(TV Series)


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Cool, Til the End
Hitchcoc20 June 2022
This is the kind of plot put together by a precocious kid in a creative writing class. You start from the end and pick out a possible murderer. Then you go backwards, throwing red herring after red herring in the road. Some of our previous Season 3 characters return. Lindsay gets stabbed by a nun. The Catholic diocese comes across as a pack of full of themselves know it alls. Then there is the conclusion to the romance. I can't begin to throw more stuff in because I'm only scratching the surface. Suffice it to say, people must have put the beginning of the next season on their calendars because they've been manipulated. I guess it's OK if you're not used to thinking much.
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zoristtot11 January 2020
Only coworkers showing up in the hospital as always, it's like these people have no families nor friends outside work.
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Let me get this straight...
ChristianP9622 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A few months ago Lindsay defends a nun-killer, evidently guilty, who is then set free (on a technicality), and on this night she is stabbed by someone dressed as nun, she tells Bobby, "nun," and everyone's first suspect.. is actual nuns??? And even a Judge????? Not one person thought it might be the NUN KILLER WHO WAS SET FREE BY LINDSAY????? On top of that you have the videotape from Joey Heric and then the George Vogelman twist at the end. I'm sorry but the writing in this episode was so bad. Enjoyable, because I can't help but laugh at everything, but bad. I'm happy for Bobby and Lindsay, can't wait for the divorce episode. I wonder who's gonna end up in hospital in the next season finale.
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