Boohbah (TV Series 2003) Poster


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My six-year-old threatened to cut her head off
RobertCartland29 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A friend gave us a DVD containing three of the episodes: "Big Windows", "Big TV" and "Long Drink". After a few minutes my six-year- old threatened to cut off her head if I didn't turn it off.

SPOILER ALERT - Oh, never mind. You cannot spoil a show that has no conceivable plot. Every episode is the same. A glowing ball flies around the Earth. Inside are five aliens that look exactly the same except for their color. They wake up, exercise, open a present (the most interesting part of the show), tell a story (sort-of), dance, then go back to bed.

I'm not sure how the show was created but I imagine it took more than a few meetings at the local pub -in fact, I suspect hallucinogenic drugs may have been involved. I kept thinking "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" but that song has more dramatic tension than this show.

The show has some redeeming qualities:

1. The exercises are actually a pretty good workout. Those fat little aliens are pretty fit.

2. If you imagine the aliens as being uncircumcised male members... Well it will be hard not to laugh during most of the show.

3. The aliens fly around by farting... I kid you not. If you turn on the subtitles the word "Pfft" appears every time they fly.

4. It's fun to say "Zing Zing Zingbah" - the name of the orange Boohbah.

I understand that the colors, sounds and patterns are intended to stimulate a young child's brain. I contend, however, that you are better off spending the time reading, singing and playing with your children rather than letting them watch this show.
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So, I'm watching the show right now.
nikkierin22 June 2006
Yes, boo bahs do catch a child's attention, as do teletubbies and other such shows. I have taken child development, sociology, psychology, and even a brain development course so I understand why this show is suppose to be helpful, but I can't help wondering if my 19 month old brother would be better served playing outside, playing with blocks, or interacting with a human. Are BooBah's and the like training our children to need that hyper stimulation provided by television? To need televisions to self-sooth or go to sleep?

When I was 4 years old I watched 1 hour of sesame street a day and attended preschool. At that time I could add and subtract single digit numbers, could count to Spanish to ten, and had the vocabulary of roughly a 3rd grader. Now, I wonder how boo bah's really develop those hard skills. I question if spacial reasoning, cultural acceptance, and such can be learned through a T.V. show since these are typically interactive skills.

And anyone who doesn't think boo bah's are like a acid trip doesn't know what they're talking about!
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Although the creator might've been high, they were still smart...
fuji-muji19 March 2006
Buddy-Rey obviously has not taken any child development courses in their life, otherwise they would know that this show is aimed towards infants to pre-school children, and you can't teach too much too early. All the colors and sounds are actually fundamental for a child's stimulates certain parts of the brain that must be developed first...the areas that are reserved for reading, spelling, and counting haven't necessarily been activated yet, nor should they be. Buddy-Rey seems to be asking children to walk before they can crawl. When I first watched this...while in my senior year of college mind you, I was of course freaked out. But that is because my brain was much more developed than an infant....our brains can already process information to let us know what we are looking at, and make meaning of it. Yes, there isn't any sophisticated meaning behind this show, but it isn't teaching Shakespeare. Try to think like a baby, and you'll soon realize that it is actually an interesting show. If there are parents out there looking for a show for their newborns, try this one out. To us it may be disturbing and seem like a waste of time, but your children will prove it otherwise. Don't rush your kids too quickly into learning arithmetic and reading epic literature or it will in fact stunt their growth on more important levels if taught too early. If parents are worried about their impressionable children being shown "multi-colored phallic symbols", please remember that they have no clue whatsoever what a phallic symbol is, and will not be able to take this show to an inappropriate level. It is an innocent show filled with a vibrancy that our lives nowadays seems to lack.
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navquaz25 July 2019
I started an account just to share how much these lumps of foreskin haunted my childhood. The first time I watched the show (I was around two or four) I cried. Even as a child these furry scrotums petrified me. Everytime my mom would turn it on I cried and screamed for the boohbahs to be put away. My mom thought it was funny I was so scared of the show but luckily she stopped putting it on.

Not long after she bought a small pink boohbah doll. I was so petrified by these creatured that she would use them as a form of discipline. I distinctly remember her saying "if you dont behave I'll take boohbah out of the closet!" Which was enough for me to start doing whatever I was supposed to do.
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... speechless
kazisiddiqui13 March 2007
Say what you want, but I think this was created by an alien race in order to enslave the future generation. Watch as the nameless human happy-zombies offer gifts to their colourful masters from outer space. The whole think creates an hypnotic effect deep within the subconscious. It will come real handy to them during the invasion..

Seriously now, does a kid's exercise toon have to be a zillion times scarier than any horror movie ever made? Can you measure & prove that this monstrosity is really better than a _normal_ exercise program? Thousands of generations have managed fine without anything of the sort. So kids like pretty colours.. buy them toys and colouring books. Why must a dance show be so purposely brain-dead? It makes no sense.
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Hate me all you want, I just dislike this show
TheLittleSongbird7 September 2010
This is certainly not the worst kids shows ever, but I just don't like it. I liked the idea, and while it does achieve what it set out to do, to entertain children, adults I don't think will be as impressed. I don't like the visuals that much. The sets and effects seem tacky and the Boohbahs' designs are "creepy". The music is for me repetitive and forgettable with a truly poor intro, likewise with the humour. And the dancing nothing more than basic steps and the Boohbahs bumping into each other, while the story lines while occasionally colourful are simplistic and dull. And sorry I just didn't learn anything. The characters are annoying(for me) too, and the narration is dull and deserved better material. To conclude, not a good show, good for the target audience but perhaps little beyond that. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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I'm still trying to figure it all out. That CAN'T be good....
cilardi13 January 2007
I watched this how with my daughter when she was 2 1/2, and by the time we got to the end she looked as dumbfounded as me. I never thought I'd see anything that would make Teletubbies look like Hamlet, but this surely does.

Hard as I tried, I was unable to find ANYTHING redeeming or educational about it. Thinking I was missing something, and the target audience must surely be infants (although I'm not sure why anyone would put an infant in front of a television), I went on the website, and found to my dismay that the target audience is three to six-year-olds. HUH???? Please tell me this is a joke.

Let's think about this a minute. Sesame Street, Dora, Blues Clues, Clifford, Boobah. As Big Bird says, "One of these things is not like the others".

I am a preschool teacher and have been for many years (in fact, my Masters' thesis had to do with children's video) and I can tell you with a great deal of assuredness that none of the children in my class would find Boobah entertaining because there isn't enough content to stimulate them. The characters are one-dimensional, non-verbal, and in the case of the creepy little Boobah critters themselves, downright pointless. How is a child going to learn anything from characters who do nothing but spin around and fart? Let's give our children more credit than that.

From my own personal experience, watching my daughter's face when the show went off really says it all. She's six now, and she never asked me to watch it again. It has become a joke in our house now.

"Want to watch Boobah? I know how much you love it!" "NOOOO!" she screams and runs out of the room laughing.

Out of the mouths of babes.
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coneicus25 April 2021
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Don't Watch Children!
glugg44 September 2009
If the video from "The Ring," Most of the scenes from "Willy Wonka," and that "He's Watching You" poster from WWII were all put into a blender, "Boohbah" is what would come out. Easily, this "show" is the strangest, most sickening, most god-forsaken acid trip I have ever laid my eyes upon. Yes, I know it's for kids, but... "Experts" say this show helps children with problem solving, but I say it only gives them more problems. Boohbah is the pinnacle of child brainwashing and mind altering. It makes Pee-wee look like Mr. Rogers! Speaking of Mr. Rogers, that was a proper child show with good lessons. So, Ragdoll, you can keep your LSD balloon people!
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cakeowl2 September 2017
A riveting action thriller with intense dialogue and wonderful creative use of colors, sets, tone, and emotion. Very tense, you get to know every character and get behind their psyche, and see their motives. Powerful cast of characters and their unique personalities shine through. I'm emotionally attached to every one, I can't pick a favorite. Bravo! I love you daddy
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It's about EXERCISE...
pigtails_25623 October 2006
It's for 3yr old children to get moving and exercise to, you're not actually meant to watch it. They're not brainwashing children they're bright colourful balls so that kids can see them and want to exercise. Hence it's why the ads say something like "..come dance with the Boohbah's.." If you haven't noticed the world's children are getting fatter so the children's television producer's are trying to encourage them to eat healthy, exercise, and solve problems on the side. Television isn't about watching pictures anymore it's about trying to involve the younger generation and teach them good habits. OK so they're not the prettiest creatures, they're for children, NOT adults, that's why they don't appeal to us. Why not take the time to actually analyse the show for what it is actually teaching, not everything is about moving pictures.
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Scary to watch
phenixsport30 July 2006
I tried to understand why someone would create a show like boohbah. I tried to be reasonable and think that it was because of the bright colors, which children/infant are very attractive to. But, after watching this show for 10 minutes, made me scared for my son watching this show. I called on my wife to see the show, and like myself, she felt that this show can actually inflict damage to my son. It's amazing to see what type of show are being offered these days. My personal comment is that this show is awful, and can actually give you a headache while watching. Don't summit your child to this type of program.
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wrong attitude
itsnuder23 November 2005
Those of you (and I used to think like you about boobah) who think negatively of this show are looking at it through the eyes of a 15, 17, 22 or however old you are. I've yet to hear a 4 year old say this show sucks. Hehehe well you know what I mean. I have not heard any parent say their kids cry when watching boobah. Why?? Because it's not intended for grown minds. It's intended for growing minds. These children have not been exposed to geometry books, chalkboards,'s just teaching them things the way they see things. Repetition, colors, sounds, shapes things like that.

Another thing...this is not like Mr Rogers...this show doesn't TELL kids what to think. It just makes them think. (No offense to anyone, I loved Mr. Rogers)
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What the hell?!
koalablue_19932 August 2008
This was scary, it was so retarded it was scary. Do you seriously want your kids watching this? Sure if you want to turn them into little autistic vegetables that go around saying: Boooh bah! This has to have some sort of subliminal message or something. Kids become retarded if they watch this bull crap. How the hell did the creators even manage to get this made. Please do not let your kids watch this, never ever let a child view this in your household. I hope this gets canceled. This can cause severe psychological damage to a person! My five year old cousin used to love it, until he realized how stupid it was and never watched it again...
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Weird And A Bit Creepy
zsofikam31 December 2015
From what I remember, I first stumbled across Boohbah around when it first premiered. I was a big (no pun intended) fan of Clifford and this show came on right afterward. I was left literally speechless from my confusion by the intro, which consists of nothing more than a group of children chasing a glowing ball that repeats "boohbah" over and over again. It turns out that this sphere is home to creatures called boohbahs, who are little more than neon blobs with eyeballs. It only gets weirder from there, the boohbahs spend most of their time in spinning pods but occasionally come out to dance. Now, I'm all for a show that tries to get kids active like LazyTown or Tree Fu Tom, but those have actual story lines. The boohbahs literally fly by farting (if you watch with subtitles the subtitles literally say "pfft") and have names like Jumbah, Humbah, Zumbah, Jingbah, and Zing-Zing Zingbah. These things are basically orange, yellow, blue, pink, and purple fluffy-looking blobs with eyes that stare into your soul. Even Teletubbies has a shadow of a plot while Boohbah is pure eye candy. I don't have a problem with the lack of educational value. Not every kid's show has to be educational, that's what school is for. My qualm with Boohbah is that it's very weird and even a bit creepy, causing it to feel like an acid trip (not that I know what that feels like). The only segment that makes an inkling of sense is the Storyland segment, which centers around the adventures of Grandpapa and his little dog Fido. The show should have just been Storyland because these stories are at least cute.
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Turned my oldest into a sociopath and future serial killer
mattprewards27 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Quint knows. He survived a Boohbah Satanic ritual. Quint's words: Very first light, Chief, Boohbahs come cruisin'. So we formed ourselves into tight groups. Y'know, it's... kinda like ol' squares in a battle like, uh, you see in a calendar, like the Battle of Waterloo, and the idea was, Boohbah comes to the nearest man and that man, he'd start poundin' and hollerin' and screamin', and sometimes the Boohbah'd go away... sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that Boohbah, he looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. Y'know the thing about a Boohbah, he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until he bites ya. And those black eyes roll over white, and then... oh, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin', the place turns red, and spite of all the poundin' and the hollerin', they all come in and they... rip you to pieces.
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The Boohbahs make Angelina Ballerina seem like a Law School Teacher!
timothyjdarden1 October 2016
I'm not kidding; the Boohbahs are that bad. The establishment and people behind Teletubbies, Also known as Ragdoll Productions, also made these. As a youngster, I was traumatized by their physical appearance and didn't find the dancing concept appealing as many other shows, most of which are geared towards the SAME audience as Boohbah, did the dancing concept and did it much better. The only likable thing about the Boohbahs is the credits music, which is beautiful, needless to admit. Other than that, blah! I hope this show doesn't get rebooted in the future. Nothing, and I repeat nothing about Boohbah warrants it a future revival. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna take some dance lessons.
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No no no no no
lbay-5442113 April 2021
Genuinely the scariest show I have ever seen in my entire life. Boohbahs have been haunting me my entire life. I hate it so much.
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I'm 25 and I love Boohbah
chartsengraffs15 February 2016
I think this show is great for people that enjoy surreal humor. Kids might get a kick out of it too if they don't take things too seriously. Fun things are fun, they don't always need to teach you something. The designs are creepy in an endearing way and re-watching this now... I can't remember when I last laughed so hard. Plus, the scenery in the Story People segments is always gorgeous. The sets are also usually simplistic and have a lot of stylistic flair. If I were interested in having kids, I'd probably let them watch this show, but I'm sure adults will appreciate it more.

All in all, I don't think this show deserves the hate it seems to get. It is a psychedelic feast for the senses.
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Bizarre failure.
fullam-david30 January 2015
How on Earth could the team that made something as sweet, and lovable as Teletubbies, make something so totally off kilter wrong as Boobah? Instead of characters you want to hug, you get creatures who look like horrific, sentient alien scrotums. Instead of features with real children and families, we get people segments with participants who appear to have been drugged. If Teletubbies was a sweet dream, Boobah was a waking nightmare. All you need to do is watch one episode to understand why it never became as beloved and adored as it's predecessor. Perhaps those under the influence of mind altering chemicals could enjoy it, everyone else stay away.
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Leave the Boohbahs alone
laydlike_013 December 2006
My son loves Boohbah he is under 2 . Can't children watch a show just for enjoyment purposes. If you don't like It don't watch it. Children shouldn't be pressured into learning something all the time. Let kids be kids. Maybe the producers should make their target audience 12mos to 2years instead of 2-3years old. When Boohbah comes on, my son runs and gets in his swing and will watch most of the show. Obviously he is getting something out of it, he gets so excited when it comes on. I love to see his face when he hears "Bee Bah", he always makes eye contact with me. That look is priceless. So, Please don't be so critical of the Boohbahs. Save your criticism for the rest of the crap on TV. Thank You
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Creepy and lovable
ctomvelu14 November 2009
I was the only one in my house who liked this show, which came out when I was in my early 50s. I "got" it. My kids were too old to appreciate it, and my wife was creeped out by the characters. Very simple learning show aimed at very young children, very colorful, downright psychedelic at times (I grew up in that era, after all). Nice merchandising tie-in, too, as the creatures made perfect dolls as sold in stores. Who wouldn't appreciate a doll that makes farty, squishy noises? One version of the dolls had heads that could be pushed down into the bodies, just like the TV characters. Too bad the show was so short-lived, but I guess it had nowhere to go. And I'm sure there were folks who saw it as demonic.
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Shocking to find this on PBS
madelinefan-805803 May 2021
Whenever I think of PBS, I always think of fun and creative educational shows that all ages can enjoy. But Boohbah, is a different story. This show seemly lacks the educational content that most PBS shows are known for and the exercise scenes, are pure nightmare fuel! So despite it being on PBS, it lacks the educational content that they have. I'd rather watch Barney than this.
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Boohbah is amazing
chinbagdeluxe12 August 2021
Also Mr. Man is easily the best character in fiction.
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numba 1 baby
jasonbradymartin15 September 2020
I loved the yellow one, poobah. and the pink one boobah.
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