Border Security: Australia's Front Line (TV Series 2004– ) Poster

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Very entertaining
bamptonj20 June 2006
This periodic reality series - screening on Network Seven - chronicles the work of Australia's Customs and Quarantine personnel in intercepting suspicious persons or goods entering through Australia's airports.

Filmed largely at Sydney Airport, each show presents a motley crew of suspicious or randomly-selected persons being subjected to an elaborative and thorough screening process. Some are puzzled, others violently indignant: some are well presented, others conspicuously disheveled and inarticulate. We see all kinds of cases: those who have innocently omitted to make certain declarations, those making attempts at mass drug imports, or visitors on 'Tourist Visas' in reality seeking to enter the country for the purposes of work.

Whether BORDER SECURITY contributes to the Australian public's fear of foreigners, or panders to stereotyped views of the typical immigrant, the viewer will have to decide for themselves. The show itself is both entertaining and informative, and portrays those devoted to protecting our borders as being very thorough, and diligently aware of the nefarious tricks incoming passengers play. (The show certainly makes you wonder how much went undetected in the days before narcotic residue machines though!)
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Possibilities of cross contamination
stewartherring8 November 2016
Great TV. Great entertainment. Very cheap to make and makes people aware. If you think you are clever, there are an awful lot of people cleverer than you. It's all been seen and done before, nothing new under the sun. The one thing that worries me is the lack of clean tools used by the customs officers. There seems to be a distinct possibility of cross contamination. Sure, the TV program shows those caught but what happened to those not shown in the TV? The street drug test kits have gained a certain notoriety in the USA (for giving false positives). I hope the Australian government pays for good kits. As they are so sensitive all tools should be absolutely clean. One thing that worried me recently was a computer (admittedly concealing card skimmers) that was opened with the screwdriver in a pen knife! Having had cause to open various electronic items I know that using the wrong tool can bugger the screws holding something together.
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Great show
wallettface23 October 2019
One wonders why the customs dept don't employ more Chinese speakers on the frontline. Also why airlines originating from China don't show landing videos in Chinese.
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It's not that hard to follow the rules
managementbykristi7 August 2022
As someone who also came into Australia, I zipped through immigration and was hopping in a taxi in no time ---- because I followed the rules.

For those going on about apples and bananas, a law is a law.

I understood I was entering someone else's country and there are laws I need to abide by.

And for those who insist on bringing cooked food in their suitcase, my question is WHY????

There's an abundance of food in Australia. And you can find dishes and ingredients from so many foreign cultures here so why embarrass yourself like this?

And you know what --- if you want to only eat stuff from your home country, STAY HOME.

You're coming to Australia so eat what's bloody available here and leave your pork rolls at home.
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Weirdly addictive
alanfisher20012 April 2022
I watch this as I am not a good sleeper, so its easy watching. What strikes me are the following. Inconsistent fines, agree the British couple fined $200 for an apple and banana, whereas the suitcase of food Chinese travellers often just get a disposal and warning. The coolness of drug smugglers who get caught and are going to get 5 years in prison. They are often 25 so, what a waste of a life. If it was me, I would crying on the floor. Why on earth anyone would risk their life and freedom, beggars belief. I would not risk 5 years in prison for a million pounds. Its also odd that they tip out all the 'contaminated' stuff out on the tables if it's that risky I wouldn't spill it out everywhere. Also irate passengers, I would expect them them to get arrested and hauled off, but they feel free to shout and abuse, weird.
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Extremely Annoying Background music
alanansheila-836412 July 2022
This programme is completely ruined by the loud background music. Like most people I have neighbours so I either turn it down and try to hear what is being said over the music or I usually end up switching over. The music doesn't add to the drama it's just very aggravating.
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The best show ever
Pebbles3926 January 2023
This is literally the best show ever created, and I stand by that. I could watch this all day and not get bored at all. Someone must have put something extremely hypnotising in this amazing show because wow, I have never been soooo invested in something like this masterpiece. I recommend watching this to everyone that sees this review, the show is literally sooooo good. I would do anything for the show to not end, it just is too good. Everyone in the reviews that says that this show is way too repeating is spreading lies, I is all just a big lie, atleast in my opinion. I would end a friendship if the friend said that they don't like this masterpiece. EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH, IT'S WORTH EVERY SECOND!
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Seem to have a grudge against New Zealanders
paulatepc6626 October 2021
Very uneven treatment of visitors. One NZ couple forgot to dump an apple or something, given to them by the airline for lunch and were fined the same as others bringing in undeclared suitcases full of banned food.

Would put me off visiting if this was a true reflection of border rules... Maybe these are exceptions selected just for the programme.
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Completely over the top
garymc-593361 November 2021
I have watched many many episodes of Australian Border force, I am a law abiding citizen but would never come to Australia as your immigration processes are totally over the top You will stop people coming to your country. Maybe that's what you want but post Covid, nobody would be wanted to be treated like you treat people.
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Border Farce
algrant-4816319 April 2022
Thi programme itself is quite well made but tends to think its viewers are under the age of ten and so go into ridiculous and annoying repetition.

What does stand out is the over aggressive pursuit of drug mules. It seems that as soon as an officer suspects ANY passenger of being involved in drugs they go all the way to prove their beliefs.

The officers all seem to have been trained in the art of belittling people and intimidation.

This is a brilliant advertisement for NOT going to Australia.

They should check out Americas Gatekeepers to see how it's done.
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Disgraceful shame on Australia
roxmewild18 April 2021
I happened to watch season 6 and was disgusted at the Australian border control and their lack of judgement!

A British couple entered Australia for the First time they had taken 1 banana and 3 apples on the 24 hrs flight in case of hunger which they had not eaten the wife had forgotten about it and when stopped and their luggage was searched the banana and apples were found the wife apologised saying she had forgotten about the fruit and offered it to be confiscated however the woman border control was not accepting of this and proceeded to humiliate the poor woman by making her read the declaration of goods that she had signed then proceeded to not just remove the 4 pieces of fruit but issue the woman with a 220 a us dollar fine! This is equivalent to £123 in pounds sterling! This is disgusting! As a first offence and all things considered a warning should have been the appropriate form of action! But this officer was on a mission and fined the woman.

In the same show a Taiwan woman smuggled 4.500 cigarettes concealed in the lining of her luggage her penalty was 1.600 a us dollar tax plus the same for not declaring she was given the choice to pay the fine and take the cigarettes or leave the cigarettes and pay nothing which she obviously decided to do!

So a first offence fruit destroyed cost one person £123 and the other a smuggler whose cigarettes were destroyed cost £0 sombody explain that to me, I understand the reasons for fines etc but their needs to be some Commonsense when your fines are so high!

Personally I would stay well clear of Aus if that is an example of their justice!
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evans-1547512 November 2021
Enjoyed this for a while but there are only so many times you can watch Chinese people with food in their suitcase before you say enough, with me it was 532 and when people with whole suitcases get the same fine as a forgotten apple you know it's a money making scheme not border security.
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Not entertainment to watch others suffer
whymosiba30 April 2022
Initially I enjoyed watching this show, especially when the focus was on people who were out to do harm to our country and nation.

Now I see that the show focuses a lot on people who are trying to escape places of war and famine, and the rough lives they have, to find a better future for themselves and family, so why do the immigration agencies get so smug when they find someone like that?

Because they're losers who have no idea of just how blessed they are to be in a country like Oz. Try to show some compassion.
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Pathetic show to say the least.
famnesia18 September 2021
If you are looking for a show that portrays how Some racists treat decent humans like animals then this show is right up your alley.

By all means out and shame the drug smugglers and those who bring contraban into your country. I have no sympathy for them and they should be locked up for good for drugs.

However the condescending and racist manner in which the officers speak to those who are not "white" beggars belief.

I am certain that most of the people working at the airport are narcissists who get a massive kick out of insulting people from Asian background.

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Not for children!
sirfire1 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This show should be rated M for none other than the Drug content alone. But don't get me started on stereo typing or racial fear that this show portrays and yet in Australia it is aired while children are watching at 7.30pm.

Yes it is interesting but after the first 2 weeks it can get rather repetitive. This raises more questions that younger audiences should not be asking and frankly only assists criminals in being smarter when they are going through customs. The majority that are caught are for trivial things and are either ignorant of the laws or frankly stupid.

A mature audience would enjoy and watch what I call cheap reality television.
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Very bad show.
silviuoanea17 July 2022
Before looking that show i didn't believe that something like that can happen in civilise world, and they can be call police or something like thatFor one banana, 3 apple, received penalty, and other cases. What i see there is a long series of abuses against peoples how want to go Australia. One think is sure, i will never go Australia.
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desidakova10 May 2022
I agree with the review below about the banana and three appels. How ridiculous to fine someone for that!!!! There were instances when Asians had many more things (on purpose) and hadn't declared them, but we're not fined.

This woman had terrible attitude toward the passenger as well. Rules are rules but I wonder if these people realize how human beings operate.
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Typical Racism
harveytest5 December 2023
If you don't believe Australia is a racism country, watch this show. This show is about good vs evil. The white men and womean are the good guys and the asian migrants are evils. This show reflects the unbelievable arrogance Australian have. This show can only be made in Australia. No other countries on earth would be arrogant enough to produce a show like this. The attitude of this show has demonstrated are the main reason why Australian are so disliked in Asia. People think Australian are arrogant and ignorant for a reason. The reason is a show like this. I can't believe in nowadays these kind of gabage are allowed on air.
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imofanopinion22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I actually enjoy watching some of these borde Security shows, this one is frustrating at times. Mostly over their policies. It's interesting that people entering with 3 to 10 pounds worth of unacceptable/illegal and often stated highly dangerous foods get fined $360.00 someone else comes in with just two smallish items and the fine is again $360.00 how does that work? And then there's those who have a huge selection of illegal food and they just get a write up, how do you deter people from bringing in illegal items if everybody's not treated the same and they all pay fine? It's the one annoying part of the show that just bothered me so I had to stop watching for a while........ by the way, I have to admit, I absolutely do not understand why when people bring in 2 to 3 boxes of food that they don't declare, and a few items are taken away is restricted why are they allowed to take the rest of the items in? Really is a find going to stop them from doing it next time, why are the items not declared just totally taken away why is there not a sign that says foods not declared will be destroyed if they know that their food is going to be taken away plus they have to pay a fine which is seem to me that would be a better deterrent.
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This series is supposed to be good but
MovieIQTest31 August 2022
The jump-around editing combined with the terrible soundtrack which intended to empower the situations of the scenes after scenes actually ruined a peaceful viewing. Every episode of this series is the same, annoying jumping-around editing that ended up a very shaky camera work that would make your eyes and brain dizzy. Then again, the horrible supporting soundtracks that bombarded all the scenes shown on the screen, these negative factors together have made the series barely watchable. Furthermore, most of the episodes are concentrating on Australian airport and the visitors who often broke Australian laws are goofy Chinese people, especially those female ones who try to bring in illegally prohibited products from China, or drugs from Netherland, such episode after episode just became so cliched and so boring to watch. Now I finally understand what the old saying: "Same S..t, Different Day." actually means.
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