Alien Abduction (2005) Poster

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Intriguing premise but lacked resources needed
willywants27 May 2005
After being abducted by aliens while on a camping trip with some friends, a girl named Jean wakes up in a military hospital, with hundreds of other abductees. Soon she learns that not all seems to be right in this hospital, that strange experiments are going on, and that she won't escape unless she discovers the terrifying mysteries of the hospital. Sounds like a pretty cool premise, right? Well it is, and this could have been a good movie, had it not been for an obvious lack in budget. The lead actress who played Jean, Megan Lee Ethridge, Is very good and deserves better roles. The other cast members are so-so, no one really stood out and the actor playing that creepy cackling scientist who likes to dissect aliens was just awful. The special effects were really bad. The monsters (which we only see brief glimpses of and are often confusingly shot) are sloppily done and the gore effects were simply laughable. There's one rather interesting twist involving the location of the hospital towards the end but it was too little and too late. Below average at best. 3/10.
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Similar to Ridley Scott's classic
rlange-316 May 2005
Yes, this movie is similar to the classic of Ridley Scott in that.. uh... mmmm.. uh... well, in that they both have the word "Alien" in the title. After that comparisons fail.

Actually I'll rate it a 3 instead of a 1 because considering how incredibly low budget this was it there was actually a plot line that could have had potential. Unfortunately it got totally submerged to gore and sadism. Personally I'm not a fan of either of those; someone that is may rate the movie more highly.

The other big time miss was the acting, which was beyond pathetic. Megan Etheridge was pretty good, but it dropped off rather dramatically from her role. In fact so dramatically that I got the impression that a bunch of people that had too much to drink at a come as you are party just decided to make a movie that afternoon. There was not a single other remotely believable character in the script. Maybe this was all low budget tongue and cheek.

I don't really think it had a scary moment, just a few intriguing ones. Worth seeing if you like science fiction plots (although this is quite derivative there are some interesting twists), or sadism/gore. For all I know it will become some kind of cult film. It's almost so bad that it can be entertaining in that way as well.
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Weirdest Movie EVER
xaritix1 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie I will not rate low because it has bad acting and stuff, but because it is the freaking creepiest movie ever, they add this green-ish filter to everything which makes it very creepy, plus the...abduction or whatever was very gruesome But the ending was dumb, it just ends with no like greater expansion of the aliens and why the aliens leader is a creepy British lady, that brings me to another point, why is a US general British? I will give it a 4, because I like the plot is good but I just wish it would have expanded the thing about the aliens more and made the movie less gory, I mean, were they aliens or some organization or what? I mean, what were they, if they were humans, who were those skeleton alien guys whatever?
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A Weird, Gory Dream
ChicagoBoy30 April 2005
I had the privilege of working on Alien Abduction. We had a tiny budget and we shot it in a week and a half. I love Sci Fi horror and psychological thrillers that are especially disturbing (a la Angel Heart, Sixth Sense and Jacobs Ladder). I think that Alien Abduction fits in at the gory, b-movie end of those types of films.

I hope that people can forgive the low budget look and see that Alien Abduction is very weird, disturbing and unexpected. It's not meant to be your usual science fiction film with high tech themes. It's more like a nightmare: Like a David Lynch nightmare. If you don't watch it through to the end you'll miss the best part of the movie so give it a chance to play itself out. Most of the reviews are damned good.

More power to the low budget world, (other wise we're stuck with a bunch of Ben Affleck movies and big budget sequels like Bridget Jones five).
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abduction schlock film crap
kvalley_9406126 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This would HAVE to be the crappiest alien flick of all time. The waste of time and energy these people call a film should be a crime.

All the comments the other guy wrote were very obviously because he was related to the schlock-writer.

The people who made this crap film threw in fake looking aliens, a dash of incomplete storyline, truly awful acting and unrealistic "special effects" to completely bore any viewer.

No idea in this film is carried to fruition. The way the main character walks with almost total impunity around a "government facility" is so ridiculous it causes laughter as opposed to fear.

This has to be the stupidest B movie I have ever seen. And I've seen an awful lot of B movies.

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Possibly the worst movie I have ever seen!
Lupo_Solitario28 June 2005
I won't go into any details as it is not worth wasting more of my time on this crap, just avoid this movie like the plague.

It is pathetic and a total waste of time.

Bad acting, no plot, ridiculous special effects, no sense of direction, this movie has all the worse things you can imagine in a movie and much, much more.

If you want to see a good movie of this genre try watching Alien or The Abyss.

Avoid, or else you will lose 90 precious minutes of your life which you will never, ever get back!
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Just awful!
oleeide25 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie, and after watching it i really cant say how awful it was. It was a lot of bad acting. And the props was so damn bad, using a food-blender as a tool to open heads? And the blood? it did not make sense to me.

The aliens was OK, and the effects surrounding them. Tho that is not enough to make a good movie. The best scenes in the movie was the scenes done on location.

This is the baddest movie i have seen since i saw "Ghosts of mars" that movie was better because it had a bad Hollywood thing about it, and even that, this movie doesn't have.

Don't SEE THIS MOVIE! its a waste of time!
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Alien Impostor
ghoulieguru8 July 2005
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This movie got a shudder out of me before it even started. I saw the logo for The Asylum come up and I knew immediately that I was in for 90 minutes of cheap, irritating horror film-making. I've come to associate that logo with some of the worst genre movies ever. Worse than Roger Corman's Concorde label, worse than Avi Lerner's NuImage, worse than Charlie Band's Full Moon... yes, even worst than Lloyd Kaufman's Troma label. The Asylum is, hands down, the worst cheap movie horror outfit in the history of cinema in my opinion. So, as I said, the logo came up and I shuddered involuntarily. But that was the only scare of the whole movie.

The Asylum is true to form with ALIEN ABDUCTION. The early scenes of a crew of campers out in the woods are poorly lit, poorly acted and poorly edited. About ten minutes in, our hiking quartet is attacked by a bunch of lizard-alien-monster things. It looks like the suit came from a B-movie clearance house. It might have been a leftover Godzilla suit for all I know. The filmmakers apparently knew that the suit was ridiculous because they coated it with bad CG prismatic colors. Haven't seen that done since "Darkhunters".

So after the alligator aliens capture our hikers by throwing stuffed pantyhose at them (I'm not kidding - watch the movie), the screen goes black for a second and then we meet our four hikers again inside the alien spaceship. Our female protagonist keeps filming everything with her Handicam to give the movie that "real" quality. Because so often, when I'm abducted by alligator aliens, I feel the need to capture the whole experience for posterity. They try to escape, the alligator aliens catch them and eviscerate them, throwing intestines all over the place with bloody glee.

Cut to some sort of Government Secret Hospital. Our heroine is the only one to have survived the experience and she has no memory of what happened to her. Her doctor tries to jog her memory with pictures of aliens and flying saucers, but to no avail. Meantime, Ilsa the She-Wolf watches from behind the mirror and makes all kinds of arch statements like, "I don't like her. Terminate her." The doctor begs for just a little more time. Our heroine manages to escape from her captors and her clothes several times over the course of the movie. After an hour, I had seen the heroine's breasts so often that I was starting to memorize her freckles.

So our heroine runs around, taking off her shirt, trying to avoid aliens and help her friends (who are in fact alive!) escape from the institution. There's a particularly enjoyable scene where a doctor comes in to a room where one of the aliens is strapped to a table. The doctor says, "I need sperm" and then grabs the alien's family jewels and squeezes them until some liquid soap comes out and drips all over the heroine's face. It's just a hair away from being the infamous "money shot" from a porno movie.

If you manage to endure 70 minutes of this, you will see the final confrontation. But when our heroine finally faces off with Ilsa, guess what.... our topless hero is not really a human at all! In a startling reveal that you will not see coming if you sleep through the first hour, we find out that our heroine is actually an alien sleeper agent! At this point, the movie tries to become a poor man's version of Impostor - but if Phillip K. Dick heard me say that, he'd probably roll in his grave. Obviously somebody at the Asylum watched the Gary Sinise/Dimension version of Impostor and thought, "Let's do that, but with alligator men! We'll call it Alien Impostor! No, wait, that will give away the twist.... how about ALIEN ABDUCTION!"
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Run away, don't walk.
snowbunny-31 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Worst. Movie. EVER. I'm totally serious. I want my time back.

The script was nothing that should have been saved from the circular file. Compliment that with horrible acting and seriously lacking/super cheap sets and wardrobe...and you have the beginning of my frustration with this film.

Gratuitous nudity and foul language plague this piece. I can only assume that they were included to make the film somewhat entertaining. It didn't work.

I can't believe that one of the characters wanked off an alien, not only on screen, in full view of the camera, and that the semen then gushed all over the lead actress. What was this guy thinking.

I saw it with someone who actually likes bad films and he couldn't take it. I've never seen that happen with him. Needless to say, spare your brain from this.

How did they get funding???? This guy must be independently wealthy!
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The Worst!
G_Skor26 October 2005
When you first see that film exists you curious to rent it. But when i saw it, i was convinced that there are films that you can rate with 1/10! Guys the film was awful! Bad scripts and acting are well combined to make a bad film! Although i am interesting in extraterrestrial life, this film was the worst that a director can make! The plot is stupid, the action doesn't even exist and there's a skinny woman that beats the well-trained (i suppose) military staff. Stupid disgusting moments make you puke! After that, i don't thing many of the ones that watched it have a clear mind about aliens. Instead, they put some robots who are killing without a serious reason! Please stay away! This doesn't fulfill the word 'film'!
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Alien abduction, the worst film ever made?
gazartuk21 April 2006
The cover on the DVD looked OK, thats about the best thing I can say about this horrific movie. Where do you start reviewing this film? It's just awful. The acting, the lighting, the sound which is all over the place. You need to turn the volume right up to hear the dialogue, and then you clamber for the remote when there's any kind of explosion because its deafening! The acting was laughable, almost as laughable as the aliens. The first aliens looked like rejects from some 1960's b movie and the later aliens just looked like an old sock being pulled by a fishing rod.

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Story kept me on the edge nicely but a little disappointing effects wise
joe2orton14 May 2005
I really liked this movie but I wanted so much more from the CGI. First of all I suspect the story was based on the MacPherson video tapes which I am a big fan of. Second, most of the film took place on an army base which caught me off guard and peaked my interest, great surprise. And third, this movie kept me thinking, what's next, what now? All the way up to the end. On the negative side I was preoccupied with the cheap sets and the so so monster costumes. Also, I kept having to push my volume button up and down throughout the film. At one point there was no sound at all and I thought that my TV was on the blink. When I rented it I expected a regular movie so it was a little surprising how cheaply done this was. But the story was so good and disconcerting that I was gripped from beginning to end. I also liked the tall, skinny blond actor because I didn't know what to expect from him and the lead actress was great. What was up with her friend though? Is that her real voice? I will watch this film again with my wife because of the MacPherson connection and the fine conclusion which really caught me by surprise. Over all, very positive.
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money isn't everything
CerebralExperiment10 January 2007
I've read many of the other comments on this film because I saw it with some people and one really loved it and one really hated it and I was kind of in between. It actually got us all talking because we are big Alien fans and we love the world of Star Fleet and Babylon 5 and Doctor Who and so we were trying to compare them all and this film came up as one of the best ideas and one of the worst looking ones. And finally we figured out that it was just done on the cheap. And when we realized that we all liked it a lot more.

I love Night of the Living dead and Pink Flamingos and Blair Witch and they were all done on the cheap. I was never like "oh, that's corned beef that their eating not human flesh" or "hey that acting is really amateurish" because the films were really compelling and I couldn't let a costume flaw stand in the way.

Alien Abduction is not the great ground breaking film that it could have been if it had more money behind it. But it certainly was original enough and scary enough and interesting enough to watch, maybe even more than once. And the lead actress was good. I say "go for it".
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Seshat_65 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Unbelievably baaaaad movie. The plot would have made an okay 1/2 hour Twilight Zone episode, but to drag it out into movie length and shower it with such amateurish production values was nearly unforgivable. From the first 10 minutes I knew where this movie was going, and 20 minutes in I'd guessed the "surprise" twist that was coming. Why any alien lifeform would want to imitate these particular humans was beyond me. I appreciate that the cast was inexperienced, and just much too inexperienced to have made this movie.

It's easy to see that it was shot in a week and a half. I think that's how long they gave the art director to design the sets. Come plastic garbage bags spread across every surface do NOT create the look of a futuristic alien habitat! Okay as a beginner or film school project, that's about it.
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Good first effort
dschmid-227 May 2005
I thought this film had a lot of good things going on. While hampered by it's budget, and no-doubt brief shooting time, it has a really solid cast especially it's lead. Megan Lee Ethridge is really strong, and carries the dramatic weight of the movie amazingly well. I really liked a lot of the trippy visuals - those times when the director had a little elbow-room to get experimental. There were some great images & editing - good and truly disturbing stuff. The Kafka-esquire bureaucratic nightmare of the facility really came across and was one of the most effective elements, I thought. The underlying ideas of the script were also strong - a nice twist on traditional alien abduction themes. And, of course, the gruesome splatter was a grand hoot! Every good horror movie should cross the line at least once, and I thought the "sperm donor" scene was delightfully over-the-top fun! I really liked how the twist-ending & reveal played out, and I thought it elevated the piece as it wrapped it up.

While it showed some rough edges, and could have been edited tighter for it's pacing, I thought this was a good first effort and shows great promise for it's director.
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The worst film i have ever seen
rob-38015 March 2008
If i could have given this film a 0 out of 10 i would have. I had this misfortune of watching this film on the sci-fi channel at 2 am last week, and i can honestly say this is the worst film i have ever, ever seen. I cannot believe just how bad this film was, but more so i cannot believe that the sci fi channel would even show it. The entire film was shot in some abandoned building. The acting is the worst acting i have ever seen. Why is the US genenral English? The storyline is non existent, the "special effects", well lets put it this way, there aren't any. I wonder how much the budget was for this film? $20? All in all i give this film a -10 out of 10. Don't waste your life away watching it. I cannot say enough bad things about this film.
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Low budget sci-fi that tries to be better than what it is.
MovieCriticMarvelfan6 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Eric Forsberg's Alien Abduction is really a weird and often times painful experience to watch. The movie has bad effects,and implausible storyline, unlikable characters and average acting. It's not worth the $22 much less $10 advertised on sites like Sad considering the potential premise. A group of young adults on vacation are abducted by alien beings, they then are subject to alien experiments. Obviously there are great potentials for disasters here. 1) Alien genre has been done so many times, it's hard for a good alien movie to surface and 2) If you don't really have the resources available to make such a good alien movie (effects, cast, story) then really you shouldn't be making it. Sadly and with much regret (though they were some bright spots), Alien Abduction probably should have been scrapped.

Jean (Megan Lee Etheridge) plays basically the lead survivor (we assume the rest of her friends are dead). She gets puts into an insane asylum of sorts where she thinks she's being taken care of. Of course the twist comes in that this isn't really a mental hospital and really an examining and torture room being done by the aliens.

Let's get to some of the problems in the movie: The aliens in the movie look incredibly fake as if they were trying to combine both spandex and Cgi. It did not work, even the computer effects come out cheesy. When they tried to use the old fashion approach the costumes ended up looking very unoriginal like some dude wearing spandex.

Other problems such as the acting while I overlooked them for the benefit of watching the entire movie were average if not below average in some spots. It's like some of these actors had no previous acting experience and seeing Megan's resume I see that to be true.

The story while it goes along pretty well, has a laughable twist near the end that you'll have to see to believe.

Anyhow a couple of brights things to say about the movie. The movie does have a lot of gore scenes though as if trying to compensate for the other things, it worked briefly but the movie takes on too many implausible turns as with most alien movies,there's a side story about an alien takeover, but it's done so silly you can't take it seriously without laughing. Some of the acting isn't too bad I guess in some parts.

I'd categorize the movie as a B movie for the millennium so if you're into these type of movies you might like otherwise stay away.

A couple of bright spots is the DVD itself which has a number of special features including commentary from the director himself and a pretty fun featurette on the film itself. They really had a good time making the movie which does carry over to the movie experience itself.

It's not all bad but it's one of those type of movies, where there was more emphasis on making a real cheap movie out there in the market than making a real impactful movie.
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Total production budget $500 and they'd have change coming
uscmd30 October 2007
If I said this film reminded me of a few student films I've seen, I'd have to apologize to the student film makers. The not so special effects make the beginning a cheese festival. If you check my past reviews/comments i think you'll find I tend to allow a fair amount of creative license.

If you have a few hours to kill and you are willing to approach this movie with a wink and a nod, to simply put all expectations aside and try to buy in to the story there is some enjoyment to be had. But trust me, every minute or two you'll be bombarded by 'student film' announcements, props and costumes look cheap and only marginally like they belong.

Give the story a chance....... I think you'll be pleased you did.
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Cr@p, bucket-load of it
worxland2k422 June 2005
The good part: the twist at the end is just hits average level, there are tits shown (size 75A), the movie is only 95 minutes long. The bad: everything else - weak and slow story, totally amateurish actors and acting, shitty dialogs (sometimes I wonder if the actors are really Americans and not from some Third World country), often there are serious laps between cut-scenes, FX is like made by 10-year-old youngsters. I watched it on and on till the end cos I couldn't believe it is really so bad as it seems. B Movie is a category this crap can only dream of. Budget may have been small but this movie just ruined the celluloid it was filmed on. Dracula 3000 is the peak of film-making if you compare it to this. Conclusion: a real waste of time.
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Right up there with 2001: A Space Travesty
JoeytheBrit23 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As others have noted, there's the seed of a good idea buried deep beneath all the gore in this no-budget alien flick, but the direction and execution of the plot is so bad that it is impossible to enjoy any redeeming features the story might bring to the film. Too many links between early scenes (why the hapless campers seem to survive evisceration by the aliens, for example) and later explanations are so badly linked that the viewer is just left confused.

For all the shortcomings of its structure and exposition, however, its the dispiriting cheapness of it all that drags the film right down to grade-Z level. The sound is appalling: the background music drowns out the dialogue so that it's impossible to hear what the actors are saying without turning up the volume and deafening yourself. The special effects aren't great, but funnily enough, that didn't bother me so much - I'm a child of the sixties, so I grew up with dodgy special effects, and there's no reason why low-budget special effects should detract too much from a well-told story; the washed-out colour in the hospital, however - and 95% of the action takes place there - gets pretty depressing after a while, and the acting is maybe about the same as you'd see at your local amateur dramatics presentation. one last gripe: some of the fight scenes are so badly directed/edited that it is impossible to figure out what is going on at times. Talented directors might do this to give the viewer the impression of being right in there amongst the flying feet and fists, but with this effort I suspect it's solely because the makers don't really know the basics of the art.

Alien abduction: watch the movie or experience the real orifice-probing thing? Mmmm, let me think about it...
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Alien Abduction..? Not my cup of tea..!
smiley-3225 September 2005
I saw this film yesterday.. I thought well at first.. it was gonna be one of those good ol' B-movie.. But it turned out that it wasn't as entertaining as I thought.. It starts out good at first but then all of sudden we get sucked into what's suppose to be this alien world.. But as the film unfolded more I wanted to stop the DVD.. but I said 'Well, I'll keep on watching and see what happens..'

I don't want to give anything much away.. but I think after you watched the film.. You ask yourself 'Is it really worth watching?' I know there are other good alien B-movies out there, that are well made.. But this one was a bit disappointing..

So, I saw the film. It's a thumbs down for me.. The special effects? Well..? OK! It was worth it! But all in all, it's not my cup of tea at the end of the day.. Sorry, but this dosen't work out for me..
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Bad, Bad, Bad!!!
egoman697 October 2006
Probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot of bad movies). Everything is wrong in the movie; the acting, the plot, the camera, the script, it's almost unbelievable. Maybe if I had seen it when I was 10 it could have liked some of it, but now, there's nothing to rescue. Not even for a sci-fi movie. I don't think watching the movie with friend would make it more fun as I read in others comments. All the scientists are crazy and follow the same stereotype (even the same faces). Remember the scene when squeezing alien balls? Not even gory but disgusting. I read it won an award for special effects... C'Mon, I could have made better in my home. 1of10 is final.
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Be Careful as to What to Expect
giovanni_diangelo8 May 2005
This movie was a good attempt for a professional movie. I found the story interesting, though the effects and such were not as up to par as, say, Star Wars. You have to keep in mind that this was a low-budget movie.

This movie reminds me strongly of the cult movies I have come to love. It's fun, and entertaining - it reminds me of the classic B movies.

I also thought the little girl - I think her name was Bonnie? Was cute, and the mad scientist was creepy. Bonnie was a bit too fidgety though, when she was lying on the stretcher.

Overall, I found the movie rather interesting. The make-up on the monsters was interesting, and some of the shots were intriguing. True, the acting wasn't wonderful, but what can you say? This is not exactly a movie that you should go into, thinking that it will be something it's not. It's a good movie for what it is, and it's not a 732 million dollar production - it's a simple movie, and still better than, say, student films. Despite a limited budget it comes off rather nicely, I would say.
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Another no-budget indie science fiction that works
playersww14 December 2005
After watching over two hours of Steven Spielberg's "War of the Worlds" and Michael Bay's "The Island" I am not convinced that throwing millions of dollars at a film production means that it will be good. I actually liked "The Island" but I certainly found that the big budget helped the story to be more entertaining. I wonder if I would have liked it so much if the budget were under half a million. David Michael Latt directed a version of the War of The Worlds that came out on the heels of the Spielberg epic. I have to admit that if I stripped away the huge Spielberg budget I liked the cheap Latt version better. It had more heart. So I went to a film festival where another low budget science fiction was playing, this one was just produced by David Michael Latt. It was directed by Eric Forsberg who never did a Sci Fi before. Well, the film was called "Alien Abduction" and again I was surprised by the amount of heart and head that went into the making of it. This movie had even less money behind it than Latt's version of the War of The Worlds. In the first minute of the film I saw a space ship effect that was so cheap I began to worry what I had gotten myself into. But then I forgot about the no money home movie effects and started really sinking my teeth into the meat of the story. And it worked. It was like breaking an addiction to big glitzy special effects high budget films and going cold turkey right there in the theater. By the end of Alien Abduction I didn't even notice the cheap sets and the bad sound. I left the theater feeling like I had been part of something. Like when I was the only one in the theater for The Motorcycle Diaries. And I wonder if Michael Bay's budget had been dumped into Alien Abduction would I have been more interested in the setting of the story than the meaning of the story.
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ReviewerBrianTopp15 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about this movie? The director sure has a thing for women with long legs and tiny breasts.

There are so many plot holes, terrible acting, women who don't wear bras or undershirts, monsters sound like birds and many pointless scenes.

Aliens don't make sense nor scary. A Muppet is more horrifying than the ones that were made. I don't even know they won special effects for this movie.

I understand that it is a low budget but the amount of money was wasted on something else than the movie.
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