I've Got a Secret (TV Series 2006– ) Poster

(2006– )

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On its own merit, a hopeful sign for the future of game shows.
thundrmi25 June 2006
When the 2006 version of I've Got A Secret(IGAS) premiered, I was as uninterested as the most critical of those commenting on this site (except the hate mongers). I had to be honest with myself and admit that it wasn't this version itself that I disliked- it was the fact that Game Show Network stopped showing the Gary Moore 50's re-reruns to accommodate it. I love old game shows and stay up til 3:30am to see What's My Line, so there's no way I was going to give this new IGAS a chance. Stop comparing this to the original IGAS and it looks a lot better. In my opinion, it's encouraging to see a game show that relies on witty banter and hokey, sometimes slightly racy tricks rather than the bug-eating, pain inflicting degradation of Fear Factor or the mind numbing simplicity of choosing suitcases as in Deal or No Deal. Panel shows are so much more engaging and civilized. Civility, by the way, was what John Daly, 50's host of What's My Line, promoted along with literate panelists like Bennett Cerf and Dorothy Kilgallen. (If only shows featured perfect grammar and diction, people shook hands and treated each other with respect- but that's another story). I see what Game Show Network was aiming for- a return to the panel format that thrives on personalities rather than jackpots or gross-out stunts. They chose a gay panel because they hoped for a team of Paul Lyndes- as a gay man myself, I have to agree that 'my people' are reliable for racy quips and frequent sarcasm. The four they chose are personable but lack the 'gay quips' needed to bring laughs. Still, I think it's a good first effort, especially considering the network's relatively small production budget. I enjoy seeing the ordinary contestants and their silly stunts because it does remind me of the good old days. It really deserves a chance and yes, maybe a change in one or two of the panelists might help. (though Frank DeCaro should stay) If all else fails, maybe they could write some comic lines for the panel.
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proud bigotry online!
lastmidnite227 February 2008
stebon47 writes that he's happy this was canceled because it had a gay agenda. He writes that it went the way of Brokeback Mountain. What way is that? Brokeback got an Oscar nomination for best picture, and won the best director award for Ang Lee. He then goes on to slander the good name of Bill Cullen, who he professes to like, by saying that Cullen was an intolerant homophobe. Why are ignorant hate spewers always so proud of their own stupidity? As far the show goes, it was alright, but I still prefer the nostalgia of the original, which was nothing great either, by the way! The secrets were lame a lot, Gary Moore said "marvelous" every 2 seconds, and in general, it was a pretty obvious attempt to cash in on the success of What's My Line?. But it was good fun nonetheless, as was this redo.
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If Bill Cullen could talk...
Kinravip11 May 2006
...he'd adore this update. As someone who's been a massive game-show fan and student for more than 40 years (as well as three-time contestant), I stand by that statement. Cullen had a mischievous sense of humor, as evidenced by various asides on his own shows, as well as his appearances on the various Merv-Mike-Dinah-era talk shows.

If he could have gotten away with it, he would have rivaled the current cast for wit, innuendo, and double-entendre.

Kitty Carlisle may be spinning in her grave (hmmm... so it was a rotisserie spit she had up her butt all those years... that explains a lot...), but Arlene Francis is definitely smiling down from Heaven.

As to the current cast: "Loudmouthed" and "feminine"? Um, Damien? They're all gay. Does that answer your question? A gimmick, I'll grant you, but the four do play off each other very well.

Did you miss the flashing-neon clue? For the first few weeks, the host, Bil Dwyer, was introduced as "playing straight man to the panel." Then, once they figured America had 'got it,' they got more creative with Dwyer's intros.

Speaking of Bil, he's doing a creditable job of filling Garry Moore's shoes with his own quick barbs. (He did stand-up, too.)

Panelist Billy Bean was a pro baseball player (Tigers, Dodgers, Padres) who came out publicly to massive hubbub in '99.

Suzanne Westenhoefer was the first openly gay comic to make big headlines by playing to straight audiences and had her own HBO special back when that meant something.

Frank DeCaro (God love him) wrote many hysterically funny pieces for TV Guide, and did movie reviews on Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show." (Aside to Frank: I'd beat my mother for a collection of those pieces on DVD.) My only gripe with Frank? GSN.com's bio says he secretly hopes to one day play Batgirl in the movies, which explains his Jack-Nicholson-as-Joker wardrobe. Rod Roddy is dead, Frank. Let the man rest in peace.

Jermaine Taylor? You got me, Damien. Even IMDb has no idea who this guy is, but, to his credit, he's damn good at the game. GSN says he was an east-coast stand-up, so I'm guessing this is his first TV gig.

This show is always good for several laughs, especially to the quick-witted. The original show paid $80 to those who stumped the panel. Now, a winner can expect "dinner for two in Beverly Hills and $1,000." If you haven't seen the new "I've Got a Secret," I recommend checking it out, even if you live in a red state.
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Why all the hate?
grindylows31 May 2006
I came here to see if there was any interesting trivia or anything about this show. Instead, I was surprised to see the majority of the comments bashing the show. Personally, I love it. No, I hadn't heard of any of the panelists before (I was familiar with Bill Dwyer), but so what? You think people like Brad Pitt and Rachel McAdams are going to sign onto a television show like this? I've come to love all the panelists - I haven't seen Jermaine or Suzanne do stand up (I assume that's what Jermaine does), I haven't heard Frank on the radio, and I haven't seen Billy play baseball - but I still like them. They mesh well, are clever, entertaining, and amusing to watch. As for the prize being cheap.. this show seems to me like it's more about trying to have fun that being your standard 'win and get tons of cash' game show. On a show like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, people get money because they're smart and can answer trivia questions. What are these contestants doing? Absolutely nothing. I just saw a contestant last night whose secret was that she was a cheerleader with Sandra Bullock. The panel didn't even come close to guessing it. Does that mean the woman should have won a million dollars just because she happened to cheerlead with a girl who would go on to be famous? Are you kidding me? Dinner for two and a thousand dollars seems like a perfect prize to me.

I gave this show a nine instead of a ten only because some of the hints are too telling. Otherwise, I think this show is fantastic. If I'm watching TV at 10:30, this is it, every time. It's my favorite show on GSN.
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Funny and Informative
tmightydawg2 June 2006
Terrific idea to have an all Gay (out) panel to fit the title of "I've got a Secret". Adds a fun,new spin to a game show. The wide range of secrets from contestants are very entertaining and informative.It is also great to see the celebrity contestants and learn things about them we never knew.The host is pretty good at keeping the panel on track without revealing too much information but the one thing they should change is the audience comments. Perhaps they should allow the viewers to hear the audience but not the panelists. I believe it often helps give away the secret which isn't fair to contestants. The prizes should be better also. A dinner for two should be given just for participating.
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lecanis29 July 2006
Before I begin, I must admit that I have never seen the old version. I have never been a game show person until seven years ago, when I met my husband, who loves game shows. So I don't really have an opinion about whether the current I've Got a Secret is as good at the old one.

That said, it's pretty darn funny. While I find myself trying to guess whether the panellists are going to figure out the secret, it's just as much fun for me just listening to them chatter. I didn't have the "Who are these people?" reaction that a lot of posters seem to have had, because I had seen both Suzanne and Frank before, though I still have no idea what Jermaine is supposed to be famous for. Nor do I care, honestly: he's good enough on the show by itself.

The only real annoyance I have with this show is the host: he often answers questions for the contestants, or tries to twist their answers around to lead that panel. He should really keep his mouth shut a bit more.
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An old TV fixture takes a modern twist.
wmoores27 September 2006
I have thoroughly enjoyed this revival of IGAS. I am within a few weeks of my sixty-ninth birthday and am considerably older than the baby boomer who lambasted this version of IGAS. I, on the other hand, love it.

The panelist are all young and fresh and the host (Bil Dwyer) has boundless energy, unlike the Gary Moore, Kitty Carlisle (still alive in 2006), Peggy Cass, Betsy Palmer etc. show of so many years ago. Though enjoyable as the old version was, it cannot compare to the 2006 version. Even the masks have been updated! Clever. The prizes put the old show to shame.

Why do I like it? Each contestant (one with the secret) usually performs his secret after it is guessed or the panel strikes out. This makes the program totally different from the original version.

If you don't already know, the panelist all have a public secret! You'll have to watch IGAS 2006 in order to find out. It's a hoot! I highly recommend you see this new take-off on an old television standby.
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A Poor Imittation
grandma_ducky6 November 2006
I enjoyed the original version of I've Got a Secret. When it came back on the air on the GSN I was very pleased. I turned it on recently and was very disappointed to see what they had done with the show. It was a clean show fit for any audience in it's original version, but, the newer version shows men's rear ends and comments by the panel that I do not care for. Perhaps the younger generation might find this entertaining, but to a lady who does not care for risqué humor it is not entertaining. I wish the GSN would also offer the original version for those of us that enjoyed it. Some of the contestants would seem to be better shown on a What's My Line show, such as those whose secret is related to their employment. Regarding the panelists, I have never heard of any of them and do not find them especially entertaining. All in all, I find this a poor imitation.
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GiniR13 May 2006
Silent observer sure has it right. I understand times do change but it is usually for the better! These 'stars' seem to lack some common sense when it comes to the questioning. I see the most intelligence coming from Billy. And they seem to think that every one has something sexual the in the nature of their secret. Some of the secrets have been interesting but ... I also think sometimes the 'stars' don't guess so the contestant can win the $1,000 and the dinner, i.e. the guest from Palo Cedro with the beard made of bees. The last 'star' had it made, easy but wasted time and therefore the contestant wins.Please let them find other worthwhile jobs and bring us the entertainment we deserve.
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Where's Kitty Carlisle when you need her?
DamienWasHere19 April 2006
This tacky reproduction of a great show is annoying. Who are these panelists? What is their claim to fame? Why is the broad such a loudmouth and why are the men so feminine?

I realize that I am mixing shows with my Kitty Carlisle reference in that she was a panelist on To Tell The Truth, but allow me to make another off-kilter reference. I think that Dorothy Kilgallen had a vision of the future and what she saw was this show -- so she popped a few extra Secanols.

Can you imagine Betsy Palmer watching a guy break pencils with his ass? Can you imagine Bill Cullen watching Betsy Palmer watch a guy break pencils with his ass?

Henry Morgan would have walked off and so will I.

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Way beyond sucks ...
ChiefBones14 January 2008
To say that the new I've got a secret sucks, is the biggest understatement I have EVER heard. A bunch of idiots took a masterpiece game show, and made it into a mockery. Now I don't know about the panelists being gay, but for sure they are some of the worst panelists I have ever seen. From whats-her-name making inane comments to the 'suggestive' language that is used, they took a family show and made it into some wannabe burlesque strip show, with baggy pants clowns as some of their guests and a wannabe host that doesn't hold a candle to Gary Moore. I refuse to lend this 'show?' any credibility by watching it ... I would rather watch a rerun of the Adam's Family or set through another season of political campaign debates.

The best thing that could happen with this 'new and improved' version of a much beloved game show, is to cancel any more of these programs and to burn any copies of these putrid pretend games.
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Sorry Guys... This is just plain bad television.
billyschu16 May 2006
I was really looking forward to this program when GSN was teasing it all over the place, (I loved the original) but the whole show is just bad. It's "celebrity value" maintains a deficit, and the quality of contestants are horrible.

Also, who are these people?? I know that Billy Bean quit baseball to come out of the closet, which begs the question to the producers, "Why are all 3 of the male "stars" gay?? Do they have something against heteros? Plus the "stars" are often very inappropriate with the contestants. In one episode, Frank (The fat, bald guy from XM Satellite Radio) said that he and the contestant (a 91 year old water skier) had slept together to get a laugh, and the gentleman was visibly shaken by the comment.

Also, what is up with their prizes?? $1,000 and dinner in Hollywood?? Can they get any cheaper?? Cripes! They should should get that at the very least for appearing, especially having to deal with the no-talent, no-name "stars".

Bill Dwyer is OK, but does not take control of his show. He should watch some of the old game shows, and see how people like Garry Moore, John Daly, Bud Collyer, and Allen Ludden did it in the old day. They dominated the show, and they showed their talent and skill in always being able to reign in the stars as necessary. (Not that Mr. Dwyer has any of those to worry about.) This show had great expectation and falls super way short. Too bad. If the panel members..... oops, I mean stars, would stop being so all over the place, and be a little more respectable, they might make the second season...

Right Now, however, this show belongs on the cancelled list, and I hope it is soon. Bring back Friend or Foe. Hell, I'd even love a second What's My Line there too. That would be fun.

If you've never seen this show, then congratulate yourself. You will always have that 30 minutes to use in life somewhere
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Hmm....It's Interesting, but...
Enrique-Sanchez-5617 April 2006
What are the names of the panelists? And why are they on this panel? The idea is perky and updated. I hoped it succeeds. Anything is better than another dumb poker show. But...it has problems in other ways.

The show has a gender imbalance. Only one lady with almost three men. Er. Uhm... Never mind. But...what gives with the bare butt cheeks pet trick? Breaking pencils with your butt cheeks?? Very tacky show...

But...butt? No way can this be a real show!


OK, what are the panelists' names? Give me Peggy Cass and Kitty Carlisle any day.
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Not good, but...
alisalright20 June 2006
GSN killed potential long-term viewership of this show by filling the early episodes with butt cheek pencil breakers, nipple enhancement sellers and geriatric strippers. These early episodes also had the panel making forced, out of context, sexual comments. Granted, GSN appears to have learned a little bit from its early mistakes and the later episodes have guests with broader appeal and somewhat toned-down, sophomoric sexual commentary. Still, the all-gay, totally unknown, panel remains a stupid on-going gimmick (Suzanne is a comedienne? when is she ever funny or witty?) and the ridiculously easy clues given to the panel makes viewers wonder if GSN has no budget for winners. This show might have garnered more good will from long time game show fans at the beginning, but GSN teased them by airing a few weeks of the original "IGS" at 3:30 am est and then pulled it to substitute this new, hugely flawed version, which was rerun from its 11:30 pm est time slot. I would give it a chance to evolve and grow up if the original show were replaced at the late night time slot.
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Fun: Let's Keep It On!
Handlinghandel14 July 2006
I haven't commented on a TV show before. Hardly ever watch it. But this one is cute.

I want to address the comment about Kitty Carlisle Hart's spinning in her grave: Let's not be premature: Please! She is still alive and looks great in her mid-90s.

The clues are way too broad. The contestants don't always guess the secret but they're given a big nudge toward doing so.

I like Billy Bean. He is an interesting person and is good at the game. The others are fine too.

I like cable channels better than network TV because there are fewer commercials -- generally. But, though I may be wrong here, on the original version there were several guests. In order to accommodate the slew of ads for this one, there are only three.

My two favorite guests thus far have been Martha -- fabulous! -- and Cody.
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This program really sucks
nelq25 April 2006
they took off a classic to bring on this FARCE. It might be interesting if (1) They had a panel who was a LITTLE KNOWN and (2) if they did not give such helpful hints.......some of the weird secrets are GREAT but the hints and the panel makes this show a LOSER! I am 53 and Like to watch the OLD TV programs and I even like the UPDATED ones, but this production was doomed before it started.

Here is a suggestion: Why not get some of the OLDER actors and get them on there, like in the original Hollywood SQUARES. One of the reasons the NEW Hollywood Squares went south was because most of the people watching it could not relate to the guests.

I wonder if anyone can relate to these 4 unknowns
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Another Agenda Driven Piece of Drivel Fails.
stebon474 December 2007
This piece of gay agenda driven drivel went the way of the likes of "Brokeback Mountain" and other such attempts of 10% of the population trying to force its agenda on the other 90%. Thank God Americans still have some semblance of good taste and sent this abomination packing. Also, to any one who thinks Bill Cullen would have liked this hijacking of a classic game show, evidently did not know Mr. Cullen. My family knew Bill almost from the first day he was born to the day he died thanks to the close friendship he had with my parents. Believe me, people, Bill was not what you would call "tolerant" of the gay lifestyle. He would have despised this "modern" version of his beloved "I've Got a Secret".
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Not bad
SarahRose18 April 2006
It's a pretty basic show, which is good for most of the American population. About half of the 'secrets' interested me. The other half are really immature kind of humor. The Hula Hoop woman? Fine. The guy breaking pencils with his butt cheeks, no thanks.

The host is pretty nice and funny, but the panelists seem really fake and they're a little filthy-minded, which I don't care for. And who are these people?

The celebrity secret aspect is pretty good, and I hope they often include celebrities with little secrets - that's always appealing to the viewer.

I hope it will stick around and improve, but I can't see it as anything horribly long lasting. I plan on watching on Game Show Network when I remember.

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