its a very benign flick. but if youre in for a mindblasting super blockbuster like ''the breakfast club'' or any of the golden spurs that occationally were made in the 80's and 1990's then stop here. its a family film, therefore all the benigness, and if you are looking for a bunch of kids living their lives in and on a social network by smartphones, well youll be dissapointed, i saw only one cellphone during the whole film, and it was used to speak in, thats just so phenomenal that its worth mentioning.

its not a comedy, its a smile movie, the cast isnt bad, but they are far to scripted and trained in their roles so it becomes rather slow and unengaging. and zoombies they arent, rather a push of fungi poisoning, if i were the doctor examining the flock.

the one thing that actually impress is the special effects and comprehensive use of styling and make up. if the comedy and mystery had been propelled by another director and producer it wouldve reached other busters to shoulderheight. but not the way this was made.

by all means, im just a grumpy old man, and do for sure like slapstick, and comedy were i can detect the pranks 15 secs before they happen, you shouldnt shadow away from this flick. its for all ages, and do deal with common problems among highschoolers/students, like being put in a box by looks and behaviour, bullyying, drug use, and parental pressure, and dilletantic headmasters, so it gets a small recommend
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The Zombie Club
Aj-3453458 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Zombie Club was a well thought out theme put together by new upcoming actors. It is about kids coming together to stop bullying. At first some of the club members were the bully and some were bullied. They came together although after an experiment went wrong during detention causing all these teenagers and a teacher become zombie like. After this they settled the differences and worked together to stop bullying around their school.

The Dean Cain movie did very well for its low budget cost. You could hear how the sound effects were a bit rough compared to a marvel movie. Although the cinematography was very good. The scenes were well put together by the young cast and there is a future in acting for many of them.

I'd rate the movie a 5 on a "normal" scale 1 to 10. They did very well with what they had to work with. I enjoyed the theme and the emotional part of the movie. It was moving to the heart. I believe people should definitely give this movie a chance and it deserves a watch by anyone. Young or old this movie tells a great story.
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Good movie
trina77238 November 2019
When six high school students get poisoned by frogs, they rapidly start turning into zombies. Sticking together in hopes of finding an antidote, the students begin to form a common interest of anti-bullying. This is The Zombie Club. A teenage sci fi movie, directed by Aeyron Moore, and starring Dean Cain.

This excellently directed film portrays superb acting and realistic special effects, which set a positive tone for the movie. The important anti-bullying message intertwined into the sci fi plot also leaves the viewer relating and empathizing with the characters. Making them long for more.

I would highly recommend The Zombie Club to children and young adults because of the valuable lesson and entertaining plot. This must-see film will touch your heart when it comes to bullying. Making you want to go out and spread kindness.
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Creative and Heart-felt
fattycharms8 November 2019
Usually, when I hear the words "faith-based film" I quietly decide to skip it and move on. I was burned by too many church screenings in the mid-90s, especially those geared toward a youth audience. However, The Zombie Club is unique, and well-worth your time. It's a genuinely entertaining film where the message is clear without sacrificing the story. And, to be frank, it's much higher quality than the movies we sat through when I was a kid.

In a small town, a diverse group of students find themselves stuck with the typical high school labels (smart girl, jock, pretty girl, nerd, stoner, goth kid) and they can't get along because they are all too busy trying to fit in with their own tribe. Soon enough, those with the social clout to get away with it start to bully the unpopular students. Coincidentally, a group of bullies and the bullied end up in Saturday detention together. There they, and their delightfully absent-minded science teacher, are infected with toxic gas emanating from a shipment of poison dart frogs mistakenly sent to the public-school lab. From that time on, they find themselves endowed with supernatural powers, but this comes at a cost: They are slowly degrading mentally and within a few days they'll be dead... or maybe undead. Losing their humanity, however, causes them to find it in each other. The group ends up bonding and working together to curb bullying in their school.

Movie goers of a certain age will recognize the title of this film as a nod to the "The Breakfast Club" with which it shares many intentional similarities- From Saturday detention to a group of students bonding over the struggles of adolescence. For this and other reasons, The Zombie Club is a movie that can cross generations. But it hopes to cross social paradigms too. By the end of the story, viewers will likely find an open door to discuss bullying in general and that seems to be the filmmaker's intent. Somehow it achieves this without becoming too preachy or feeling bad. But it's more than a discussion starter. It's a fun movie in its own right. I'd recommend it for anyone.
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Alright movie
lcreppe8 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Zombie Club movie is a Sci-fi thriller movie about bullying. It shows true everyday concepts of bullying. Although this movie is fiction it shows a true look at bullying. Its a good thing so it can show people both sides of what bullying is and even the kids that do bully to make them think twice about it. Even as that being the main message it still has thrilling scenes and action.

Overall this movie has more good than bad in it. Great actors really help the vibes of this movie feel right. Plenty of humor mixed in with some thrill. I can't even say that there was a bad part in this movie, because I would be lying.

I highly recommend this movie. It's very cool to see how such a small town can produce such a good movie. Even if this movie wasn't from a small town I would say this movie was good. Overall my recommendation of this movie would be a 9/10.
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The Zombie Club Movie Review
tufdood2113 November 2019
The Zombie Club, directed by Aeyron Moore, is a film of six high school students who all come from very different home lives and social statuses. They all get Saturday detention with a science professor as their chaperone. The high school students are all sitting quietly and then a wave of confusion hits them when they hear their professor scream from down the hall. Next, the students all go to search for the professor and find him in a storage room with toxic gas surrounding him. They go into the storage room to save him. When they do so, they inhale some gasses themselves, and the rest is a mystery.

The movie, starring actor and director Dean Cain, was and outstanding production with realistic special effects, and superb acting. I enjoyed how they incorporated bullying in the film. I also enjoyed how they showed the lives that some teens live in.

I would recommend this film to a young adult audience. The film sends a powerful message to eliminate bullying altogether. I loved the acting and the special effects. Overall a fantastic film.
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Nice Movie
Teasipper1118 November 2019
The movie took place in a high school, where all these teenagers were put into detention. They heard a scream coming from the lab and when they walked into the room they came out with superpowers. The movie was based on anti-bullying where it showed throughout the story. It showed Justin bullying the kids earlier in the story. Finally, once they had the same problem, he bonded more with them and become an anti-bullying club to stop it. The other theme is more science-fiction where the superpowers from the Poison Dart Frog came into place. The movie focused on teenagers because there is more bullying between them, and the movie was in a high school, so it shows who it's targeting.

The strengths overruled the weaknesses, because the movie was well put together. The characters played their roles well and it showed from start to end. The scenery fit the story well and matched the genre of it. The dramatic effects were well put together and added the science-fiction and spooky part to the movie. The only weakness was the lack of scenery, because it was well put together in the high school but outside would've added a lot more.

I liked the movie and the story there was behind it. I would recommend to someone who likes more science-fiction due to the superpower theme of it. It interested me since I not only knew the people, but also the school it was filmed in. The only reason I had some dislikes is due to the unrealistic part, but other than that it was overall good.
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The Zombie Club
mtbr_8 November 2019
The Zombie Club by JC Films is a movie about a group of kids that don't necessarily get along until something strange happens while they're in detention. They eventually get along and help each other out. Assuming the theme is about bullying being a dumb thing to do; the targeted audience is high school and middle school age kids. Though the movie had a good storyline, a few well-known actors, and a wholesome ending; there were a few faults within. First, the acting seemed quite scripted at times and didn't sound/feel natural. Secondly, the music choice was subpar. Some changes could be made to it, but I assume it's because it is a low budget film and rights to music are expensive. Third, some of the sound effects sounded a little bit off. When they were eating cookies, it sounded like they were eating chips. Along with the sounds being off a bit you could hear some static through the sound effects almost like they were recorded in a room without sound cancelation or a lot of reverb. Some points in the film had visual effects that went too crazy and were unnecessary. For example; when the kids' and the teacher were walking down the hallway when detention was over, the effects were too heavy but would have been fine if they didn't flash in and out. It just makes it corny and adds to the feel of a low budget movie. If the budget was a little bit bigger, I feel that this could be a lot better Overall, The Zombie Club was a good movie that was enjoyable much of the time. I do recommend it for a teacher or school looking to play a movie for their class or if you're just bored and want to get trapped into a good story.
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User8538 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Zombie Club is an inspirational movie that promotes a strong anti-bullying message. It was filmed in Bridgeport West Virginia, featuring many local teens and adults. The main cast was high school students with some professional actors such as Dean Cain. Local teens included Erica Cotrill, Alec Miller, and Jordan Kennedy-Rea. Six teens that were sent to Saturday detention, were exposed to poison dart frog venom. This took a drastic effect on their bodies. The kids and their teacher adopted superpowers, but it also brought a major transformation in their health. Their bodies are starting to deteriorate, and they must find the antidote before it's too late.

The movie was a low budget production that came out with a strong special effect, acting, and overall movie. The special effect was very good considering the location and experience of the film crew. The computer animations, makeup, and dedicated actors made the movie run smoothly. It appeared to be very professional. This sci-fi, anti-bulling movie made great use of the movies overall plot to cover the underlying topic of bulling. The lack of professional acting made a difference. It could have had more experience within the cast to make it better, but that's my only complaint.

I personally would recommend the Zombie Club for middle school through high school kids. It has an eye caching plot with bulling mixed in that really makes you think. I believe that it's an overall good movie for the whole family.
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Friendship and zombies
sdfqgfhgfg13 November 2019
The Zombie Club is a movie about a terrible mix-up where the company accidentally sent the professor at the local high school poison dart frogs instead of his regular order which is where the story takes a turn for the worst. Six teenage students in Saturday detention find themselves and their teacher aka Professor Lewis beginning to get a multitude powers and slowly begin turning more and more into zombies and in the race to find the cure they end up finding something else. Friendship. Even though this movie is only rated PG it is still a great movie for teens and young adults. The Zombie Club also falls into a category of sci-fi mixed with an anti-bullying theme, so if you are looking for great sci-fi movie this might be the one perfect for you.

The acting was great, also the way the movie was narrated and plotted. You were able to tell the special effects in the movie were low budget but were actually really good. There were a couple weak points in the movie such as the transitions and making the plot completely clear from the beginning but other than that I don't see any other negatives.

In my opinion the movie is a great sci-fi film, and if you're bored and trying to find another good movie I would recommend this one or even if you're looking for a great movie centered around anti-bullying I would recommend considering this one because it's a lot better than most of the anti-bullying themed films out there and you would be able to show this to large groups of people because it has such a large age range you could show it to a 10 year old's because its rated PG but you could also show it to an adult if you wanted because it is such a great movie.
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I loved this movie!!
Adog123412 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Zombie Club starts off about a girl who is getting bullied by a basketball player. This was happening a lot and I think she finally had enough. She pushed him into a locker and got detention for it. A couple other people got detention also. One girl got caught vaping. Two girls got caught being tardy. One kid lit off firecrackers in school to scare people. One kid got caught pouring a drink in another person's face. The science teacher was working detention that day because the basketball coach pushed it onto him and during detention he wondered off into his room and the kids in detention followed him in there. The kids got poisoned also. They then develop superpowers and use them in their daily lives. After that they call themselves the Zombie Club. The science teacher found an antidote. There was a late chance it would work but I did and they all became friends. This had great actors. It had amazing special effects. It look like Ghostbusters FX I was really impressed. I also enjoyed it being filmed at BMS. I didn't find any weaknesses in the movie. I thought the movie was an overall good movie. It had an awesome story line that flowed perfectly, I would recommend it to anybody. Amazing movie!
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