- B.P. Richfield: This is a big moment for you, Sinclair, and nobody can take it away from you or I would've.
- Earl: Who do you love?
- Baby Sinclair: Mama.
- Earl: Who do you love second best?
- Baby Sinclair: Mama.
- Earl: Alright, let's try this again. Who is talking to you right now?
- Baby Sinclair: Not the mama!
- Robbie Sinclair: [looking at old pictures] Is this me?
- Grandma Ethyl Phillips: Yeah, that's you on your Grandpa Louie's back, hitting him on the head with a pot.
- Robbie Sinclair: Mom, it used to be that old dinosaurs couldn't hunt for food, now we have supermarkets, it used to be that old dinosaurs slowed down the pack, now we live in houses. So isn't throwing Grandma off a cliff just a waste of a perfectly good old lady?
- Earl: [about hurling Ethyl] Without this, my life means nothing.
- Robbie Sinclair: Well then I guess my life must mean nothing, because when your time comes, I'm not throwing you.
- Earl: Why the hell not?
- Robbie Sinclair: Because you're my father, just because you get old doesn't mean you stop being my father.
- Grandma Ethyl Phillips: It's the baby!
- Baby Sinclair: It's the Grandma.
- [Earl enters]
- Baby Sinclair: Uh oh.
- Earl: [dryly] Hello Mother Phillips.
- Grandma Ethyl Phillips: Hello fat boy!
- Fran Sinclair: It's just for the rest of her life, how long could that be?
- Earl: I don't know, Fran, nobody ever died of old age.
- Grandma Ethyl Phillips: You know... I feel like I could live to be a million.
- Earl: [walks up to Baby in his high chair] Hey, there's my little guy! Wanna give daddy a kiss?
- Baby Sinclair: [hits Earl repeatedly with a wooden spoon] Not the mama! Not the mama! Not the mama! Not the mama! Not the mama!
- Earl: [recovers from the hits, throughly annoyed] That is starting to bother me.
- [Baby laughs in response]
- Earl: [insulted over being called "fat boy" by Ethyl] Hello, you vicious old bag of...
- Fran Sinclair: [peeved over the fighting] Earl Sneed Sinclair!
- Earl: Oh, God. My whole name
- Fran Sinclair: I am asking for peace for one night.
- Earl: [defensive] But she...
- Fran Sinclair: One night. Twelve hours and she's out of your life forever.
- Earl: [protesting] But, Frannie...
- Fran Sinclair: I do not want you to respond to her. I do not want you to open your mouth.
- Earl: She provokes me.
- Fran Sinclair: Close your mouth and don't let her provoke you.
- Earl: [furious at this point] I am the Mighty...!
- Fran Sinclair: [firm] Close it!
- [Earl groans in annoyance]
- Baby Sinclair: Hello, fat boy!
- [Ethyl laughs in response to Baby using her nickname for Earl]
- Earl: You see that, Fran? You see, you see what's happening?